Top 13 Apps Similar to Bujang Anom 1 - Free

Baca Manga Indonesia 1.0.2
Baca Manga adalah aplikasi baca mangadiAndroid yang cocok untuk kamu yang suka membaca manga dalamBahasaIndonesia. Baca manga memberikan kamu kemudahan untuk membacamangaindonesia kapan saja dan di mana saja melalui perangkatAndroidkamu.Fitur:-Baca Manga Bahasa Indonesia Favorit kamu.-Download manga kesukaan kamu untuk dibaca secara offline baikperchapter maupun keseluruhan chapter-Cari manga favorit kamu dari ratusan judul manga yangtersedia,semua dalam bahasa indonesia-Tandai manga kesukaan kamu sebagai favorit------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: baca manga, baca komik, buku komik, manga indonesiaRead Manga is amangareading application on Android which is suitable for you wholoveto read manga in Indonesian. Read the manga gives you the easetoread manga Indonesia anytime and anywhere via yourAndroiddevice.Features:-Read your favorite Manga Indonesian.-Download your favorite manga to read offline either by chapter orawhole chapter-Find your favorite manga from hundreds of manga titlesavailable,all in Indonesian-Mark your favorite manga as favorite------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: read manga, read comics, comic books,mangaIndonesia
Komik Ngaco 1.4
AR Soft
Komik asli Indonesia yang lucunya bikinnafasterengah-engah. Ngakaknya bikin perut sakit ga karuan.Komik akan di-update setiap minggunya...Komik bercerita tentang kehidupan sehari-hari di Indonesiadengangaya yang kocak dan ngakakAWAS... Bakal Ga Berhenti Ketawa Loe...The originalcomicIndonesia who makes funny panting breath. Ngakaknya causestomachache ga known.Comic will be updated every week ...Comic tells the story of everyday life in Indonesia withacomical style and laughingCAUTION ... Will Stop Ketawa Loe Ga ...
Dharmaputra Winehsuka 1.1.0
Dharmaputra WinehsukaAuthor : Alex IrzaqiRating: RemajaGenre: Historical Action, Kungfu, Silatsynopsis:Sebuah epik tentang kekacauan di bumi Majapahit padatahun1309.Setelah berakhirnya masa kekuasaan Sanggramawijaya Majapahitmenjadisebuah kerajaan yang besar. "Istana berjaya, raja dimakanusia" ...generasi pun berganti...Di usianya yang ke-28, putra Sanggramawijaya naik tahtamenggantikanayahandanya sebagai raja Majapahit generasi kedua.Dialah sang prabuJayanegara.Sang raja, dilindungi oleh satuan khusus yang dibuatolehSanggramawijaya sebelum ia mangkat. Mereka adalahDHARMAPUTRAWINEHSUKA, pasukan elit pelindung raja beranggotan 7pendekar tanpatanding, yang memegang sumpah "SATYA BELA BAKTIPRABU", melindungiraja dengan taruhan nyawa.Namun apa yang terjadi, bila sang raja yang mereka lindungihanyalahsi dungu yang cukup beruntung menjadi seorang raja?.DharmaputraWinehsukaAuthor: Alex IrzaqiRating: TeenGenre: Historical Action, Kung Fu, Silatsynopsis:An epic about the chaos on earth Majapahit in 1309.After the end of the reign of Majapahit Sanggramawijaya into agreatempire. "Triumphed Palace, the king with age" ... changedtheirgeneration ...At the age of 28, son Sanggramawijaya replace his fatherascendedthe throne as king of Majapahit second generation. He isthe prabuJayanegara.The king, protected by a special unit created bySanggramawijayabefore he died. They are Dharmaputra WINEHSUKA, theeliteprotectors king beranggotan 7 swordsman without equal, whowouldkeep the oath "BELA BAKTI PRABU SATYA", protecting the kingtheface of death.But what happens, when a king they protect only the fool whoislucky enough to be a king?.
Manga Browser - Manga Reader 13.2.2
Manga Browser - Manga Reader help youreadmanga or comic on your android devices.Optimized user interface, Very easy to use! What you need to doisselect and read.Features:- Search manga with a key word.- Browser manga on local disk, top list, hottest list, updatedlistetc.- Image zoom control.- Fling on images.- Lock Image in partrait or landscape mode.- Format support: png, jpeg, bmp, gif,
Online stripovi-Stripoteka 2.0.0
Postovani korisniciUradjen je totalni redizajn aplikacije,jer smo primiteli daimavelikih problema u radu.Sadasnji dizajn je mnogo laksizaucitavanje i korišćenje.Dodali smo mogućnost povrtka napočetniekran aplikacije direktno iz citanja stripa klikom na logo.Ito jeto,trudićemo se da vaše kometare sprovedemo u delo.NAPOMENA:NEMOJTE NAM UBIJATI VOLJU ZA RADOM DAVAJUĆIOLAKONEGATIVNE OCENE,OKO UČITAVANJA STRIPA ,NAPOMENUĆEMO DA JEDANSTRIPIMA PREKO 100 MB I DA JE POTREBNO VREME DA SE ONUČITA.NASERVERU,TU GLAVNU ULOGU IGRA VAŠA KONEKCIJAHVALA VAM NA RAZUMEVANJU------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vodjeni idejom o nekim boljim i lepšim vremenima,kada su seceniledruge stvari,a i sami smo deo te neke davne,a namadrageprošlosti,došli smo na ideju da bi bilo pametno napravitinekuaplikaciju a i web sajt gde će biti omogućeno svima da svestripovenadju na jednom mestu.I u Novembru 2014 napravili smo test aplikaciju naAndroidplatformama ,čija je upotreba prešla naša očekivanja,ivratila namveru da još ima ljudi koji imaju neke druge poglede nasvet.Namera nam je da na ovaj nacin skupimo i objavimo sto jevišemoguće stripova i drugih raznih stvari iz nekih,drugihvremena,kako bi se te neke stvari sačuvale od zaborava.Naweb sajtuse već nalazi preko 400 stripova i njihov broj sekonstantnopovećava,a mi vam obećavamo da ćemo dati sve od sebe današ websajt ima najveći broj stripova za besplatno čitanje.Samo još da napomenemo da si iza celog projekta nalazetrizaljubljenika u strip,koji su voljni da to podele i sa onimakojijoš uvek ne znaju šta je strip.Takodje veliku zahvalnostdugujemoljudima koji su se potrudili da sve ove stripove obrade iskeniraju(i da sve to ucine dostupnim svima nama) i na takav načinsačuvajuod zaborava.Svi stripovi koji se nalaze na našem web sajtu,nisunaševlasništvo i na iste ne polažemo nikakva prava.Svi stripovisenalaze na raznim web sajtovima i mi ih samo skupljamo najednomesto,radi lakseg snalaženja i lakše upotrebe.DearcustomersWe performed a complete redesign of applications, becausewegrasp that there are major problems in radu.Sadasnji design ismucheasier to load and korišćenje.Dodali we have the abilitypovrtkathe home screen directly from their reading comics click onlogo.Ithat's it, we will try to Your comment site into reality.NOTE: Do not tell us to kill willingness to work givinglightlyNegative Ratings OKO Loading COMICS, should be noted that astriphas over 100 MB and needed time to ON UČITA.NA Server, thiskeyrole is your connectionTHANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Led by the idea of ​​some better and more beautiful times whentheywere appreciated by other things, and we ourselves are partandsome ancient and beloved past us, we came up with the idea thatitwould be wise to make an application and a web site where youwillbe able all to all comics find in one place.And in November 2014 we created a test app on theAndroidplatform, whose usage exceeded our expectations, andreturned usconfidence that there are still people who have otherviews of theworld.Our intention is that in this way we gather and publish asmuchas possible of comics and other various things from a fewothertimes, to those few things preserved from zaborava.Na websiteisalready over 400 comic books and their number isconstantlyincreasing and we promise we will give our best to ourWeb site hasthe largest number of comic books for free reading.Just to mention that you're behind the whole project hasthreefans of comic books, which are willing to share with thosewhostill do not know what strip.Takodje gratitude we owe to thepeoplewho made the effort to do all these comics processing andscanning( and that all this make available to us all) and that waysavefrom oblivion.All comics that are on our web site, are our property, andthesame does not assume any debate.The comics are on thevariouswebsites and we just collect in one place for ease ofreference andease of use.
ZingBox Manga (Int'l)
ZingBox is a free manga reader app forandroidwhich provides the most amazing manga reading experience.You canread manga in a clean and easy-to-use interface. Itsupportsleft-hand, paper-rolling, page-turning, landscape andportraitmode. Read all your favorite manga here and downloadthemunlimitedly! Danmu and Comment is available, you can now enjoythefun by discussing with others! ZingBox now support12+language.
Laut Milik Semua - KKI 1.1.0
Laut Milik SemuaAuthor : Sheila Rooswitha Putri, Erastiany HenawatiRating : TeenGenre : -Synopsis:Finalis kompetisi komik indonesia 2013Marine Reserved AllAuthor: Sheila Rooswitha daughter, Erastiany HenawatiRating: TeenGenre: -Synopsis:Indonesian comic competition finalists 2013
ComicRack Free 1.80
cYo Soft
ComicRack for Android is the companion for the best eComicReaderandManager for PCs: ComicRack for Windows Optimized forphonesandtablets it allows you to read your eComics anywhere youwant.Whenused together with ComicRack for Windows itallowsautomaticsynchronization of eComics with your Android deviceviaUSB,including reading positions, reading lists andbookmarks.Yoursynchronized eComics will also be converted andoptimized sotheycan be read fast an reliable on your handhelddevice. And bestofall, this way you can read all the formatsComicRack forWindowssupports (PDFs and even WebComics). Optionallythe eComicscan evenbe size optimized during synchronization whichusuallymakes themhalf the size without noticeable qualityreduction.ComicRackincludes a Live Wallpaper that shows randomcovers fromyourlibrary. You can even start reading by doubletappingthebackground. ComicRack also includes a highlyconfigurableappwidget that allows you to glimpse into your libraryandstartreading immediately if you see something you like.Shortfeaturelist: • Optimized for phones and tablets • Readerwithsingle anddouble page viewing • Advanced zoom modes •Autoscrolling • Rightto left reading mode for mangas •Coloradjustments • Automaticpage cropping for small devices •Fulllibrary management withlists and searching • Management ofreadingstates (unread,completed, bookmarks etc.) • USBsynchronizationwith ComicRack forWindows • Reads CBZ and CBRnatively • When usedtogether withComicRack for Windows it supportsCBZ, CBR, CB7, CBT,PDF, DJVU andWebComics • Live Wallpaper • AppWidgets • Twitterintegration Thisis the add supported free version.If you like theprogram and wantto get rid of the ads, get wirelesssynchronisationand in generaldo a good thing, please buy the fullversion.Troubleshooting: Ifyou want to use your external SD Card tostoreComics on Android4.4 and above, please follow the the guide intheFAQ. If youexperience any bugs it is best to post your problemsintheappropriate section of the user forum.OnlineResources:Documentation islocatedat at Forum is at Evenifyouhave no problems you can join and talk to other ComicRackusers.
The Life of Buddha 1.0.2
Path of Buddha is a digital comicinteractiveabout the life of Buddha. The illustration style isbased onJavanese Culture. There are 3 option languages to read thisdigitalcomic interactive: English, Chinese, and Indonesia.Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha"isalso used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. InmostBuddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as theSupremeBuddha of our age.This digital comic interactive release on Buddhist FestivalonJune 21, 2013 at Surabaya (Organized by Buddhist EducationCenter(BEC) Surabaya).
Budi dan Badu untuk Android 3.2.15
Satria Lebah
Budi dan Badu is a small series about two Indonesian little boysandtheir daily life. Budi, the eyeglasses boy, and Badu,thespike-haired boy will present their stories to your devicesascomic strips weekly."Budi and Badu untuk Android" allows you to subscribe ourcomicstrips for FREE! We will send the notification(s) of thelateststory updates directly to your Android.Features :- Latest episode update notification- Downloaded episodes can be read offline- Share the comic strip to your social mediaFollow us on twitter @budidanbaduLike our facebook fanpage send us an email about any questions you have on this [email protected]
漫画岛-手机漫画阅读神器 3.8.50
上万部各类题材漫画实时连载国内外漫画资源全方位覆盖,漫画更新速度紧随官网脚步,让你先睹为快!专为下载阅读研发的极速下载功能和新型压缩技术,在观看高清漫画的同时更有效地为你节省手机空间,让你观漫无止境。漫画岛,致力为沉迷二次元漫画的你带来丰富的精神食粮!畅心阅读,一点都布卡。软件特色:1.收录6W+本漫画库,追新神速上万部国内外漫画,各类题材(热血,搞笑,魔幻等)全方位覆盖;资源内容每日更新,紧贴网络进度,实时更新提醒,让你追漫0等待;脱机阅读,清晰画质在线+脱机阅读,从此告别蜗牛速,没有网络也能想看就看;独特的图片处理技术,节省更多空间,高清晰低内存的高清漫画,带给你别具一格的阅读体验;3.个性分类,智慧搜索分类涵盖题材,精选和作者3种方式,个性化推荐满足漫迷们的挑剔口味;特有的智能搜索引擎,海量关键词汇搜索引导,不再让好漫画轻易从指尖错过!4.接口清新,操作人性化软件风格简约时尚,重点突出,上手容易,让你轻松进入漫画世界!新版书架更能让您轻松管理喜爱的书籍,阅读和追新不再繁琐。The ten thousandvariousthemes comic serial real-time resource covering all domesticandforeign comics, comic update rate followed the footsteps oftheofficial website, let you preview! Developed specificallyforreading download speed and download new compressiontechnology,high-definition viewing comics but also effectively saveyou spaceon your phone, so you Concept interminable. Comics island,we arecommitted to the second element addicted comic bring you arichspiritual food! Chang heart reading, not at all burqa.Software features:1. included 6W + comic library, new rapid chase tenthousanddomestic and foreign cartoons on all kinds of subjects(blood,comedy, magic, etc.) full coverage; resource content updateddaily,close to the network schedule, updated in real timereminders, sothat you 0 Man chasing wait;2. Online + Offline reading, clear picture quality online +offlinereading, breaking away from snail speed, no network can alsowantto see; a unique image processing technology, save more space,lowmemory, high-definition HD comics, bring you a uniquereadingexperience;3. personality classification, search Category wisdom coversthesubject matter, author and featured three ways,personalizedrecommendation Manmi meet their discerning taste;uniqueintelligent search engine, massive search key words boot, nolongermake good comics easily from the finger tip miss!4. Interface fresh, user-friendly software operation simplefashionstyle, focused and easy to get started, let you easily entertheworld of comics! The new shelves and allow you to easilymanageyour favorite books, read, and no longer chase thenewcomplex.
Dia Hidup Di Antara Kita 1.0
Wonder Grace
Buku adalah yang paling tenang dan paling konstan dariteman,merekaadalah yang paling mudah dan paling bijaksana darikonselor,danpasien sebagian besar guru. Charles W. Elliot(1834-1926) DiaHidupDi Antara Kita (Petualangan Yesus) adalah komiksangatdicintai dandihargai. Memiliki ilustrasi megah dengan dialog.Bukabuku ini danmembaca. Ilustrasi yang menarik dan pesan adalahkisahluar biasadari cinta dan pengorbanan. Ini akan menyentuh hatidanmengubahhidup Anda.
Visionbooks Comic Reader Bree-45
We have really good news for all comicloversand not so good news for all other reader apps; a newchallengerhas arrived! We´re proud to introduce our brand new comicreaderapp that brings together traditional comic content andenhancedanimation not only for reading your comic book but for allkind ofmanga, any kind of book and even pdf content.Scoooop! Some of the most popular Millarworld comics areavailableon Visionbooks (only in Spanish)! Thanks to thecollaboration withPanini Comics now you can enjoy the amazingadventures of:Hit-Girl, Nemesis, Superior, Kingsman - SecretService, Wanted,Super Crooks and Jupiter's Legacy!Simple and easy to use, our app will allow all comic book fanstokeep the unique reading in a new visionary yet standard way.We´reoffering a wide variety of titles, most of them totally forfreeand of course, with our futuristic format:- Faith by Valiant;- RAI by Valiant;- Lola XOXO by Aspen;- Harbinger by Valiant;- Shadowman by Valiant;- Street Fighter Origins: Akuma by Udon;- Wrath of The Eternal Warrior by Valiant;- Psycho Bonkers by Aspen;- Divinity by Valiant;- Aphrodite IX by Top Cow;- Ninjak by Valiant;- Vampirella Feary Tales by Dynamite;- Bloodshot by Valiant;- X-O Manowar by Valiant;- Tell by Virtual Graphic;- Justice For Hire by Creative Impulse Entertainment;- The Gifted by Creative Mind Energy;- The Intrinsic by Arcana;- Kade, Original Sun by Arcana;- Kade, Sun of Perdition by Arcana;- The Steam Engines of Oz, The Geared Leviathan by Arcana;- The Steam Engines of Oz by Arcana;- Telikos Protokol by Vanquish Interactive;- New Dawn by A.P.N.G. Enterprises;- New Gen by A.P.N.G. Enterprises;- Pandora: End of Days by Real Interface Studios;- Farmhouse by Asylum Press;- Fearless Dawn by Asylum Press;- Zombie Terrors by Asylum Press;- Falafel Man;- Stadium- Termite Bianca;- Upon the cross.💥🔍💥 Be Ready for Experiencing How our App Brings Content toLifewith our Special Filter that Improves the Image QualityDisplayedAmong Other Astonishing Features! Download VisionbooksComic ReaderAvailable Now for FREE on Google Play Store! LimitedTime Only!💥🔍💥Enjoy the simple to use handling & helpful features. Openthecomic book desired scrolling from the library that shows thecomiccovers for easy identification. Manual scrolling is sensitiveandpredictive for better comfort. Select from a variety of viewsandscales, use our zoom to read better the dialog balloons oranybook. Common hand gestures are used to perform actions: doubletapto open, slide your finger to scroll, change the page of thebookwith one tap. Select In our menu the display mode thatsuitsperfect for your book or comic; you can choose full screen ormultipage, custom reading options like manual scroll orautoscrolling;adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and bordercropping forhaving a better reader experience.🔥🔖🔥 Join to the New Trendy Innovative Reader Way; Read yourFavoriteComic or Book with an App Created Thinking in Comic &Book Fans!Try Now Visionbooks Comic Reader for Free!!! 🔥🔖🔥Features:🗨 Access International Content in Several Languages.🗨 Application Can Be Moved to SD Card🗨 User Friendly🗨 Wide Variety of Titles & Comic Book Specials🗨 Color Themes for your Library🌟 Enjoy the New Reader Way Trend for FREE!!! DownloadVisionbooksComic Reader NOW!! 🌟Find us:Facebook: VisionbooksAppTwitter: @VisionbooksAppGoogle+: VisionbooksApp