Top 4 Apps Similar to Tramitags

SAT Móvil PRO 2.0.482
SAT Móvil Pro es la app para la gestión de tu Servicio deAsistenciaTécnico en la Nube que necesita tu negocio. Ya no tienesexcusa paragestionar los avisos de asistencia remitidos por tusclientes,controlar las intervenciones realizadas o las visitasderivadas detus contratos de mantenimiento. Gracias al sistemadesarrollado, podrás mantener los avisosactualizados, tenerun control absoluto de los materiales con losque trabajas día adía, gestionar la agenda de tus técnicos, y todoello, con tus datosen la nube, totalmente seguros. Gracias a estesistemadescentralizado, podrás acceder al sistema en todo momentoy lugar,ya que se ha desarrollado para cualquier resolución ydispositivo.Gestiona tus documentos de compra y venta(Presupuestos, Pedidos,Albaranes y Facturas). Administraalmacenes, artículos, fabricantes,tarifas... Documentación en:
VigiControl 20.7.44
Vigicontrol is a system for controlling security guard toursthroughonline monitoring. This useful tool executes the completecontroland auditing of security guard actions: position reportthrough GPS,sending of Alive alerts, reports incidences whichoccur during theroute, sending of images captured with thesmartphone camera, all ofthese features and many more areavailable for your onlinemonitoring center, 24 hours a day and all365 days of the year. Theapplication has four main buttonsavailable: SOS - ROUTE - ALIVESIGNAL - NEWS - ASSIGN SOS: AllowsPanic events to be sent withposition information and the option tosend an image. Alive: This isa presence control. It operates byactivating a button everydetermined period of time which must bepressed to cancel the alarm.If this button is not actuated withinthe determined time period, analert will be generated for themonitoring center. Tour: Allows theguard to send an ARRIVAL orDEPARTURE event whenever he returns orleaves his post, this isalso used when the guard passes through hisroute control points.This event will be received with date, timeand positioninformation. News: Allows the guard to updatemonitoring centerinformation, allowing information such as Images,QR Codes, text orvoice notes and calls to be transmitted.VigiControl is anapplication which uses multiple communicationmethods to assurethat alerts are sent, the most common method isTCP/IP, thisincludes WiFi and cellular data networks (GPRS-LTE),SMS sending isalso used when the data network is unavailable.ATTENTION: • Onlyuse the SOS option during real emergencysituations. (A test buttonis available to verify that it operatescorrectly) • Depending onthe user’s location, it is possible forsatellite positioning to bedelayed or unavailable. Regardless, thealarm that was sent willreach its destination. • VigiControl onlyoperates when connectedto an electronic monitoring serviceprovider’s server. • Theapplication is currently available in thefollowing languages:English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese. Morelanguages will beavailable soon.
DocuWare 4.2308
DocuWare GmbH
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Fracttal - Asset and Maintenance Management 3.80036
With Fracttal Asset Cloud we help you optimize asset performancebyextending asset life and reliability, saving up to 55%onmaintenance costs. Experience the IoT with Fracttal Box. Tieyourmonitoring systems to Fracttal Box and capture the condition ofyouassets in real time, record the readings and predictfailuresbefore they happen. With Fracttal Asset Cloud, access yourCMMSfrom anywhere. No complex installations and your informationisalways secure. Control all of preventive, predictive andcorrectivetasks. Manage the locations where your assets arelocated. Managethe technical and commercial information from anytype ofenterprise asset like equipment, spare parts and tools.Create andprint reports about tasks, work orders, purchase orders,workrequests and more. Import and export in XLSX / XLSM / XLSB /ODS /XLS / XML /CSV formats. Visualize powerful statistics and KPIsthatlead to better decision making.