Top 12 Apps Similar to Mi Restaurant

Mygest 7.0
Perfect for use next to comandero ATEGEST POS software.
DroidPOS Demo comandero móvil 4.1.0-demo
DroidPOS esta orientado a facilitar el levantamiento de pedidosaclientes en restaurantes por parte de los meseros y queestospuedan centrarse en la atención al mismo, se conecta al puntodeventa UnicentaPOS-DroidPOS Esta es una versión demostrativa queseconecta a una base de datos real en internetFuncionalidadesDroidPOS: - Envio de pedidos en tiempo real -Atención centrada enel cliente - Control de ventas por mesa -Visualización de mesasocupadas y libres - Visualización de pisos enrestaurante - Agregarcomensales por mesa - Ver lista de categoría yproductos - Agregaratributos por producto - Visualizar total apagar por mesa o porcomensal - Conexión inalambríca - Multiplesdestinos, cocinas obares - Agregar notas a destinos - Agregar notasa productos -Reducción de errores humanos - Disponible para Android4.0 osuperior - Idiomas Español, Ingles y Portugues
Comanda 1.0
The menu appears in the cell and thewaitertakes the orders and can send WhatsApp to kitchen oradministrationor printer. The letter can be updated prices andproducts.
3i Comandas
Comandero for the Android platform.
Mini TPV para dispositivos Android, idealparaBares, Restaurantes, Comercios...(No se puede garantizar la compatibilidad de esta aplicaciónconAndroid 6)Características y funciones de la versión LITE.==================================Facilidad de uso.Grupos/Familias de artículos.Imágenes para familias y artículos.Diseños de salones configurables en cuanto a la posición delasmesas.Diseñado para funcionar en pantallas desde 4 a 15 pulgadas.Permite aparcar las cuentas y añadir másartículosposteriormente.Informes ventas.La aplicación controla la apertura del cajón portamonedas atravésde la impresora de tickets.Cierres de caja diarios.Consulta y reimpresión de cierres de caja anteriores.Numeración automática de tickets (facturas simplificadas),paracumplir con la ley vigente actualmente en España.Pueden introducirse los datos del cliente al emitir lafacturasimplificada, aunque en la versión LITE no se pueden guardarparaser usados posteriormente.Pie de los tickets (facturas simplificadas) personalizable.Permite la exportación de las bases de datos para serutilizadasen nuestro software para PC WINEX-TPV.No existe demo de la aplicación, pero pueden verelfuncionamiento de la versión completa (que es muy similar) enlossiguientes videos:-Varios de como cambiar el tamaño de los botones: de como realizar una venta: de como se crean artículos y familias: de creación de salas y mesas (¡En la versión LITE nosepueden crear objetos!): poder imprimir será necesario disponer de una impresoradetickets con conexión ethernet o wifi. Es posible imprimirenimpresoras USB y SERIE, pónganse en contacto con nosotros([email protected])paraexplicarles si es posible con su dispositivo y en ese casocomohacerlo.Para esta aplicación no se da soporte telefónico, todaslasconsultas deben realizarse mediante correo electrónico ([email protected]).Para obtener información de otras versiones mas completas deesteprograma póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de [email protected] POS forAndroiddevices, ideal for bars, restaurants, shops ...(You can ensure the compatibility of this applicationwithAndroid 6)Features and functions of the LITE version.==================================Easy to use.Groups / Families items.Images and articles for families.Configurable lounges designs regarding the position ofthetables.Designed to run on screens from 4 to 15 inches.Allowed to park accounts and add more items later.Sales reports.The application controls the opening of the cash drawer viatheticket printer.Daily cash closings.Consultation and reprint previous closures box.automatic numbering of tickets (simplified invoices) to complywiththe law currently in force in Spain.customer data can be entered by issuing the simplified invoice,butin the LITE version can not be saved for later use.Foot tickets (simplified invoices) customizable.It allows export of databases for use in our PCsoftwarewinex-POS.There is no demo of the application, but can see the operationofthe full version (which is very similar) in thefollowingvideos:-Several of how to resize buttons: of how to make a sale: of as articles and families are created: building rooms and tables (In LITE version can notcreateobjects!): Http:// order to print it will be necessary to have a ticketprinterwith ethernet or wifi connection. You can print to USB andserialprinters, please contact us ([email protected]) toexplainif possible with your device and if so how.For this application is not given telephone support,allinquiries should be made via email ([email protected]).For information more complete versions of this programpleasecontact us through the mail [email protected].
Camarero10 - Comandas Móviles 2.9
Collect food orders from any mobile device Camarero10
Comandero Carta 1.2.2
Envia pedidos de los comensales alaaplicaciónmaestra comandero App y ésta que está gestionada porelpersonal delrestaurante envía los pedidos recibidos a cocinay/obarra.Carta App sirve para que los clientes de restaurantes,bares,hotelespuedan realizar pedidos al personal. Para ellodispondránde uncódigo que les dará el personal. Cuando el clienteentre consucódigo podrá hacer pedidos, seleccionar la carta porejemplocarnes,ensaladas, bebidas ... Llamar al personal, ver sucuenta,notificarpago total o parcial de la cuenta, compartirpedidos.Cuando todoslos pedidos para este código esten pagados laAppvolvera al iniciopara que se introduzca un código nuevo.Send orders tothemasterdiners comandero App and that it is managed by therestaurantstaffsends orders received kitchen and / or bar.App Charter serves customers of restaurants, bars, hotelscanplaceorders to staff. To do this will have a code that willgivethemthe staff. When the customer enters his code canplaceorders,select the letter for example meats, salads, drinks ...Callthestaff, view your account, notify full or partial paymentoftheaccount, share orders. When all orders paid for this codeBEAppwill return to the beginning for a new code is entered.
axTPV POS Pro (Point of Sale)
axTPV POS Professional AndroidEcosystem(Native )For all types of businesses. Simple and compact.Optimized for Tablets and POS (POS ) Android.Terminal POS ( Point Of Sale ) Touch for Android.- Operations Management / tables.- Map of designer tables included.- User Management .- Management of Child / categories.- Management Packs.- Sales Management.- Zones and Rates by Zones.- Discounts Online.- Total Discount to Operation / Mesa.- Gift Product.- Remarks to a line from Operation / Mesa.- Allows you to change item prices collectively and /orfamily.- Orders to Kitchen, bar , etc ...- Rates by Area of Operation / Mesa.- Merge , Move and Split Operations.- Customer Management.- Full management of items , and image manager / highqualityicons.- Items Combined, Fast Food, etc..- Support Tickets Printers (Compatible Epson ESC / P) :Serial,Bluetooth , Wifi, Ethernet.- Assign each of the Article Print.- Liaison with weighing devices ( balances, scales , etc. )- Change Restore Mode Retail Mode just parameterizeSettingsaxTPV.- Various modes of Sale:Standard mode Restoration.Retail Mode.Quick Sale Mode ( cash register mode ).Ticket sales mode.- Link axTPVCloud for a complete backoffice managementandsynchronization in real or delayed time..- Module for Android Smartphone Comandero : axTPVClientalsoavailable on Google Play.And much more ...The free version has some limited functionality. Toacquirecontact us.Has been implemented to pass internet activation full versionFREEPROFESSIONAL version .Contributions and suggestions will be [email protected]
Numier PDA 3.2.8
Os presentamos Numier PDA, la nueva APPparadispositivos Android que permitirá tomar comandas inalámbricasencualquier tipo de negocio de hostelería. Una APP muy rápidaysencilla de configurar y utilizar. ¡Agiliza tu negocio!Más información sobre el sistema Numier en www.numier.comWe present Numier PDA,thenew APP for Android wireless devices that allow you to takefoodorders in any hospitality business. A very quick and simple tosetup and use APP. Speed ​​up your business!More information about the system Numier
OrderLan Demo 1.1.1
OrderLan is the complement of hospitality Landin TeleComandaforInformatics.
SIODROID Point of Sale (DEMO) 3.2.2
SIODROID is one of the firstprofessionalAndroid Point of Sales applications.SIODROID is multilingual (translated into 16 languages) and canbeadapted to any country fiscal needs.SIODROID is suitable for any kind of business and hasseveralbusiness model selections (Fast food, Table Service,Retail,Fashion & Mixed functionality) in order to use itaccordingevery customer's needs.SIODROID has a very easy configuration wizard, where on just20steps you can completely setup the system and get itworking.SIODROID can be installed on devices with 4" screen size orlarger(it detects the screen size and change the view accordingtothat).SIODROID can be used on Android devices 4.0.3 and up.SIODROID can be used on Smartphones, PDA, Tablets and AndroidPOSTerminals.SIODROID is already fully compatible with 20 POS terminalsfromdifferent manufacturers.SIODROID can be installed as standalone or in a NetworkwithSIODROID/server.SIODROID provides all the management needs for everybusiness:- Employees management (Sales, Access, Clock-In & Out,Tips,Reporting).- Items management (Sales, Modifiers, Supplements, KitchenPrinting,Sizes & Colors, Stock control, Reporting).- Cash Control management (Shift Closing, X Reporting,ZReporting).- Sales statistics (All the sales data is tracked by dates andyoucan filter it and get the results as you want).- E-mail sending of sales data (Graphics, PDF format,CSVformat).SIODROID will be able to send all his data to SIOCLOUD, ourCloudBack-office.SIODROID controls a wide range of Peripherals:- Receipt Printer: Thermal (2"/3") & Dot Matrix. ConnectedviaUSB, RS232, Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth.- Up to 6 Kitchen Printers: Thermal (2"/3") & DotMatrix.Connected via USB, RS232, Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth.- Cash Drawer: Connected to the Receipt Printer or thePOSTerminal.- Customer Display: 2 lines display RS232 (recommended) or rearLCDembedded on some POS terminals.- Barcode Reader: USB, RS232 or Camera on some devices.- Weighting Scale: RS232. Please ask if your scale brandisinterfaced.- MSR, magnetic stripe reader: RS232 (recommended) & USB.- NFC/RFID reader: RS232 (recommended) & USB.- Payment Terminals: Credit & Debit Cards, NFC and others.(Askwhich ones are available in your country).-----------------------------------------------MARKET version works only in demo mode. All functionalityisenabled.You can use the program for 30 days without limitations.Password for admin user is 5555.After the demo period you must purchase a license through one ofourresellers or apply for a subscription.Get more information at our site
Imagenes para TPVAND y TPVAND2 2.0
Package images for use in TPVAND and TPVAND2