Top 15 Apps Similar to Lagu Nasional Indonesia

Lagu Wajib Nasional offline 1.0
National Compulsory set of Song Lyrics
Lagu Perjuangan Indonesia 1.0
Berbagai macam makna dan pesan yangterkandungpada lagu wajib nasional. Pertama, nasionalisme yangmeliputi sifatkebanggaan terhadap Negara, cinta tanah air,mengutamakan rasapersatuan dan kesatuan. Kedua, patriotisme yangmeliputi sifat,rela berkorban, berani berjuang, pantang menyerah,berjiwapembaharu. Pesan ini akan memberi nilai positifjikadiimplementasikan dalam pendidikan berkarakter.Tetapi kenyataannya lagu bersejarah ini semakin terlupakanolehgenerasi sekarang. Sebab umumnya lagu hanya dipahamisebatashafalan baik melodi maupun syairnya saja, yang kurangdipahamiadalah latar belakang sejarah dan pengarangnya, sertatujuanlagu-lagu itu diciptakan, dan yang lebih penting lagi maknasertapesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang melalui liriklagutersebut.Setidaknya Aplikasi ini mencoba untuk semakinmedekatkanlagu-lagu perjuangan itu ke dalam gaget, sehingga bisa didengarkanatau bahkan dipelajari dimana saja.Semoga bermanfaat.A wide variety ofmeaningsand messages contained in the national anthem. First,nationalismwhich include the nature of the State pride,patriotism, promoting asense of unity and oneness. The second,which includes the nature ofpatriotism, self-sacrificing,courageous fight, never give up,high-minded reformer. This messagewill give a positive value ifimplemented in character education.But the reality of this historic song is getting forgotten bythepresent generation. Because generally track only understood asbothmelody and poem recitation only, which is less understood istheauthor's background and history, as well as the purpose of thesongswere created, and more importantly, the meaning and themessage tobe conveyed by the author through the lyrics of thesong.At least this application tries to further medekatkanpatrioticsongs into gaget, so that it can be listened to or evenstudiedanywhere.May be useful.
Lagu Sholawat Nabi- Juz Amma 1.0.11
Compilation Murottal Qur'an Islamic Songs For Students
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol.2 Bernyanyi
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol.2Diva dan Pupus akan mengajak buah hati anda mengenaldanbernyanyilagu wajib nasional indonesia. isi dalam aplikasiiniterdapat dualagu: Indonesia raya dan halo-halo bandung.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orangtuauntukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan
English Songs for Kids 1.0
English Songs for KidsMany adults wonder the way they learnt English those days,wherein television or internet was a luxury one can own to downloadandlisten to their favourite songs or even allow their kids tolistento them for picking up the language. In today’s era, therearenumerous sites available showing us the options to downloadanyEnglish Songs for Kids, that enables us to introduce our kidstothe world of music, the universal language. You don’t needanyparticular lesson to start with music for kids, or even forcetheseyoung learners to listen to any particular song. Learning isamagic when joined with music and most of the childrenstartenjoying it in first place.Almost all kids songs lets children to use the skillstheyalready know; this makes them more comfortable with the songandgives confidence in singing it. Some songs create impact onkidssuch that they like it the very first moment they listen tothesong and start singing along, even if it’s funny words / tune,byshowing up some dancing movements with a smile as aconstantexpression.It’s not mandatory that singing songs should happen onlyduringschool hours or as a playtime activity. May be your childdoesn’tlike brushing his teeth, by singing his favourite songwhilebrushing you can accomplish one tough task much easily.SingingEnglish Songs for Kids, doesn’t need you to follow a rule tostickon to the words and tunes, you can allow your kids to addtheir ownlyrics to the tune or change the tune as per their wish,it fun tosee the young learners turn as young creators of their ownmusic.There are chances that your child would create mistakes atsuchtimes of creation, rather than making fun of them for themistakes,correct their mistakes and just motivate them withpositivenote.As a teacher / parent / care-taker, it’s your responsibilitytohave a good familiarization to the song you’re introducing tokids,until you’re comfortable with the song, you can’t make themfeelcomfortable to it. Once you’re comfortable with a song,it’simportant that you manage to engage kids by singing anddancingalong with them. By seeing adults sing and dance, kids trytoimitate the same way. Sometimes, showing pictures, videos,books,and toys would strengthen the words from the songs thatsupportkids in learning the language quickly. For instance, toteach themanimals, show colourful pictures of animals, this wouldhelp themlearn different animals quickly.Kids don’t really bother about the hidden meaning of theEnglishSongs for Kids, while you try letting them know the actualmeaning,it’s important that you don’t drag the story. Sincetheconcentration span of kids lasts for shorted period, youshouldensure that there are lot of play fun activity like,physicalmovements or even few dance steps you include keeping thekidsspirits level on the higher end.
Bernyanyi Bersama Diva Vol 4 Bernyanyi
"Diva dan Pupus" akan mengajak buah hatiandauntuk bernyanyi lagu nasional Indonesia.isi aplikasi ini ada dua lagu:- Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa- Garuda Pancasila.Tujuan dari aplikasi ini adalah untuk membantu orang tuauntukmemperkenalkan lagu nasional Indonesia dengan mudah.* Aplikasi gratis ini mengandung iklan
Indonesia Ku 1.0
Aplikasi Indonesiaku adalah aplikasi Sekilas tentang Indonesiayangterdiri dari Geografi Indonesia, Lambang Negara, BentukNegara,Bahasa Nasional, Bendera Kebangsaan, Lagu Kebangsaan,Politik &Pemerintahan serta Visi, Misi & Strategi. Dan jugadi dalamaplikasi ini anda bisa mendengarkan lagu kebangsaan,IndonesiaRaya, lagu Garuda Indonesia, juga Tanah Airku. SekilastentangIndonesia; Republik Indonesia disingkat RI atau Indonesiaadalahnegara di Asia Tenggara, terletak di garis khatulistiwa danberadadi antara benua Asia dan Australia serta antara SamudraPasifik danSamudra Hindia. Karena letaknya yang berada di antaradua benua,dan dua samudra, ia disebut juga sebagai Nusantara(KepulauanAntara). Terdiri dari 17.508 pulau, Indonesia adalahnegarakepulauan terbesar di dunia. Dengan populasi sebesar 222 jutajiwapada tahun 2006, Indonesia adalah negara berpendudukterbesarkeempat di dunia dan negara yang berpenduduk Muslimterbesar didunia, meskipun secara resmi bukanlah negara Islam.Bentukpemerintahan Indonesia adalah republik, dengan DewanPerwakilanRakyat dan presiden yang dipilih langsung. Ibukota negaraialahJakarta. Indonesia berbatasan dengan Malaysia di PulauKalimantan,dengan Papua Nugini di Pulau Papua dan dengan TimorLeste di PulauTimor. Negara tetangga lainnya adalah Singapura,Filipina,Australia, dan wilayah persatuan Kepulauan Andaman danNikobar diIndia. Sejarah Indonesia banyak dipengaruhi oleh bangsalainnya.Kepulauan Indonesia menjadi wilayah perdagangan pentingsetidaknyasejak sejak abad ke-7, yaitu ketika Kerajaan Sriwijayamenjalinhubungan agama dan perdagangan dengan Tiongkok danIndia.Kerajaan-kerajaan Hindu dan Buddha telah tumbuh pada awalabadMasehi, diikuti para pedagang yang membawa agama Islam,sertaberbagai kekuatan Eropa yang saling bertempur untukmemonopoliperdagangan rempah-rempah Maluku semasa era penjelajahansamudra.Setelah sekitar 350 tahun penjajahan Belanda, Indonesiamenyatakankemerdekaannya di akhir Perang Dunia II. SelanjutnyaIndonesiamendapat tantangan dari bencana alam, korupsi,separatisme, prosesdemokratisasi dan periode perubahan ekonomi yangpesat. Dari Sabangsampai Merauke, Indonesia terdiri dari berbagaisuku, bahasa danagama yang berbeda. Suku Jawa adalah grup etnisterbesar dan secarapolitis paling dominan. Semboyan nasionalIndonesia, \"Bhinnekatunggal ika\" (\"Berbeda-beda tetapi tetapsatu\"), berartikeberagaman yang membentuk negara. Selain memilikipopulasi besardan wilayah yang padat, Indonesia memiliki wilayahalam yangmendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar kedua didunia.Indonesiaku application is an application overviewIndonesiaIndonesia consists of Geography, State Emblem, StateForms,National Language, National Flag, National Anthem, Politics&Government and the Vision, Mission and Strategy. And also inthisapplication you can listen to the national anthem, IndonesiaRaya,the song Garuda Indonesia, as well Fatherland. A glimpseofIndonesia, Republic of Indonesia abbreviated RI or Indonesia isacountry in East Asia, located on the equator and locatedbetweenAsia and Australia and between the Pacific and IndianOceans.Because it lies in between the two continents and twooceans, healso called Nusantara (Reuters Islands). Consists of17,508islands, Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.With apopulation of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is thefourthmost populous country in the world and the most populousMuslimcountry in the world, although it is not officially anIslamicstate. Indonesia is a republic form of government, the HouseofRepresentatives and the president is elected directly. Jakartaisthe country's capital. Indonesia is bordered by Malaysia onBorneoisland, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua and EastTimoron the island of Timor. Other neighboring countriesincludeSingapore, Philippines, Australia, and the union territoryAndamanand Nicobar Islands in India. Indonesian history influencedby manyother nations. Indonesian archipelago became an importanttraderegion since at least the 7th century, when Srivijayakingdomreligion and trade relations with China and India. Hindukingdomsand Buddhism has grown in the early centuries AD, followedby thetraders who brought Islam, as well as various Europeanpowersfought one another to monopolize the spice trade in theMoluccasduring the era of ocean exploration. After about 350 yearsof Dutchcolonialism, Indonesia declared its independence at the endofWorld War II. Indonesia subsequently challenged bynaturaldisasters, corruption, separatism, a democratizationprocess, andperiods of rapid economic change. From Sabang toMerauke, Indonesiaconsists of various ethnic groups, languages​​and religions. TheJavanese are the largest ethnic group and mostpoliticallydominant. Indonesia's national motto, \ "Unity inDiversity \" (\"It varies, but still one \"), articulates thediversity thatshapes the country. In addition to its largepopulation and denselyregions, Indonesia has vast areas ofwilderness that support thelevel of biodiversity in the world'ssecond largest.
Marbel Music + Piano for Kids
Educa Studio
Hi, Marbel Music has come to help kidslearningmusic instruments and its sounds. A lot of features areprovided,such as: Learning piano’s tone, playing piano with funnyanimal’svoice, and also frog orchestra! Throughout thisapplication, kidsare able to learn music in a fun way.Main Features- Learning tone and its vocal (solfeggio)- Learning music instruments- Learning sound of music instruments- Learning piano in variety tone- Six different animal’s sounds- Learning orchestra with frogs- Learning style of music at the Music House- Acquainting with music parade through beautiful songs.Available in two languages- English- Bahasa IndonesiaAbout MARBELMarbel, which is an abbreviation of MARI BELAJAR SAMBILBERMAIN(Let’s Learn while Play), is one of top Educa Studioproducts thathave released more than 280 series. Educa Studioitself has beenfocusing on education since 2012 until now.Support#Website: [email protected]
Marbel Belajar Huruf Alfabet
Educa Studio
Marbel Belajar Huruf - Aplikasi pendidikanyangmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal huruf a sampai hurufz.Mencakup huruf besar dan huruf kecil. Aplikasi ini didesainkhususuntuk anak-anak usia 2 s/d 6 tahun. Ayo bunda, kita ajakanak-anakuntuk belajar mengenal huruf sejak dini.Bersama Marbel belajar huruf, anak-anak akan dikenalkan padaduniabelajar yang lebih menyenangkan. Selesai belajar, merekabisamemainkan beberapa permainan edukasi yang menarik untukmengujikemampuan mereka. Sejauh apakah kemampuan si buah hati..??Ayookita uji mereka lewat Marbel Belajar Huruf.Marbel menggabungkan konsep belajar dan bermain menjadisatusehingga melahirkan cara belajar yang lebih menyenangkan.Materiakan disajikan dalam bentuk yang menarik dilengkapi denganGambar +Sound Narasi + Animasi untuk menarik minat anak-anak dalambelajar.Selanjutnya, mereka bisa mengasah kemampuan melaluipermainanedukasi yang disediakan.PAKET BELAJAR INTERAKTIF# Belajar huruf besar dan huruf kecil secara mandiri# Belajar huruf besar dan huruf kecil mode otomatis# Belajar huruf dan nama-nama bendaPAKET GAME EDUKASI ANAK# Tebak Huruf# Pecah Balon Huruf# Gelembung Huruf# Tebak Bayangan# Kuis Tebak Gambar# Tangkap Huruf# Puzzle JigsawKELEBIHAN SERIAL APLIKASI MARBEL# Gambar dan animasi yang menarik.# Dilengkapi dengan Narasi untuk membantu anak-anak yangbelumlancar membaca.# Lagu ANAK ABC, belajar Huruf semakin Mudah!Aplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, game edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif.TENTANG MARBELMarbel adalah aplikasi pendidikan khusus untuk anak-anak usia 2s/d8 tahun. Bersama Marbel, anak-anak bisa belajar banyak haldengancara yang menyenangkan. Tersedia materi pembelajaran yangakanmembantu anak-anak dalam belajar mengenal sesuatu misalnyasajahuruf, angka, buah, sayur, hewat, alat-alat transpotasi, warna,danmasih banyak lainnya. Yang paling menarik dari marbel adalah:Permainan edukasi yang menyenangkan. Ada berbagai macampermainanyang akan menguji kemampuan mereka. Permainan itu terdiridari :tepat cepat, ketangkasan, daya ingat, kecerdikan, asah otakdanmasih banyak lainnya. Marbel dilengkapi dengan gambar dananimasiyang menarik, musik orisinil, serta narasi panduan yangbergunabagi anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.BANTU PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan masukan dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Educa Studio:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :) Om telolet omMarbel Learning Letter-educational application that helps children learn to recognizetheletters a through z. Include uppercase and lowercase letters.Thisapplication is specially designed for children ages 2 s / d6years. Come mothers, we take the kids to learn to recognizelettersearly.Together Marbel learn letters, children will be introduced totheworld of learning more enjoyable. Finish studying, they canplaysome interesting educational games to test their skills. As faraswhether the ability of the baby .. ?? Ayoo we test themthroughMarbel Learning Letter.Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into onethatgave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The materialwillbe presented in an attractive form comes with Image +SoundNarrative + animation to attract children's interest inlearning.Furthermore, they can hone skills through educationalgamesprovided.INTERACTIVE LEARNING PACKAGE# Study uppercase and lowercase letters independently# Study uppercase and lowercase automatic mode# Learning letters and names of objectsGAME PACKAGE CHILD EDUCATION# Guess Letters# Broke Balloon Letter# Bubble Letter# Guess Shadows# Quiz Guess Pictures# Capture LetterJigsaw Puzzle #EXCESS APPLICATION SERIAL Marbel# Image and interesting animation.# Equipped with narrative to help children who have notreadfluently.# Song CHILDREN ABC, Letter learn more and Easy!These applications can be classified into children's learningapps,educational apps, educational games, book learning,interactivelearning.ON MarbelMarbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s /d8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things inafun way. There are teaching materials that will help childrentolearn about something, for example only letters, numbers,fruits,vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and manymore.The most interesting of Marbel is: a fun educational game.There isa wide variety of games that will test their skills. Thegameconsists of: right quick, dexterity, memory, ingenuity,brainteasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interestingpicturesand animations, original music, and narration useful guideforchildren who have not read fluently.DEVELOPMENT AID APPLICATIONSWe expect your feedback and suggestions, please feel free to senditto:# Email: [email protected] information about Educa Studio:# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there'snoharm in trying the application Marbel. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tolearn,along Marbel course .. :) Om om telolet
Lagu Anak Terbaru - Gratis!
Educa Studio
Halo Anak Indonesia..!!Siapa yang suka menyanyi? Pasti semua anak Indonesia sukamenyanyikan? Kali ini KOLAK < Seri Koleksi Lagu Anak> inginmengajaksemua anak Indonesia untuk bernyanyi bersama. Lagu anakkali inidiciptakan oleh Kak. DODI. Ada 8 lagu yang menarik danasyikdinyanyikan. Sekali mendengar, kalian pasti bisamenirukannya.KOLAK juga dilengkapi dengan gambar dan animasi yangmenariksehingga anak-anak tidak akan bosan dan terus tertarikuntukbelajar bernyanyi. Ayo kita intip lagu apa saja yang ada:DAFTAR LAGU ANAK INDONESIA1. Semangat!2. Cinta Seorang Ibu3. Anak yang Baik4. Ayo Belajar5. Bangga jadi Anak Indonesia6. Terimakasih Guruku7. Sahabat yang Baik8. Alam yang IndahLagu Anak ciptaan Kak Dodi ini berisi pesan-pesan moral yangbagusuntuk anak-anak. Misalnya saja ajakan untuk semangatbelajar,ungkapan kasih sayangs eorang ibu yang tak akan pernahhabis,ciri-ciri anak yang baik, ajakan untuk mencintai bangsaIndonesiadan masih banyak lainnya.TENTANG KOLAKKOLAK adalah aplikasi yang berisi lagu-lagu anak. Baik itu laguAnakIndonesia populer, Lagu anak dunia ataupun lagu anakCiptaansendiri. Lagua anak dikeluarkan secara series. Setiap seripastidilengkapi dengan animasi yang menarik serta narasi yangbisamembantu anak-anak yang belum lancar membaca.BANTU PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI INIKami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :# Email: [email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Lagu Anak (KOLAK):# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioBagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain dan bernyanyi,takada salahnya mencoba aplikasi KOLAK. Anak-anak takhanyamendapatkan kesenangan dalam bermain, namun juga ilmuyangbermanfaat. Belajar sambil bermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayookitatemani anak-anak bernyanyi, bersama KOLAK tentunya.. :)Hello Kids Indonesia..!!Who likes to sing? Definitely all Indonesian children love tosing,right? This time compote Indonesia would like to invite allthechildren to sing along. Child songs this time created by Kak.DODI.There are 8 songs are interesting and fun sung. Once heard,youcertainly can imitate. Compote is also equipped withattractiveimages and animations so that children will not be bored,andcontinue to be interested in learning to sing. Let's find outwhatsongs are there:SONG OF CHILDREN INDONESIA1. Excitement!2. Love of a Mother3. Children Good4. Let's Learn5. Proud to be the Son of Indonesia6. Thank you my teacher7. Good Friends8. Nature BeautifulKids Songs creation Dodi Kak contains a moral message that isgreatfor kids. For example, a call to the spirit of learning,theexpression of love sayangs eorang mother will never run out,thecharacteristics of a good son, an invitation to love the peopleofIndonesia and many more.ON compoteKolak is an application that contains the songs of children.Whetherit's a popular song Anak Indonesia, the world of childrensongs orrhymes of Creation itself. Lagua children issued series.Each seriescertainly comes with attractive animation and narrationthat helpschildren who have not read fluently.DEVELOPMENT AID APPLICATIONSWe expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:# Email: [email protected] information about Kids Song (compote):# Website: Facebook: Twitter: @educastudio# Instagram: Educa StudioFor mothers who like to accompany the children to play andsing,it's worth trying application compote. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tosing,along with compote of course .. :)
Kids Song Interactive 03 Lite 1.04
Hicca Studios
Kids Song InteractiveContains children rhyme and beautiful animation.Combininginteractive media and audio visual animation help todlerto sing.Kids Song 03Contain Old Mc Donald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, HappyBirthday.Childern popular Rhyme.Through an animated character Uwa and Friends, we invitechildrenlearn singing simultaneously interact with Uwa, Mica, Pito.So theyare not easy bored and can played anywhere and anytime.★★★ UNLOCK VERSION ★★★✔ Sing Along Mode✔ Ads Free✔ Full 30+ Animations★★★ MORE FEATURES ★★★✔ Enjoy 3 kids popular song for children 0-5 years✔ The lyrics are easy to read✔ More than 30 animations and items to interact✔ Cute illustrations with beautiful colors✔ Funny sound effects from Uwa, Mica, Pito✔ You can play music without any network connections★★★ PLAYLIST★★★✔ Old Mc Donald had a Farm✔ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star✔ Happy Birthday to you
Kids Song 1.1.0
Kepo App
Collection of children songs (Indonesian and English)withinteresting video animation that kids will love.List of Indonesian songs :- Aku Pasti Bisa- Ayo Berhitung- Balonku- Bangun Tidur- Belajar Berdoa- Bentuk dan Warna- Bintang Kecil- Burung Hantu- Burung Kakak Tua- Disini Senang Disana Senang- Lihat Kebunku- Naik Naik Ke Puncak Gunung- Potong Bebek Angsa- Topi Saya Bundar- Taman Kanak KanakList of Indonesian national songs :- Halo Halo Bandung- Indonesia Raya- Maju Tak Gentar- Garuda Pancasila- Hari Merdeka- Berkibarlah BenderakuList of English nursery rhymes :- 123 Song- ABC Song- Nursery Rhymes Compilation- Bingo- Finger Family- Hickory Dickory Dock- Old McDonald- Rain Rain Go Away- Ten in The Bed- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- Wheel On The BusDisclaimer:* This application does not host the videos at all the abovearetaken from YouTube.* This application does not have control over the videos thatareowned by the YouTube users because we do not have anything todowith those users.* All videos collected by this application in the show what itiswithout any editing and changes by this application.
Animal sounds for kids 9.0.0
Ursa Games
Animal sounds for children to know different animals andtheirsounds
Cerita Anak: Kancil dan Buaya
Educa Studio
RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif &GameEdukasi) hadir dengan kisah baru : RIRI - KANCIL DAN BUAYA.Dongengini sangat populer di masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam dongengkali ini,menceritakan tentang kecerdikan si Kancil yang berhasilmenipu parabuaya. Suatu hari, Kancil bermahsud untuk menyebrangisebuah sungaiyang begitu besar. Karena ia tak bisa berenang, iapunmencarisebuah ide. Saat ia melihat ada seekor buaya sedang tidur,ia punmenjalankan rencananya. Hmm.. apa ya rencana si Kancil?? Danapakahia berhasil menyebrangi sungai itu? Ikuti kisah selengkapnyayaa..Dongeng tentang Kancil dan Buaya ini sangat menarik lho.Sayangkalau dilewatkan!RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif) berusaha menghadirkan sebuahaplikasibuku cerita anak dan dongeng yang menarik dan interaktif.Dikemasmenggunakan bahasa yang ringan, sehingga mudah dimengertiolehanak-anak. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi, suarasertamusik pendukung yang menjadikan lebih menarik.POINT KHUSUS-----------------------------------------1. Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis2. Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri3. Animasi yang menarik4. Permainan edukasi yang mendidik (belajar warna,berhitung,puzzle, labirint, ketangkasan,)5. Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup6. Cocok untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :[email protected] lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi yang suka berburu buku cerita anak ataupun buku dongeng,RIRImenjadi pilihan yang tepat. Downlaod sekarang juga, dantemukankeasyikan didalamnya.RIRI(Children'sInteractive Stories & Games Education) comes with anew story:RIRI - the hare AND VERA. This fairy tale is very popularinIndonesia society. In this fairy tale, tells the story ofthecunning hare who managed to deceive the crocodile. One day,thehare bermahsud to cross a river that is so great. Because hecouldnot swim, she began to look for an idea. When he saw there wasacrocodile was sleeping, he was running his plan. Hmm .. whatyaplan Kancil ?? And if he managed to cross the river? Followthefull story yaa .. Tales of the hare and the crocodile isveryinteresting you know. Unfortunately that is passed!RIRI (Interactive Children's Story) trying to present anapplicationand a children's story book tale interesting andinteractive.Packaged using mild language, so it is easilyunderstood bychildren. The application comes with animation, soundand musicsupporters who made more attractive.SPECIAL POINT-----------------------------------------1. Narrative Story Book with Automatic2. Story Books to Read Alone mode3. Animation interesting4. The game educates education (learning colors, counting,puzzle,labyrinth, agility)5. Music and Audio which makes the story come alive6. Suitable for childrenThese applications can be classified into the applicationTaleChildren, Children's Interactive Stories, Folklore, OriginsofRegional, Local Stories. It is suitable for children :)regarding RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI a series of interactive children's book on the themeoffolklore native of Indonesia and fables from around the world.Allthis folklore and fairy tales packaged in an interactive,servedwith the feel of a typical Indonesia. This children's bookcan beused by children who can not read through narration andanimationautomatically. For children who can read can use the ReadAlonemode. In addition to the Interactive Children's story books,eachseries provided educational games for children that educatelikeColors, Numbers, Numeracy and much more.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:[email protected] information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioFor those who like to hunt a children's book or a book offairytales, RIRI be the right choice. Downlaod now, and find thefun init.
Belajar Membaca Bersama Marbel 5.1.6
Educa Studio
Applications to learn to spell letters and words forpreschool,kindergarten, elementary age