Top 5 Apps Similar to Legion

ラグナビューア 1.0
Growing Jump
ラグナソウル用【最強ブラウザ攻略アプリ】が登場!!「携帯レギオンは、PCレギオンには勝てない。」そんな時代もここまでです!!攻撃しながら、クエスト走って、レギオン掲示板でおしゃべりも出来る。スマホの画面で、PCを越える操作感を体験しよう!!◆◇◆どんなアプリ?◆◇◆大人気リアルタイムバトルゲーム【ラグナソウル】をお助けする、最強のブラウザ攻略アプリ!!▼3画面を同時に操作▼スクリーン上に3つの画面を配置する事で、PCライクな操作感を実現!!『バトル画面で攻撃しながら、任務でTP回復して、掲示板で作戦会議』なんて操作も一画面で可能!!ページ遷移に悩まされ続けたバトルともおさらば。バトル時間を有意義に使って、レギオンを勝利に導こう!!▼表示画面はカスタマイズ可能▼3つの画面に表示するページは、自分で好きなようにカスタマイズも可能!!自分に合った組み合わせを見つけて、バトルの主導権を握ろう!!◆◇◆使い方は?◆◇◆1)アプリをインストール2)アプリを立ち上げて3)mobageにログインする  だけの3ステップ!!※初期状態では、聖戦・任務・レギオン掲示板の3つのページが、各画面に割り振られています。※各画面への割当ページは【設定】より変更可能です。◆◇◆ユーザーの皆様からのご意見◆◇◆『PCレギオンにコテンパンにやられていたウチのレギオンも、 このアプリを手に入れてからは、連勝続きの負け知らず!! 今では強豪レギオンの一角ですw』(30代・デュラハン・千葉県在住)『一つの画面で、いろんなページを行ったり来たりしてた頃が バカらしく思えてくるわ。 このアプリと出会って、アタシの聖戦は』(20代・アークエンジェル・東京在住)『あ・・・ありのまま 今 起こった事を話すぜ! 「おれは聖戦画面で戦っていたかと思ったら  同時に任務画面でTPを回復していた」 な・・・何を言っているのか わからねーと思うが 俺にも何をされたのかわからなかった・・・ ブラバ だとか ブクマショートカット だとか そんなチャチなもんじゃあ 断じてねえ もっと恐ろしいものの片鱗を味わったぜ・・・』(24歳・サラマンダー・フランス在住)[strongestbrowsercaptureapp] appeared Laguna Seoulfor!"Mobile Legion,. Not win the PC Legion"It is also far this era!While attack,therunningquest, you can also chat with Legion bulletinboard.The screen of a smartphone, let's experience the feelingofoperationbeyond the PC!!◆ ◇ ◆ what app? ◆ ◇ ◆I'd help [Laguna] Seoul popular real-time battle game,Browser capture app strongest!▼ The operation atthesametime the three screen ▼By placing the three screens on the screen, I realizetheoperationfeeling of PC-like! !"While attackingthebattlescreen, and TP recovery mission, strategy meetingthebulletinboard"Possible on a single screen operation also is!!Farewell battlewithitcontinued to suffer from page transition.Use in a meaningful way battle time, I will to leadtovictoryLegion!▼ display screencanbecustomized ▼Page to be displayed on the screen of the three, canalsobecustomized as you like on your own!Find the combination that suits them, so you Nigiro theinitiativeofbattle!◆ ◇ ◆ how to use it? ◆ ◇ ◆Install 1) applicationBring up 2) applicationStep 3 you only want to log in to 3) mobage!!※ In the initialstate,thethree pages of the Holy War, missions, andLegionbulletinboard,It is allocated to each screen.※ assigned to each pageofthescreen can be changed from [Settings].◆ ◇ ◆ opinions from everyone of user ◆ ◇ ◆Also Legion of myhousethathad been done to Kotenpan to "PC Legion,After I got this app, losing winning streak of knowing more!And w is the corner of Legion powerhouse is now "(intheir30sDe~yurahan Chiba prefecture)On the screen of "one,isWhenI was back and forth the various pageI'll come to think like a fool.I met with this app, the holy war of Atashi "(20sArcAngelTokyo-based)Speak that it hashappenednowsobering ... "Oh!If you think "I do and was fighting in the holy war screenI had to recover the TP on a mission screen at the same time"Although I think Ne know what are you saying what ... NaI did not know what was to me ...That it is bookmarking shortcut That it BravaHey absolutely and Well mon cheap-ass like thatZe tasted horrible glimpse of what more ... "(24 yearsoldSalamanderresident of France)
MOMO 1.21
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Legion KoM Plus 5.1
This app is for members of theallianceLegion_in World :Radagast23 of The Hobbit: Kingdoms ofMiddleEarth byKabam. With more features coming soon, this app willallowyou torequest bank resources, and much much more! Please writeareview onthe Play Store, as this really helps forimprovements.Thanks.If you are a member of the UnitedMisfits alliance, youcannowdownload this app and enjoy all it has to offer (Pleasenotethatbank requests are currently only authorisedforcertainUnitedMisfits members, please see your regent fordetailsonthis)This is the Plus version and currentlysupportssomeadvertisements (Hey, Nothings Free ;) Thankyou!The Hobbit KoMbyKabam:
Legion App KoM 2.8
This app is for members of theallianceLegion_in World :Radagast23 of The Hobbit: Kingdoms ofMiddleEarth byKabam. With more features coming soon, this app willallowyou torequest bank resources, play games, check the timesanddates ofcouncil meetings, and much much more!
Have access toSpeirsTheAmazingHD'sYouTube,Twitter,Facebook, And Much More In TheTouch Of A FewButtons!Features:• Easy-To-Use!• A lot Of Content To Make You Busy!• Great Graphics!• Absolutely Free!_____________________________________Website: THIS APP IS NOT OFFICIAL! ALSO THE LOGO USED FOR THISAPPIS UNDER FAIR USE AND USED FOR NON-PROFIT. WE WILL TAKE DOWNTHISSOON IF THE SAID YOUTUBE ASKS OF US