Top 6 Apps Similar to 미즈파크 산부인과 모바일 웹

Ultrasound by iSonographer 1.4.2
Imago LLC
This is a must have pocket reference guideforsonographers, ultrasound students and physicians looking tolearnultrasound. In this ultrasound reference guide you willfindnormal/abnormal values and descriptions of more than 120 typesofpathology seen with ultrasound.Key Featureso More than 120 diseases and conditions with clinicalfactssonographic findings and images* Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm* Aortic Dissection* Aortic Rupture* Adrenal Adenoma* Adrenal Cysts* Conn Syndrome* Cushing Syndrome* Pheochromocytomas* Biliary Atresia* Caroli Disease* Cholangiocarcinoma* Cholangitis* Choledochal Cyst* Choledocholithiasis* Pneumobilia* Adenomyomatosis* Acute Cholecystitis* Cholelithiasis* Diffuse Thickening* Focal Thickening* Gallbladder Carcinoma* Gallbladder Enlargement* Gallbladder Sludge* Acalculous Cholecystitis* Polyps* Porcelain Gallbladder* Acquired Renal Cystic Disease* Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease* Angiomyolipoma (Benign)* Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease* Chronic Pyelonephritis* Chronic Renal Failure* Acute Pyelonephritis* Emphysematous Pyelonephritis* Extrinsic Hydronephrosis* Glomerulonephritis* Hemorrhagic Renal Cyst* Infected Renal Cyst* Intrinsic Hydronephrosis* Metastases Of The Kidney* Milk Of Calcium Cyst* Multicystic Dysplastic Renal Disease* Multilocular Renal Cyst* Nephrocalcinosis* Oncocytoma (Benign)* Acute Renal Failure* Pyonephrosis* Renal Adenoma (Benign)* Renal Artery Stenosis* Renal Cell Carcinoma (Malignant)* Renal Cyst With Internal Posterior Shadowing FromTheCalcification* Renal Fungal Disease* Renal Hemangioma (Benign)* Renal Or Perinephric Abscess* Renal Vein Thrombosis* Simple Renal Cyst* Transitional Cell Carcinoma (Malignant)* Tuberous Sclerosis* Urolithiasis* Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome* Hepatic Candidiasis* Hepatic Cysts* Hepatic Lipoma* Hepatic Metastasis* Hepatitis* Hepatocellular Adenoma* Hepatocellular Carcinoma* Hydatid Liver Cyst* Cirrhosis* Cavernous Hemangioma* Diffuse Fatty Liver* Budd-Chiari Syndrome* Portal Hypertension* Portal Vein Thrombosis* Pyogenic Hepatic Abscess* Focal Fatty Infiltration* Focal Fatty Sparing* Focal Nodular Hyperplasia* Amebic Hepatic Abscess* Cryptorchidism* Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy* Hydrocele* Chronic Testicular Torsion* Prostate Cancer* Pyocele* Inguinal Hernia* Embryonal Cell Carcinoma (Malignant)* Choriocarcinoma (Malignant)* Epididymitis And Epididymoorchitis* Acute Testicular Torsion* Scrotal Pearl/ Scrotoliths* Seminoma* Spermatic Cord Epididymis Tunica Albuginea Or TunicaVaginalisCyst* Testicular Abscess* Torsion Of The Testicular Appendage* Varicocele* Yolk Sac Tumors (Malignant)* Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma* Chronic Pancreatitis* Acute Pancreatitis* Serous Cystadenoma* Islet Cell Tumors* Mucinous Cystadenoma And Cystadenocarcinoma* Granulomatous Disease* Splenic Cysts* Splenic Hemangioma* Splenic Infarct* Splenic Trauma* Splenomegaly* Lymphoma* Intestinal Obstruction* Intussusception* Acute Appendicitis* Crohn Disease* Gastric Carcinoma* Pyloric Stenosis* Benign Thyroid Nodules* Parathyroid Adenoma* Hashimoto Thyroiditis* Graves Disease* Goiter* Bladder Carcinomas* Bladder Diverticulum* Ureteral Stone* Ureterocele* Neurogenic Bladder* Bladder Blood Clots* Bladder Stones* Cystitiso More than 200 imageso Normal/abnormal measurements.
Hello Mom
* FeaturesThis application provides the following features:1. AlbumManage / edit / share ultrasound images of unborn child2. RecordsLook up growth records of unborn child, such as body weight,headcircumference, etc.3. DiaryA convenient and easy-to-use diary is provided4. Receive SonogramReceive images and data from ultrasound systems viawired/wirelessnetworks5.Appointment ReminderAppointment date setup and alarm service* NoteThis application cannot be used for medical purposes.This application is intended to be used by mothers and theirfamilymembers to transfer, manage, and edit ultrasound images oftheirunborn children. It is not intended for clinical ordiagnosticuses.To determine the health condition of child or mother, consultaqualified physician.Downloading and installing this application signifies that youagreeto the privacy policy of Samsung Medison. To use the'ReceiveSonogram' and 'Records' features of this product, yourhospitalmust provide Samsung Medison's Mobile Export service.* Description'Mementos of your child before birth'Hello Mom provides the Album feature for editing andarchivingimages of your child, as well as the 'Birth Diary' featureforkeeping a text and image journal of the pregnancy, which aresureto be precious mementos for the mother.Hello Mom links with Samsung Medison ultrasound systems totransferfetal ultrasound images and growth records directly to themother'sAndroid mobile phone.The mother can use this application to edit and manageultrasoundimages that have been received, as well as any otherimages storedon her mobile phone. In addition, the 'AppointmentReminder'feature lets her set up an appointment for a hospitalvisit, andreceive reminders later using the alarm feature.
Красмед Глазное протезирование 4.1.5
ООО КРАСМЕД ­ оказываетлечебную,глазопротезную помощь по всей России. Предприятию более30лет,средний стаж офтальмопротезистов более 15 лет,чтосвидетельствует о высоком качестве оказываемых услуг.Основные производства находятся в городах Санкт­ПетербургиКрасноярск. В ближайшее время планируем открытьпостоянноепредставительство с производством в НижнемНовгороде.Осуществляем подборочное протезирование иизготавливаеминдивидуальные глазные протезы в городахСанкт­Петербург,Ставрополь,Владикавказ, Пенза, Тюмень,Барнаул,Томск, Абакан,Иркутск, Улан­Удэ, Чита, Владивосток.Изготавливаемые нами глазные протезы сертифицированы,декларированы,внесены вединый реестр изделий медицинского назначенияМинистерстваздравоохранения РФ.В Красноярске работает центр оказаниявысококвалифицированнойамбулаторно­-поликлинической помощи, в котором можно получитьконсультациигинеколога, онколога­маммолога, кардиолога, дерматовенеролога,гастроэнтеролога,невролога. Пройтиобследования УЗИ, ЭКГ. Открыт кабинет медицинского массажа длядетей(с рождения) ивзрослых.Работаем до получения оптимального результата.Для оперативной связи с нашими клиентами мы приготовилиоченьполезное,многофункциональное­ мобильное приложение.С мобильным приложением ООО КРАСМЕД:-Вы легко сможете найти наши контакты и адреса представителейвсвоем городе;-Услуга GPS-­навигации поможет выстроить маршрут по нужному адресукнашим подразделениям;-Вы всегда одними из первых будете в курсе всех новостей акцийискидок;-Стало намного удобней­ прямо в режиме он­лайн, и прямо сэкранасвоего сотового телефона познакомиться со всем перечнем нашихуслуги подробным описанием инструкций, получитьконсультациюспециалиста;-Используя эксклюзивные мобильные купоны, встроенные вприложениеполучайте бонусы от КРАСМЕД;-­Вы легко запишитесь на прием к доктору или отправите запроснанеобходимую услугу,заполнив форму он­лайн записи ;-Вы сможете записать и отправить в наш адрес свой отзывилипредложение по улучшению качества обслуживания благодаряудобнойфункции­ Микрофон ;-Из специального раздела Приложения, поделитесь информацией онашемцентре глазногопротезирования КРАСМЕД, и о наших услугах узнают те,- кто внихнуждается.Загрузите приложение на свой телефон и оставайтесь на связи снамивсегда!Ltd. KRASMEDprovidesmedical, glazoproteznuyu assistance throughout Russia.Enterprisemore than 30 years, the average length ofoftalmoprotezistov morethan 15 years, which indicates the highquality of the servicesprovided.The main production are located in St Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk.Inthe near future we plan to open a permanent establishment intheproduction of Nizhny Novgorod.Carry on collecting prosthetics and produce individualocularprosthesis in cities St Petersburg, Stavropol, Vladikavkaz,Penza,Tyumen, Barnaul, Tomsk, Abakan, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude,Chita,Vladivostok.Ocular prostheses manufactured by us are certified anddeclared,made insingle register of medical devices Ministry of Health.Krasnoyarsk is a center providing highly qualified outpatientpatient care, where you can get advice gynecologistoncologistmammalogy, cardiologist, dermatologist,gastroenterologist,neurologist. Goultrasound examination, electrocardiogram. Open officemedicalmassage for children (from birth) andadults.Working to obtain optimal results.For operative communication with our customers, we have preparedavery useful,multifunctional mobile application.With the mobile application company KRASMED:-You Can easily find our contacts and addresses ofrepresentativesin the city;-Services Of GPS-navigation will help build a route to therightaddress to our offices;-You Always among the first to be informed of all the newsstocksand discounts;-Stalo Much more convenient chat online and directly from thescreenof your cell phone get acquainted with the list of ourservices anddetailed description of instructions, get expertadvice;-Ispolzuya Exclusive mobile coupons are built into theapplicationreceives bonuses from KRASMED;-You Easy to make an appointment with a doctor or send a requestforthe required service,filling out the form online recording;-You Can record and send to us your feedback or suggestionstoimprove the quality of service thanks to a convenientfunctionMicrophone;-From The section of the application, share information aboutourcenter of the eyeKRASMED prosthetics, and learn about our services, those - whoneedthem.Download the app on your phone to stay in touch withusalways!
모란여성병원 모바일웹 1.0
모란여성병원의 태아초음파동영상 서비스를 위한 애플리케이션입니다.-진료시간안내 및 주요전화번호, 태아초음파동영상 등을 볼 수 있습니다.-모란여성병원을 방문하신 산모께는 초음파동영상 서비스를 본 애플리케이션을 통해 제공받으실 수 있습니다.-병원 홈페이지에 링크된 태아초음파동영상 보기를 클릭하여 안내에 따라 회원가입 후 본 애플리케이션의태아초음파동영상이나모바일페이지로 로그인 하셔서 초음파동영상을 보실 수 있습니다.-본 애플리케이션을 실행할 때와 태아초음파 동영상 보기를 위해서는 데이터 사용요금이 부가될 수 있으므로가급적Wifi환경하에서 사용하시기 바랍니다.-태아초음파동영상을 보관하기 위해서는 스마트폰의 메모리에 충분한 공간이 필요하며 PC에서도 다운로드하여보관가능합니다.Peony Women's Hospitalforfetal ultrasound video service applications.- Office hours and main phone number for information, youcanview videos and fetal ultrasound.- Peony Women's Hospital to visit your mothermagnificenceultrasound video services available through thisapplication, youcan get.- Hospital website, click the link to view the fetalultrasoundvideo Join us instructions on the video, this applicationofultrasound fetal ultrasound or login to your mobile page youcansee video.- When you run this application in order to view videos andfetalultrasound data may be used per person if possible, please useWifienvironment.- In order to keep the fetus ultrasound video is enough space inthememory of the smartphone needs to be downloaded to the PC canbekept.
MEDimaging Case HD 1.1
The Medimaging Case application(MCA)isstrictlly educational, not for diagnosis, not commercial(noads,free of commercial influence) just a pleasure toshareinterestingand pedagogic imaging medical cases.Sort of radiology Tweeter, with a huge 3 new features :° Pocket Atlas° Private place° Waiting for help areaThe MCA is for radiologists, physicians,educatorsandstudents.1/AtlasThe first purpose of this app is to share yourknowledgeandexperience with physicians and students worlwide bysubmittinganillustrative and pedagogic medical imaging case, tobuild aPocketAtlas of the most frequent disease states and how theylooklike onradiographics, ultrasound, CT or MRI.Be part of it, submit your didactic case. The oneyoupresenttoday from Boston or Rio de Janeiro may help tomorowacolleague inParis or Singapor, and vice versa.It won't take more than 30 sec to share it. All you needisyouriPhone's photo function and an internet connection (Wifior3G).Warning: sometimes, in CT or MRI environment, you don'thaveaninternet connection, you can save your Case in theusualAlbumphoto of your mobile device and send it later whenyouareconnected again ( clic again on "Submit your Case" andselectthe3rd choice)There is only ONE restriction. For the copyrightreasons,don'ttake any picture from a book, magazine,poster,conferencepresentation or any kind of medium which doesn'tbelongtoyou.By submitting your contribution to Medimaging Case youwarrantthatno copyright existes on the contribution or that youowncopyrighton the material being submitted. Only YOUR own case canbesent tous, the case you are studing in your office, on yourscreenwrightnow.All pictures and commentary you send to MedimagingCasebecomecopyright free.2/ Private area:Save and keep in your pocket all your personal andprivatemedicalimaging files.Your X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI and bone density imageswillbeclassified by imaging modality, name and date. Yourimagesarestrictly personal, saved in the MCA album photo ofyourmobiledevice.3/ Waiting for diagnosis:Tweet and share your medical imaging case and getinstantlysomediagnostic suggestions from radiologists worldwidewith yourmobiledevice.Everyday, we see new cases in our medical imagingactivity.Most of them are easy to interpret, others are difficult andwehavehesitation in getting diagnosis. In this case, you canshoottheimages on your computer’s screen and send it withMCA.Instantlythousands of radiologists connected on worldwidegetnotification ontheir mobile devices with your medicalimagingcase.They can quickly give a suggestion of diagnosis in replytoyourtweet.MCA allows this interactive comments betweenradiologistsworldwide,more than 25.000 radiologists downloadedtheapplication.This "Pocket Atlas" and the "Waiting for Help space"willgrowwith your participation. Thank you to share your knowledgewithallof us.