Top 2 Games Similar to EnBici

BiciMaps 2.1.6
BiciMaps is an app which aims toimprovepublicbicycle service of the cities and giving important towhatuserreally needs when using this service. We currently giveservetoBicing from Barcelona.More than a GPS for public bikesEnter the street you want to go or select a point on the map:theapptraces the path between the stations, given their status.Italsoprovides the way to walk before and after.The application learns through user behavior!If the user turns on the option "share data", their routesarestoredand sent to the server so that together we improvetheroads.Rename stations and group them with tagsTo have better control and faster access to certain stations,youcanput color labels to mark as favorites, and change the nameforhavingthem controlled.Multilingual app and always availableThe app is available in Catalan, Spanish and English. Iftheserviceis not available from the official api, we gettheinformation fromother apis.More cities soonDo you want to include some new city? Contact us:)
Me voy en bici 4.40
Esta aplicación muestraladisponibilidadbicicletas del servicio "Mejor en Bici" o"EcoBici"de la CiudadAutónoma de Buenos Aires en tiempo realordenándolaspor distanciausando GPS.También cuenta con el mapa de ciclovías protegidas,consusrespectivas estaciones.Los datos son provistos por el Mapa de ciclovías de"MejorenBici", Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.Para recibir las ultimas novedades, seguinos en Twitter:!/paisanoscreandoCualquier queja, sugerencia o idea, por [email protected] aplicación NO pertenece al gobierno de la CiudaddeBuenosAires.This applicationshowstheavailability of the service bicycle "Better by Bike"or"EcoBici" ofthe Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in realtimeordering them bydistance using GPS.It also has a map of protected bike lanes withtheirrespectiveseasons.The data are provided by the bikeways map of "BestinBike",Government of the City of Buenos Aires.To receive the latest news, follow us on Twitter: #! / paisanoscreandoAny complaints, suggestions or ideas, please [email protected] application does NOT belong to the government of theCityofBuenos Aires.