Top 7 Apps Similar to 다나여성병원 모바일웹

Prenatal Ultrasound 2.1
LAM Creations
Gag app! Trick your parents or not so tech savvy friends. Tellthemthis app allows you to view a sonogram image on your device.If you like this app please rate it and check out ourotherapps!Thank you for your support,LAM Creations
Gestational Age Pro
Alpen Mobile
Six touches to see the result! Pregtool good times are back!
Radiology Signs 1.6
This app deals with radiology signs.
Hello Mom
* FeaturesThis application provides the following features:1. AlbumManage / edit / share ultrasound images of unborn child2. RecordsLook up growth records of unborn child, such as body weight,headcircumference, etc.3. DiaryA convenient and easy-to-use diary is provided4. Receive SonogramReceive images and data from ultrasound systems viawired/wirelessnetworks5.Appointment ReminderAppointment date setup and alarm service* NoteThis application cannot be used for medical purposes.This application is intended to be used by mothers and theirfamilymembers to transfer, manage, and edit ultrasound images oftheirunborn children. It is not intended for clinical ordiagnosticuses.To determine the health condition of child or mother, consultaqualified physician.Downloading and installing this application signifies that youagreeto the privacy policy of Samsung Medison. To use the'ReceiveSonogram' and 'Records' features of this product, yourhospitalmust provide Samsung Medison's Mobile Export service.* Description'Mementos of your child before birth'Hello Mom provides the Album feature for editing andarchivingimages of your child, as well as the 'Birth Diary' featureforkeeping a text and image journal of the pregnancy, which aresureto be precious mementos for the mother.Hello Mom links with Samsung Medison ultrasound systems totransferfetal ultrasound images and growth records directly to themother'sAndroid mobile phone.The mother can use this application to edit and manageultrasoundimages that have been received, as well as any otherimages storedon her mobile phone. In addition, the 'AppointmentReminder'feature lets her set up an appointment for a hospitalvisit, andreceive reminders later using the alarm feature.
Ultrasonography 3.1
in Medicine in January 2014, the official English-languagejournalof the Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (KSUM), isaninternational peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated topractice,research, technology, and education dealing withmedicalultrasound. It is published four times per year: January 1,April1, July 1, and October 1. Original articles, topicalreviews,pictorial essays, and notable case reports are publishedinUltrasonography covering state-of-the-art content.Ultrasonographyalso serves as a medium for cooperation amongphysicians andspecialists from around the world who are focusing onvariousultrasound technology and disease problems. Ultrasonographyisindexed/tracked/covered by ScienceCentral, KoreaMed,DOI/Crossref,GO RAD, and Google Scholar.
Clínica Gênesis 1.6
QUEM SOMOSMISSÃO“Oferecer soluções multidisciplinares de saúde comqualidade,possibilitado acessibilidade a todas as classes epromovendo umamelhor qualidade de vida” .VISÃOSer referencia nacional em atendimento multidisciplinardesaúde,cuidando do bem estar de todos com responsabilidade.QUEM SOMOSA Clínica Gênesis hoje é uma referencia ematendimentomultidisciplinar de saúde, pois reúne num mesmo espaçomais de 15especialidades médicas, atendimento diferenciado com umaexcelentelocalização, uma estrutura com recepções que oferecem umgrandeconforto aos pacientes, consultórios amplos e osmelhoresequipamentos. Trabalhamos com profissionais experientes,que atuamnas maiores e melhores instituições de saúde doMaranhão.A Clínica dispõe de atendimentos de ULTRASSONOGRAFIA,ORTOPEDIA,CLÍNICA GERAL, FISIOTERAPIA, PEDIATRIA, RAIOS-X,DERMATOLOGIA,UROLOGIA, ACUPUNTURA, PODOLOGIA, CARDIOLOGIA,PSICOLOGIA E MEDICINADO TRABALHO, LABORATÓRIO DE ANÁLISESCLÍNICAS.WHO WE AREMISSION"Providing multidisciplinary health solutions with quality,madepossible accessibility to all classes and promoting abetterquality of life."VISIONBe a national reference in multidisciplinary health care,takingcare of the welfare of all responsibly.WHO WE AREThe Clinic Genesis is now a reference in multidisciplinaryhealthcare as it gathers in the same space more than 15medicalspecialties, differentiated service with an excellentlocation, astructure with receptions offering a great comfort topatients,large offices and the best equipment. We work withexperiencedprofessionals who work in the biggest and besthealthcareinstitutions of Maranhão.The Clinic has ULTRASONOGRAPHY calls, ORTHOPEDIC, GENERALCLINIC,Physiotherapy, PEDIATRICS, X-RAY, DERMATOLOGY, UROLOGY,ACUPUNCTURE,CHIROPODY, CARDIOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND OCCUPATIONALMEDICINE,CLINICAL ANALYSIS LABORATORY.
Guide pour l’anesthésie locorégionaledestinéaux médecins et aux internes d’anesthésie.Ce guide offre un éclairage précis sur :- les bases de l’échographieBases physiques des ultrasonsRéglages de basesNomenclature échographiquePrincipes d’échoguidagePièges de l’imageComplications- les techniques de repérageLe choix du repérage au membre supérieur ou inférieur et autroncse fait soit par zone soit par liste et donne accès à unelistequasi exhaustive des blocs.Pour chaque bloc vous aurez à disposition :Indications/Contre-indicationsComplications spécifiquesPosition du patientRepères de ponctionTechniques de ponctionAnesthésiques locauxTrucsBibliographiesAnatomieSono-anatomieVidéos de ponctionGuide to anesthesiafordoctors and interns of anesthesia.This guide provides precise illumination of:- The basics of ultrasoundPhysical principles of ultrasound                        Basicsettings                        Nomenclatureultrasound                        Principlesofultrasound guidance                        Trapsimage                        Complications- Techniques for identifyingThe choice of locating the upper or lower limb and trunk areaiseither by list or by providing access to a virtuallyexhaustivelist of blocks.For each block you will have available:            Indications/Contraindications            Specificcomplications            Positionofpatient            Puncturemarks            Puncturetechniques            Localanesthetics            Tips            Bibliographies            Anatomy            Sono-anatomy            Videospuncture