Top 22 Apps Similar to Oráculo Arcángel Miguel

San Miguel Arcángel 2.2
San Miguel Archangel prayer list for your smartphone
Archangel Michael Oracle Deck
Work with Archangel Michael and receive peace, protectionandguidance!
Mystical Oracle Cards
The Mystical Oracle Cards are inspired by the Gods,Goddesses,Angels & Guides
Angel Numbers 101 1.01
One of the most common ways in whichangelsspeak to you is by showing you repetitive numbersequences.Interpret these messages from your guardians with thisnumbersymbology guide based on Doreen Virtue's best-selling book,AngelNumbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444 and OtherNumberSequences.Important number sequences appear in telephone numbers,licenseplates, receipts, clocks, and so on - this guide will giveyou themeaningful messages behind each of them. These messagesareguidance from your celestial guardians that will help youwithtopics such as health, happiness, fears, career,finances,relationships and family.Bring positive change to your life by finding sequencesandmessages that describe your goals, desires and intentions,thenmeditate on them in order to bring its vibrational propertiesintoyour life.With this app you can:- Search a database to learn the meanings of each numbersequencefrom 1 to 999.- Receive guidance from your celestial guardians throughnumbersequences that appear in your daily life.- Bring change to your life by meditating on a number sequencewhosemessage matches your goals.About the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees incounselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works withtheangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with theAngelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; andAngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released theAngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her firstchildren’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101,MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel TherapyMeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is availablenow. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevisionand radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World,New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For moreinformation on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visither at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and callherfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App:
Archangel Oracle Cards 1.10
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue,Ph.D.connect you with powerful, wise, and loving guides who canmotivateand heal you in miraculous ways.This deck of 45 Oracle Cards will familiarize you with the15archangels, give you messages from them, help you to invokethem,and answer some of your important life questions. You'll learnhowto give an accurate archangel reading for yourself andothers.This app is designed to help empower, motivate, and inspireyourfriends, family members - and even yourself!With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each cardandmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees incounselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works withtheangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with theAngelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; andAngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released theAngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her firstchildren’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101,MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel TherapyMeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is availablenow. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevisionand radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World,New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For moreinformation on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visither at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and callherfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App:
Dreamspell Calendar 3.9.1
An oracle that reflect the energies of specific dates.
The Chaplet of St. Michael 1.4
The Chaplet of St. Michael Archangel
Angel Energy Cards 4.2
Move closer to the Angelic realm and understand their messagesforyou.
Happiness In Your Life Oracle
Get daily guidance with hundreds of wise and inspiring messages!
Ask Angels Oracle Cards
The Ask Angels Oracle will help you connect with the guidance oftheangels.
Guiding Light Oracle Cards
The Guiding Light Oracle will take you deep into the hidden areasofyour psyche
This application has been designed in ordertoprovide you, who like snails consult aquick and versatile way to meet a forecast about yourdailysituation: love, emotional,health, employment, and generally your present and future lifeeveryday and everywhere.One should mentally say the following incantation:Orí, head and internal thought, my god withinHelp me on this issue ... and what I want to know about ...Thank you my God guides. AmenHe said this spell; press the Start button and snails will yieldanOdu or sign whosecorrect interpretation, you shall bring the desired response.Note: if you repeat the runs, and applies the concepts ofOduhigher (+) and lower (-)may be aided, to make a complete query to the oracle ofthesnails.See it NOW!
Angel Tarot Cards 1.10
Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue andRadleighValentine is the first deck of tarot cards that is 100percentgentle, safe, and trustworthy!All of the words and artwork are positive and beautiful,whilestill retaining the magical effectiveness of traditionaltarot.Rich with symbolism and imagery - including angels,archangels,unicorns, fairies, and mermaids - the Angel Tarot Cardswillprovide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!This beautiful app includes 78 Tarot cards appropriate forthebeginner or the expert.With this Tarot Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 5 different readings, including theCelticCross- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each cardandmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorsDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees incounselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works withtheangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with theAngelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; andAngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released theAngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her firstchildren’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101,MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel TherapyMeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is availablenow. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.You can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and callherfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comRadleigh Valentine is an internationally known speaker,author,spiritual intuitive, and radio-show host. He has studiedtarot formore than 20 years and teaches workshops around the U.S.He is alsothe creator of RadScopes, weekly horoscopes with anenchantingtwist of tarot.Official Hay House licensed Android App:
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards 1.10
Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by DoreenVirtuewill help you communicate with your angels to overcomelife'schallenges.Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protectorandtrustworthy guide. He knows your life’s purpose and the beststepsfor you to take next. The 44 cards in this app featuremessages foryou from Archangel Michael and incredible paintings ofthismagnificent angel.You’ll also receive answers to your most pressing questions.Thisapp gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conductanaccurate, safe, and powerfully healing reading for yourselfandothersWith this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose between 1-card, 3-card, 5-card and 12-card readings- Save and load your readings for review at any time- E-mail readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each cardandmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees incounselingpsychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works withtheangelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels,Howto Hear Your Angels, Messages from Your Angels, Archangels&Ascended Masters, Solomon's Angels, and the Archangel OracleCards,among other works. Her products are available in mostlanguagesworldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevisionand radio programs; and writes regular columns forWoman’s World,New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For moreinformation on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and callherfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App:
Messages from Your Angels 1.06
Messages from Your Angels Oracle CardsbyDoreen Virtue, Ph.D. is now available on your Android device.UseOracle Cards as daily reminders of your angels’ love andpresence.This 44-card deck offers comforting and uplifting messages toseta positive and healing tone for the day. It also functions asadivination tool, as you can ask a question and find themessagethat gives you guidance and answers.This work is designed to help you stay centered inpeacefulnessthroughout the day, and to remember that your angelsare alwaysbeside you, ready to help you with every area of yourlife.With this Oracle Cards app you can:- Give Readings anywhere, anytime on your Android device- Choose from 11 different types of readings, includingSoulmate,Life Purpose, and Abundance- Save and load your Readings for review at any time- E-mail Readings to friends- Flip cards over to read the full meaning of each cardandmessage- Review the entire deck of cards in Browse modeAbout the AuthorDoreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees incounselingpsychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works withtheangelic realm. She is the author of the Healing with theAngelsbook and oracle cards; Archangels & Ascended Masters; andAngelTherapy®, among other works. She recently released theAngelBlessings Candle Kit (with her son Grant) and her firstchildren’sbook Thank You, Angels. Her new works, Angel Numbers 101,MagicalMessages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, Angel TherapyMeditationsCD, and her first novel—Solomon’s Angels is availablenow. Herproducts are available in most languages worldwide.Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and othertelevisionand radio programs. She writes regular columns forWoman’s World,New Age Retailer, and Spirit & Destinymagazines. For moreinformation on Doreen and the workshops shepresents, please visither at www.AngelTherapy.comYou can listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and callherfor a reading, by visiting www.HayHouseRadio.comOfficial Hay House licensed Android App:
Oraculo de Ifa Diario 1.04
Esta aplicación ha sido concebida conelpropósito de brindar a usted, que gusta de consultarloshoróscopos, una forma rápida y versátil conocer unpronosticopreliminar sobre tu situación diaria en: el amor,emocional, lasalud, el empleo, y en general tu vida presente yfutura todos losdías y en cualquier lugar. Solo deberá escogersobre el globoterráqueo que está en movimiento, un punto sobre él,que sea de suelección, hacer detener el punto rojo y obtenga supronóstico deldía.¡Adecúe lo que le dice el oráculo de ifá a susituaciónespecífica!¡CONSULTA AHORAMISMO TU ORÁCULO!This application hasbeendesigned in order to provide you, who likes to consulthoroscopes,quick and versatile way to know about a preliminaryforecast dailysituation: love, emotional, health, employment, andoverall yourpresent and future life every day and everywhere. Youonly need tochoose on the globe that is in motion, a point on it,that is yourchoice, do stop the red dot its forecast for the day.What he says fits the Ifa oracle your specific situation!YOUR QUERY ORACLE AHORAMISMO!
Novena to St Michael Archangel TSM_1.2.87
Pray anywhere and share your prayer's requests - Novena toStMichael Archangel
【旧版】ドリーン・バーチューのオラクルカード 3.2.19
This service will be transferred to the "Lightworks OracleCardApp". Please register to take over from within the app.
Exorcism 12.0
This application introduces us to the world of exorcism
Revolutionary AFFIRMATION MEDITATIONS for Love, Health,Success& Self-Esteem
Angel Feather Oracle Cards
The Angel Feather Oracle brings you 44 coloured feathers fromyourAngels.
Intuitive Mandala Oracle Cards
The Intuitive Crystal Mandala is a 40 card deck usinghealinginfused crystals