Top 12 Apps Similar to Bhagwat Gita in Hindi

Bhagavad-Gita in Hindi 4.12.1
Complete Bhagavad Gita with Hindi translations and descriptions.
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Marathi 3.0
The Bhagavad Gita The Song of the Bhagavan, often referredtoassimply the Gita, is a 700-verse scripture that is part oftheHinduepic Mahabharata. This scripture contains aconversationbetweenPandava prince Arjuna and his guide Lord Krishnaon avariety oftheological and philosophical issues. भगवद्‌गीताहाप्राचीन भारतीयग्रंथ आहे. वेदांच्या अखेरच्या रचनेतील एकग्रंथ.'गीतोपनिषद'म्हणूनही प्रसिद्ध.त्यात भगवान श्रीकृष्णांनीअर्जुनालाजीवनाबद्दलकेलेला उपदेश आहे.यात एकुण १८ अध्याय व ७०० श्लोकआहेत.
Bhagavad Gita Sloka Gallery 1.0
Slokas from the most widely read Bhagavad Gita As It IsbySrilaPrabhupada, founder of ISKCON. Read it daily fordivineexperience.Good for memorising the verses. FEATURES ★ OfflineApp.Oncedownloaded, it never requires internet nor itconsumesincreasingspace on your mobile. ★ You can seva the imagesaswallpaper ★ Youcan share the images by email and chat ★CompleteBhagavad Geeta ★Most authentic ★ One image for every sloka★ Easyto swipe ★ Nomusic so that you can concerate reading theslokas andcan read iteven in office / college ★ Very simpleInterface ★ NounwantedPop-ups, Spam, Ads and Notifications ★Absolutely Clean app★ Appcan be moved to SD Card ★ Free ★ You caneasily share this appwithfamily and friends thro Google PlayBhagavad-gita, aphilosophicalpoem comprising seven hundred Sanskritverses, is oneof the mostimportant philosophical and literary worksknown to man.Morecommentaries have been written upon the Gita thanupon anyotherphilosophical or religious text in history. As aclassicoftimeless wisdom, it is the main literary support fortheoldestsurviving spiritual culture in the world-that ofIndia'sVediccivilization. Not only has the Gita directed thereligiouslife ofmany centuries of Hindus, but, owing to thepervasiveinfluence ofreligious concepts in Vedic civilization, theGita hasshapedIndia's social, ethical, cultural and even politicallife aswell.Attesting to India's nearly universal acceptance oftheGita,practically every sectarian cult and school ofHinduthought,representing a vast spectrum of religious andphilosophicalviews,accepts Bhagavad-gita as the summum bonum guideto spiritualtruth.The Gita, therefore, more than any other singlehistoricalsource,provides penetrating insight into themetaphysicalandpsychological foundation of India's Vedic culture,both ancientandcontemporary. The influence of Bhagavad-gita,however, isnotlimited to India. The Gita has deeply affected thethinkingofgenerations of philosophers, theologians, educators,scientistsandauthors in the West as well Henry David Thoreaureveals inhisjournal, "Every morning I bathe my intellect in thestupendousandcosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita ... incomparisonwithwhich our modern civilization and literature seempunyandtrivial." The Gita has long been considered the essenceofVedicliterature, the vast body of ancient scriptural writingsthatformsthe basis of Vedic philosophy and spirituality. As theessenceofthe 108 Upanisads, it is sometimes referred toasGitopanisad.Bhagavad-gita, the essence of Vedic wisdom,wasinjected into theMahabharata, an action-packed narrative ofanimportant era inancient Indian politics. Bhagavad-gita comes tousin the form of abattlefield dialogue between Lord Sri Krishnaandthe warriorArjuna. The dialogue occurs just before the onset ofthefirstmilitary engagement of the Kuruksetra War, a greatfratricidalwarbetween the Kauravas and the Pandavas todetermineIndia'spolitical destiny. Arjuna, forgetful of hisprescribed dutyas aksatriya (warrior) whose duty is to fight for arighteous causeina holy war, decides, for personally motivatedreasons, nottofight. Krishna, who has agreed to act as the driverofArjuna'schariot, sees His friend and devotee in illusionandperplexity andproceeds to enlighten Arjuna regarding hisimmediatesocial duty(varna-dharma) as a warrior and, moreimportant, hiseternal dutyor nature (sanatana-dharma) as an eternalspiritualentity inrelationship with God. Thus the relevance anduniversalityofKrishna's teachings transcend the immediatehistorical settingofArjuna's battlefield dilemma. Krishna speaksfor the benefit ofallsouls who have forgotten their eternal nature,the ultimate goalofexistence, and their eternal relationship withHim.
Srimad Bhagwat Geeta 1.0
The Bhagavad- Gita is considered by eastern andwesternscholarsalike to be among the greatest spiritual books theworldhas everknown. In a very clear and wonderful way the SupremeLordKrishnadescribes the science of self-realization and theexactprocess bywhich a human being can establish theireternalrelationship withGod. In terms of pure, spiritual knowledgetheBhagavad- Gita isincomparable. Its intrinsic beauty is thatitsknowledge applies toall human beings and does not postulateanysectarian idealogy orsecular view. It is appproachable fromthesanctified realms of allreligions and is glorified as theepitomeof all spiritualteachings. This is because proficiency intheBhagavad- Gitareveals the eternal principles which arefundamentaland essentialfor spiritual life from all perspectivesand allowsone toperfectly understand the esoteric truths hiddenwithinallreligious scriptures. Many great thinkers from our timessuchasAlbert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Schweizer aswellasMadhvacarya, Sankara and Ramanuja from bygone ageshaveallcontemplated and deliberarted upon its timelessmessage.Theprimary purpose of the Bhagavad- Gita is to illuminatefor allofhumanity the realization of the true nature of divinity;forthehighest spiritual conception and the greatestmaterialperfectionis to attain love of God! Features: ScrollingBrowseMode: • ReadSrimad Bhagwat Geeta offline after installed it.•Slide book pagesup or down or click the previous and next buttononevery page topand bottom to locate . • Slight click any areaofscreen to openthe basic settings of book contains Previous,Next,Catlog,Day/Night, Config and About. • Clearly browse anychaptertitle andcontent. • "Previous" on top screen locationenables tofast flipto the prior chapter. • "Next" on the bottom ofscreenenables toflip to next chapter. • Define Font size, Linespace,screen lightturning on/off when reading, Srimad BhagwatGeetabasicinformation. • Day/ night reading mode allows readersadjustcolorto protect eyes. • Check the basic information ofcurrent booksuchas Book name, author, category, description, etc. •Triggervalidlinks in the content.
VideoWork 1.1.8
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Krishna Leela in hindi 1.0.7
Krishna leela (Krishna stories) for indians in hindi languages
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in Hindi 1.0
*** Features of Shrimad Bhagavad GitainHindi:- ***==> The Aim of app this app is its provide all theshlokanddescription of that shlok in Hindi...==> The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of theVedasandUpanishads.It is a universal scripture applicable to people ofalltemperaments,for all times.It is a book with sublime thoughts and practicalinstructionsonYoga, Devotion, Vedanta and Action.Two of the most significant passages of the Gita areLordKrishna'sinstructions toArjuna on the nature of correct actions and the role ofGodinprotecting his devotees.==> "You came empty handed, you will leave emptyhanded.What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday,andwillbelong to someoneelse the day after tomorrow. So, whatever you do, do itasadedication to God! "==> The Bhagavad Gita represents the epitome ofthephilosophycontained in Sanatana Dharma.In elegant Sanskrit verses, it lays out thepathtoself-realization.The teachings contained are as relevant and practicalintoday'sworld asthey were thousands of years ago when they were revealedduringthebattle of Kurukshetra.
भगवद गीता हिंदी भावार्थ सहित SBGH2.2
Download Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Hindi (श्रीमद भगवद गीता भावार्थसहित)
Hindi Shrimad Bhagwat Gita 1.0
Palani Rajan
This App has the complete Shrimad BhagwatGitain HindiBhagwad Gita is the most read Hindi ancient literature.Itteaches the right way to handle all problems of lifeIts not only limited to Hindu religion and the divineteachingsin the holy script is applicable to the entirehumanityRead the Holy Scripture in a very easy to read format onanymobile deviceGet this App to read Bhagwad Gita and surrender toLordKrishna
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita 3.0
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita In HindiThe Bhagavad Gita, also referred to as Gita, is a 700–verseDharmicscripture that is part of the ancient Sanskrit epicMahabharata.This scripture contains a conversation between PandavaprinceArjuna and his guide Krishna on a variety of philosophicalissues.Faced with a fratricidal war, a despondent Arjuna turns tohischarioteer Krishna for counsel on the battlefield. Krishna,throughthe course of the Gita, imparts to Arjuna wisdom, the pathtodevotion, and the doctrine of selfless action. The Gita upholdstheessence and the philosophical tradition of the Upanishads.However,unlike the rigorous monism of the Upanishads, the BhagavadGitaalso integrates dualism and theism.Numerous commentaries have been written on the Bhagavad Gitawithwidely differing views on the essentials, beginning withAdiSankara's commentary on the Gita in the eighth centuryCE.Commentators see the setting of the Gita in a battlefield asanallegory for the ethical and moral struggles of the human life.TheBhagavad Gita's call for selfless action inspired many leadersofthe Indian independence movement including MohandasKaramchandGandhi, who referred to the Gita as his "spiritualdictionary".Srimad Bhagavad Gita is knowledge of five basic truths andtherelationship of each truth to the other: These five truthsareKrishna, or God, the individual soul, the material world, actioninthis world, and time. The Gita lucidly explains the natureofconsciousness, the self, and the universe. It is the essenceofIndia's spiritual wisdom.In this app you'll be presented transcendental knowledge ofthemost profound spiritual nature as revealed in the Bhagavad Gita.Itis the divine discourse spoken by the Supreme Lord KrishnaHimselfand the most popular and well known of all the sacredscripturesfrom ancient India. Always being referred as a truesource ofspiritual knowledge it reveals the purpose and goal ofhumanexistence.In a very clear way Lord Krishna describes the scienceofself-realization and the exact process by which a human beingcanestablish their eternal relationship with God in Bhagwat Geeta.Interms of pure, spiritual knowledge the Bhagvad Gitaisincomparable. It is approachable from the sanctified realms ofallreligions and is glorified as the epitome of allspiritualteachings. This is because proficiency in the BhagavadGita revealsthe eternal principles which are fundamental andessential forspiritual life from all perspectives and allows one toperfectlyunderstand the esoteric truths hidden within allreligiousscriptures. The primary purpose of the Bhagavad Gita istoilluminate for all of humanity the realization of the truenatureof divinity; for the highest spiritual conception and thegreatestmaterial perfection is to attain love of God!श्रीमद् भगवदगीता के विषय में जानने योग्य विचारश्रीमद् भगवदगीता माहात्म्यश्रीगीतामाहात्म्य का अनुसंधान भागगीता में श्रीकृष्ण भगवान के नामों के अर्थअर्जुन के नामों के अर्थपहला अध्यायःअर्जुनविषादयोग भागदूसरा अध्यायः सांख्ययोग भागतीसरा अध्यायः कर्मयोग भागअध्याय चौथाः ज्ञानकर्मसन्यासयोग भागपाँचवाँ अध्यायः कर्मसंन्यासयोग भागछठा अध्यायः आत्मसंयमयोग भागसातवाँ अध्यायःज्ञानविज्ञानयोग भागआठवाँ अध्यायः अक्षरब्रह्मयोग भागनौवाँ अध्यायः राजविद्याराजगुह्ययोग भागदसवाँ अध्यायः विभूतियोग भागग्यारहवाँ अध्यायः विश्वरूपदर्शनयोग भागबारहवाँ अध्यायः भक्तियोगतेरहवाँ अध्यायः क्षेत्रक्षत्रज्ञविभागयोग भागचौदहवाँ अध्यायः गुणत्रयविभागयोग भागपंद्रहवाँ अध्यायः पुरुषोत्तमयोगसोलहवाँ अध्यायः दैवासुरसंपद्विभागयोगसत्रहवाँ अध्यायः श्रद्धात्रयविभागयोग भागअठारहवाँ अध्यायः मोक्षसंन्यासयोग भागWe have tried to compile the chapters of Srimad Bhagavad GitainHindi from different sources.
Srimad Bhagavad Gita In Hindi 1.4
Shrimad Bhagvad Gita is Used For endless solutions for ourdailylife.