Top 14 Games Similar to Dev Suspension

Your road book to participate in the Raid mountain bike paths ofthesun. 1.3
Rando VTT Bretagne, le magazine.Toute l'information du VTT, de la Bretagne à l'international:- calendrier des randos et compétitions VTT de Bretagne- classements- résumé- vidéos- tests- annuaire- conseils d'entrainement...Rando VTTBritainmagazine.All the information of mountain biking, Britain abroad:- Schedule of hikes and mountain bike competitions Britain- Rankings- Summary- Video- Tests- Directory- Training advice ...
VTT Île de France 2.0.1
VTT Île de France regroupe la liste destouslesévènements organisés par les différents clubs de larégion(FFCT,UFOLEP…)Une recherche par géolocalisation ou par département vouspermetdetrouver facilement les randonnées proches de chezvous,classéespar date, jusqu’à deux mois à l’avance.Pour chaque évènement, vous pourrez trouver lesdifférentsparcours(distance et dénivelé), le point de rendez vousainsi queleshoraires de départs.ATV Île deFranceincludesa list of all events organized by the different clubsinthe area(FFCT, UFOLEP ...)A search by geolocation or department you can easily findtheclosesthiking you, sorted by date, up to two monthsinadvance.For each event, you can find the different courses(distanceandelevation), the meeting point and departuresschedules.
Vélo 101 1.03
Sport 101
Restez au contact de l'actualité ducyclisme(pros, amateurs, cyclosport, VTT, cyclocross...) entéléchargeantgratuitement l'appli Vélo 101. Soyez informés desévènements endirect grâce aux pushs sur votre smartphone etconsultezl'actualité, les résultats, des photos et vidéos, lesinterviews,les tests ainsi que les fiches coureurs depuis votremobile.Stay in touch with newsofcycling (pros, amateurs, cyclosport, mountain biking,cyclocross...) by downloading the free app Bike 101. Be informed ofliveevents through pushs on your smartphone and check the latestnews,results, photos and videos, interviews, tests and sheetsrunnersfrom your mobile.
Dev-suspension 0.0.1
Fan de VTT, simple amateuroucompétiteur,n’avez vous jamais rêvé d’optimiser votremonture pour plus de performance ou deconfortauquotidien ?Vous serez peut être surpris d’apprendre qu’un bon réglagedevossuspensions peutfaire une vraie différence !Pensée et créée par des passionnés, Dev suspensionestuneapplication mobile dédiée àces fameux réglages.Lancez l’application, sélectionnez votre modèle defourche,desuspension ou même devélo et vous trouverez directement le réglage adaptéàvotreobjectif !Si vous pouviez déjà régler vos suspensionsselonlesrecommandations desconstructeurs, Dev suspension va beaucoup plus loinenproposantmême de prendre encompte le poids du pilote !Tout ça, c’est un peu grâce à vous : le vélo estunepassionet c’est la communautécycliste qui ajoutera tous les joursdenouveauxréglages !Ces mêmes utilisateurs voteront pour leurs réglagesfavorisetpermettront ainsi aucycliste amateur de choisir le pluspopulairesansattendre !Équipez dès maintenant votre smartphoneavecDev’Suspension !Êtes vous prêt pour le prochain ride ?Fan of mountainbiking,orsimple amateur competitor, have you ever dreamed tooptimizeyourmount for performance and comfort in everyday life?You may be surprised to learn that a good adjustmentofyoursuspension canmake a real difference!Thought and created by passionate, Dev suspension isamobileapplication dedicated tothese famous settings.Launch the app, select your fork model, suspension or evenbike and you will find directly setting for your goal!If you can already adjust your suspension as recommendedbuilders, Dev suspension goes much further evenofferingtotakeaccount the weight of the driver!All this is a bit thanks to you: cycling is a passion anditisthe communitycyclist will add daily new settings!These same users will vote for their favorite settingsandthusenable theamateur cyclist to choose the most popular immediately!Equip now your smartphone with Dev 'Suspension!Are you ready for the next ride?
MyBikeSetup 2.2.4
Always have your bike configuration in your pocket.
Mountain Biking 1.0
Mountain biking is the sport ofridingbicyclesoff-road, often over rough terrain, usingspeciallydesignedmountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similaritieswithother bikes,but incorporate features designed toenhancedurability andperformance in rough terrain.Mountain biking can generally be broken downintomultiplecategories: cross country, trail riding, allmountain(alsoreferred to as "Enduro"), downhill, freeride anddirtjumping.However, the majority of mountain biking falls intothecategoriesof Trail and Cross Country riding styles.This individual sport requires endurance, corestrengthandbalance, bike handling skills, and self-reliance.Advancedriderspursue both steep technical descents and high inclineclimbs.Inthe case of freeriding, downhilling, and dirtjumping,aerialmanoeuvres are performed off both natural featuresandspeciallyconstructed jumps and ramps.Mountain biking can be performed almost anywhere from abackyardto a gravel road, but the majority of mountain bikersrideoff-roadtrails, whether country back roads, fire roads,orsingletrack(narrow trails that wind through forests,mountains,deserts, orfields).There are aspects of mountain biking that are moresimilartotrail running than regular bicycling. Because riders areoftenfarfrom civilization, there is a strong ethic of self-relianceinthesport. Riders learn to repair their broken bikes or flattirestoavoid being stranded miles from help.Many riders will carry a backpack, including awaterbladder,containing all the essential tools and equipmentfortrailsiderepairs, and many riders also carry emergency suppliesinthe caseof injury miles from outside help. Club rides andotherforms ofgroup rides are common, especially on longer treks.Acombinationsport named mountain bike orienteering adds the skillofmapnavigation to mountain biking.
Chain: mountain bike news 0.13.0
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Measures bike - plus 2.61
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Track Cycling 1.0
Track Cycling Is Your Best Android AppIfYouWant To Learn everything about Track Cycling.Track cycling has been around since no less than 1870. Atthepointwhen cycling was in its early stages, wooden indoortrackswerelaid which take after those of current velodromes,comprisingoftwo straights and somewhat managed an accountturns.One claim of indoor track hustling was that observerscouldbeeffectively controlled, track cycling bikes andconsequentlyanextra charge could be charged, making track dashingalucrativegame. Early track races pulled in hordes of up to2000individuals.Indoor tracks likewise empowered year-roundcyclingsurprisingly.The principle early places for track dashinginBritain wereBirmingham, Sheffield, Liverpool, ManchesterandLondon.The most discernible changes in over a century oftrackcyclinghave concerned the bicycles themselves, built to belighterandmore streamlined to empower ever-quicker times.Except for the 1912 Olympics, track cycling hasbeenhighlightedin each advanced Olympic Games. Ladies' trackcyclingwas initiallyincorporated into the present day Olympicsin1988.Streamlined drag is a critical calculate both streetandtrackdashing. Edges are regularly built of formed carbon fiber,foralightweight plan, albeit all the more generally edgesaredevelopedfrom steel, aluminum, or other metal combinations. Allthemore asof late, track (and street) bicycles have utilizedairfoilplans onthe containers of the casing to diminishstreamlineddrag.On a devoted track bike there are couple of parts,withnorequirement for brakes or derailleurs (and thuslyshifters).Truthbe told the main moving part on a bike is thedrivetrain,cyclingtrack which incorporates the wrenches, pedals,thesinglechainring, one machine gear-piece altered to thecenterpointwithout a freewheel component and the chain itself.Due to this the requirement for streamlined partsisminimized,and the streamlined to weight proportionmakesstreamlinedcomponentry, uci track cycling at present, athoughtwith a largernumber of cons than geniuses. Indeed, even instreetcycling today,track cycling gearing parts (aside from brakesandnow and againshifters) are not normally made streamlined, evenintime trial and"air" street bicycles.Given the significance of streamlined features,theriders'sitting position turns out to be critical. Theridingposition islike the street dashing position, track cyclingeventshowever isat last subject to the edge geometry of the bikeand thehandlebarsutilized.Handlebars on track bicycles utilized for longeroccasions,forexample, the focuses race are like the drop bars foundonstreetbikes. In any case, in the sprint occasion therider'sposition ismore outrageous contrasted and a streetrider.The bars are lower and the seat is higher and moreforward.Barsare regularly smaller with a more profound drop.Steelbars,instead of lighter amalgams or carbon fiber, indoorcyclingtrackare still utilized by numerous sprinters for theirhigherunbendingnature and solidness.Download Track Cycling App It's FREE!
vtt-nivernais 1.0
L'application pour suivre les mises àjourdessorties, de la galerie photos et des blogs duvttnivernais.Et plus encore tel le contact possible avec les responsablesdelastructure, vous guidez sur le lieu du prochainrendez-vousparexemple.Nombreux paramètres ajustable pour suivre ou êtreinformédesévénements lié à la vie du club ou desévénementsorganisé.The applicationtotrackday outings updates, gallery photos and blogsnivernaisbike.And more as possible contact with the managers of thestructure,youguide the location of the next meeting forexample.Many adjustable parameters to monitor or be informed ofeventslinkedto the life of the club or organized events.
Cycles AJP 1.0
Shop Bicycle / mountain
Club VTT de la Matapédia 2.2.1
The must have application to explore thetrailsof the Club VTT de la Matapédia.- View and search points of interest such as gasstations,tourist attractions, accomodations and many others!- Locate and position yourself on the map with yourdevice'sintegrated GPS.- Explore new trails thanks to application's suggested routes.All trails and points of interest are updated frequently.
Serre Chevalier 22.1.2
Your essential tool for a successful stay in Serre Chevalier!