Top 32 Apps Similar to GitHub Trends

OctoDroid for GitHub 4.6.10
Azwan Adli
Octodroid provides access to GitHub and stay connected toyournetworks.
Top Github 1.3
Finding GitHub trending repositories hasneverbeen easier, just choose the programming language and findwhat thecommunity is excited about!All the GitHub programming languages are supported.This app is open source, you can find the source codeat:
FastHub for GitHub 4.7.3
Fast Access
If you are using CM rom do not install the app, CM theme enginehasa bug and that will result on soft breaking your phone onceyouinstall the app. Welcome to FastHub . FastHub is yet anotheropensource unofficial GitHub client app but unlike any otherapp,FastHub built from ground up. Features - App - Three logintypes(Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (OAuth) - MultipleAccounts -Enterprise Accounts - Themes mode - Offline-mode -Markdown andcode highlighting support - Notifications overview and"Mark all asread" - Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs &code. - PinnedRepos - Trending - Wiki - Repositories - Browse &Read Wiki -Make commits - Search Repos - Browse and search Repos -See yourpublic, private and forked Repos - Filter Branches andCommits -Watch, star and fork Repos - Download releases, files andbranches- Issues and Pull Requests - Search Issues/PRs - FilterIssues/PRs- Long click to peak Issues/PRs & add comments otg.-Open/close Issues/PRs - Comment on Issues/PRs - ManageIssue/PRcomments - React to comments with reactions - EditIssues/PRs -Lock/unlock conversation in Issues/PRs - Assign peopleand addLabels and Milestones to Issues/PRs - Manage Milestones -Merge PRs- PRs reviews (reply, react with emojies, delete &editcomment) - PRs request review changes/approve & comment. -PRsstatuses - Commits and Gists - Search Code/Gists - View Gistsandtheir files - Comment on Commits/Gists - ManageCommit/Gistcomments - Create/Delete Gists - React to Commitcomments withreactions - Comment on line number in Files/Codechanges. - Orgs -Overview - Feeds - Teams & Teams repos - Repos- Users -Follow/Unfollow users - View user feeds - Contributiongraph. -Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code - Muchmore...FastHub is actively developed. More features will come!Warning!This application may work incorrectly on discontinuedCyanogenModfirmware. Since this is a bug of discontinued modifiedoperatingsystem, we can do nothing about it. Please, think ofupgrading toLineageOS instead of writing bad reviews. FAQ Why can'tI see myOrganizations either Private or Public ones? Openup and look for FastHub,openit then scroll to Organization access and click on GrantButton,alternatively login via Access Token which will ease thissetup. Itried to login via Access Token & OTP but it does notwork? Youcan't login via Access Token & OTP all together due tothelifetime of the OTP code, you'll be required to login in everyfewseconds. Why my Private Repo Wiki does not show up? It's duetoFastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & Private Reposrequiresession token that FastHub doesn't have. I login withEnterpriseaccount but can't interact with anything other than myEnterpriseGitHub? Well, logically, you can't access anything elseother thanyour Enterprise, but FastHub made that possible but can'tdo muchabout it, in most cases since your login credential doesn'texistsin GitHub server. But in few cases your GitHub account Oauthtokenwill do the trick. You love FastHub? You want new features orbugfixes? Please contribute to the open source project(GitHubProject) either by creating PR or submitting an issueticket.
PocketHub for GitHub 0.5.1
This is the successor to the old GitHub app!
ForkHub for GitHub 1.2.9
GitHub client based on the abandoned official app.
My GitHub 2.0.10
GitHub Mobile (Third party)
Github Repo Trends 2.1
Wenchao Lao
"Github Repo Trends" is aGitHubTrendingrepositories Explorer withMaterialDesign.("Github Repo Trends" supports more than 50+ programlanguagesandyou are free to add/remove/sort them."Github Repo Trends" supports nine kinds of color themes."Github Repo Trends" is also open sourceinGithub.(***NOTICE****"Github Repo Trends" is NOT an official app of program languages list: (Sorted by A-Z)ActionScript, ApacheConf, Assembly, Batchfile, C, C++,C#,CMake,CSS, Clojure, CoffeeScript, Common Lisp, Crystal, D,Dart,Elixir,Emacs Lisp, Erlang, F#, Game Maker Language, Go,Groovy,HTML,Haskell, Haxe, Inno Setup, Java, JavaScript,Julia,Kotlin,LiveScript, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, NSIS,Nimrod,OCaml,Objective-C, Objective-C++, PHP, PLSQL, Pascal,Perl,PostScript,PowerShell, Python, QML, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala,Scheme,Shell,SuperCollider, Swift, TeX, TypeScript, Verilog,XSLT.Developed by laowch.
Git Contributions Widget 1.3.3
Widget that shows your GitHub contributions calendar.
ModernHub for GitHub 1.1
A Fork of the official GitHub app with somebugfixes and new features.If you have any questions or comments you can email us atthefollowing Mail address:[email protected]
Offline Survival Manual 4.2.8
Survival Manual to help you overcome hard situationswithoutinternet (offline)
Stars for GitHub 1.0.4
Most starred projects in your favorite programming languages.
CodeSearch for GitHub 0.1.7
This repository is an Android application that you can searchcodein an repository. Then if you sign in, you can your timelineoryour repository list. I will only write anRxjava(RxAndroid)Sample, but I thought it's useful that create anactual Androidapplication.
Analyzer for GitHub 1.0.0
Programe 365 dias seguidos,reunimosasinformações mais relevantes de sua conta GitHub paratedeixarmotivado. Nesse aplicativo você poderá checar seusrecordesdecontribuições, ver seus seguidores, seus repositórios,sua médiadecontribuições diárias entre outros. Não deixe nenhum diapassarembranco.Schedule 365 days inarow,we gather the most relevant information for yourGitHubaccount tokeep you motivated. In this application you cancheckyour records ofcontributions, see his followers,theirrepositories, their averagedaily contributions among others.Donot let any day go blank.
CUPS Printing 1.5.0
Print directly from your Android device to your local CUPS printers
WiFi Analyzer (open-source)
Optimize your WiFi network using WiFi Analyzer (open-source)
Hubbub 2.0
Hubbub is a lightweight app that can help developers to knowwhetheror not there are issues with connecting to GitHub'sservices. Backedby the reliable GitHub Status API, Hubbub is asimple app thatdisplays the current status of various GitHubservices, and alsoreports recent messages sent by real humanbeings on the GitHub teamdescribing any ongoing issues that arebeing investigated. Hubbubalso allows you to receive pushnotifications for up-to-the-minuteinfo whenever GitHub isexperiencing service outages. Just tap thesettings icon on themain screen to change your notificationsettings. **This app is notaffiliated in any way with GitHub.**Hubbub is open-sourced onGitHub! (so meta) Check it out –
GitHub Contribute Notifier 1.0.1
Github Contribute Notifier is an androidapptohelp you keep your commits streak to GitHub. It showsyourcommitsfor last month/week and how long is your current streak.Italsoshows notification after 2 PM, if you haven'tcommittodayyet.
Max Lv
Shadowsocks is ahigh-performancecross-platform secured socks5 proxy. It will helpyou surf theinternet privately and securely.*NOTE: You may need to unisntall and reinstall the app,afterupgrading to 3.x or above.*FEATURES1. Bleeding edge techniques with Asynchronous I/O andEvent-drivenprogramming.2. Low resource comsumption, suitable for low end boxes andembeddeddevices.3. Avaliable on multiple platforms, including PC, MAC,Mobile(Android and iOS) and Routers (OpenWRT).4. Open source implementions in python, node.js, golang, C#,andpure C.Visit our project site for moredetails:https://www.shadowsocks.orgSETUP1. To setup your own server, please referto: To view the source codes or build your own apk, please referto: (C) 2016 by Max LvCopyright (C) 2016 by Mygod StudioThis program is free software: you can redistribute it and/ormodifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License aspublished bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of theLicense, or(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrantyofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNUGeneral Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General PublicLicensealong with this program. If not,see open source licenses can be foundhere:
Calendar Notifications Plus [L 4.0.19-legacy
Snooze calendar event notifications, get reminded aboutmissedappointments
Github Metrics: ReportCard 1.3
This app will generate overview ofanygithubuser's profile-Will display rating based on contrbutions , number offollower,stars and many other factor's-Contribution to other major projects is alsotakenintoconsideration- Its a one click app to reduce manuall tedious jobofevaluatingdeveloper's github profile. 0.4.5
We give GitHub Issuesproject-trackingsuperpowers. See the whole picture, use yourfavorite third-partytools and get your project shipping on time.Build. Maintain. Organize. Collaborate.
Pocket Git 1.5
A powerful Android Git client
Jenkins 2.4.1
The Jenkins Android app is anunofficialJenkins client for the Android platform. Not only can youeasilyaccess every detail of every job that you have on yourJenkinsinstallation, you can install the APK artifacts of yourAndroidjobs right from within the app for blazingly fast accessandinstall of the very latest APK!Some of the features of this app:• Support for multiple accounts• Browse through all builds and jobs• Download, install (APKs) or share any artifact ofyourbuilds• Trigger builds with parameters• Unit-test results• Console outputs• Job monitoring• Homescreen status widget• Node status• User list• Build queue• Support for viewsSupported Plugins:• Custom Build Numbers plugin• Promoted Builds plugin• Green Balls plugin• Folders pluginWe'd love to hear your feedback so we can make the appbetter!Please write us at [email protected]
Minimal To Do 1.2
A minimal todo app that helps you be more productive.
Gitskarios for Enterprise 2.9.3
Access seamlessly to your GitHub accountfromanew and fresh app from your device!Check your GitHub repositories, who you follow, whofollowsyouand your favorite repositories among many otherthings.Everything with github account, andgithubenterpriseaccounts!This is NOT and official Github [Enterprise] application
Omni Notes
Open-source note taking application,designedto be lightweight and simple without giving upsmartbehavior.Follow the developments and post your comments and advice onGoogle+Beta Comunityat help in translating the app is welcome. Send me an e-mailIfyou want to lend a hand !Current features:☆ Material Design interface☆ Basic add, modify, archive, trash and delete notes actions☆ Share, merge and search notes☆ Image, audio and generic file attachments☆ Manage your notes using tags and categories☆ To-do list☆ Sketch-note mode☆ Notes shortcut on home screen☆ Export/import notes to backup☆ Google Now integration: just tell "write a note" followed bythecontent☆ Multiple widgets, DashClock extension, Android 4.2lockscreencompatibility☆ Multilanguage: 30 languagessupported:
Git:Pocket Reference 1.0.0
Git summarizes commonly used Git command line instructions forquickreference.
Git client for Android
Simple TV Launcher
A very simple TV Launcher !
Python Builtins 1.01
Python builtins provides an easy way to select and displaybuiltinsfunction delivered with the Python programming language.alldocumented functions are based on version 3.x. This projectisbased on Python Builtins, an open project hosted in Github.Moreabout the official project: about Python: More changes are comming.Thanks for Download
REST Api Client Android 1.13
SN Software
Test Rest API's and Cloud messaging notifications On-The-Go