Top 7 Apps Similar to OCC Mundial - For Employers - Ofertas de trabajo y empleo
En llevamos más de 20 años publicandolasmejoresofertas de empleo. ¿Quieres crecerprofesionalmente?¿Necesitascambiar de puesto de trabajo? ¿Quieresrecibir las nuevasofertasde trabajo que encajen con tu perfil? Conel APP lotendrás todo de forma rápida, cómoda ysencilla.Encuentra trabajofácilmente utilizando nuestro buscador deofertasque te permitiráacceder a miles de ofertas de empleo entuprovincia y de tuprofesión. Olvídate de estar pendiente delasnuevas publicaciones,¡seremos nosotros quienes te notifiquemoslosnuevos empleos que sevayan publicando en nuestro portal y así notepierdas ni una solaoportunidad laboral! Con nuestro APP detrabajopodrás buscarofertas de empleo, inscribirte en ellas yporsupuesto, realizar elseguimiento de tus candidaturas entodomomento. Te resumimos lascosas que puedes hacer: 1. BUSCAROFERTASDE TRABAJO: 🔎 ✔ Puedesindicarnos qué tipo de puesto detrabajo esel que estás buscando(administrativo, camarero,marketing,comercial, construcción,...)✔ Podrás seleccionaraquellasprofesiones que te interesan a travésde nuestros filtros ✔Podrásrealizar búsquedas de trabajo en cadauna de las provincias:Madrid,Barcelona, Valencia, Málaga,... 2.RESPONDER O INSCRIBIRTE ENLASOFERTAS DE EMPLEO: 👆 Podrás enviartu CV a todas las ofertasdetrabajo que te interesen. No haylímite. 3. REVISAR EL ESTADO DETUSCANDIDATURAS:🕒 Cualquier cambioque haya en los CV que hayasenviadoa las empresas te lonotificaremos de forma inmediata paraquepuedas ver en todomomento cuál es el estado en el que seencuentranlas candidaturas.Si tienes cualquier aportación osugerencia quenos queráis hacerserá bienvenida:[email protected] 💬 Muchasuerte en tubúsqueda de empleo. Unsaludo, Equipo de
Turijobs - Hospitality & Tourism Job Search App 174.0.0
The ultimate app to find a job in Tourism and Hospitality Ourappisspecially created for professionals within theHospitalityandTourism sector. More than 2,000 new job vacanciesawaiteverymonth. Your new job is just one click away! Let your newjobfindyou With our new Turijobs app, now jobs find you. Setyourlocationand your job preferences and we will notify you whenyourdream jobis posted. It is that fast, easy and convenient. Bethefirst toapply Want to be first to find the latest vacancies forthebesthotels, restaurants, travel agencies and airlinesreal-timeandstraight to your device? If you wish, you willgetinmediateinformation on job ads matching your profile. That wayyoucan bealways among the first to apply. Find a job near youWithTurijobs'new app, you will be able to search for jobs incitiessuch asMadrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Majorca, Ibiza,LasPalmas deGran Canaria, and Tenerife. It doesn't matter whereyouare, wehave the perfect job for you! Find a job you loveTurijobs'new apphelps you find your dream job. How? [+] Search fornewvacancies inTourism and Hospitality and apply directly on ourapp.[+] Createpersonalised job alerts. [+] Get notified on yourdeviceas soon asnew job openings come up. [+] Save yourfavouritevacancies andfollow closely the recruitment process: new,pending,finalist ordiscarded. [+] Share interesting jobopportunities viaemail and onyour favourite social networks. Yourfeedback helps usimprove Wewould love it if you would review andrate our app if youhaveenjoyed it or have found a job! We careabout your feedback! Ifyouhave any doubts or would like to suggestany improvements,pleasereach out to us at [email protected] Thankyou! - Job Search 107.0.1
Find and apply to your ideal job in TheTecoloco.comjob app allows you to create your CV, browse and applyto differentjob opportunities filtered by companies, cities,categories, androles or job titles. Through the app you will getpushnotifications that will let you know when new jobs areavailable,besides saving the jobs you want and receiving jobsuggestionsaccording to your professional profile. JobappFeatures: • Register your CV and apply to jobs • Filter jobs bythebest known companies in the region • Filter jobs by role orjobtitle allows you to reach your professional goalsbymeans of: • More than 4,000 jobs available in the region •Createpersonalized job alerts and receive them directly to youremail •Save the jobs you want is the leader online jobboardin Central America that has been the favorite meeting placebetweencompanies and candidates. is part of Saongroup,asuccessful European group in the job board industry withpresencein four continents. More Job app features: •Jobopportunities in Central America and the Dominican Republic:ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica andDominicanRepublic. • Job vacancies in the most important cities oftheregion: San Salvador, Santa Ana, San Miguel,Guatemala,Quetzaltenango, Peten, Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula,Atlántida,Managua, Matagalpa, Masaya, San Jose, Guanacaste,Heredia, SantoDomingo, Puerto Plata y Hermanas Mirabal. • Filterjobs bycategories: Administration, Storage, Office Support,Banking,Purchasing, Accounting and Finance, Informatics andInternet,Maintenance, Marketing and Sales, Operations andLogistics,Production and Engineering, Human Resources,Telecommunications,Professional Positions, Call Center, Restaurantsand Health. •Browse and discover different job opportunitiesfiltered by role orjob title. • Through the Job appyou will be able toapply to the jobs published by the best knownand most attractivecompanies to work in the region. More Tecoloco.comis the job board with the greatestrecognition and trajectory inthe region. With our tool, you will beable to create your CV andapply to the job opportunities of themost attractive companies towork in. gives a widevariety of job search optionsaccording to the needs of jobseekers.The job app isthe best option to search for jobs sinceit will allow you to takepart in recruitment processes in an easyway from any mobiledevice. Download the job app anddiscover the best jobopportunities in the region
Chamba 3.6.1
Chamba LLC
If you are looking for a job or looking to hire personnel, younolonger have to go door to door. Now you can do it easily fromoneplace and without moving from wherever you are. Chamba, the newwayto get a job in housework, personal care, mechanics,education,among others, has arrived in Colorado (or the UnitedStates). Aimedat the Hispanic community and 100% in Spanish. It hasnever been soeasy to get Chamba. We do this for you. How do Iregister? When youenter the app for the first time you can registerwith your emailor Facebook account quickly and easily. If you arean expert andwant to receive job opportunities, you must go to yourprofilesettings and choose the option "Change profile to Expert".If youwant to request services or personnel for your project orcompany,you can search by category for the expert you need or postan ad:the experts will contact you. How does Chamba work? Chamba istheapp that connects experts with users who need services. InChambayou can find job opportunities in housework, education,personalcare, mechanics, health and many more. Likewise, if youneed aservice or human talent for your company, in Chamba you willfindthe right expert. In which cities is Chamba available? ChambaAppis available throughout the United States. (free version)
Resume Builder App Free - PDF 2.2.2
Create a professional resume on the go with professionaltemplatedesigns.
Workifit - Tech Jobs 1.8.6
Behold the novel way to find a job! The first app designedandbasedon labor transparency, equity and happiness. Forgetabouttediousforms. You just need to tell us your interestsandexpectations, andwe’ll connect you automatically with the bestjobopportunities inthe market. What type of companies will youfind?You will findinnovative companies of all sectors, which standoutfor theirconcern for people, working conditions and culture.Thevastmajority are companies that use technology as one ofthepillars intheir processes, although they are notnecessarilydedicated tosoftware development. Which job areas do wehaveopportunities for?We have opportunities for multipleeducationallevels andprofessional areas, mainly for youngprofessionals(students orgraduates) from careers related to digitalareas, suchas: SoftwareDevelopers, Project Managers, Designers,BusinessAnalysts, BusinessDevelopers, Data Analysts, DigitalMarketing ITanalysts,recruiters, etc. How does it work? 1 -Configure yourpreferences(area of interest, remoteness, freelance,part-time,etc). 2 -Receive company invites for applying to highlymatchedjobs. 3 -Participate in selection processes in which youhavehighprobability of getting onboard. Find your dreamjob!Mainfunctionalities - Interactive chatbot: Our chatbot willonlyaskyou the necessary questions for your application, withouttheneedof a CV or everlasting forms. - Tailored recommendation:OurAIsystem will exclusively recommend you jobs thatmatchyourpriorities. - Receive application invites: We’llrecommendyourprofile to companies that are looking for candidateslike you.-Anonymity: Your profile will remain anonymous to thecompaniesonlyuntil you give your consent. By doing this, companieswon’t beableto filter by age, gender or appearance. - Clearandtransparentinformation: Get full access to the job andcompanydetails, withall its characteristics. What are you waitingfor tofind the jobthat best fits your life? Download the app rightnowand find yourdream job!
First American Bank NM Mobile 2021.03.01
With the First American Bank Mobile App you can checkyourbalances,pay bills, view and activate your cash backoffers,deposit checks(phone only at this time--tablet checkdepositcoming soon), andfind branches & ATM's near you.FirstAmerican Bank. BuildingRelationships that Last since 1903.Tolearn how we protect yourprivacy, pleasevisit