Top 21 Apps Similar to Free GPS Tracker

GPS Tracker 0.9.9
Tracking over 6,000,000 locationsUse GPS Tracker to locate your family in case of concern,oremergency.The GPS Tracker allows you to locate your family at any time,makingit easier to locate your loved ones in case of emergency.Whateverthe reason for checking up, you can keep a close eye onthe currentand recent locations of your children, your parents andyourpartner.Available to download for iPhone and Android, the GPS Trackerkeepstabs on your device and family's location 24/7, in caseofemergency or concern.Use it:►On a family member’s phone, so that you can log in via yourbrowserto check their current location.►On your own phone, in case it’s lost or stolen.►On an elderly parent’s phone, for peace of mind if they’re pronetowandering.WHAT DOES THE GPS TRACKER DO?Available for Android and Apple smartphones, the GPS Tracker isan‘emergency beacon’ for GPS-enabled mobile devices, that sendsyourlocation to central servers in case of emergency orconcern.Location details can be viewed online by logging in throughtheGridLocate website (, or can be checkedonthe go using the GridLocate Family Locator (*Android only). Seethephone’s last known location, receive ‘low battery’ alerts andviewpinpoints on a zoomable map.The GPS Tracker records 24/7, ready for any emergency.IS THE GPS TRACKER A REAL TIME PHONE TRACKING APP?Not quite! The GPS Tracker sends a location update when there'sachange in your location, and roughly every 15 minutes,withlocation history recorded for up to 30 days.We've done a lot of research, and we've discovered thatteenagersthink of real-time data as ‘invasive’. Many would feellike someonewas spying on them, or watching their every move.People are much more comfortable to have their locationrecordedonly when there's a significant change, instead of feelinglikeevery single step is being followed.Real-time updates would drain a battery quickly, but on iPhoneandAndroid the GPS Tracker uses just 4% battery power per day,andless than 10Mb a month.IS GPS TRACKER ACCURATE?Yes. Following each location update, GPS Tracker requestsanaccurate location usually to within 30 meters. We use GPS, WIFIandLBS positions (mast locations) to find an accurate location inallsituations.A FEW SCENARIOS....It would take forever to list the many ways that our GPS Trackercanhelp. We’ve narrowed it down to just a few examples:►You’re working late. You can use the GPS Tracker to check thatyourteenager is safely home from school.►Your son or daughter is on a night out and promised to be backbymidnight, but they’re late. Use the GPS Tracker to checkthatthey’re at least on their way.►Your elderly father has wandered off once before. You’reworriedthat he’ll do it again. Install GPS Tracker to his phone andyou’llbe able to quickly check whether he’s just popped out forsomemilk, or he’s strolling in the wrong part of town.►There’s a bomb scare somewhere in the city. With the GPSTracker,see if your partner is anywhere nearby.►You lost your phone sometime between the desk and the dinnertable.Did you leave it in the office or is it currently travellingbytrain? Your GPS Tracker will give you the answer.READY TO GO?For instant location information, follow these threesimplesteps:Step 1: Register your FREE GridLocate accountat 2: Download GPS Tracker onto the phones you want to trackusingthe unique IDs.Step 3: Add the devices to your free GridLocate account, toviewcurrent location and location history.GPS Tracker is free to download and free to use. You can track upto5 devices for free on-line or via our Family Locator App. Totrack 6or more devices, prices start at just $10.00 a month
Family Finder (GPS Tracker) 1.4
Friend & Family Finder app is anefficientand accurate location tracking app. It designed to findyour Familyand friend's location in a very accurate and fast way.Easily addan endless number of friends to your network and starttracking.Simply register by your cell number then locate &track friendsand family by selecting a cell number from yourcontactslist. See the real-time location of your family & friends Share free messages with your family and kids finder app Easy real-time tracking of your stolen or lost phone GPS Tracking to find Friends and Family. The best GPS Tracking App Totally free for an endless number of friends.This very handy and easy-to-use app to help you stay connectedinreal time to the people (and the devices) that matters youthemost.We love to hear from customers. If you have an issue orsuggestion,please send an email to: [email protected]
GPS Tracker 4.0.3
This Application allows you to trackcellphonesperiodically. For instance every minute or everyfiveminutes. Youcan watch the cell phone being tracked in realtimeusing Google Mapsand you can store and reload routes easily.Andyou can retrieve thelocation and time easily from my servers,thisproject help users tofind their devices as well as improvethesecurity.
GPS Tracker Little Nanny Child 4.0.6
GPS Tracker Little-Nanny (Child) – ahighprecision child tracker (GPS Tracker) and playground guard.Almostlike a real nanny who takes care of your children. Parentslove theApp for keeping track of their kids. Just use anySmartphone(Android 2.3+ or Iphone) as a GPS child tracker device.Worry nomore when your loved ones travel or go to school! The GPSLocatorLittle Nanny can help you locate all family andfriendssimultaneously via the app’s map. You can also watch themtravelfrom one destination to the next via the app’s GPS mapinrealtime.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★You will need the parentapp: the "patent app" you can monitor the current location ofyourkid.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Do you want to know where your child is right now? Do you wanttodefine a playground and get notified when your child left thezone?Do you want to get notified if the battery of your child’sdeviceis running empty or the device is lost? Than Little-Nanny istheperfect solution to protect your family.Little-Nanny GPS “Parent” App makes it easy to dothefollowing:► Track your child’s or teenager’s smartphone (family locator).Youcan now track their whereabouts 24/7. If they get lost, youcanidentify their location and guide them to where they need tobe.The ability to know the exact location of your child andgettingreal-time updates can be a life-saver for any parent.► Phone Locator: GPS Little Nanny is a reliable and highlyaccuratecell phone tracker, using 28 satellites to triangulate theexactlocation of every phone registered in your account. If a phoneisever out of satellite view, GPS Little Nanny reliesontriangulation via the nearest cell phone tower and cellphonecarriers’ data to identify the missing cell phone’s location.Theapp works with a variety of mobile devices incuding iOSsmartphonesand Android phones.► GPS Maps: GPS Little Nanny uses GPS maps to ensure themostaccurate, real-time reporting on the location of your familyandfriends. It’s a great people finder and can also helpperformreverse phone lookup and phone lookup functions usingGPScoordinates and GPS location data.► Define a playground / guarding area (geofence) and getinstantlynotified with an alarm when:a) Your child has left the playground / zone(continuousmonitoring)b) if the child’s device is running out of battery orc) if you child’s has lost the device.► Find your child: Little-Nanny will show you the distance andthedirection you have to walk to find your child.► Works with Android 2.3+ or iPhone, even if you mix it e.g.Androidas child device and Iphone as parent appHow It Works:Download the FREE "Child" App onto your childs smartphone(Android2.3+ or IPhone). Enter the displayed child’s device ID intoyour"Parent" App – that’s it. No registration at all!► First – Download the “Child” App onto your child’s smartphone–note the displayed ID.► Second – Download the “Parent” App onto your smartphone andenterthe child’s ID .ATTENTION: We are working hard to ensure that Little Nanny isalwaysworking es expected, but we can't guarantee it. Pleaseunderstandthat technical issues and outages are alwayspossible.
SafetiPin Track:GPS Tracker 1.0
The SafetiPin Track is a GPS appdesignedtogive you control over your own safety. It allows you tosetrulesto alert your family and friends if something unusualhappens,evenif you do not initiate it. There are four kinds ofrules, eachofwhich can be used multiple times.1. ‘I am late’. Set this rule for routes you use veryoften,forexample between work and home. If it takes you longer toreach,analert will be sent to your selected family andfriends.2. ‘I am in transit’. This is complementary to the ‘I amlate’rule.An alert will be sent each time you leave your setlocationandanother when your reach.3. ‘I am in an unsafe place’. If you need tofrequentsomenot-so-safe areas, set this alert to let friends knowwhen yougetthere and when you leave4. ‘I am outside a safe place’. Use this, if you want yourfamilyandfriends to know every time you step outside your definedsafeplaces.This feature can be used as a kids tracker.You can set these rules for some days in a week, for sometimesinthe day, or just between specified dates. You cansetdifferentpeople to be informed for each rule you set.SafetiPin Track also provides a number of basic GPSTrackerfeaturesto help if you find yourself inuncomfortablesituations1. ‘Stay with me’. Selecting this allows your selectedfriendsandfamily members to track you. Selecting it again turnsitoff.2. ‘Call back’. This will make your phone ring a fewminuteslaterallowing you to get out of an uncomfortablesituation3. ‘Call me’. Your friends will get a message asking them tocallyouback.4. ‘Scream’. This is a loud screaming sound that willscareoffanyone that may be harassing you.5. ‘Where are you’. Using this, you can invite a set offriendsorfamily members to show you their present location.Itiseffectively a family locator or a friend locator.6. ‘SOS’. This should only be used in a real emergencysituationandwill trigger a loud alarm on your friends phone.In each case, you can set the people who will receive yourmessage.Anotification will be sent to your friends, and you willbe abletosee the person tracking you and their locations.Together, these features provide you with the ability toletyourfamily and friends know where you are, and keeps youincontrol.Your friends and family need to have the app as welltoreceivenotifications, and you can invite them easily throughtheapp.
Family Tracker 5.4.5
Parental monitoring app - Keep your children safe
Family Locator / GPS Tracker 1.111
Asterium Ltd.
Main features* Uses your phone as a GPS beacon for children, friendsandrelatives* Shows the location of children's smartwatches: Q50, Q60, Q80,Q90,G36, W5, ZGPAX S22, PG22, GW100, GW100S, GW300, GW500S,GW600S,GW800, GW900S* Shows the location of GPS trackers TK102B* Shows the real time location (high battery consumption)* Shows the location with the specified interval (lowbatteryconsumption)* You can send your current position by SMS, Email,WhatsApp,etc* Sends emergency alerts showing the location* Integration with the contacts in Facebook,* Free messaging face-to-face and in groups (Hubs)* Support for Push notifications* Connect any number of Android devices to your account* Widgets for quick enable/disable geolocation in real time* Location of all objects on the map is automatically updatedNew!(PAID FEATURE) Now You can connect kids smart watches tothisapp. Currently supported models: Q50 / Q60 / Q90 / G36 / W5andanalogs (support all features like in the SeTracker, GuanAixing,iWatch+ or AIBEILE apps).Use the device activation wizard: in the main menu "Mytrackers"-> Add, follow the instructions.The Asterium Family locator allows you to use your smartphoneortablet as a GPS tracker.Connect to your account all your Android devices and sharetheirlocation with family and friends.Just follow these steps:1. Install on friends smartphones Asterium Family locator app2. Choose "Enable tracker" in main menu (your location will befoundwithin few minutes)3. Add friends from Your social network in menu "Friends"You can also share your location by sending a link to Googlemapsvia SMS, email and other ways, You do not evenneedauthorization.To save battery life You can use the automated coordinatessendingat a specified interval (from 1 minute to 24 hours, defaultisevery hour).The location update frequency is only 1 second and depends onthequality and coverage of the GSM network and the level of GPS/GLONASS signal. However, in the absence or small numberofsatellites in line-of-sight on your Android device, thetelematicsdata accuracy and speed of geolocation can besignificantlyreduced.To add friends you do not need to spend money on SMS and toenterfiddly secret codes: just log in via Facebook, Google+ orVK.comand your contacts will immediately be available forinteraction.The app will identify which of your friends is alreadyusing theAsterium family finder, and who can be invited.In order to share your location and to see where your childrenorfriends - create a Hub and invite into it loved ones. Youdecidewhen to hide and to show your location to other members. Hubis aclosed group, access to which is possible only at theinvitation ofits Creator.You are free to send private messages with any users ofAsteriumfamily tracker. And for more convenience communicate in acommonchat rooms, which available to all Hub members.You will always be aware of everything that happens in theAsteriumfamily locator and do not miss important events andmessages with anotification system.Install family GPS tracker Asterium on the car audio system(headunit based on Android) of your vehicle and it will always beunderyour supervision.Use supplied widgets to quickly enable and disable tracking ofyourlocation (and therefore the visibility to your friends andlovedones) with one touch.Use the app to monitor children, elderly parents, friends.Tocoordinate joint action when driving in motorcade, bike ridesandother journeys - area of use the app is really endless!
SkyNanny 1.0 GPS tracker 1.01
The SkyNanny GPS tracker solutionisaneasy-to-use app for your Android smartphone, coupled withasmalltracking device worn by children. This amazing productcanprovidethe parent or guardian with peace of mind in knowingtheirlovedones' location. The whereabouts of the child can bemonitoredfromyour phone anywhere in the world.With Skynanny GPS, you no longer have to worry aboutyourkidsgoing on trips with their friends, walking to school,andenjoyingother activities knowing that assistance is therewhenneeded.The app works with the tracker provided by SkyNanny GPS-detailsare on our website at skynannygps.comGetting started is as easy as 1 2 3....1. When you first run the app, register all the trackersthatneedto be monitored.2. Set various parameters such as the interval inwhichGPScoordinates are sent to your phone.3. From the active trackers list, press the "Map" button andallofyour tracked devices will be displayed on an interactivemapforyou to monitor.How it works:The SkyNanny GPS tracker device uses a standard SIM cardfromyourmobile service provider. The GPS tracker gets itscoordinatesfromGPS satellites free of charge. It communicates withtheSkyNanny GPSapp on your Android phone via SMS text throughyourmobile serviceprovider. There are service plans startingat$4/mo.
Phone Tracker - Find My Phone 0.1.7
Phone Tracker is one of the best apps ifyou’veever asked yourself “how to find my phone?”. Our app helpsyou tostay connected with your loved ones in real time.Main Benefits of having a GPS Phone Tracker app:✓ Automatically receive place alerts when your child leavesorreaches some specific place✓ Easily keep track of your family members location withoutaskingwhere they are✓ Always get notified if your child exceeded the speed limitthatyou consider safe✓ Having battery-friendly gps tracker technology inyourpocket✓ Check call logs and sms of your kids to make sure thateverythingis okay✓ Communicate with your family members any time for no costOur application is the best solution if you are always worriedwhereyour children are, who they communicate with and what happensintheir lives. This app uses state-of-art GPS PhoneTrackingtechnology to keep track of your kids and family.Amazing Family LocatorOnce the app is installed on your device, due to GPS trackingeachfamily member appears on the main screen of the app so youwillknow where exactly each family member is at any time. Nomoremessages like “Where are you?”, Find My Phone tracker app putsthisinformation at your fingertips. And even more, this familylocatorcan send alerts when your child arrives or leaves somespecificlocation.Best GPS TrackerWith GPS Family Tracker Tracker, you can monitor how yourfamilymember moves from one point to another as well as you may seethelocation history of your loved ones for the last 30 days.Reliable Cell Phone TrackerOften teenagers don’t want to share their feelings withtheirparents. So SMS and Call Logs feature can prevent real troubleandhelp parents keep abreast of their lives and always know whentheirkids need help.No more hesitance! Stop asking how to find my phone. Downloadthebest GPS Phone Tracker and start keeping track of your kidsandfamily!
Origin GPS Tracker 1.1
Origin is India's best GPS Tracker withloadsoffeatures. The best security device in Industry whichenablestrackingof Motorbikes, Cars, Trucks & Automobiles.Origin appgives youcomplete access to your vehicle location ,speed, status& manyother things.
GPS Tracker - Mobile Tracker 0.1.7
Give a warm welcome to a new powerfulGPStracker for kids with a set of essential and strongfeatures.Whenever you need to keep in touch with your teens 24/7checkingtheir call logs and messages, our mobile tracker iscertainly theapplication to opt for. Equipped with numerous greatoptions everychildren tracker should have, it comes as a perfectsafety mean forparents who are willing to track phone of their kidsand to steerclear of bad company and inappropriate onlineactivates.Users will benefit from the following features:✓ SMS Children Tracker – Our kids locator makes it easyforparents to monitor all SMS messages both received and sent.Youwill be able to look into every discussion even is the SMSmessageshave been deleted from the smartphone. Our powerful childtrackerwill automatically save all messages once they are receivedorsent.✓ Call Logs Tracking System – Our amazing child trackerwilllet you monitor both incoming and outgoing calls as well astrackthe list of your kids’ contacts. You will always be aware ofwhoyour teens regularly talk to making it easy to keep them awayfroma bad company.✓ GPS Location Tracking – A brand-new locator for kidswillprovide the exact information on your children location. Ifyouwant to know where your daughter is going to whenever he leavesthehouse, our Kids GPS Tracker is certainly the application youneed.You will get a full access to the information on everykids’movement. Track phone the location in real time to knowexactly ifthey are in school or hanging out with friends in thenearestmall.✓ Speed Limit Control – Use our Mobile Tracker for kidsincase you want if they ever exceed the speed limit puttingtheirlives at risk. The mobile app industry evolves providingnewsolutions to keep in touch with your children’s everymovement.Speed limit control function will send notifications ifyour sowants to check his ride on the highway. Kids GPS Trackerwill letyou prevent any of that.✓ Free Family Messenger – Our child gps locationmobiletracker is a perfect tool whenever you need to keep in touchwithany of your family members as fast as possible. Theapplicationproceeds as a free messenger every time you need towrite an emailto your son or daughter at no cost at all. You willalways be awareof their location and have no difficulties incontacting them evenif there is no money left on their mobileaccount. If you havedoubts whether your kids try to ignore you ortruly do not have achance to contact you via mobile network, ourchild GPS trackerwill let you easily keep in touch with themfree.You only need to install this essential GPS Tracker softwareandstart using our mobile tracker app without any limits!
jelocalise Phone GPS Tracker 1.1
jelocalise Tracker is a realtime GPStrackerand phone locator for your family, friends, employees,children...Find and locate your stolen phone and never lose yourphone again!Features :- Tracks your device in realtime- Locate your device from your user space on Run in the background- Minimal battery and data usage- Adjustable update interval- Supports multiple devices per account- Auto-restarts anytime you reset the device.- Track an unlimited number of devices from the samejelocaliseaccount- Unobtrusive - runs in the background and requires nouserintervention- Warning areas with geofencing to get alerts when your phonesenteror leave an area you define on the website- SOS Button to send an emergency message with your location onamap to your contacts- Unlimited data historyParents love the App for keeping track of their kids. The abilitytoknow the exact location of your child and getting real-timeupdatescan be a life-saver for any parent.jelocalise GPS Tracker is great for families to monitorelderparents, children or any family member with this app onthephone.jelocalise GPS Tracker can find all of your family and friendsatonce. When your family goes on vacation, you will be able totellwhere everyone is by viewing the App’s map. The App can sendalertswhen family members have checked in to their destinations,allowingyou to know they are safe and sound.If you are an office manager, you can do GPS tracking withyouremployees phones and now exactly where they are, which is greatfortransportation services for example.For more informations about this app or our phone locator andGPStracking services, visit our website
GPS Tracker Little Nanny 4.2.2
★ 3 DAY trial ★ Little-Nanny GPS TrackerParentis a high precision child tracker (GPS Tracker) andplaygroundguard. Almost like a real nanny who takes care of yourchild. Justuse any Smartphone (Android 2.3+ or Iphone) as a childtrackerdevice. ATTENTION: This trial version will expire after 3days, forjust $2.99 you can purchase the full version!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★YOU NEED THE FREE CHILD APP TO TRACK YOUR CHILD- Nanny child tracker transforms your Android into apremiumGPS tracking device.Follow both Androids and iPhones!★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★Do you want to know where your child is right now? Do you wanttodefine a playground and get notified when your child left thezone?Do you want to get notified if the battery of your child’sdeviceis running empty or the device is lost? Than Little-Nanny istheperfect solution to protect your family. Works with Android 2.3+oriPhone, even if you mix it e.g. Android as child device andIphoneas parent app.Little -Nanny needs no registration at all. We don't collectanypersonal data. Your privacy is guaranteed!The App contains renewable subscriptions for History (1 Month-$0.99) and Guarding / Zones (1 Month - $0.99). Subscriptionsareautomatically renewed until canceled. For details please reviewourprivacy policy and terms ofuse: monthly auto renewable subscriptions are:► Define Zones like Home / School and you will be notified whenyourchild will enter / leave this zone.► Define a playground / guarding area (geofence) and getinstantlynotified with an alarm when:a) Your child has left the playground / zone(continuousmonitoring)b) if the child’s device is running out of battery orc) if you child’s has lost the deviceZones & Playground together for only $0.99 / Month! -► History: The History premium feature enables you to see theGPSlocations and movements of all children. History is savedforunlimited amount of days! Purchase History as subscription for1Month - only $0.99 / Month!How It Works:Download the FREE "Child" App onto your childs smartphone(Android2.3+ or IPhone). Enter the displayed child’s device ID intoyour"Parent" App – that’s it. No registration at all!► First – Download the “Child” App onto your child’s smartphone–note the displayed ID.► Second – Download the “Parent” App onto your smartphone andenterthe child’s ID .Now you can monitor your child’s location 24/7 from the “Parent”Appon your smartphone and define instantly a guarding area or findyourchild. Little Nanny geolocator app uses 28 satellites totriangulatethe exact geolocation of the child device.Imagine if a piece of technology could protect your childrenWhen the founder of Little Nanny Rolf Bauer lost his 4-yeardaughterMaria for thirty minutes, he became idea for LITTLE NANNY:LittleNanny is new type of Application to keep parents and theiryoungchildren in touch. The idea was to reuse any old Smartphone(Androidor iOS) as a high precision tracking device.ATTENTION: We are working hard to ensure that Little Nanny isalwaysworking es expected, but we can't guarantee it. Pleaseunderstandthat technical issues and outages are alwayspossible.
Family Locator - GPS Tracker 0.1.7
Fameelee Ltd.
Care about your family or the loved ones?Wouldyou like to know the accurate location of your kids? Wouldyou liketo make sure if they don't miss their lessons? Try ourFamilyLocator with the GPS tracker functions and you won’t need tobenervous about your family safetyFameelee is the most accurate family locator that allowsfamilymembers to be in touch 24/7 and to know where your loved onesareright now due to the best GPS Phone tracker feature. Inaddition,you will have the possibility to browse their locationhistory byday to identify where your kids were at some specificmoment.WITH FAMEELEE YOU CAN:☆ Check the real-time location of your family members☆ Chat with your loved family any time for no cost☆ Receive/send panic alarms with your gps location and video ofyoursurrounding☆ Get alerts when your child leaves or reaches somespecificplace☆ Create your own family circle or get invited by theotherparent☆ Find out the location history of your family members duringthelast 30 days☆Get notified if your children exceeded the speed limit thatyouconsider safe☆ Check sms and call logs of your kids to make sure you havenothingto worry about☆ Enjoy battery-friendly gps tracker algorithmWHY FAMEELEE PHONE TRACKING APP IS A MUST-HAVE FORYOU?✓ It provides parents with accurate information about wheretheirchildren are, so they can sleep easily✓ Your children may feel protected as they can notify theirparentsabout any trouble that happens✓ Parents can call their children less as they have allneededinformation from the app✓ Fameelee uses the latest GPS tracking technology, so it allowsitto work in background, save the battery life and to belessobtrusive than the other cell phone trackers as Life360,SprintFamily Locator, Sygic or FAMILO.✓ The usage of such tool as Fameelee - Family Locator &Trackerallows to stay aware of the safety of your kids when you arenotwith them✓ The modern phone tracking application Fameelee can helpparentsget to know the problems that their children may share withfriendsbut not with parents via sms messages✓ The state-of -art Fameelee - Family locator notifies you whenyourkids leave school, their friend's place or some other placewhichyou would like to track.Note: Don't forget to check if GPS location services are ON onyourdevice as it's a mandatory condition for your application toworkproperly. Fameelee is battery -friendly gps phone tracker appandoptimized for daily use, it may take up-to 5% of yourbatterylife.Important: The installation of phone tracker, without the consentofthe person whose personal gadget is being tracked, is consideredaviolation. So he/she must agree that it is being monitored bythisGPS tracking app.So, what are you waiting for? Download our unique “Fameelee-Family Locator” gps tracker and start following your kidsandfamily keeping them safe!
Family Maps, Messenger & Chat 0.1.7
We are glad to introduce our new freeGPStracking application also known as Family Maps, Messenger andChat.Exactly, all the most important family mobile app featurescombinedin a single app! Considering a growing number of equalapplicationson the market, you may say that nothing can impress youanymore.However, our GPS Mobile Tracker can boast some essentialfeaturesthat you will hardly find in any other software.What features define a strong family tracking app? It shouldbepowerful enough and easy-to-use at the same time. It should haveasimple monitoring structure letting you easily use the familyGPStracker to know the exact location of your family members.Theseare some basic features that can be found in any familytrackingapp.BEST MOBILE TRACKER APPOur Family Locator comes with a selection of additional optionsandfunctions. You will have all great gps tracking andmonitoringfeatures in one place. All you need is to have yoursmartphonealways by your side. Easy and fast installation process,theability to check whether you children are at school orsomewhereelse, alert notifications and more - these are only a fewoptionsyou will benefit from using our family tracking app.Start Using Mobile Tracker with 3 Easy StepsIf you want to launch your new Family Maps & Messenger appandget a full access to all its functions, follow 3 easysteps:Step 1 – Download and install the application on your’sandyour kids’ smartphones.Step 2– Indicate all areas and locations that your kidsareallowed visiting. They typically include schools or colleges,gyms,malls, etc.Step 3 – Get notifications about all movements of yourchild,track his movements on map and chat anytime.That’s it! Track my phone has never been easier before!Additional BenefitsApart from basic features of gps tracking family locator,easyinstallation, and usage process, you will additionally get aremotemonitoring center in your pocket. It will let you:✓ track your teens’ smartphones remotely without knowing youhaveever tried to know whom they are talking to and whattheydiscuss;✓ monitor the history of all call logs and messages even iftheywere deleted. The app will store the monthly history displayingallnecessary messages and calls;✓ get notifications every time your kids exceed the speed limitormiss classes;✓ control the battery capacity to know if your kids’ smartphonesareoff or they simply ignore your calls.✓ get SOS alerts if your child clicked a panic button✓ communicate in family chat with all your family membersOur family tracking app will let you keep your family membersawayfrom troubles without interfering with their privacy.Whether you have aged parents or small kids, the solutionissomething unbelievable – Family Maps, Messenger and Chat all inoneplace!
LD-Log - GPS Tracker & Logbook 8.0.1
Long-term GPS tracking, travel and sailing logbook, maps andoutdoornavigation
Offline GPS Tracker 1.3.1
"Offline GPS Tracker Professional" is auniqueand powerful tool, which offers a lot of features, andinternetconnection is NOT required for this app.The app shows and stores all GPS (respectively GLONASS) data.Thisdata includes date, time, altitude, latitude, longitude, speed(inall popular formats: m/s; km/h; mph and kn/h), accuracy andnumberof received satellites. This data is saved directly in theapp'sinternal database, which can be read and edit directly in theapp.When you save the data, you can additionally also add yourownnotes to the data. When this app calculating you position, GPSandGLONASS (if supported by your device) satellites are combined-this results in an optimum calculation of your position.The unique thing about this app (compared to everyone else) isthatthis app works absolutely offline. Other apps ask the datawhollyor partly from over the Internet. This app does not. You donotneed Internet connection and no network coverage to use theapp.The application relates solely to the sensors of your device.Idealfor use in the field, at sea or in the aircraft.In addition, the UI of this app has been created so, that the useofthis app uses so little power as possible.
Family Mobile Location Tracker 16.8
Family Mobile Location Tracker - AManagedFamily Safety & Security at Your Fingertips!!★ Check your family members real-time location on map fromyourown mobile phone.★ View current locations and history of locations visited overlastmany days and play routes on the map.★ Get Mobile GPS location real time notifications.★ Create multiple geo-fence’s for each family member togetautomatic security alerts when person is not within thespecifiedzone. Get alerts on your phone when your kid reachesschool or whencomes back to home.★ Create and share on road records for safety when you startjourneyand during the journey. Take picture of vehicle beforeboarding andsend it to your parents.★ During journey, records are created by capturing thelocation,pictures, audio etc. with appropriate notifications.★ Configure and use multiple notification mechanisms inemergencyPanic situation by press of a single button.Download and install now!!!After installation, register your account from withintheapplication and start using your account once it isactivated.Typically it takes few minutes to get your account setupandactivated. You will be notified within the app as well as bytheemail once account is activated.Note: Please keep the application updated for new upgrades.Disclaimer: This is a supplementary tool providing a mechanismofcommunication.
Titan Watch
Детские часы GPS Titan Watch:безопасность ребёнка 24/7Каждый родитель беспокоится о своем ребенке – где он сейчас, вселис ним в порядке, почему не отвечает на мобильный телефон?Длярешения проблемы отслеживания детей создано современноеприложениеTitan Watch.Titan Watch единственные GPS -часы на российском рынке,имеютпрограммное обеспечение, разработанное в России. Крометого,передача данных осуществляется не на зарубежный, а наотечественныйсервер, что исключает сбои в работе устройства.Принцип работыприложения: --- Вы покупаете часы-трекер- Устанавливаете SIM-карту в специальный слот.- Регистрируетесь в приложении.- Добавляете ваши часы.- Записываете 2 телефонных номера (например, «Мама» и«Папа»),- Один из них выбираете как «Главный» для того чтобы получать неегозвонки при прослушивании и сигнале SOS.Используете все функции Titan Watch!- Определение местоположения GPS и LBS- Отслеживание объекта в реальном времени- Установление рамок перемещения ребенка- История передвижений ребенка- Быстрый набор номера- SOS вызов- Телефонная книга- Двусторонняя связь- Будильник- Уведомление при снятии часов- Оповещение при низком заряде устройства- ПодслушивайтеТрекеры Titan Watch – качественный современный продукт,пользоватьсякоторым приятно и удобно Вам и Вашему ребенку!Children's watchesGPSTitan Watch:child 24/7 securityEvery parent worries about their child - where he is now,everythingis okay with it, why not answer the cell phone? To solvethe problemof tracking the children created Titan Watch thelatestapplications.Titan Watch GPS -Hours only on the Russian market havesoftwaredeveloped in Russia. In addition, the data transfer is noton theforeign and the domestic server that eliminates theperformanceissues. The principle of the application: -- You buy a watch Tracker- Sets the SIM-card in the slot.- Log into the application.- Add your clock.- Record two telephone numbers (for example, "Mom" and"Dad"),- One of them is selected as the "main" to not receive his callsandwhen listening to the SOS signal.Use all functions of Titan Watch!- Definition of GPS and LBS location- Tracking an object in real time- Establishing a framework for moving the child- History Child movements- Speed ​​dialing- SOS call- Phone book- Two-way communication- Alarm Clock- Notice when removing the clock- The notification at low battery device- to eavesdropTrackers Titan Watch - high quality modern product, whichenjoypleasant and convenient to you and your child!
GPS-Track-Smart 1.0.8
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Overview:You can use the app to record your trip, post information duringthetrip and share it with other people in real-time ortriphistory.When your loved ones install the app and set you astheircontroller, you can track their trips, find their locations orgetnotifications when they enter / leave certain regions.Features:Battery Saving: The app only wakes up and works properly duringaset period of time.Instant SMS communication: When tracking, locating or monitoring,the commands and responses are delivered through SMS.Secured: Your recorded trips are saved in your cellphone.Onlyshared trips and tracked trips are saved in cloud with accesscode.The app won't respond to any SMS command unless you set acellphonenumber and allow SMS control.Internet Off-line Supported: You can track your partners evenwhenthey don't have Internet connection. Once Internet is available,the tracked trips will be sent to cloud and visible toyoueventually.Cross-Platform: If you want to track, to locate or to monitoryourpartners, you don't have to install the app. Just let yourpartnersinstall the app and set your cellphone number ascontroller. Thenyou can send SMS commands to them and view theresults from any webbrowser (HTML5 supported) .