Top 16 Apps Similar to My Wine

Delectable Wine - Scan & Rate
Take a photo of a wine label and instantlygetratings and descriptions with Delectable, thecritically-acclaimedfree app that helps you get access to theworld's best wine. Keeptrack of your favorites and learn more aboutwine by following theworld's leading winemakers, sommeliers andwine critics. Buy winesyou love from your phone. And all this worksfor beer and spiritstoo!ACCESS THE WORLD'S BEST WINE• Follow top sommeliers, winemakers, and wine pros• Explore curated lists and discover your next favorite wine• Buy wine right from your phone and we’ll deliver it toyourdoorstepPERSONAL WINE JOURNAL• Add your own ratings and tasting notes to keep track ofyourfavorites• Tag people and locations to remember great times andgreattastes• Share recommendations with friendsFIND NEW WINES• Follow top sommeliers, winemakers, and wine pros• Explore curated lists and discover your next favorite wine• Buy wine right from your phone and we’ll deliver it toyourdoorstepWHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT DELECTABLE“The Essential Wine App” — James Beard award winnerJordanMackay"The Only Wine App Worth a ****" — Alder Yarrow,“A wine app that could revolutionize drinking” — DavidWhite, ( to experience the latest version of Delectable before itgetsreleased? Join our beta program here:(
Wine Dictionary 2.3.2
Learn what wine words mean, and how to pronounce them.
My Cellar 3.0.1
Record, find and share all your wines
Wineries of Spain - Wines 2.0.8
Directory of wineries and wines with denomination of origin inSpain
Wine Catalog 1.0
WineCatalog is a small app that helps you keep track of winesyou'vetaste.
El sommelier - wine pairing 3.0
The Sommelier is an app that lets youfindthewine that best suits to accompany your dishes.Choose a dish from the list of meals and thesommelierwillrecommend the most suitable types of wines to enjoythe flavorsofyour food and wine that accompanies them, as well asabriefdescription of why it is advisable to opt for thesewines.We also added wine brands of international stature withitspricein dollars, you will find a wide variety of winesfromchampagne,moscato and merlot to sweet wines, so you’ll haveatyour disposal awide range of bottles to choose the one thatbestfits yourrequirements.The app features:- List of dishes to pair with wines.- Types of grapes or wines that best match with eachofthedishes.- Explanation of why each wine pairs with a specific meal.- Images of the types of grapes and dishes.- List of brands and bottles with nationality andapproximatepricein dollars.- No need internet connection to use it.How to use:Simply select a dish of the list of foods that we present,maybecheese, fish, seasoned meats, among other dishes, the app asawinesteward, will recommend the best type of grapes to pairingwiththedish, plus a brief description of why it is delectable tooptforthese wines and get a better tasting. In addition,whenselectingthe type of grape the app shows you a list of brandsofwines, theapproximate price in dollars and the nationality ofthebottle, soeven if you are not a wine connoisseur can learntoenjoy winepairings.Download the app and enjoy your meals accompanied byagoodwine.
Wine Guide 0.0.2
Deyan Vatsov
Try the only app that allows you tolearnfastand easy about wine types and how they combine with food.It's simple to use, it's short and clever, giving youthemostimportant information in just a few clicks.You may see the type of glass you'll need withyourpreferablewine and what dish accompanies it best.You will know what its right temperature for consuming isandhowlong it last in an open bottle.
Wine Find 1.0
Welcome to Wine Find!
WineOn 1.2.1
WineOn, es una nueva plataforma digitalcreadapara curiosos, aficionados, amantes y extremistas del vino;unlugar donde poder intercambiar y compartir tus experienciasyapreciaciones acerca de cada vino probado con miles de usuarios.En WineOn podrás consultar por ese vino que buscas conotrosusuarios, catarlo a través de nuestra guía y tener un registrodetodos los vinos que hayas probado desde tu Smartphone, Tablet oPc.Dar la opinión de ese vino que te sorprendió y compartirla otansolo recordarlo para la próxima vez..A través de la guía de cata WineOn ® podrás llevar unregistrocompleto, divertido y fácil de cada vino probado. Una guíade catasimple o detallada donde podrás evaluar desde la intensidaddeColor , descriptores aromáticos que puedas identificar ,registrarel final en boca, maridajes, entre otras opciones como asítambiénotorgarle un puntaje y dejar observaciones personales de esevinodegustado.Unite a WineOn y forma parte de esta nueva experiencia conelvino!WineOn, is a newdigitalplatform created for curious fans, wine lovers andextremists; aplace to exchange and share your experiences andinsights abouteach wine tested with thousands of users.In WineOn you can check for that wine you are looking forotherusers, taste it through our guide and keep track of all thewinesyou've tasted from your Smartphone, tablet or PC. Give theviewthat wine that surprised you and share or just remember fornexttime ..Through tasting guide WineOn ® can carry a full, fun and easytolog each wine tasted. A simple guide or detailed tasting whereyoucan evaluate from the intensity of color, aroma descriptorsthatcan identify, record the aftertaste, pairings, among otheroptionsas well give it a score and leave personal observations ofthe winetasted.WineOn join and be part of this new experience with wine!
Sommelier DOC - Italiano 1.9
Versione SOLO in lingua italiana.Sommelier DOC è un'applicazione che serve per aiutarvi asuperarel'esame da Sommelier in Italia.Nella versione premium vi saranno proposte 2000 domande conlerelative ed esaustive risposte.Vi saranno proposti due percorsi: Studio e QuizIl percorso Studio vi presenterà contestualmente domandeerisposte in sola visualizzazione a scopo di studio.Lavisualizzazione potrà essere fatta per argomento (capitoli)oppurerandom (ordine casuale).La modalità Quiz vi presenterà le domande, anch'essevisualizzateper argomento (capitoli) o random (ordine casuale), male rispostecorrette vi saranno presentate solo quando lodesiderate voi.Per ogni domanda verranno fornite le seguenti opzioni:- rispondi per iscritto: verrà messa a disposizione una caselladitesto per scrivere la vostra risposta- visualizza la risposta corretta- stabilisci risposta esatta o sbagliata- salva domanda in archivio "risposte esatte" o"rispostesbagliate"- non salvare la domandaTutti i quiz salvati nei rispettivi archivi avranno uncontatoree pertanto- indicheranno sempre il numero di domande esatte o errate- visualizzeranno nuovamente in qualsiasi momento sia la domandachela risposta corretta oltre che la vostra risposta se fornitaperiscritto- potrete nuovamente riprovare a rispondere alle domande errateGli argomenti presentati sono suddivisi in 23 capitoli:1 Il Sommelier e l'analisi sensoriale - 1^ Livello2 Viticultura ed Ampelografia - 1^ Livello3 Enologia - 1^ Livello4 Spumanti e Champagne - 1^ Livello5 Vini speciali e passiti - 1^ Livello6 Distillati - 1^ Livello7 Birre ed altre Bevande - 1^ Livello8 Enografia Nazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello9 Enografia Internazionale e Disciplinari - 2^ Livello10 Alimentazione - 3^ Livello11 Tecniche Abbinamento cibo/vino - 3^ Livello12 Master - 4^ Livello13 Abbinamento Vino/Antipasti - 4^ Livello14 Abbinamento Vino/Primi - 4^ Livello15 Abbinamento Vino/Verdure/Legumi - 4^ Livello16 Abbinamento Vino/Carne - 4^ Livello17 Abbinamento Vino/Pesce - 4^ Livello18 Abbinamento Vino/Formaggi - 4^ Livello19 Abbinamento Vino/Dolci - 4^ Livello20 Abbinamento Vino/Salumi - 4^ Livello21 Abbinamento Vino/Uova - 4^ Livello22 Aforismi, citazioni, curiosità - 4^ Livello23 Bouquet Aromatico - 4^ LivelloBuon studio..... buon ripasso .....buon divertimento !ONLY version in Italian.Sommelier DOC is an application that serves to help you passtheexam in Italian Sommelier.The premium version will be proposed 2,000 applications withtherelevant and comprehensive answers.You will be offered two courses: Study and QuizThe route Studio will present the same questions and answersinview-only purposes of study. The display can be done bytopic(chapters) or random (random order).Quiz mode will present you with the questions, which arealsodisplayed for argument (chapters) or random (random order), butthecorrect answers will be presented only whenever you like.For each question will be given the following options:- Reply in writing: it will be made available to a text box towriteyour answer- Displays the correct answer- Establish whether right or wrong answer- Save file in question "correct answers" or "wrong"- Not to save the applicationAll quizzes will be stored in their archives a counterandtherefore- Will always indicate the number of questions right or wrong- Reappear at any moment is the question that the correct answeraswell as your response if provided in writing- You can again try to answer the questions wrongThe arguments presented are divided into 23 chapters:1 The Sommelier and sensory analysis - 1st Level2 Viticulture and Ampelography - 1st Level3 Wine - 1st Level4 Sparkling Wines and Champagne - 1st Level5 Special wines and dessert wines - 1st Level6 Spirits - 1st Level7 beers and other beverages - 1st Level8 enography National and Disciplinary - 2nd Level9 enography International and Disciplinary - 2nd Level10 Power - 3rd Level11 Techniques Food / wine pairing - 3rd Level12 Master - 4th LevelWine Pairing 13 / Appetizers - 4th LevelWine Pairing 14 / First - 4th LevelWine Pairing 15 / Vegetables / Legumes - 4th LevelWine Pairing 16 / Meat - 4th LevelWine Pairing 17 / Fish - 4th Level18 Matching Wine / Cheese - 4th LevelWine Pairing 19 / Desserts - 4th Level20 Matching Wine / Charcuterie - 4th LevelWine Pairing 21 / Eggs - 4th Level22 Aphorisms, quotes, trivia - 4th Level23 Aromatic Bouquet - 4th LevelGood study ..... good refresher ..... enjoy!
French Wines
If you find it difficult to choose a wine inarestaurant,or… if you want to know more about a particular bottleor… if you are in vacation in France and you want to know whatkindof wine can be found in the area…**********************************Download FRENCH WINES, an application by GUIDE HACHETTE DESVINS,the famous French wine guide!Exclusive content : Comprehensive information, written bytheexperts of the Guide Hachette des VinsHOW TO CHOOSE AND SERVE WINE:• Know the quality of every french vintage since 1945 thanks to700ratings!• Find information about “appellation controlée” wines:description,colors and aromas, grape variety, ageing capacity andservicetemperature .LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT WINE:• A complete cartography of wine growing regions of France• A dictionary to understand the vocabulary of wine, with230definitionsAN EASY-TO-USE APPLICATION:• A search engine to easily find a wine or definition• All the vintage ratings available in a few clicks foreachregion• Quality designFor more information and to get access to wine tasting notesfromthe Guide Hachette des Vins:
Degusta Vino 2
Vuoi imparare l’arte della DegustazionedelVino?Degusta Vino è l’Applicazione che ti insegnerà a degustare il Vino.Attraverso semplici passaggi verrai a conoscenza di tuttelecaratteristiche necessarie per degustare al meglio iltuoVino.Potrai inserire e compilare in maniera altamente tecnicaedettagliata i tuoi Vini, per avere sempre con te ildatabasecompleto dei Vini degustati.Degusta Vino è diviso in tre sezioni:1. GUIDA ALLA DEGUSTAZIONEIn questa sezione troverai tutto il materiale informativo chetioccorre per apprendere le basi della Degustazione del Vino,dalla"Preparazione alla Degustazione", alle tecniche diassaggio.2. I MIEI VINIUna volta appresi i concetti di base potrai inserire, neltuopersonale database, i Vini che degusterai per avere sempre contel’Archivio completo dei tuoi Vini.Per ogni Vino potrai:- Inserire le informazioni tecniche associate al Vino- Aggiungere la foto del Vino- Compilare la Scheda di Degustazione dettagliata per avereilpunteggio associato al tuo Vino- Aggiungere una descrizione o eventuali note aggiuntive- Condividere il tuo Vino degustato tramite i social network operemail3. ALTROInoltre verrai a conoscenza di informazioni aggiuntivesulladegustazione del Vino, come la Classificazione deiViniItaliani.Se ami bere il Vino è il momento di imparare a Degustarlo.Degusta Vino - L’applicazione per chi degusta il VinoDo you want to learntheart of tasting wine?Wine tasting is an application that will teach you how totastewine.Through simple steps, you will be aware of all thefeaturesneeded to enjoy the most of your wine.You can insert and fill in a highly technical and detailedyourwines, to always have with you the complete database ofwinestasted.Wine tasting is divided into three sections:1. GUIDE TO WINE TASTINGIn this section you will find all information you need to learnthebasics of wine tasting, from the "Preparing for tasting",tastingtechniques.2. MY WINESOnce you master the basics you can enter in your personaldatabase,you will taste the wines to have with you the Completearchive ofyour wines.For every wine you can:- Insert the technical information associated with theWine- Add the picture of Wine- Fill in the Tasting Card details to get the score associatedwithyour wine- Add a description or any additional notes- Share your wine tasted through social networks or email3. OTHERIn addition, you will be aware of additional information aboutthetasting of wine, such as the classification of Italianwines.If you love drinking wine is the time to learn to Tasteit.Taste Wine - The application for those who taste the wine
International Wine Challenge 4.3
The results of the 2018 International Wine Challenge are here,andwe’ve listed the results for more than 10,000 wines and sakesfromthe competition, with tasting notes for over 6,700medal-winningexamples from 50 different countries. There’s a wealthofaccompanying information, including full bottle images for allthewines. We’ll show you where to buy the wines, and how muchtheywill cost. You can rate your favourite wines and save yourowntasting notes for later reference. There are also videotastingnotes for some of the wines. The Android app is designedtoshowcase the wines as judged by the IWC’s panel ofexpertinternational judges over a two-week period each year.
Wine When Where 1.0
You’re no wine connoisseur. Youjustenjoydrinking it. Great! Us too.Wine When Where offers a simple, streamlined wayforrememberingand sharing your favorite wines. Did you findsomethingat a localtasting you like? Did you really enjoy that cabfromyourneighbor’s barbecue last weekend? Those are the momentsyouneedWine When Where. Take a photo of the bottle, label orglass;givethe wine a name and rating; and include notes on price,tasteandmore as is meaningful to you. You can then shareyourfavoritewines with your friends and social networks.
Other wine apps on the market become cumbersome touseandmaintain. Wine When Where makes it easy. Just note whatyouhad,where and when. The next time you head to the bottlestore,you’vegot everything you need to find that specialbottle.
Wine Trainer 1.3
Avinis GmbH
WSET graduate, or wine lover thirsty for knowledge? This Apphelpsyou train your knowledge of wine in a playful way. Usingthecurrently over 1,400 questions, you can test and completeyourpractical knowledge about wine. The questions on winegeography,grape varieties, tasting characteristics, storage periodsand othertopics range from easy to demanding. Typical questionsare: • Whatdoes it mean when wine has a vanilla aroma? • Which arethe typicaltasting characteristics of a Rioja? • Where in the worldis HunterValley? • From which wine region does the Fleurie come? •Which arethe main grape varieties in a Chianti? • For how longwould youstore a vintage port? • Where is the main growing regionfor GrünerVeltliner? Too difficult? You can control the questionsin the App:• Chose from three difficulty levels and 13 countries. •You mightwant to start with geography, for example. As yourknowledgeincreases, you add other modules. How are you doing? •Theproportion of correct answers is continuously shown; wronganswersare earmarked to be shown again. • Chose between sessions of20,50, or 100 questions. The free version includes about100questions. Different Apps are available in the VinoMobile®seriesfor wine buffs. No frills, just the essentials about wine. ByKurtGibel, author of the best-selling tasting guide “Weinedegustieren– leicht und spielend” (20th edition, 2020).
Wine Encyclopedia 1.1.4
What is Wine Encyclopedia?* Search for wine by name.* Search for wine by your favorite food.* Filter the result by rating and price.* Share wine information with friends.Keywords: wine, encyclopedia, vino, vin, food