Top 26 Apps Similar to Shree Ramkrishna Netralaya

VisionUp Eye Exercises 3.2.15
Improved vision and eye coordination with VisionUp
Eye exercises
Eye Exercises to improve eyesight. Start today.
Ophthalmic Instruments 1.1
K.S.M. Studio
Ophthalmic Instruments is a big collection of images ofvariousophthalmic instruments and devices organized basing totheprocedure. Features: 1) over 250 high quality imageswithcomprehensive descriptions 2) friendly and simple interfacedesign3) easy to learn with a "Check yourself" part which isavailable in2 modes
My Eyes Protection 4.8.7
Electronic paper effect, blue light filter, blink reminder,eyeexercises.
Eye Doctor – Hospital Game 3.3.5080
Game Stars
Be the best doctor in Eye Clinic!
Peek Acuity 3.7.0
Peek Vision
A clinically validated vision test for anyone to measurevisualacuity anywhere.
Dunn Vision Reference 1.7.13
Matt J Dunn
A quick-reference for optometry and vision science, with over3500entries.
Bluelight Filter for Eye Care 5.2.3
Automatically adjust screen color according to external lighttoprotect eyes
Eye Exercises : Eye Care App 4.6
Easy Eye Exercises with diet plan to Improve Vision Eye exercisetoremove specs
ViaOpta Simulator 1.6.4
Vision simulator app is to help HCPs educate patients ondifferenteye diseases
「EyeFooU」Eye Care APP 1.0
Are you addicted in smart phone?「EyeLoveU」helps your health and life being kidnaped fromthephone.You can set using and rest time according to your habit.There are four awesome features:1. EYE EXERCISE: Eyeball animation prevent your eyesbeingdried.2. SMART REST: Set using and rest time up to users, andsmartanalyze your using time.3. Blue Light Filter: Set the best mode and intensity up tousersand environment.4. Quick Switch Toolbar: different situation fast switchtodifferent function.
Eye Trainer & Eye Exercises fo 3.7
Vozye Pty Ltd
The leading eye-relaxing and training app on Google Play withover250k installs
Clínica San Diego Móvil 5.0.6
Take Clinic on your hand and test your vision with"Examínate"option.
EyeBreak - eyesight, eyecare 2.1.1
The Icon of Eye Break represents Comma, which means take abreakfrom your smartphone for a while away. In old days, eyesightgotworse by Television, however the smartphone became a mainhealthissue these days. So we developed this application to reducetheeyes training by forcing people to exercise and stretch theireyes.This application imporves eyesight by relaxing your eyemuscleswhen you stretch your eyes. and also making them stronger.Wesuggest to try training your eyes for at least 3 minutes foryoureyes health.
iDoctor JD 1.0.6
Visual Acuity, Color Vision, Contrast Sensitivity and3DOphthalmology Atlas
Kuku Kube 3.0.1
If you love challenging your attention span, this is the game.GreatEye test.
2020! 1.01
After great success in China & USstoresforiTunes,we have ported the trending game for#EyeTestChallengeforAndroid devices.#EyeTestChallenge now trending in many countries.Have you taken the Eye Test Challenge?Is your vision 20/20?If You score below 20 you FAIL.Nominate your friends on Facebook,Twitter to#EyeTestChallengeandsee how much they Score.Challenge is simple: Tap the Odd Colored Tile.But itseasiersaidthan done,as the number of tile increases and thecolordifferencedecreases gradually.Go test your Eye-Q.If you get past a score of 40,your vision is awesome.DISCLAIMER:THIS APP PROVIDES A BASIC INFORMATION AND GUIDELINEFORYOUREYESIGHT AND COLOR TEST AND IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE AFULLORPARTIAL EYE EXAMINATION.
Complete Eye Care 1.6
Complete Eye Care This app brings you tips about eye care,Thisappincludes ** Importance of eye care ** Do's and Dont's withEyes**General eye care tips ** Foods for Eyes ** Tips Forgoodeyesight** Eyecare for IT Professionals ** Eyecare for children**Eyecarefor lens users Follow these simple and effective stepsandgetbenifited.
حماية العين من أشعة الموبايل 1.0
كثير منا يشعر بألم في عينيه أثناءعملهيوميابسبب كثرة النظر والتركيز في الهاتف,الألواح الإليكترونيةوالكمبيوتربعض منهم يستخدم النظارات الطبية لحماية العينين منهذهالأشعة الضارةوالبعض الأخر يستخدم تطبيقات بسيطة للغاية تقومبالتعديلعلى ألوانالشاشة بهدف التقليل من انبعاث الضوء الأزرق بالتالييتمالقضاء بنسبةكبيرة على كل هذه المشكلات,أقدم لك تطبيقي صغير فيالحجمكبيرة فيالفائدة اذا كنت تستعمل الهاتف لوقت طويل و خاصة فيالليلفانت بحاجةالى طريقة لحجب الاشعة الضارة.يمكنك تطبيق حماية العين من أشعة الموبايل على تعديل لونالشاشةدونالتقليل من سطوعها، ويعمل التطبيق باستخدام 3 فلاتر يمكنكأنتختارالفلتر المناسب لك من بينهم، وجميع الفلاتر تقوم بتنقيةالشاشةمنالأشعة فوق البنفسجية دون التأثير على بطارية الهاتف إلاإنقمتبتشغيل عامل التصفية من الإعدادات.تطبيق حماية العين من أشعة الموبايل هو التطبيق الأكثراستخدامًافيالصين واليابان وتايوان لأغراض حماية العينين من الأشعةفوقالبنفسجيةالضارة التي تصدر من شاشة الهاتف، وهو يعمل كبديلللنظاراتوالشاشاتالطبية الواقية بهدف التقليل من انبعاثات الأشعةبالتاليتتخلص منمشاكل العينين والصداع ومشاكل قبل واثناء النوم,تطبيق حماية العين من أشعة الموبايل هو أحد التطبيقاتالمميزةالتيتجعلك تنام بهدوء تام حتى إذا استخدمت هاتفك قبل النوم،فمهمةتطبيقحماية العين من أشعة الموبايل هي التقليل من انبعاثأطيافاللونالأزرق والذي يعمل على تنبيه العقل وإحداث مشاكل الأرقوالصداعومشاكلالنوم، وبذلك فإن التطبيق مثالي لمن يستخدمون هاتفهم فيالقراءةليلًاكذلك للأطفال الذين يستخدمون الهاتف بكثرة.Many of us feel the pain in his eyes during the work daybecauseofthe large number of view and the focus of the phone,panelsofelectronic and computer Some of them used prescriptionglassestoprotect the eyes from the harmful rays and others useverysimpleapplications of the amendment on the screen colors inordertoreduce the emission of blue light is thus eliminatingalargemargin on all these problems, I present to you asmallapplicationin a large scale in interest if you use the phonefor along time,especially at night, you need a way to blockoutharmfulrays.You can apply eye protection from Mobile Phone rays tomodifythecolor of the screen without reducing brightness, andrunstheapplication using three filters you can choose the rightfilterforyou from them, and all the filters that purify the screenfromUVrays without affecting the phone's battery, but if you turnonthefilter settings.The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone radiationisthemost widely used application in China, Japan and Taiwanforthepurpose of protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays thatcomefromthe phone screen, it works as an alternative to glassesandmedicalscreens protective order to reduce radiation emissionsthusget ridof eye problems, headaches and problems before andduringsleep,The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone raysisadistinctive applications that make you sleep quietly evenifyouuse your phone before going to sleep, task ofapplyingeyeprotection from Mobile Phone rays are reducing theemissionspectraof blue color which serves to alert the brain andcauseinsomnia,headaches and problems with sleep problems, andthustheapplication is ideal for those using their phone atnightreadingas well as for children who use the phonefrequently.Beaucoup d'entre nous sentent la douleur dans les yeuxpendantlajournée de travail en raison du grand nombre de vues et lefocusdutéléphone, des panneaux de l'électronique etl'ordinateurCertainsd'entre eux ont utilisé des lunettes deprescription pourprotégerles yeux contre les rayons nocifs etd'autres utilisenttrès Lesapplications simples de l'amendement surles couleurs del'écranafin de réduire l'émission de lumière bleueest doncd'éliminer unegrande marge sur tous ces problèmes, je vousprésenteune petiteapplication à grande échelle dans l'intérêt sivousutilisez letéléphone pour un long Temps, surtout la nuit, vousavezbesoind'un moyen de bloquer les rayons nocifs.Many of us feel thepaininhis eyes during the work day because of the large number ofviewandthe focus of the phone, panels of electronic and computerSomeofthem used prescription glasses to protect the eyes fromtheharmfulrays and others use very simple applications oftheamendment on thescreen colors in order to reduce the emissionofblue light is thuseliminating a large margin on alltheseproblems, I present to you asmall application in a largescale ininterest if you use the phonefor a long time, especiallyat night,you need a way to block outharmful rays.You can apply eye protection from Mobile Phone rays tomodifythecolor of the screen without reducing brightness, andrunstheapplication using three filters you can choose the rightfilterforyou from them, and all the filters that purify the screenfromUVrays without affecting the phone's battery, but if you turnonthefilter settings.The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone radiationisthemost widely used application in China, Japan and Taiwanforthepurpose of protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays thatcomefromthe phone screen, it works as an alternative to glassesandmedicalscreens protective order to reduce radiation emissionsthusget ridof eye problems, headaches and problems before andduringsleep,The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone raysisadistinctive applications that make you sleep quietly evenifyouuse your phone before going to sleep, task ofapplyingeyeprotection from Mobile Phone rays are reducing theemissionspectraof blue color which serves to alert the brain andcauseinsomnia,headaches and problems with sleep problems, andthustheapplication is ideal for those using their phone atnightreadingas well as for children who use the phonefrequently.Many of us feel the pain in his eyes during the work daybecauseofthe large number of view and the focus of the phone,panelsofelectronic and computer Some of them used prescriptionglassestoprotect the eyes from the harmful rays and others useverysimpleapplications of the amendment on the screen colors inordertoreduce the emission of blue light is thus eliminatingalargemargin on all these problems, I present to you asmallapplicationin a large scale in interest if you use the phonefor along time,especially at night, you need a way to blockoutharmfulrays.You can apply eye protection from Mobile Phone rays tomodifythecolor of the screen without reducing brightness, andrunstheapplication using three filters you can choose the rightfilterforyou from them, and all the filters that purify the screenfromUVrays without affecting the phone's battery, but if you turnonthefilter settings.The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone radiationisthemost widely used application in China, Japan and Taiwanforthepurpose of protecting the eyes from harmful UV rays thatcomefromthe phone screen, it works as an alternative to glassesandmedicalscreens protective order to reduce radiation emissionsthusget ridof eye problems, headaches and problems beforeandduringsleep,The application of eye protection from Mobile Phone raysisadistinctive applications that make you sleep quietly evenifyouuse your phone before going to sleep, task ofapplyingeyeprotection from Mobile Phone rays are reducing theemissionspectraof blue color which serves to alert the brain andcauseinsomnia,headaches and problems with sleep problems, andthustheapplication is ideal for those using their phone atnightreadingas well as for children who use the phonefrequently.Beaucoup d'entre nous sentent la douleur dans les yeuxpendantlajournée de travail en raison du grand nombre de vues et lefocusdutéléphone, des panneaux de l'électronique etl'ordinateurCertainsd'entre eux ont utilisé des lunettes deprescription pourprotégerles yeux contre les rayons nocifs etd'autres utilisenttrès Lesapplications simples de l'amendement surles couleurs del'écranafin de réduire l'émission de lumière bleueest doncd'éliminer unegrande marge sur tous ces problèmes, je vousprésenteune petiteapplication à grande échelle dans l'intérêt sivousutilisez letéléphone pour un long Temps, surtout la nuit, vousavezbesoind'un moyen de bloquer les rayons nocifs.
Bluelight Filter - Night Mode 1.3.69
Professional tool to relieve eye strain, Reduce glare, Careyoureyes
Eye Protect Blue Light Filter
Eye Protector is designed for phoneloversto filter blue light and protect eyes!Did you feel uncomfortable on your eyes when use smart phone foralong time? The reason is bluelight on your smartphonecauseseyestrain. Blue light is a harmful light that cause damage totheRetina and keeps you from falling asleep at night or evencausesleep disorder and sleepless. Blue light can also leadtoshortsighted or cataract, if you use smartphone all thetime.For girls, eyes protection is more important. Eye stain caneasilycause dark circle and pouch on eyes which harms yourbeauty.Eye Protector is an effective screen filter which can reducetheblue light to protect and relax your eyes, making it easier foryouto fall asleep at night. Eye care becomes easy now! Say goodbyetoblue light.[Features]Natural filter effect for you to read the screen easilyAdjust the filter strength and color as you wishFree and easy to useLow battery and space consumptionNotification bar shortcut to quickly shut down or set upAutomatically apply on bootAttention:If you install app from a third party store other thanGooglePlay, the install button will not work. Please turn off thefiltertemporarily to enable installation
Amsler Grid 1.0
A convenient mobile tool for identifying distortion in yourvisualfield.
Animal Eye Clinic for Kids 15.0
Kids are always looking for funandentertainment. Here GameiMax arrived with its newly developedgameAnimal Eye Clinic for kids. In this game all characters aresweetlittle animals. They suffered from some eye problems. You havetobecome eye specialist and apply proper treatment onAnimalpatient's eyes. Various features included inside the game.Features of the Animal Eye Clinic for Kids Game:==> Eye Drop for clean eyes and rub the dustwithcotton.==> Direct ophthalmoscopes==> Manual test of animal's eyes & check how many numberinleft and right eye.==> Color blind test for patients==> Computerized eye test==> Feed little patients with different food==> Apply laser treatment==> Select Frame for spectacles which is perfect for patientThis game developed for kids for entertainment aswelleducational purpose. Kids will learn some basic eye treatmentinfunniest way. It's absolutely free to download.
Be My Eyes 1.8.2
Be My Eyes
Enables blind to receive live assistance from sighted volunteers.
Takaful Alarabia 2.0.0
Takaful Alarabia تكافل العربية A professional companyprovidingmedical services
Blue Light Filter for Eye Care 1.1.1
Blue light filter for your eye care & protection. Preventeyefatigue & dry eye!