Top 19 Apps Similar to Dajjal Malapetaka Akhir Zaman

Kisah Dajjal 4.0
Kisah Dajjal Dalam Al-quran & HaditsMembahas Tentang :1. Kemunculan Dajjal Sang Fitnah Akhir Zaman2. Keadaan Kaum Muslimin Kala Keluarnya Dajjal3. Dajjal yang Penuh Aib, Mustahil Dia adalah Tuhan4. Kapankah Keluarnya Dajjal dan Berapa Lama Ia Berada diMukaBumi?5. Siapakah Para Pengikut Dajjal?6. Cara Menghindar dari Fitnah Dajjal7. Berakhirnya Masa Hidup Dajjal di Dunia----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi Ringan- Ukuran Aplikasi hanya 1MB- teks dapat di zoom- Aplikasi OFFLINE / dapat berjalan dengan lengkap tanpakoneksiinternet.The story of DajjalInAl-Quran & HadithDiscuss about :  1. The appearance of the Dajjal DefamationEndTimes  2. The state of Muslims Kala exit of Dajjal  3. Antichrist Full Aib, Odds He is God  4. When exit of Dajjal and How Long He WasonEarth?  5. Who are the followers of the Antichrist?  6. How Avoiding the Defamation Dajjal  7. End of Life Dajjal in World----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightweight Applications- The size of only 1MB Applications- Text can be in the zoom- Application OFFLINE / run completely without aninternetconnection.
Dajjal & Qyamat Ki Nishaniyan 1.0
Dajjal Aur Qyamat Ki Nishaniyan an IslamicBookin Urdu Language.Qayamat Kisey kehtey hain? Qayamat Kab ayegi? Qayamt sepehleyfitnon ka zahoor?You can navigate through this book.You can also share the specific content on the specific page oftheby using "Crop & Share" Feature of the application.
Tanda-tanda Kiamat 1.0
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Klasifikasi Tanda-Tanda KiamatTerbagi menjadi dua bagian :Pertama, tanda-tanda kecil (asyrath shughra), yaitu(tanda-tanda)yangmendahului Kiamat dengan (jarak) waktu yang lama dan menjadihalyangberulang-ulang (biasa terjadi). Seperti hilangnyailmu,merebaknyakebodohan dan minuman khamer, saling berlombameninggikanbangunan,serta lain sebagainya. Terkadang sebagiantanda-tandanyamunculbebarengan dengan tanda-tanda Kiamat besar (asy-asyrathal-kubra)atau(ada juga yang) setelahnya.Kedua, tanda-tanda besar (asyrath kubra), yaituperkara-perkarabesaryang muncul menjelang terjadinya Kiamat (qurba qiyamas-sa’ah),dankejadiannya tidak berulang-ulang. Seperti kemunculanad-Dajjal,turunnya‘Isa as., keluarnya Ya’juj dan Ma’juj, terbitnya Matahari dariarahbarat.Classification SignsofDoomsdayDivided into two parts:First, small signs (asyrath shughra), ie (the signs) areDoomsday preceded by (distance) a long time and becomerepeatedly (common). Such as the loss of science, the spreadignorance and drinks khamer, vied elevate the building,and so forth. Sometimes the signs appearing partiallytogether with his great Apocalypse signs (al-al-kubraasyrath)or(There is also) afterwards.Second, large signs (asyrath kubra), the great thingswhich comes ahead of the Apocalypse (Qurba Qiyam as-Hour),andit did not happen repeatedly. Such as the emergence ofad-Dajjal,the descent'Isa., The release of Gog and Magog, the rising sun fromthewest.
Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal 1
Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal by Maulana Asim UmarBarmoda Tikon Aur Dajjal book authored by Maulana AsimUmar.Thereare considerable literatures written on the BermudaTriangle,Devil’sSea and Unidentified flying objects. But all ofthesewritten or justtell us stories or scientific approach tothissubject.Muslimresearchers Mohammad Daoud Isa deeply researchedonBermuda Triangleand Unidentified flying object. In thisbookMaulana Asim Umar try toexplain this issue in the light ofHadithsin Urdu language.Absolutely No Ads interruption while reading*References : Resurrection, Qiyamah signs, end of time
Hadits Tentang Akhir Zaman 10.0
Hadeeth About the End Times, depiction of the Last Times /SignsActually apocalypse.
Malapetaka Akhir Zaman 1.0
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Malapetaka Akhir ZamanRasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam telah mengabarkankepada kita semua tentang fitnah-fitnah (malapetaka) yangbakal terjadi. Dan juga menjelaskan jalan selamat darinya,yaitu berpegang teguh dengan Kitabullah dan SunnahRasul-Nya.Amirul Mukminin Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiyallahu'anhu menuturkan bahwa ia mendengar Rasulullahshallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda:"Ketahuilah bahwasanya akan terjadi fitnah-fitnah(malapetaka)!" Kami bertanya: "Bagaimana jalan keluarnyawahai Rasulullah?" Beliau bersabda: "Berpegang teguhdengan Kitabullah, sebab di dalamnya disebutkan sejarahorang-orang sebelum kalian, dan khabar tentang yang akandatang setelah kalian, dan di dalamnya juga terdapathukum terhadap perselisihan di antara kalian. Ia adalahpemisah antara hak dan bathil, dan sekali-kali bukanlahsenda gurau. Barangsiapa meninggalkannya karenakeangkuhan, niscaya Allah akan membinasakannya.Dan barangsiapa mencari petunjuk dari selainnya, niscayaAllahakan menyesatkannya. Ia adalah tali Allah yang kokoh.Dan ia adalah bacaan yang penuh hikmah. Dan ia adalahjalan Allah yang lurus." (HR. Ahmad dan At-Tirmidzi)Havoc End TimesProphet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam has told ustold us all about the fitnah (calamity) whichgoing to happen. And also explains the waycongratulationsfromhim,that cling to the Qur'aan and SunnahHis apostles.Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib radi'Anhu said that he heard the Messengersallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said:"Know that there will be fitnah(Catastrophe) "We asked:" How can a way outO Messenger of Allah? "He said:" Holding fastthe Book of Allah, because it is mentioned in historythe people before you, and khabar about to become after you, and there are thelegal disputes between you. He isseparation between right and falsehood, and are by nopranks. Whoever left it becausearrogance, Allah will destroy him.And those looking for clues of any other kind, Allahbe misleading. He is a strong rope of God.And he is full of wisdom literature. And he wasthe straight path of Allah. "(Narrated by Ahmad andAt-Tirmidhi)
Dajjal Kaun Kahan Kab? 1.1
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This application is all about Dajjal andImamMehdi in Urdu Language . you will find hadees referencesandprophecies and how they are getting true day by day.
Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal 3.0
Bermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal an IslamicBookwritten in Urdu Language.Shaitani Samandar Bermuda Tikkon aur Urran Tashtarian...Dragon's Triangle or Devil's Sea....You can navigate through this book.You can also share the specific content on the specific page oftheby using "Crop & Share" Feature of the application.
Dajjal 3 1
Dajjal 3 by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah MansoorThe book Dajjal 3 (Dajjali Dastaweez, Dajjal Kay Hamnwa,DajjaliElamat, Israel Ki Kahani, Mashriq wa Maghrib kay LikharioKiZubani). In this Book Mufti has described the shape and thestoryof Dajjal i.e Anti Christ according to Hadiths and Islamicpoint ofview. Mufti Shah Mansoor name comes to mind whenever Dajjalisdiscussed. Mr. Mufti Lubaba further spotlighted the DajjalAntiChrist. He has discussed about Dajjal according to thecurrentevents of the planet earth. Mufti Lubaba wants to aware alltheMuslims about this Fitna-e-Dajjal. he also stated how to avoidfromthis Fitna.Anti Christ will be emerged in the planet earth withunlimitedpowers granted by Allah to test Muslims and Christians.Muslims andChristians believe in Anti-Christ (Dajjal). Similarlythe Jews arewaiting for his world great Leader i.e Anti-Christ,Muslims andChristians will be against of Anti Christ Dajjal whilethe Jewswill be his followers Anti-Christ will be able to makealive a deadbody and he will claim that he is a God and secularpeople willbecome his believers. Dajjal will be finally killed byHazrat EisaA.S (Jesus).Absolutely No Ads interruption while reading*References : Resurrection, Qiyamah signs, end of time
Dajjal Kaun Kahan Kab 1
Dajjal Kaun Kahan Kab by Mufti Abu LubabaShahMansoorIn the Book 'Dajjal Kab Kaun Kahan' Mr. Abu Lubaba ShahMansoordiscussed many secret forces on the earth working fortheAnti-Christ as Muslims believe that the Anti-Christ (Dajjal)isalready Born and living on an unknown place on the planet earthandwill be emerged when Allah will order him. Mr. Mufti AbuLubabasays that his base and abode may be in the Bermuda Triangle,he hasalso given some preference of Islamic Hadiths about the basesofShetans but he finally admits that Allah knows better abouttheliving place of Anti Christ (Dajjal)The writer of famous books on about the same topics'TeesriJang-e-Azeem aur Dajjal' and 'Imam Mehdi K Dost wo Dushman'Mr.Maulana Asim Umar's and Mr Abu Lubaba Shah Mansoor's theoriesandresearches seem to be same. Mr. Abu Lubaba also admits thattheemergence of Dajjal (Anti Christ) is suspected in the nearfutureand he criticized those Islamic scholars who does not discusstheDevil of Anti Christ (Fitna-e-Dajjal).Absolutely No Ads interruption while reading*References : Resurrection, Qiyamah signs, end of time
Dajjal Ka Lashkar Aur Pakistan 1.0
Free to Install and read completely insimpleUrdu Language.Dajjal Lashkar Kon han? Aur kia kar rahy han Pakistan mein.Subis Book mein Lika howa han ,..
Dajjal 2 1
Dajjal 2 by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah MansoorThe book Dajjal 2 (Aalmi Dajjali Riyasat Ibtida se Inteha Taki.eInternational Anti Christ state's from beginning to its end).Inthis Book Mufti has described the shape and the story of Dajjali.eAnti Christ according to Hadiths and Islamic point of view.MuftiShah Mansoor name comes to mind whenever Dajjal is discussed.Mr.Mufti Lubaba further spotlighted the Dajjal Anti Christ. Hehasdiscussed about Dajjal according to the current events oftheplanet earth. Mufti Lubaba wants to aware all the Muslimsaboutthis Fitna-e-Dajjal. he also stated how to avoid fromthisFitna.Anti Christ will be emerged in the planet earth withunlimitedpowers granted by Allah to test Muslims and Christians.Muslims andChristians believe in Anti-Christ (Dajjal). Similarlythe Jews arewaiting for his world great Leader i.e Anti-Christ,Muslims andChristians will be against of Anti Christ Dajjal whilethe Jewswill be his followers Anti-Christ will be able to makealive a deadbody and he will claim that he is a God and secularpeople willbecome his believers. Dajjal will be finally killed byHazrat EisaA.S (Jesus).Absolutely No Ads interruption while reading*References : Resurrection, Qiyamah signs, end of time
Marika Khair-o-Shar Aur Dajjal 1
Marika Khair-o-Shar Aur Fitna-e-Dajjal byAbuYahya Al-KhurasaniThis book is concerning Dajjal Ma'arika-e-Khair-o-SharAurFitna-e-Dajjal and it reads concerning the happenings of lasttimesof the planet consistent with Islam in Urdu language.Theaforementioned Urdu book is concerning the wars of the last eraandalso the rising of the Anti-Christ(Dajjal)authored/investigation/compiled by Abu Yahya Al-Khurasani.MarikaKhair Aw Shar Aur Fitna-e-Dajjal Urdu book may be a temporaryUrdubook of Abu Yahya Al-Khurasan that during which within which hehasmentioned several events of the last era which isextremelycounseled to each Muslims to bear in mind of such anevents. Theauthor and compiler adult male. Abu Yahya Al-Khurasanihasadditionally mentioned concerning Jihad, its importance inIslamand its blessing. The author has additionally mentioned thelastdevils (Fitnas) those are active against the Muslims. Theauthorhas additionally collected the Predictions of the HolyProphet,Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him. He has additionallywritten theresponsibilities of the Muslims within the lightweightof thePredictions of the Holy Prophet in Urdu language during thisbookMarika Khair-o-Shar Aur Fitna-e-Dajjal. The author has declaredtheAfghan land as Khurasan that is mentioned within the Hadiths.Theauthor has additionally mentioned concerning the followers oftheblack flags during this Urdu book. Ma'arikae Khair o SharAurFitnah e Dajjal Urdu book is choked with scarringandattention-grabbing approaching events.Absolutely No Ads interruption while reading*References : Resurrection, Qiyamah signs, end of time
Dajjal Or Qayamt Ki Nishanian 1.0
iUrdu Apps
The writer Mr. Mudassir Hussain Sayanhasgathered Hadiths about the indications of the Judgment days. Hehascomposed this book in the light of Holy Quran and Hadiths.Dajjalaur qayamt ki nishaniyan bool will mindful you of the demon.This book will change your life altogether.
Kumpulan Ceramah Agama Islam 4.3
Akhlak terpuji yaitu sikap atau perilakubaikdari segi ucapan ataupun perbuatan yang sesuai dangantuntunanajaran islam dan norma-norma aturan yang berlaku.Orang yang baik akhlaknya tentunya didalam pergaulansehari-hariakan senantiasa dicintai oleh sesama, dan tentunyamereka kelakdihari kiamat akan masuk surga.- Aplikasi Offline-Aplikasi Ringan, Karna Ukuran File Yang Sangat KecilMorals praiseworthy istheattitude or behavior both in terms of speech or deed pursuantto theguidance of the teachings of Islam and norms applicablerules.People who are good moral course in daily life will always belovedby others, and of course later on the day of Judgment theywill goto heaven.- Application Offline-Application Lightweight, Karna File Size The Very Small
Tahirul Padri Khatre Ki Ghanti 1.0
This application exposes the biggest fitnaofcurrent EraDajjal e Rawan SadiDr. Tahirul PadriMaslak e Aala Hazrat Zindabaad !!!Do Remember me in your prayers!Mohammed Aarif Waghoo
Alamat e Qyamat Nazool e Masih 3.0
Yeh kitaab 3 parts main divide ki gye hai:Part 1 : Maseeh A.S Ki Pehchaan, Alamaat e Maseeh KaAjmaaliNaqshaPart 2: Nazool e Maseeh A.S ki Ahaadees e Matwaatrawithtranslation, Woh Ahadees jo aayimma e Hadees nay "Sahih"qarardeen, Woh hadiths jinhain Aayimma e Ahadees nay apni kitaabonmainrawaayt kiya aur oon per sakoot fermaya, Asaar e Sahaabaotaabiyeen az hadees,Part 3: Alamaat e Qyamat per aik tehqeeqi maqala, AlamaateQyamat ki ehmiyyat, in alamaat ki kafiyyat, alamaat ki3qismain:a. Alamaat e Baeeda : Fitna e Tataar, Naar ul Hijaaz.b. Alamaat e Matwassitac. Alamaat e QareebaIss kitab ka third part following topics per bhi roshnidaaltahai:Imam Mehdi A.S. , Kharooj e Dajjal say pehlay kaywaaqiyat,Kharooj e Dajjal, Dajjal Ka Huliyah, Nazool e Hazrat EesaA.S. Apkahuliya Mubarik, Waqt e nazool aur maqam e nazool aur ImamMehdi,Dajjal say jund aur qatl e dajjal aur Muslims ki fateh,Yajoojmajooj ki halakat, Hazrat Eesa A.S KA Nikah aur Aulad, Apkiwafaataur jaansheen, Dhunwwa, Sooraj ka Maghrib say taloo hona,Yaman kiaag, Momineen ka wisaal aur qyamat.
Aik Ankh Wala Dajjal In URDU 1.1
Dajjal ki asliat jana, Is app ko ajj hi download karain.
قصص الأنبياء كاملة بدون انترنت 1.1
Stories of the miracles of the prophets and apostles MaryAladraYusuf Al Sahaba stories without Internet