Top 13 Apps Similar to [모기퇴치] 모기 스토커 (모기 활동지수 포함)

mosQUITo - Sonic Repellent 1.1
Weird Apparatus
Audio and Ultrasonic Mosquito Repellent-Dragonfly Strength!The mosQUITo application is a universal mosquito repellentwithno ecological footprint. It heals mosquito bites beforetheyhappen!What makes our repellent unique is its combination oftraditionalultrasonic tones with the audible sounds of flappingdragonflywings. This combination gives the repellerunparalleledeffectiveness.mosQUITo relies on a combination of various sonic signals,bothin audible and ultrasonic ranges, to repel biting fertilisedfemalemosquitoes. The audible sonic signal used by mosQUITo is thatofthe flapping wings of a dragonfly, the natural mosquitopredator.The various ultrasonic signals mimic the sounds producedbymosquito males, which already fertilised female mosquitoes trytoavoid. The ultrasonic signal variety is designed to covermostgenera of the Culicidae family and that makes mosQUITo themostversatile and effective known application of that kind onthemarket.Tests conducted in three diverse regions of the world -namely,QLD Australia, FLA United States of America and SiberiaRussia -demonstrated, that up to 80% of subjects carrying on theirbodies asmartphone running mosQUITo remained bite free after anhour-longexposure to mosquito infested areas. Without wearing amosQUITorunning device, the rate of getting bitten by a mosquito atleastonce under similar testing conditions was 100%.The application is effective, easy to use and optimized forlowbattery usage.We trust that you will enjoy happy bite-free outdooractivitieswith mosQUITo.
Pengusir Nyamuk Sonic Attack 7.8
Blacx Knights
aplikasi pengusir nyamuk anda tidakterbuktibekerja?Ini Solusinya. aplikasi Pengusir Nyamuk Sonic Attackbenar benar bekerja dengan baik. sudah uji coba di daerah kamidanbekerja sempurna.dengan di uji dalam beberapa tempat dan keadaanumumnya nyamuk akan terbiasa jika bekerja dalam frekuensiyangmonoton itu itu saja dalam beberapa saatmaka dari itu kamu memberikan solusi dengan mode sonicbrutalattack.dengan tekhnis melakukan penyerangan pada nyamuk karenamampumenghasilkan beberapa frekuensi yang berbeda secara acakdanterorganisir. dalam sekali pengeluaran suara sehinggamenciptakaneffek yang sangat ditakuti nyamuk.-Aplikasi ini memiliki kemampuan memproduksi beberapafrekuensisecara bersamaan untuk mencegah berbagai macam nyamuk danseranggamendekat.- bukan hanya nyamuk dalam beberapa uji coba kami. aplikasiinimampu menjadi pengusir lalat , pengusir tikus , danpengusirserangga . anda hanya perlu mengatur frekuensi yangsesuai- seberapa bagus efek yang dihasilkan sebenarnya tergantungpadagetaran frekuensi speaker anda. semoga perangkat andamendukungdengan baik. sehingga dapat bekerja dengan optimal. dansulusi bagipernagkat anda yang tidak mendukung aplikas ini mampumelakukankalibrasi menggunakan headsheat atau earphone sebagaipenggantinya. namun pastikan aksesoris tersebut mendukung frekuensinyadengan baik- Aplikasi secara otomatis akan menyesuaikan modelseranganbahkan pada frekuensi tinggi yang tidak dapat manusiadengar.sehingga cukup nyaman untuk bersantai dan tidur karenatidakmenggangu- disediakan beberapa pilihan frekuensi sesuai yangandaperlukan- pendamping untuk kegiatan luar rumah, di gunung, hutan,mendaki,kemping dan perjalanan lainya aplikasi ini sangatmendukungPERHATIAN...!!Beberapa speaker buatan perusahaan dalam perangkat tidakdapatmenghasilkan suara frekuensi yang diinginkan sesuai denganprogramini sehingga hasil kurang memuaskan. solusi gunakan headseatyangmendukung frekuensi tersebutdengan menggunakan aplikasi ini secara penuh andabertanggungjawab atas konsekuensi suara frekuensi tinggi yangdihasilkan.semoga bermanfaatapplication ofmosquitorepellent you are not proven to work?This solution. Sonic Mosquito Repellent app Attackreally worked well. had trials in our area and itworksperfectly.with tested in some places and circumstancesmosquitoes will generally accustomed to when working inamonotonous frequency it was only in a few momentstherefore you provide a solution to the brutal sonicattackmode.with technical assault on the mosquito because it canproduceseveral different frequencies at random and organized. in asoundexpenditure so as to create the effect dreaded mosquito.-Application Has the ability to produce multiplefrequenciessimultaneously to prevent various mosquito andinsectapproaching.- Not just a few mosquitoes in our trial. This applicationisable to be a fly repellent, repellent rat and insect repellent.youjust need to set the corresponding frequency- How well the resulting effect actually depends on thevibrationfrequency of your speakers. Your device may support thewell. so itcan work optimally. and pernagkat solution would be foryou who donot support this app's able to perform the calibrationusingheadsheat or earphones as her substitute. but make suretheseaccessories to support its frequency is well- The application will automatically adjust attack model evenathigh frequencies that humans can not hear. so it isquitecomfortable to relax and sleep because it does notinterfere- Provided some frequency options as you need - Companion for outdoor activities, in the mountains,forests,hiking, camping and other trips this application isverysupportiveATTENTION...!!Several speakers made by companies in the device can not producethedesired sound frequency in accordance with this program so thattheresults are less satisfactory. headseat use solutions thatsupportthese frequenciesby using this application you are fully responsible fortheconsequences of high frequency noise generated.may be useful
Mosquito Repellent Prank 1.0
Note!anti mosquito repellent application is not confirmed by sciencesotreat it like a prank. We don't guarantee of the effects ofthisapplication towards avoiding mosquitoes. Try it at your ownwish.We hope it works for you.This Anti Mosquito repellent prank prevents you fromgettingbitten by mosquitoes and some other nasty bugs.The application emit a very unique high frequency sound(ultrasound) that the insects dislike. The pitch of the sound is sohighthat most humans will not notice anything.Keep the application close to you and enjoy the outdoorswithoutbites. best result on xperia z5, s6, note 5.mosquito repellent or anti mosquito does not guarantee a100%protection as there are over 3500 known mosquito species intheworld and they all react slightly different to the repellent.Usethe pitch selector to find optimal repelling frequency forthemosquitoes in your region.You can change the frequency of the ultrasound to make sureyoufind the ideal frequency (the higher the frequency is,moreefficient it is)!work with ==> Get rid of flies and insects and bugs around.wecall this also anti flies, anti insects or mosquitorepellentsounds/frequency.TIPSTurn up the volume to the highest level for a more effectivesound.It can be done even inside the application itself!
Nature Sounds Relax and Sleep
Want to relax and sleep better?
Heart Rate Plus 2.6.8
Check your heart rate anytime, anywherewithHeart Rate Plus - at your home or your office - when you wakeup,relax, before and after exercise, or before a big meeting.Bet you never thought your phone or tablet could do that?The Heart Rate Plus app will measure your heartbeat withgreataccuracy, using your smartphone’s camera sensor and flashlightbyprocessing the images of your pulse on your finger!Instant, accurate, and excellent for monitoring your healthandfitness.FEATURES:✔ Fast and accurate measurement✔ Save result for access later✔ Real time pulse graph✔ Android Wear support: Measure your pulse using the heartratesensor in your smartwatch✔ Reminder: Automatic remind you to measure yourheartbeateveryday✔ Export history to CSV file (ads free user only)✔ Built-in sensor support with device run Lollipop and later.USER GUIDE:Please read carefully before using this app.★ Hold the tip of your index finger over the back camera lensandflash of your phone or tablet.Do not press too hard or you will restrict circulation whichwillresult in an inaccurate reading.★ After a second or two, you should see your heartpulsegraph.Keep holding your finger still for five more seconds to computeyourheart rate and update the number.For best results, hold your finger still for 10 seconds to getanaccurate heart rate.Follow our official Facebookpage:*** If you like this app, please support us, you can remove adsfromthe Menu*** We welcome your ideas and suggestions, please email usat:[email protected]: This app is not a medical product!
수면 도우미(Sleep Helper) 1.5
Woo's World
잠이 잘 안오시는분! 이것을 사용하면 편안하게 잠드실 수 있습니다.ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ기능 ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ1. 자신만의 소리들을 조합하세요!2. 타이머를 조작하여 핸드폰 배터리을 보호하세요!3. 즐겨찾기를 등록하여 어디서든 간편하게 다시 들을 수 있습니다.4. 아름다운 인터페이스를 감상하세요!ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ 업데이트 예정 사항ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ1. 더욱 다양한 소리를 추가2. 소리 볼륨을 개별적으로 조절 할 수 있는 기능 추가3. 인터페이스 보완4. 메뉴 버튼이 없는 핸드폰을 위하여 메뉴 개선ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ개발자 정보ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ개발자: 정우창이메일: [email protected]( 문의사항이나 추가적인 의견을 알려주시면 업데이트시 참고하겠습니다 .)I can not sleep,whocomes!This allows you to sleep comfortably served.ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ function ㅡ1 to combine the sounds of your own!2 To operate the timer baeteorieul protect your cell phone!3 favorites back to the register and can be easily anywhere.4 Watch the beautiful interface!ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ information will be updated1 to add more variety of sounds2 the sound volume can be adjustedindividually,additionalfeatures3 complementary interface4 menus to the menu button is not improved mobile phoneㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ Developer Information ㅡDeveloper: jeongwoochangEmail: [email protected](Let us know any questions or additional comments,wereadupdates.)
잠 잘오는 클래식 5.0
지금 이 글을 읽고 계신 분이면 당신의 숙면과 휴식에 관심이 있으시겠죠?초록색과 파란색을 메인으로 밤색은 사람에게 잠이 잘 오게하는 효과가 있다고 알려져 있답니다.게다가 여기에 담긴 클래식 음악들은 우리 몸의 리듬을 좋게 하고 노화 방지에 좋다고 소문난 것들이고요.하지만 이런 것들을 듣고 보며 자기 관리에 소홀하면 아무 소용 없겠죠?가장 중요한 것은 마음가짐과 실천이라고 생각해요.----개발자 연락처 :0260822268If you are readingthisarticle now-minute'd're interested in your sleep and rest?The green and blue as the main itdapnida brown is known tobeeffective for sleep to come good people.Besides classical music contained here are still goodthingsrhythms of our bodies and reputable good for anti-aging.But looking good when you hear these things, we should nothaveneglected the self-management?I think the most important thing is attitude and practice.
Sound Massage - No more gloomy 2.0.9
Ensight Media
★Notice! Sound Massage Updates ★★ 3 Nature Sounds Added!★#1 Sounds of Animals - Canary Couple#2 Sounds of Forest - The Coming of Spring#3 Sounds from Daily Life - Cafe in Paris★ Update to Premium Ver. and Get the Following Benefits! ★#1 No ads in the app#2 42 different nature sound themes#3 Free access to any future sounds additions & updateAre you stressed with all sorts of noises? Do you seekforrelaxation and calmness?The answer lies at the nature. The Mother Nature!The sound of nature, fill your tired and exhausted heart withfreshenergy with Sound Massage.♣ [1/F wave] relieves your stressWave and the stream sounds as if the same sounds repeats againandagain, but the sound of these natures have a unique rhythm.Theprofessor, MUSHA SUNKO, proved the relaxation effect of this[1/Fwave] rhythm and became a big issue. The sound of naturewhichgives refreshment by responding to biorhythm has an effect toeasethe stress.- Japan, Tokyo, Natural science University professor, MUSHASUNKO-♣ Face with Mother Nature’s sound in the ocean and theforest!The forest is where we can open our world of unconsciousnessmindand is where it can provide mental freedom while leadingpotentialpossibility. Let your body rest in the forest andfreeyourself.- Top Japanese cognitive psychologist, TAKASHI TOMITA, theprofessorof KOMAZAWA University -Massage Your Inside!We invite you to the world of Sound Massage.♣ Sound Massage is particularly good for these people.▶ People who cannot sleep well due to insomnia▶ Pregnant woman, students, exam applicants whoneedrelaxation▶ People who are stressed much▶ People who want to escape cold city▶ People who want to heal wounded soul▶ People who have stiff emotional ups and downs▶ People who need break▶ People who need mind control▶ People who need to concentrate in short period of time▶ People who need creative idea▶ People who like the ocean, mountain and valley▶ People who loves to travel but can’t manage▶ People who want to refresh▶ People who want to start a fresh morning▶ People who want to escape from busy life♣ Effect of sound of nature for each theme▶ Rainfall : It stabilizes our mind and helps to sleep well.▶ Forest : The energetic forest gives refreshment.▶ Wave : Listening waves with closed eyes kicks offthestress.▶ Animal : Beeping of the birds clears our soul.▶ Instrument : Indian flute helps quiet meditation.▶ Life : Moderate life sounds can ease your mind.♣ Punch off your stress and fatigue with Sound Massage!
Anti Mosquito Repellent Prank 1.5
This Anti Mosquito app can be themostefficient of all times against mosquitoes!! Or not... Wedon'treally know, for some people it works, for other absolutelynot.You can always try! Or at least you can probably be annoyingforyoung people who hear the frequency. Or just having fun byplayingwith the low frequency sound!We advise you to use it at half the volume because someannoyinginterferences appear after this step, sorry about that.This Mosquito Repellent app must be considered as a PRANK,don'texpect for some miracle.Have fun!
RAIN SOUND - Sound Therapy 01.00.23
★Update Notice Oct. 2014 ★- Fixed loop issue (much more smooth and natural)- Added Random, repeat, sequential play mode- 9 new sounds with alpha wave added (In app purchase)Rain Sound – Sound Therapy vol. 1the best nature sounds app in the market!Top quality sounds, beautifully designed and ease of use.With the help of application "Rain sound" you can listentothe music of rain anytime you want.If you listen to our apps for 10-15 minutes one hourbefore you go to bed, you will sleep soundly all night long.Our sound therapy apps have a subconscious influenceon your brain that`s why you will start to feel joyandhappiness.Psychological research shows that nature sounds andcalm music reduce the negative effects of depression by 20-25%.▨ Rain Sound Features ▧- This app contains professionally recorded 9 high endrainsounds.- Designed with nice rain animation with rainwallpaperphotos.- Auto play, slide to play and pause. Very intuitive UI- Can set timer from 4 min to 4 hours.- Send SNS function for share with your friends and familiesRain sound is best application for relaxation, rest, andtherapy.It will help you while doing yoga exercises, sport workoutorsinging lullaby for your baby.Best of all our apps are FREE. Enjoy the sound therapy Vol. 1andcheck out our other apps by pressing “other apps” on main.
MagicSleep 1.0
[WARNING: MagicSleep is extremely effective.DONOT USE while driving or operating heavy machinery][NEW AUDIO ENGINE for smooth, uninterrupted playback andlowpower usage.]MagicSleep is an incredibly effective sleep aid for infantsandtoddlers, and works equally well for adults. Based on ourmostprimal memories, MagicSleep recreates the sounds inside thewombusing the most advanced psychoacoustic sound sources,convolutionreverb processing, and digital signal processing. Theeffect isimmediate and profound - babies, children, and adults fallasleepfaster and more deeply.Find out more athttp://www.magicsleep.netand download now to experience deep and blissful sleep.
맘스 아기자장가 - 오르골 스페셜 어플 1.0.17
Moms Inc.
The baby is comfortable and fast asleep deuldorok Music boxlullabyplays a direct sound expert To provide automatic performancesoothethe baby awakened!