Top 19 Games Similar to 인천공항 면세점(AIRSTAR Avenue)

신라면세점 7.2.1
Mobile duty free shopping at Shilla Duty Free! The Shilla DutyFreeis with you anytime, anywhere to start your trip.
동화면세점 3.1.7
Anytime, anywhere, easy, fast product search and purchase! DutyFreemobile applications quickly and easily assimilated toenjoyduty-free shopping.
워커힐면세점 1.0.7
워커힐면세점, 당신과 함께 품격과 스타일을 만들어갑니다.모바일 면세점 쇼핑은 언제나 워커힐면세점과 함께!센스 있는 여행 라이프 스타일을 제공하는 워커힐 면세 모바일![주요 특징 안내]1. 메인- Big 이벤트를 한눈에 확인 가능합니다.- 투데이트랜드는 New, Hot Click, Best seller, Best review의 카테고리별로 트랜드한상품들을제공합니다.- 기프트샵은 부모님, 자녀, 연인, 친구, 출장, 건강의 카테고리 상품들을 제공해드립니다.- 쿠폰, 세트상품, 기획전, 웨딩 메뉴들의 바로가기 링크를 통해 차별화 된 서비스를 빠르게 제공 받으실수있습니다.2. 상품정보 및 공유하기- 페이스북, 트위터, 라인, 카카오톡, SMS, 구매조르기 등과 연계하여 상품정보를 지인들과 공유할 수있습니다.3. 쇼핑 카테고리- 모바일에 최적화된 쇼핑 카테고리 네비게이션으로 상품 노출을 제공합니다.4. 상품검색- 자동완성 기능으로 브랜드명, 상품명의 검색어 일부만 입력 시 검색어 확인이 가능합니다..5. BRAND- 알파벳순, 카테고리별, 스페셜오더 등으로 원하는 브랜드를 바로 찾는 기능을 제공합니다.- 브랜드의 상품을 빠르게 검색 가능합니다.6. 혜택- 회원 혜택, 구매 등급별 혜택, 쿠폰북, 알뜰 쇼핑 TIP 등 다양한 할인혜택을 제공합니다.7. 이벤트/기획전- 워커힐이벤트, 브랜드이벤트, 상품평이벤트와 세일/신규/테마별 워커힐 기획전을 제공합니다.8. 세트상품- 워커힐 만의 엄선 된 상품들을 가격대별 Price Set 과 Value Set 으로 제공하며, 고객의 취향에맞게구매를 하실 수 있습니다.9. 스페셜오더 및 입고알림 신청- 오프라인 면세점에는 상품이 있으나 모바일 쇼핑몰에서는 상품이 없을 경우에 신청하는 스페셜오더 메뉴에서 상품 신청을하실수 있으며, 이에 대한 입고 알림 서비스 신청이 가능합니다.입고알림 서비스는 SMS 문자서비스와 E-MAIL 로 원하시는 기간 동안 설정하여 받아보실 수 있습니다.10. 쇼핑알림 서비스- 쇼핑알림 서비스는 관심 브랜드 & 이벤트에 대한 소식과 출국 알림 등의 메시지를 받아 보실 수있으며,‘MY워커힐 > 쇼핑알림’에서 설정 및 해제 하실 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.더불어, 관심 이벤트와 관심 브랜드에 대한 관리 기능도 제공합니다.※ 고객센터인터넷 쇼핑문의 : 1599-1110----개발자 연락처 :SK네트웍스(주)WalkerhillDuty Free, will create a quality and style withyou.Walkerhill Duty Free and Duty Free Shop Mobile with always!Walkerhill Duty Free Mobile to provide a sense of travel lifestyle!Main Features Guide]The main- You can check at a glance the Big Event.- Hot Click, Best seller, the product provides a trend foreachcategory of Best review Today Trend is New,.- We offer parents, children, lovers, friends, travel, gift shoparecategories of health products.- Coupons, Deals sets, exhibitions, you will quicklyprovidedifferentiated services through a shortcut link of theweddingmenu.2 deals and Share- You can share links, such as Facebook, Twitter, line, KakaoTalk,SMS, squeeze and friends to purchase deals.3 Shopping Categories- Provide product exposure with optimized navigation onmobileshopping category.4 Product Search- The auto-complete feature can be a brand name, trade namesearchesonly part of the input query is OK.5. BRAND- Provides the ability to immediately find the desired brand suchasalphabetically, by category, special orders.- You can quickly search for a product brand.6 Benefits- Provides a variety of discounts, including memberbenefits,benefits Buy rating, coupon book, Grown-TIP.7 events / exhibitions- Walker events, brand events / new / Walkerhill offersthemedevents and exhibitions Reviews sale.8 sets of goods- Provide a price Hourly Price Set Value Set the selected itemandWalker Bay, you can purchase according to your preferenceofcustomers.9 Special Orders and subscriptions wearing- Items duty-free shop in the offline mall, but themobileapplication in the Special Order menu items that apply, andif theproduct is not available, you can apply for thisnotificationservice wear.Do you have to wear while you want to set up E-MAIL SMS textserviceand notification service period.10 My Notification Service- Such as news and events of interest in the brand and leaveamessage and you will receive notification, you must provideafunction that can be turned off and 'MY Walker> MyNotifications"in the shopping reminder service.In addition, the management also provides for events of interestandbrand interest.※ Customer ServiceInternet Shopping Inquiries: 1599-1110
부산롯데면세점 3.5
브랜드 파워 1위 롯데면세점스마트한 롯데부산인터넷면세점 모바일에서 설레는 여행의 시작을 함께하세요![주요기능]1. 간편한 회원가입- 여권정보와 간단한 기본정보만 입력하면 면세점 VIP회원가입이 완료됩니다.2. 편리한 통합쇼핑- 고객님만의 쇼핑 혜택을 모바일에서 모두 사용하실 수 있습니다.- 온라인과 면세점에서 구매하신 상품의 교환권을 한번에 확인하세요.3. 신속한 주문결제- 시간이 촉박해도 인천공항은 출국 3시간, 김포공항은 출국 5시간전까지 주문이 가능합니다.- 고객님의 관심 상품 및 베스트 상품을 카테고리 별로 추천해드립니다.3. 모바일 특별 혜택- 모바일 전용 시크릿 적립금 3,000원 모두 증정합니다.- 특별한 혜택은 실시간 쇼핑알림으로 바로 확인하세요.[고객센터]인터넷 쇼핑문의 : 080-076-5000상담시간 : 09:30~18:30No. 1 brand of LotteDutyFreeJoin an exciting journey from the beginning of a smart BusanLotteDuty Free Mobile Internet![main function]1. Easy to Sign Up- You only need to enter some basic information and passportdetailsto complete the Duty Free VIP membership.2. Convenient integrated shopping- But you can use the shopping benefits both themobileexperience.- Check the vouchers of purchased goods online at a timeandduty-free.3. Order fast payment- Time is running out if you leave Incheon airport threehoursbefore departure Gimpo airport can be ordered for 5hours.- We will recommend the best product for your interest inproductsand categories.3. Mobile Offers- Receive all mobile specific reserve Secret $ 3.00.- Special offers, please check immediately alerts inreal-timeshopping.[Service center]Internet shop Contact: 080-076-5000Hours: 09:30 to 18:30
그랜드면세점 모바일 쇼핑몰
그랜드면세점 모바일 쇼핑몰.그랜드면세점은 지난 20여년간 관광산업 발전에 크게 기여한 대구그랜드 호텔을 모기업으로 하여, 대구 최초의시내면세점으로2014년 신규 오픈하였습니다.다양한 해외 유명브랜드와 국내 브랜드의 여러 상품들을 합리적인 가격으로 구매하실 수 있음과 동시에 최상의 서비스를제공하여해외여행의 즐거움을 미리 느껴보실 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다.이제 그랜드면세점의 다양한 상품과 서비스를 모바일면세점을 통해 즐기실 수 있습니다.Grand Duty FreeMobileStore.We open in 2014 with the city of Daegu in a parent's firstduty-freeshop in the last 20 years have contributed greatly tothedevelopment of the tourism industry in Daegu Grand Hotel,GrandDuty Free.We are doing our best to look ahead to feel the pleasureoftraveling abroad to provide the best service that can bepurchasedat a reasonable price and various products of variousinternationalbrands and domestic brands at the same time.Now you can enjoy a wide range of products through our shopandmobile services in the Grand Duty Free.
통합 면세점 1.2
면세점 물품검색 한번에 끝~!!----개발자 연락처 :email : [email protected] goodsSearchtime end ~!
제주면세점 3.1
Smart Start of duty free shopping - Better U eXperience. JEJUDUTYFREE
新罗免税店 10.8.2
One-touch speed shopping Hand grasp welfare
No. 1 Brand Power, Lotte Duty FreeBegin your trip with Lotte Online Duty Free's smartmobileapplication!1. Easy registration- Simply enter your passport number and other basic informationtobecome a member.2. Convenient integrated shopping- Enjoy all the exclusive member benefits through ourmobileapplication.- Check all your offline and online purchases in one place.3. Quick payment- Shop up to 3 and 5 hours before departure from Incheon andGimpoInternational Airports, respectively.- See bestsellers and personalized recommendations ataglance.Customer Service CenterOnline shopping inquiries: +82-1688-3020Operating hours: 08:00~23:00
SM면세점 2.1
The first such meeting was the Duty Free and Travel Hana TourSMduty-free shops. Easy choice, simple and versatile means ofpaymentis to be the best shopping.
乐天网上免税店 5.2
品牌影响力第一的乐天免税店让您在更加智能的乐天网上免税店手机端体验激情购物![主要功能]1. 简单快捷注册- 只要输入护照信息以及简单的基本信息便可以轻松注册新会员。2. 便捷的全网购物- 在手机端尽享所有适用的购物优惠。.- 在线上和免税店购物的交换券一览无余。3. 快捷的结算方式- 时间再紧迫也不要急,仁川机场出发前3小时,金浦机场出发前5小时也可订购。- 按分类为您推荐顾客收藏商品和最热门的人气商品。[客服中心]网上购物咨询 : +82-1688-3555咨询时间 : 08:00~23:00Brand influence firstofLotte Duty Free ShopLotte Duty Free Online allows you to end your phone smartershoppingexperience the passion![The main function]1. simple and quick registration- Just enter passport information and simple basic informationcaneasily register new members.2. Convenient network shopping- At the end of the phone can enjoy all applicable shoppingdeals..- The online exchange and duty-free shopping vouchers ataglance.3. The quick settlement- Time to not worry too tight, Incheon airport three hoursbeforedeparture, Gimpo airport five hours before departure can alsobeordered.- Recommended for you by category of goods and customerfavoritesmost popular popular item.[Customer Service]Online shopping Inquiries: + 82-1688-3555Hours: 08:00 ~ 23:00
ロッテ免税店 3.2
ブランドパワーNo.1、ロッテ免税店LOTTEオンライン免税店モバイルでお得で賢いショッピングを楽しもう![主要機能]1. 簡単な会員登録-パスポート情報と基本情報を入力するだけで、簡単に免税店会員登録ができます。2. 便利なショッピング-モバイルで各種ショッピング特典を受けることができます。-オンライン/オフラインでご購入いただいた商品の交換券をモバイルで1度に確認できます。3. 迅速な注文/決済-仁川空港なら出国3時間前、金浦空港なら出国5時間前まで注文可能。-お客さまのお気に入り商品及びベストセラー商品をカテゴリー別にご覧いただけます。[カスタマーセンター]オンラインショッピングに関するお問い合わせ:+82-1688-3070受付時間:08:00~23:00Brand power No.1,LotteDuty Free ShopEnjoy clever shopping deals in LOTTE online duty-freeshopmobile![Main function]1. simple member registration- Just enter the passport information and basic information, youcaneasily duty-free shop member registration.2. convenient shopping- You can receive a variety of shopping benefits at mobile.- You can check purchased online / offline the exchange ticketitemat a time in the mobile.3. rapid order / settlement- If the Incheon International Airport departure 3 hours ago, canbeordered up to if departure 5 hours ago Gimpo Airport.- You can see a separate customer favorite products andbest-sellingproducts category.[Customer Center]Inquiries about online shopping: + 82-1688-3070Hours: 08:00 to 23:00
釜山乐天免税店 1.7
品牌影响力第一的乐天免税店让您在更加智能的乐天釜山网上免税店手机端体验激情购物![主要功能]1. 简单快捷注册- 只要输入护照信息以及简单的基本信息便可以轻松注册新会员。2. 便捷的全网购物- 在手机端尽享所有适用的购物优惠。.- 在线上和免税店购物的交换券一览无余。3. 快捷的结算方式- 按分类为您推荐顾客收藏商品和最热门的人气商品。[客服中心]网上购物咨询 : +82-1688-3555咨询时间 : 10:00~19:00Brand influence firstofLotte Duty Free ShopAllowing you smarter Busan Lotte Duty Free Shop onlinemobileterminal Experience the excitement of shopping![The main function]1. simple and quick registration- Just enter passport information and simple basic informationcaneasily register new members.2. Convenient network shopping- At the end of the phone can enjoy all applicable shoppingdeals..- The online exchange and duty-free shopping vouchers ataglance.3. The quick settlement- Recommended for you by category of goods and customerfavoritesmost popular popular item.[Customer Service]Online shopping Inquiries: + 82-1688-3555Hours: 10:00 ~ 19:00
Korea Coupon 1.2
We provide every single coupon onbestrestaurants, a Beauty, travel sites, hotel, Duty-free shopandetc.Check benefits nearby restaurants, shopping mall,attractions.You may check your coupons not only current site butalsocategorized areas.- We offer coupons for Itaewon, Gangnam, Hannam-dong,Yeonnam-dong,Hongdae, Myeongdong, Seorae Village, finance dangil,boulevardareas such as Seoul and Paju, bitter gourd, Ilsan,Icheon,including the suburbs of Seoul, Jeju, Busan, Daejeon,Daegu,Gwangju, Jeonju, Gangwon nationwide including all areasIf you feel tired of social commerce, Baidu, Weibo, Weixin andtoomuch information, just take a look of ‘Korea Coupon’ onselecteditems. There are discounts, gift information that you can’tfind itanywhere else."Korea Coupon" select the co-branded, centered on a famoushotel,directly chose gourmet, premium brand, designer brand. Pleasevisit- believe the coupon information.Without purchasing the coupon in advance, site in theready-to-use!In the app, just coupon inquiry, payment pleasedirectly in theshop!Amount of discount is of course also contains freegiftcoupon!Before you visit the shop, please make sure to first the"KoreaCoupon"!
新世界免税店 1.01
免税购物——新世界免税店推出中国移动应用(App)!现在用智能手机就可以买到最新的韩流商品与热卖产品,既简单又便捷!为中国广大顾客提供网上免税店购物的全新体验![新世界免税店移动应用的主要功能]1. 主页- 用户通过该主页便可迅速获得新世界免税店的优惠信息。- 请通过各类别的人气商品来鉴定哪一款是适合自己的商品吧!- 炙手可热的新世界免税店新商品在‘NEW ARRIVAL’中都有介绍哦~- 每天都有惊人的价格!机不可失。 "EVERYDAY HOT SALE"2. 韩流热风!!将韩国商品尽收眼底!来新世界免税店韩流馆亲眼见一见吧~3. 商品搜索- 通过各类商品目录、品牌索引,可以简单、快速地找到商品。- 具备自动搜索功能,只需输入检索词的一部分即可查询到相关的商品列表。4. 提供欢迎度较高的商品排名- 向顾客展示受欢迎的各类商品。5. 提供移动专用积分等各种优惠-为顾客准备了不亚于PC应用(、多种多样的移动优惠政策。请各位对移动应用多多关注,今后本店也将会为打造顾客便捷、愉快的购物经历竭尽全力,感谢各位的支持![客服中心介绍]网上免税店相关咨询服务热线 4000-232-022咨询时间 09:00 ~ 18:00 (以中国时间为准)
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华克山庄免税店 1.0.1
워커힐면세점, 당신과 함께 품격과 스타일을 만들어갑니다.모바일 면세점 쇼핑은 언제나 워커힐면세점과 함께!센스 있는 여행 라이프 스타일을 제공하는 워커힐 면세 모바일![主要特点]1. 腕表馆- 在经营韩国最初和最大规模的腕表专区,为只购买腕表给您差别化的空间2. 韩国馆- 因韩流热风而只聚集韩国最畅销的商品, 为您方便购物3. 最畅销的商品- 为您推荐来韩国的中国顾客的最喜好商品,可解决艰难的购买4. 商品信息- 为您提供商品详细信息, 帮助更正确而合理地购买5. 实体店指南- 在华克山庄实体店内,可搜索入驻品牌而且咨询商品※ 服务咨询华克山庄免税店咨询电话 : 1599-1110----개발자 연락처 :SK네트웍스(주)Walkerhill DutyFree,willcreate a quality and style with you.Walkerhill Duty Free and Duty Free Shop Mobile with always!Walkerhill Duty Free Mobile to provide a sense of travel lifestyle![主要 特点]1. 腕表 馆- 在 经营 韩国 最初 和 最大 规模 的 腕表 专区, 为 只 购买 腕表 给 您 差别化 的 空间2. 韩国 馆- 因 韩流 热风 而 只 聚集 韩国 最 畅销 的 商品, 为 您 方便 购物3. 最 畅销 的 商品- 为 您 推荐 来 韩国 的 中国 顾客 的 最 喜好 商品, 可解决 艰难 的 购买4. 商品 信息- 为 您 提供 商品 详细 信息, 帮助 更 正确 而 合理 地 购买 5. 实体 店 指南- 在 华 克 山庄 实体 店内, 可 搜索 入驻 品牌 而且 咨询 商品※ 服务 咨询 华 克 山庄 免税店 咨询 电话: 1599-1110
格览舍免税店移动购物网 1.3
格览舍免税店移动购物网。格览舍免税店为过去20年间极大地促进了旅游业的发展的大邱格兰德酒店旗下的公司,在大邱是最早的一家市内免税店,2014年开业。店内不仅有海外名品,也有韩国品牌,我们将使您最合理的价格买到最优质的产品。同时,我们会竭诚为您提供最优质的服务,让您提前感受海外之旅的那份快乐心情。您现在可以通过手机版享受格兰德免税店为您提供的多种商品和服务。Grid view mobilehomesGalleria shopping network.Galleria grid view homes for the past 20 years has greatlypromotedthe development of tourism in the company's Grand HotelDaegu,Daegu is the first of a duty-free shops in the city, openedin2014.The shop is not only famous overseas, there are Korean brands,wewill give you the most reasonable price to buy the bestqualityproducts. At the same time, we will be happy to provide youwiththe best quality services, so you feel the joy mood aheadofoverseas trip.You can now enjoy a wide range of goods and services to provideyouwith Grand Galleria by mobile version.