Top 21 Apps Similar to Consulta Escolar Jalisco

Servicios para docentes SE 1.1
Esta aplicación permite a losdocentesdeeducación básica del sistema educativo estatalrealizardistintostramites desde la comodidad de su hogar sinfilasdisponible las 24horas del día.Algunos tramites que puede realizar:Contacto directo con el área de atención a lacomunidadeducativa,a través de un simple formulario que lepermitirá tenerunseguimiento a sus peticiones, dudas o informaciónen general conunnumero de folio asignado por cada incidente.Contacto directo con el programa suma por la paz que tepermitirádarseguimiento por distintos medios a reportes deacosoescolar.Podrás agendar de manera electrónica tu cita para la expedicióndetucredencial de trabajador en cualquiera delasdelegacionesregionales.Encontraras toda la información y tramite relacionadoalfideicomisode tecnologías educativas para participar enlasconvocatoriaspresentes y futuras.Tramita tus hojas de servicio y constancias de serviciototalmenteenlínea sin necesidad de acudir con documentos alArchivo Centralo alas Delegaciones, solo acude a recoger tutramite.Tramita tu correo institucional en la plataforma office365tantoparadocentes como alumnos.Thisapplicationallowsteachers of basic education in the stateeducational systemperformdifferent procedures from the comfort ofyour home withoutrowsavailable 24 hours a day.Some procedures that can be performed:Direct contact with the area of ​​attention totheeducationcommunity, through a simple form that will allow youtotrack yourrequests, questions or information in general withafolio numberassigned for each incident.Direct contact with the sum for Peace program that lets youtrackbymeans other than reports of bullying.You can schedule your appointment electronically toissueyourcredential worker in any of the regional offices.And you find all the information related to the trustofeducationaltechnologies to participate in current andfuturecallsprocessed.Handles your time sheets and proof of service entirelyonlinewithouthaving to go to the Central Archives ordocumentsDelegations just goto collect your processed.Handles your mail institutional Office365 platform forbothteachersand students.
Guía Preinscripciones 3.0.9
En el Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza,elproceso de inscripción de alumnos de nuevo ingreso aEducaciónBásica Preescolar, Primaria y Secundaria se realiza através deInternet.Para eso se pone a disposición de padres de familia, docentesycomunidad en general la presente Guía sobre el uso y manejodelSistema de Inscripciones.Aquí podrá conocer las etapas que conforman el proceso,elcalendario de fechas que marca los periodos destinados a cadaniveleducativo, la información y documentos que debe tener a lamanopara el llenado correcto de la Solicitud de Pre-Inscripciónyalgunas herramientas de ayuda, siendo la más importanteellocalizador de Escuelas cercanas a su ubicación actual.Saltillo, Torreón, Monclova, Piedras Negras y los demásmunicipiosde Coahuila.
Student Tools 2.5.1
The Student Tools is an App to any studentwholikes to organize his academic life.With this App you can:1- Manage your disciplines;2- Manage and view your schedules;3- Manage your scores;4- Manage your simple events.Developed by a student Analysis and Development Systems, IFTM-Campus Paracatu MG.
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send [email protected] Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
App UAM 2.0.0
Application in order to facilitate the consultation ofinstitutionalinformation
Cobaes 10.11.37
Pensando lo mejor para ti, COBAES lanza su aplicación móvilmediantela cual tendrás acceso a toda tu información académicayadministrativa, disfrutar de todos los servicios queproveeOffice365, y además podrás consultar todos los librosdigitales denuestra Plataforma Digital COBAES, ve lo que sucede ennuestrasredes sociales, entérate de las convocatorias antes quenadie ymantente informado de los comunicados de la institución,todo en unmismo lugar.
SPD Jalisco 1.6
En Jalisco, estamos ocupados en acompañar tu esfuerzo. Para ello,teofrecemos este espacio como mecanismo de gestión de informaciónyconocimiento sintetizado que clarifique tus dudas, tepermitiráprofundizar en el tema referente a las evaluaciones y nospermitaidentificar acciones que tengamos que implementar enrespuesta atus solicitudes con un contacto directo a través decorreoelectrónico o formulario de atención.
Escuela Transparente 1.1
Transparency portal focused on providing information
Schedule Deluxe 5.1.0-free
The ultimate helper for all pupils, students, teachers andevenparents. sureste local 1.0
Esta app solo funciona coninfraestructuralocaldel programa de primarias TIC Sureste.This app onlyworkswithlocal infrastructure ICT program of primarySoutheast.
Agenda Escolar
Com Agenda Escolar você pode agendarseustrabalhos e tarefas para ser notificado sempre na horacerta!Fácil de usar e com uma interface limpa e descomplicada,esseaplicativo vai melhorar sua produtividade, desempenho eorganizaçãoescolar.*Totalmente grátis*Seja notificado de suas tarefas sempre um dia antes*Gerencie suas Notas e Avaliações e obtenha gráficos*Tenha acesso a seu Horário*Simples, fácil e rápido*Ocupa pouco espaço em seu aparelho*Material DesignWith School Calendaryoucan schedule your jobs and tasks to be notified alwaysontime!Easy to use and with a clean and uncomplicated interface, thisappwill improve your productivity, performance andschoolorganization.* Totally Free* Be notified of your tasks always one day before* Manage your notes and reviews and get graphics* Have access to your schedule* Simple, easy and fast* It occupies little space on your device* Material Design
WuuPa 2.9.91
The school is on your phone to be the best in the classroom!
School monitoring system mobile Guanajuato
Aplicativo Escolar 3.0.0
School Application - School Activities
School Planner 6.7.0
School Planner has arrived! Are you ready to throw away yourpaperdiary?
Lista de Material Escolar 1,3
Este aplicativo foi desenvolvido paraasescolasdisponibilizarem as suas listas de materiais escolaresparaos pais.O nosso principal objetivo foi de facilitar para ospaisogerenciamento e a compra desses materiais escolares ecomocomoobjetivo secundário a podemos citar a economia de papelecontençãode gastos com gráfica.Thisapplicationwasdeveloped for schools pool their lists of schoolmaterialsforparents. Our main objective was to make it easier forparentstomanage and purchase of these school supplies and asasecondaryobjective, we can mention the savings of paperandprinting withcost containment.
Agenda Kids
Agenda Kids
O Agenda Kids é um aplicativo queintegraPais, Filho e Escola. Facilita a sua comunicação com asecretariae coordenação e auxilia na organização da vidaescolar do seufilho.Envie mensagens para a escola, receba push pelo celular de todososcomunicados, tenha acesso ao calendário de eventossemanais,mensais e até anuais e tudo de uma forma eficiente,prática esegura. Toda vez que a escola enviar uma mensagem,comunicado ouevento vc receberá um aviso por push e tudo seráregistra na agendapara vc verificar a qualquer momento.A escola do seu Filho não tem AgendaKids?♥ } Entre no site e cadastre a escoladoseus filhos e a equipe do AgendaKids entra em contato com aescola.Esse aplicativo funciona somente para as escolas queadquirirem aplataforma.Faça agora o download do AgendaKids - é gratuito!Destaques:✏ Acesso ao calendário de Eventos semanal, mensal e anual dosseusfilhos.✏ Receba Comunicados através de push e se informe emrealtime.✏ Envie e receba mensagens para a escola. O melhor canaldecomunicação entre você e a escola, evitando ligações pararesolverpendências mais simples, como aviso de quem vai buscar nocolégio,falta do aluno e questões do dia-a-dia da escola.Curta nossa página no Facebook Kids Calendar isanapplication that integrates Parents, Child and School.Facilitatestheir communication with the secretariat and assists inthecoordination and organization of school life of yourchild.Send messages to school, receive push by mobile communicationsofall, get access to the calendar of weekly, monthly and evenyearlyevents and everything in an efficient, safe and practicalway.Whenever the school send a message, statement or event youreceivea warning for push and everything will be recorded on theagendafor you to check anytime.The school of your Son has not AgendaKids?♥} Enter the site and sign the schooloftheir children and staff AgendaKids comes in contact withtheschool. This application works only for schools who purchasetheplatform.Now download the AgendaKids - it's free!Highlights:✏ access to calendar events weekly, monthly and yearly fortheirchildren.✏ Receive Notices push through and report in real time.✏ Send and receive messages to school. The best channelofcommunication between you and the school, avoiding calls toresolvesimple disputes, such as notice of who will get in school,lack ofstudent issues and day-to-day school.Like us on Facebook and Google+
Agenda escolar aulaPlaneta 1.0.2
Grupo Planeta
Sigue con la Agenda escolar de aulaPlanetalaevolución de las tareas de tu hijo. Comprueba si ha realizadolosdeberes y el estado en que se encuentran.Características de la Agenda escolar de aulaPlaneta:- Muestra el número de tareas pendientes por alumno- Permite localizar las tareas con fechas cercanas de entrega- Visualiza el estado de todas las tareas: porcentaje,ejercicioscompletados...- Personaliza los datos de tus hijosCreada y desarrollada por aulaPlaneta para el seguimientodetareas escolares en el entorno educativo.Follow schoolAgendaaulaPlaneta the evolution of the tasks of your child. Checkif youhave performed the duties and the state meet.Characteristics of School Agenda aulaPlaneta:- Displays the number of pending tasks per student- Quickly find nearby tasks with deadlines- Displays the status of all tasks: percentage completedexercises...- Customize the data of your childrenCreated and developed by aulaPlaneta to monitor homework inaneducational setting.
Google Classroom
Google Inc.
Classroom is a free service forschools,non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account.Classroommakes it easy for learners and instructors toconnect—inside andoutside of schools. Classroom saves time andpaper, and makes iteasy to create classes, distribute assignments,communicate, andstay organized.There are many benefits to using Classroom:• Easy to set up – Teachers can add students directly or shareacode with their class to join. It takes just minutes tosetup.• Saves time – The simple, paperless assignment workflowallowsteachers to create, review and mark assignments quickly, allin oneplace.• Improves organization – Students can see all of theirassignmentson an assignments page, and all class materials (e.g.,documents,photos, and videos) are automatically filed into foldersin GoogleDrive.• Enhances communication – Classroom allows teachers tosendannouncements and start class discussions instantly. Studentscanshare resources with each other or provide answers to questionsonthe stream.• Affordable and secure – Like the rest of G Suite forEducationservices, Classroom contains no ads, never uses yourcontent orstudent data for advertising purposes, and is free.Permissions Notice:Camera: Needed to allow the user to take photos or videos andpostthem to Classroom.Storage: Needed to allow the user to attach photos, videos,andlocal files to Classroom. It's also needed to enableofflinesupport.Accounts: Needed to allow the user to choose which account to useinClassroom.