Top 6 Apps Similar to 큐북(Cubook) - 아람 SOS 안전동화

와글바글 안전교육 1.0.3
EK Co., Ltd.
- 아이들 스스로 안전 중요성을 인식하고, 사고를 예방할 수 있는 안전애니메이션 - NO.1 유아교육 전문기업키드키즈제작
아동안전교육 1.2
* 아동안전사이버교육센터(회원전용- 회원가입은 아동안전사이버교육센터( 에서만 가능합니다.1) 교사용 안전교육 학습▷ 교육소개 메뉴에서 유아교사, 초등교사, 중등교사 대상 제공되고 있는 과정 내용 확인▷ 학습하기를 클릭하여 교육수강 가능(웹사이트와 동일하게 사전 진단과 평가 작성 후 강의 수강 가능)▷ 각 차시별로 클릭하여 강의 수강 및 확인▷ 강의듣기 메뉴에서 수강중인 강좌와 수강완료한 강좌 확인 가능(수강중인 강좌의 진도율 확인 가능)▷ 강의 수강 완료 후, 강의듣기 메뉴 상단의 사후 진단과 평가를 작성하여야 최종 완료됨▷ 수강완료한 과정은 복습 수강 가능▷ 모바일 수강 지원을 통해 언제 어디서든 강의 수강이 가능▷ E-learning과 연동하여 PC와 동일하게 진도체크 가능▷ 수료증은 웹 사이트에서만 확인 후 출력 가능2) 아동 안전교육 콘텐츠▷ 영유아, 초등 저학년, 초등 고학년, 중고등학생 각 대상별 안전교육 콘텐츠 재생▷ 각 대상별 안전송 재생3) 기타 지원▷ 1:1 문의 및 답변 가능▷ 웹과 동일한 공지사항 확인 가능* Child safetyonlineeducation center ( Members only- Registration is only available in child safety onlineeducationcenter ( Teacher safety education learning ▷ early childhood teacher education Introductionmenu,elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers intheverification process and provide targeted information ▷ available by clicking learning training course(websites,and creating equal to pre-diagnosis and evaluation aftertakinglessons available) ▷ attend lectures and confirm by clicking oneachchasibyeol ▷ lecture to hear that you are taking the courses andcoursecompleted courses can be checked in the menu (jindoyulconfirmationof the course are available courses) ▷ attend lectures after completion, must completethepost-diagnosis and evaluation of the upper river completedthefinal hearing menu ▷ take to complete one course can be taken Review ▷ can be taken anywhere, anytime via mobile attendlecturesSupport ▷ E-learning and progress can be checked in the same mannerinconjunction with a PC ▷ certificates can be output only after checking website2) Child Safety Training content ▷ infants, elementary grades, higher grades elementary,middleand high school students each target-specific safetytrainingcontent playback ▷ each targeted not transfer reproduction3) Support ▷ 1: 1 questions and answers can be ▷ can check the web with the same Notice
비상탈출 넘버원(초등3,4학년군 안전교육 어플리케이션) 4.0
Jae Myung Seo
비상탈출 넘버원은 초등학교 3,4학년 어린이들을 위해 안전학습을 통해 안전한 생활및생활 속에서 겪을 수 있는 여러 가지 안전 상황에 대해서 알아보고 가상체험을 통해 직접 경험해 보며 안전한 생활규칙을익혀 안전한 생활을 확산하게하는 안전 학습 어플입니다.1. 학습하기2. 안전UP3. 우리 가족 안전 규칙4. VR체험5. 안전점검6. 안전 마블등으로 구성 되어 있습니다.Number one is tospreadthe evacuation of several safe and secure living conditionslookingto learn about and experience directly through a virtualexperienceto familiarize yourself with safe life safe living rulesthat youmay experience in their lives through a safe learningforelementary school children grades 3 and 4 A safelearningapplications.1. Learning2. Safety UP3. My family safety rules4. VR experience5. Safety Check6. Safety MarvelIt is composed of such.
RED CROSS - First aid free app 1.2
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, andthesolution to avoiding unpleasant surprises is prevention.Discover aninnovative way that teaches kids to improve theirsafety bypreventing accidents and learning the basics of firstaid.Children are the family members who suffer accidents mostoften.Adults can teach them to take different steps to reduce therisk.In case of an accident, it’s important for children to knowwhat todo. The Red Cross and DADA Company present an innovative wayofteaching children how to improve their safety bypreventingaccidents and learning first aid.With this app, girls and boys will learn how torecognizeeveryday hazards they may come upon in differentsituations andplaces (at home, in the car, at the park, the beach,the pool, thecountryside, etc.) and what steps to follow to preventthem, howand when to call 911 and how to provide assistance fordifferenttypes of accidents.HOW?Boys and girls can act out each simulation however they like andseethe consequences of their actions. They will learn to take caretoprevent falls, to avoid cuts and burns in the kitchen, to beprudentat the park and to recognize toxic products that may befound athome. They will also learn how to avoid traffic accidents,drowningat the beach or in pools, heat stroke and sunburn.An app designed in collaboration with the Red Cross tohelpadults and children avoid unpleasant surprises. With atext-free,intuitive interface, this app is intended for a globalaudience andcan be used both as an educational tool by parents anda learningsupplement for teachers.Teaching kids prevention means teaching them to live!FEATURES:- 11 scenarios in which kids can explore everyday hazards andthesteps to take in case of an accident.- Teaches girls and boys rules for prevention, how to use 911andthe fundamentals of first-aid for mild injuries.- Recommended as learning tool for students and teachingsupplementfor teachers- Available in Spanish, French, English, German,Portuguese,Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, ChineseandRussian.- Recommended for children ages 6-8.- App designed according to educational equality standardsandreviewed by educational experts.
OOPS! i-Kooo 1.4
◆ “Oops! I-Kooo!” breaks out of thepatternofexisting safety education programsthat mainly tell kids, “Don’t do this, don’t do that,”whichoftenleads to importantmessages being ignored of forgotten. Throughwell-craftedcomputeranimation,the often comical adventures of I-Kooo and his guardiansdepictwhatcan go wrong when rules aren’t followed, in a waydesigned towarnbut not frighten.◆ SynopsisIt’s Remi’s job to teach the royal visitor all about livingonplanetEarth, form electricity and fire safety, to goodpublicmanners andeating healthy food. And this little prince isquite ahandful. He’sarrogant, stubborn, mischievous, and, atfirst, notall thatrespectful to Remi, who he mistakenly thinks isadinosaur. Fortunately the talented Remi is has help from I-Kooo’srobotnamedBB,who disguises himself as a teddy bear, but contendingwiththestubbornI-Kooo’s obnoxious behavior is a royal headache.But that’s the least of her problems: Spies from I-Kooo’shomeworldhave beensent by the evil Count of Carman Conde, who wants to getridofI-Kooo and take the crown for himself.◆ Universal app : can be used both in Phone and Pad withasinglepurchase.◆ App inquiry : for payment error and problems pertainingtoapp([email protected])◆◆Notice from Bluepin◆◆Greetings! As the manager of Bluepin, I’d like totakethisopportunity to thank everyone who has shown interestandsupport toour apps.Usually, customers post their inquiries regarding app usage inaformof a review, and our only means of responding to suchaninquiry wasreplying to those review. However, due totechnicalproblems inposting our responses or delay, customersupport wasnot provided ina timely manner.To better serve our customers, we have opened theBluepinCustomerSupport Center to process our customer inquiries asquicklyandefficiently as possible. Please [email protected] and problems pertaining to apps.When contactingcustomersupport, please read the following forquicker response toyourinquiry.(1) Contacting customer support by phone-To send an inquiry from your device, go to your phone app’sinfoandselect [email protected].(2) Contacting customer support by internet- For online inquiry, please include store of purchase,nameofpurchased app, device in use, and the OS versionforfasterresponse. Thank you.
연구실안전교육 1.0
연구실안전교육은 보다 안전하고, 쾌적한 연구환경조성을 위한연구실안전교육정보앱입니다. 호남권 연구실 안전지원 센터(에서 운영하는 사이버안전교육에관한추천/수강 및 교육 정보 등을 제공합니다.대학 및 연구기관 등에서 과학기술 분야 연구 개발 활동에 종사하는 연구원, 대학생, 대학원생 및 연구 보조원등의안전을위하여 정기적인 안전교육의 정보를 제공합니다.연구실 안전교육 수강대상자는 자신의 교육 진행 정보와 추천 과목 정보를 더욱 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다.연구실안전교육그룹별 관리자는 추천 과목 및 수강 정보 이외에도 수강 확인율 통계를 확인하고 관리자 간의 정보를 공유할수있습니다.-연구실 안전교육 대상자의 추천 정보 열람 기능-연구실 안전교육 대상자의 수강 정보 열람 기능-호남권 연구실 안전 지원 센터 공지사항 및 QnA 열람 기능-그룹별 관리자 정보공유 기능-그룹별 관리자 수강 확인율 통계 기능-푸시 알림 공지 기능Lab Safety Trainingismoresecure, comfortable study environment and safetytraininglaboratoryfor composition information app. Honam providesuchsupportlaboratory safety recommendations / attendanceandeducationalinformation on cyber safety education center runby( engaged in scientific and technologicalresearchanddevelopment activities, etc. universitiesandresearchinstitutions, college students, graduate students andforthesafety of such research assistant provides informationonregularsafety training.Lab Safety Training Course participants can checktheirprogressinformation and referral training courseinformationeasier. Labsafety training courses and groupadministratorsrecommend youcheck the course information in additiontoverification ratestatistics course and to share informationbetweenmanagers.- Laboratory browsing features ofsafetyrecommendationstrainees- Course of Laboratory Safety Training subjects Cart Features- Honam laboratory safety announcements and QnAbrowsingfunctionSupport- Information sharing group administrator- Group manager confirmed attendance rate statistics function- Push Notification notification feature