Top 26 Apps Similar to 수산생물도감

한국담수어종도감 1.2
본 어종도감은 한국의 담수어 중 고유종을 위주로 정리한 민물고기 도감이다.담수어종 중 우리나라 고유종은 세계적으로 오직 한반도에만 사는 민물고기로 중요한 생물자원으로 귀중하게 보호해야한다.고유종은 특정지역에만 분포하는 어종으로 주로 지리적 격리가 원인으로 알려져 있으며, 진화 역사와 더불어 지역의특이한지리역사를 반영한다. 우리나라 담수어종은 총 212종으로 그 중 고유어종이 모두 61종이나 이 중 5종은북한에만서식한다. 과별로는 잉어과가 33종, 미꾸리과가 13종으로 전체의 75%를 차지한다.고유종의 대표적인 과를 소개하면,1. 납자루아과 어류우리나라에서는 14종이 기록되었으나 수원 서호지방에 서식하는 것으로 알려졌던 “서호납줄갱이”는 예전에 멸종되어현재13종만이 살고 있다. 이들 납자루 어류는 모두 혼인색이 아름답고, 소형이며, 담수산 이매패의 아가미 안에 알을 낳는등습성이 특이하다. 우리나라 납자루 어류 중 고유종은 각시붕어, 한강납줄개, 묵납자루, 칼납자루, 임실납자루,줄납자루,큰줄납자루, 가시납지리 등 8종으로 전체의 절반이 넘으며, 이중 묵납자루와 임실납자루는 멸종위기야생동식물II급으로지정되어 함부로 잡거나 보관하지 못하도록 법으로 금지하고 있다. 이들 고유종 중 각시붕어, 떡납줄갱이,칼납자루,흰줄날줄개는 관상어로도 가치가 높아 국립수산과학원 중앙내수면연구소에서 인공재생산 기술개발을 통한 관상산업화에노력중이다.2. 모래무지아과 어류이 종류는 토속종의 대명사로 잘 알려진 모래무지를 닮은 어종들을 일컫는다. 이들 어류는 대부분 하천 바닥가까이에서식하며, 몸이 길고 잎이 대부분 밑을 향하는데 영화로 잘 알려진 “쉬리”도 이 물고기 무리에 속한다.모래무지아과에도고유종이 많으며, 감돌고기와 흰수마자는 멸종위기야생동식물 I급으로, 가는돌고기, 꾸구리, 돌상어, 모래주사등은II급으로 보호받고 있다.3. 미꾸리과 어류미꾸라지 종류는 흔히 미꾸리와 미꾸라지 2 종류만 생각하기 쉬우나 우리나라에 서식하는 이 종류의 물고기는종류만17종에 달한다. 이중 9종이 고유종이다. 이 종류는 모두 바닥에 살면서 모래속이나 바위틈을 재빠르게 이동하므로습성을관찰하기 좋으며, 색깔도 화려한 것이 많아 대상종으로 기대된다. 외국의 어종 중에서도 관상용으로 사육되는 미꾸라지종류가있다. 특히 수수미꾸리와 새코미꾸리로 모두 반문이 특이하고 입술수염과 두부에 홍색조를 띠는 등 아름다우며, 바닥에떨어진먹이를 먹을 수 있으므로 수족관 유지에 도움이 되는 어종들이다. 민물고기를 관람하기 위해서는 수도권은 경기도가평의중앙내수면연구소를, 부산, 경남권은 내수면양식연구센터를 방문하면 된다.국립수산과학원 중앙내수면연구소전화 031-589-5114주소 경기도 가평군 청평면 강변로 65(청평리 114-3번지)The book is organizedbyspecies of freshwater fish illustrated book focuses on theendemicspecies of freshwater fish in Korea.Korean endemic species of freshwater fish in the world onlytothe Korean peninsula should only buy valuable protection asanimportant biological resources in freshwater fish. Endemicspeciesare mainly known as geographic isolation causes speciesfound onlyin that particular area, reflecting the unique geographyandhistory of the area along evolutionary history. 212 kindsoffreshwater fish species in the country a total of both itsnativelanguage of 61 kinds or five kinds of paper of which onlyinhabitsthe North. 33 gwabyeol as cyprinid species, mikkurigwaaccountedfor 75% of the total, 13 species.Introducing the representative of the endemic species,1. tanakia lanceolata fish subfamilyIn Korea, 14 paper records, but had been known to inhabittheWest Lake water source local "gang napjul West Lake" willbecomeextinct in the past 13 species are currently live. These fishareall tanakia lanceolata honinsaek a beautiful, compact,moisture,etc. This lays the eggs in the gills of freshwaterbivalves areunusual. Yellowfin carp fish is endemic in our countrytanakialanceolata, Han lead julgae, acheilognathussignifer,acheilognathus koreensis, acheilognathus somjinensis, linetanakialanceolata, keunjul tanakia lanceolata, visible leadgeography hasmore than half of the total of eight species, and thedoubleacheilognathus signifer acheilognathus somjinensis isendangeredwild is designated as a Class II animals and plants areprohibitedby law prevents kept hold or carelessly. These endemicspecies ofyellowfin crucian carp, bread napjul gang,acheilognathuskoreensis, huinjul warp dog is trying to coronaryindustrializationthrough artificial reproduction technologydeveloped by theNational Central Inland Fisheries Research andDevelopmentInstitute Institute also has high value as aquariumfish.2. The sand plain fish subfamilyThis category refers to a species resembling the well-knownsandyplain synonymous with indigenous species. These fish inhabitthenear most of the rivers and the ground, the body is long andleavesa film to face the most well-known under the "Shiri" alsobelong tothis bunch of fish. Subfamily is often endemic in thesand plain,gamdolgogi and huinsu as soon as the endangered wildfauna and floraClass I, going dolgogi, kkuguri, dolsangeo, such assand shot isprotected under Class II.3. mikkurigwa fishMuddy loach Loach and Loach kind often this kind of fish2swiwoona to think only kind that live in our country amountsto10,017 kinds of types. 9 is a dual paper endemic. To observethetwo kinds of good habits, so all flooring in the livingmovedquickly in the sand or rock crevices, color is also expectedtotarget many species it is gorgeous. Among the foreign speciesthereis a type of loach breeding as an ornamental. Muddyloach,especially sorghum and saeko Muddy loach is questioned byboth lipsand unusual beard and a head band Red tint on suchbeautiful, soyou can eat your food off the floor are the speciesthat help tomaintain the aquarium. In order to see a freshwaterfish of thecentral inland metropolitan area, Gyeonggi-do GapyeongInstitute,Busan, Gyeongnam is a form by visiting the inlandresearchcenter.Central Inland Fisheries Research and DevelopmentInstituteNational Research InstituteCall 031-589-5114Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do to address cheongpyeong Riverside65(114-3 cheongpyeongri address)
Animal Book ~ Free ~ 1
Baby Village
Learn the animal of infants, childrenuptoabout 0 years old to 6 years old is the educational app.We use a realistic photo.I think that baby also stop crying■ content ■Look at the eyes, touched by hand, while listening withtheirears,you remember the fun animals.Since the app to chat and play to remember theanimalswithoutgetting tired even children.While petting the animals, it can also be used for babystopcryingbecause the play!■ How to play ■ ★ has been very simple."Do not do what animal? And you'll touch ", the screenwillbereplaced.When you press the "answer together", you speakthecorrectanswer.● for my children, we've created to remember the animal.Or tracing a finger, so you remember while playing withthefeelingyou are painting, I thought pretty good (^ ^;Of course, it is provided free of charge!
Complete Biology 8.4
Complete Biology App is a complete reference guide for everybiologystudent
O-Level Biology 1.3
O-Level Biology provides a wealth of theory and practicalquestionsfor O-Level.
Full Biology Questions 2.2
Most essential biology questions and solutions app forbiologystudents
Biology Quiz & eBook Ant.A20
Sana Edutech
Biology Quiz & eBook - Botany, Zoology and Human body
A Level Biology 3.1
Have you had enough of revising out of the textbook? Haveyoumadecountless mind maps, flow charts and diagrams toaidrevision?You’ve also made your own notes but you still can’tgetenoughrevision. Now imagine you could quickly learn thecarboncyclewhilst on the bus. Quickly check that diagram onthedigestivesystem whilst sitting on the toilet or even how youreyeworkswhilst watching TV. Now that would be amazing. Fortunatelyforyou,the brains at LearnersBox have already thought about thisandbringto you the first ever application to help you learn orreviseforyour A-Level Biology exams. The A-Level BiologyappfromLearnersBox combines the best that teachers have to offerwithwhatstudents want. The A-level Biology app fromLearnersBoxcontainsover 90 pages of material compatible with allexam boards.Even themost complex of processes have been broken downto allowyou, thestudent, to be able to learn the most difficult ofconceptsin thecomfort of your own palms. Love our app, havesuggestions orhavinga problem? Email us [email protected] uson @LearnersBox Like usonFacebook Copyright©LearnersBox2018
Biology Comprehensive Review 1.0
This Biology app contains thefollowingchapters:1. Biology Terms2. Cells Biology3. Molecular Biology4. Genes5. Organic and Inorganic Compounds6. Experimental Design and Photosynthesis7. Regulatory Mechanisms in Plants and Aanimal Cells8. Parasites and Pathogens9. DNA10. RNA11. Protein Synthesis12. Taxonomy13. Cells and Energy14. Energy, Control and Continuity15. Biology of Organisms16. Evolutionary BiologyThis comprehensive biology course introduces a broad rangeofbiology subjects including molecular biology, gene, cellbiology,organic and inorganic compounds, experimental methods anddesigns,regulatory mechanisms in plants and animals, pathogensandparasites, patterns of evolution and molecular biology. Italsoexplores DNA, protein synthesis and mutations and gene mappingandmore.This application is a practical guide for those working inlifesciences who want to refresh their knowledge of biology or foranystudent of biology studying the subject at second level oranyonewho wants to gain more knowledge and understanding ofthebiological world around us.Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of lifeandliving organisms, including their structure, function,growth,evolution, distribution, and taxonomy. Modern biology is avast andeclectic field, composed of many branches andsubdisciplines.However, despite the broad scope of biology, thereare certaingeneral and unifying concepts within it that govern allstudy andresearch, consolidating it into single, coherent fields.Ingeneral, biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit oflife,genes as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as theenginethat propels the synthesis and creation of new species. It isalsounderstood today that all organisms survive by consumingandtransforming energy and by regulating their internal environmenttomaintain a stable and vital condition.Subdisciplines of biology are defined by the scale atwhichorganisms are studied, the kinds of organisms studied, andthemethods used to study them: biochemistry examines therudimentarychemistry of life; molecular biology studies thecomplexinteractions among biological molecules; botany studies thebiologyof plants; cellular biology examines the basicbuilding-block ofall life, the cell; physiology examines thephysical and chemicalfunctions of tissues, organs, and organsystems of an organism;evolutionary biology examines the processesthat produced thediversity of life; and ecology examines howorganisms interact intheir environmentCell theory states that the cell is the fundamental unit oflife,and that all living things are composed of one or more cellsor thesecreted products of those cells (e.g. shells, hairs andnailsetc.). All cells arise from other cells through celldivision. Inmulticellular organisms, every cell in the organism'sbody derivesultimately from a single cell in a fertilized egg. Thecell is alsoconsidered to be the basic unit in many pathologicalprocesses.[19]In addition, the phenomenon of energy flow occurs incells inprocesses that are part of the function known asmetabolism.Finally, cells contain hereditary information (DNA),which is passedfrom cell to cell during cell division.
Lakhmir Class 10 Biology 1.0
For Everyone
Lakhmir Singh Class 10 BiologyApplicationisfor those who have class 10 Lakhmir Singh BOOK.Download This App For FreeLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 1 Life ProcessesLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 2Control&CoordinationLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 3 HowDoOrganismsReproduceLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 4Heredity&EvolutionLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 5 Our EnvironmentLakhmir Singh Class 10 Biology Chapter 6 ManagementofNaturalResources
AP Biology Practice Test 2020 6.0.5
Prepare AP Biology exam with ease. Study Guide, Practice Exam&Flashcards
Bio NEET 11.01
Bioneet focuses on Biology for the preparation of NEETentranceexamination.
Basic Biology (detailed) 1.0
All the Basic concepts of Biology are the subject matter ofthisapp.
Biology Dictionary 6.3
No need to search on Google and in pages of biology books foranybiology terms.
Biology,Chemistry,Physics std7 1.0
MCQs and True or False of Standard 7 Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Biology in hindi (General and 28.0
This Apps Usefull for competition exam,PMT,11th Class,12thClass,Etc.
Learning Biology Basics 6
ap developers
Learning Biology Basics teachesyoubasicfundamental concepts in biology for beginners. Biology isanaturalscience concerned with the study of life andlivingorganisms,including their structure, function,growth,evolution,distribution, identification and taxonomy. Biologycan bedividedinto biochemistry, molecular biology, botany,zoology,cellularbiology, physiology, evolutionary biology, ecologyetc. Inour appof Learning Biology Basics, we have included uniquebasicconceptlike biology basics, Darwin, evolution, mammal,reptiles,fish,birds, angiosperm, gymnosperm, fern, nonvascularplants,physiology of plants, photosynthesis, scienceofenvironment,science of atmosphere, ecology, chemistryofenvironment,pollution, water pollution, air pollution,cell,biochemistry,micro organism, homeostasis, photosynthesis,fungi,fern, atlas,esophagus, cellular respiration, endocrinesystem,Darwin,atmosphere & many more. Learning these allchapters isreally afun & this app made it very easy.Topics which we covered in Learning Biology Basics App :- biology basics- Darwin- evolution- mammal- reptiles- fish- birds- angiosperm- gymnosperm- fern- photosynthesis- non vascular plants- physiology of plants- science of environment- science of atmosphere- ecology- chemistry of environment- pollution- water pollution- air pollution- cell- biochemistry- micro organism- homeostasis- fungi- fern- atlas- esophagus- cellular respiration- endocrine system- Darwin- atmosphereIf you like our app of Learning Biology Basics, kindly giveusgoodfeedback.
Biology Textbook MCQ & Tests 2.1.1
Biology Interactive Textbook plus MCQ, Essay Questions &KeyTerms by OpenStax
Biology XII 1.0
PanaTech Apps
Second year Biology Complete Notes
Biology MCQs 1.0.5
Lumos Maximaa
A lot of Biology MCQs for different types of entrance Test
Biology GK Questions in hindi 1.6
Purva Ahuj
Biology general knowledge questions and answers in Hindi language.
NCERT all books and solutions 3.6.3
All NCERT Books and NCERT Solutions with notes, exemplars andsolvedpapers
Class 11 Biology Solutions 9.8
Get answers of your textbook. If you have any problem in findingthecorrect answers of Biology Textbook then you can find here.This appwill help in finding those NCERT Solutions of books.Hereyou findcomplete chapter detailed questions and answers of Class11 Science.The answer of each chapter is provided in the list sothat you caneasily browse throughout different chapters and selectneedy one.
Biology Photosynthesis 2.55
Topics: 1. Photoexcitation & Pigments 2. The Light Reactions
Linder Biologie Glossar 1.0.0
The comprehensive Glossary of LINDER biology book as a free app.
Biology MCQs: Entrance Test Pr 3.9.1
Biology MCQs for beginners to advance designed for Medical Testsandexams