Top 14 Apps Similar to Secret Codes Android mobile

Hidden Settings : Secret Codes 3.1.0
As of late I got a Google Androidmobilephone.While I'm loving playing with it, I additionallydiscoveredsomeinteresting secret codes which can enable/disableloads ofhiddensettings in the mobile phone. These codes canlikewise showmanyuseful information about the phone. Presently isnot importanttoremember all those codes, they are only one fingertap far fromyou!hidden settings : secret codes permits you to opencertainandroidsettings, which some telephone sellers hide fromtheuser.Application utilizes information about android system thatisnotdocumented, so not all settings will work atyourtelephone.It would be ideal if you utilize this application withalert,andjust change settings that you get it.EASY TO USE, you touch "Copy" then paste to dial.You don't need a rooted phone, and nopermissionsarerequested!****************************************tips and tricks for Some secret codes :SONY*#*#7378423#*#* - Sevice Tests - Pressure Sensor*2767*3855# - Factory reset on Xperia ZSAMSUNG*#06# - Display IMEI number*#0*# - General Test ModeHTC*#*#3424#*#* - HTC function test Program.*#*#4636#*#* - HTC Info menuAPPLE*3001#12345#* - Tap Call. Enter Field Mode. Field moderevealsmanyof the inner settings of your iPhone,specificallyup-to-datenetwork and cell information.*#06# - Your IMEI. No need to tap Call. IMEI is theuniqueidentifierfor your cell phone hardware. Together with yourSIMinformation itidentifies you to the provider network.LG3845#*XXXX# - Secret menu code for newer LGs. Write thenumbersfromthe phone name instead of XXXX. (Ex.: P920:3845#*920#E730:3845#*730#)2945#*# - Secret menu (informations, tests, factoryreset...)Itworks on most of the LG phones without SIM card.OPPO#800# - Enter engineering mode.*#801# - Engineering switch test mode (dangerous).GENERIC - Android phone*#*#4636#*#* - Display information about Phone, BatteryandUsagestatistics.*#*#0*#*#* - LCD display test.*** DISCLAIMER:This information is expected for experienced users. It isnotplannedfor basic clients, hackers, or portable cheats. Pleasedonot try anyof following methods if you are not familiarwithmobile phones.We'll not be in charge of the utilization orabuseof thisinformation, including loss of information orhardwaredamage. Soutilize it at your own risk.*** IMPORTANT! A few makers not permit the utilizationofthesecodes and they may not work on your device. Byutilizingsecretcodes you can change some of your device settings.Use atyour ownrisk! ***hidden settings : secret codes and Free! Download NOW!
Secret Codes for Mobiles 5.2.14
MNZ Developer
Mobile Secret Codes for all Mobile device Brand LikeSamsung,iPhone, Windows, Q Mobile, Huawei, Blackberry and Chinaetc. AllMobile device have secret codes for testing necessaryfunction areworking correctly or not? you can also manual checkabout yourphone qualify and all function working correctly.Discover thesecret world of your iPhone, Android and other OS basemobile! Insome devices secret codes are available for the user.When thosecodes are typed manually from the phone dial-er or youcan copythis code with long press on code. Manually Type this codeandexecute.(some of code may harm to your Phone and changethesettings so read description about what the code )
Secret Codes for Android 1.2
********************************************************************************************************This app allows you to find interesting secret codeswhichcanenable/disable lots of hidden settings in your mobilephone.Thesecodes can also show many useful informations about yourphone.Usedfor big android phone vendors:Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola … and generic codeswhichareused in almost all other phones.*** EASY TO USE, you tap on screen and the codewillbeexecuted.*** IMPORTANT! Some manufacturers do not allow the use ofsomeofthese codes and they may not work on your phone. Byusingthesesecret codes you're able to change some of yourdevicesettings.Use at your own risk! ***DISCLAIMER: This app is intended for experienced users. Itisnotintended for basic users. We'll not be responsible for theuseormisuse of this app. So use it at your own risk.********************************************************************************************************Some secret code examples:------------------------------------------SAMSUNG GALAXY*#06# - Display IMEI number, IMEI is the uniqueidentifierforyour cell phone hardware. Together with your SIMinformationitidentifies you to the provider network.*#0*# - General Test ModeSONY ERICSSON*#*#7378423#*#* - Sevice Tests - Pressure Sensor*#*#4636#*#* - Factory reset on Xperia ZLG3845#*XXXX# - Secret menu code for newer LGs. tap thenumbersfromthe phone name instead of XXXX. (Ex.: P920:3845#*920#E730:3845#*730#)1809#*990# - Secret menu (informations, tests, factoryreset...)Itworks on most of the LG phones without SIM cardMOTOROLA##7764726 - Sevice Tests - Pressure Sensor*#*#4636#*#* - Display information about Phone,Battery,Usagestatistics and Cell information.GENERIC Phones*#*#4636#*#* - Display information about Phone,Battery,Usagestatistics and Cell information.*#*#0*#*#* - LCD display test********************************************************************************************************
Secret Codes For Mobi Devices 1.0
Mh Saif Khan
Mobile Secret Codes for all devices.Test your mobile withthisapplication.
All Secret Codes for Android 7.0.6
Predict Apps
Mobile Tricks for Android Secret Codes and some simple mobileusingtechniques.
Secret Codes 2.1
This app allows you to find all secret codes hidden in yourdevice.Each application can have implemented a special code thatdoes someaction. This app will scan all your installed apps insearch ofthose codes and will give you an opportunity to executeevery codeyou want. You will see two groups of codes in this app.The firstone are secret codes found in your device by the appscanner. Thesecond group are codes that are hidden in other placeto which theapp has no access, but are common and can still work inyourdevice. FEATURES: ✔ Secret codes scanner ✔ Codes havedifferentcolors to identify the safety level of found codes ✔Favorite codeslist
Secret Android Codes 2.5
Know best Secret Android Codes andandroidhidden codes 2016. Check all common android codes includegps,bluetooth, wlan test, firmware version information, factorytests,pda and phone secret codes 2016. Top new working SecretAndroidCodes for samsung, lg, huawei, micromax, htc and so on. BestSecretAndroid Codes a most widely search term in the internet. Wearehere sharing the new working codes for android device onthespecial demand of our visitors.Do you know that android codes are intelligent and smart? Therearevarious secret codes for android devices which can be used foreasyfunctioning of the device. These the sims freeplay cheat codesforandroid can also be used for gaining access to the secret portalofthe Android and its services. There are various symbolic ornumericsequences which easily allow one to gain access to thesystemsettings for various usages. In this article, there arevariouscodes given which can be employed on the Android devices.Some ofthem may not work on specific devices, but you can stilltrythem.t is a common knowledge that the Android is one of the mostwidelyand common operating system in the world. There arevariousbackdoors which are created by Android developers which canbe usedfor entering the system and even changing the basicsettings. Oneshould not use these backdoors often and for maliciousintent asdevelopers would be blocking some of these modes. If youandroidphone is rooted then check out this link to get best rootapps2016.The above given samsung secret codes are properly tested andworkquite well. However, they might not work for a singleandroidphone. It is important to find out which works quite welland whichdoes not. Plus one has to be alert while using the codesand becareful so as to avoid any kind of data loss and otherissue.Developers still feel that some of the android secret codescancreate a serious change to the device assortment. So, one shouldbecareful in running the codes and must do it at their own riskandnot end in playing with them if they have less knowledge aboutit.If you like this hidden android secret codes then you canevenshare it with your friends. Enjoy and bookmark this page togetlatest updates on it.
Droid Secret Codes
Store and manage your USSD & android Secret Codes (Secretcode)mobile
Secret Codes Hack 6.1
Secret Codes hack allows you to scanyourdevice and discover hidden features you didn't know aboutrightfrom your smartphone's dialer. But there is some trickinessyou'llneed to know about.In your device, secret(hidden) codes are available. When thosecodesare typed manually from the phone dialer, they will unlock ahiddenmenus with more options and information for your Androiddevice. Nowis not necessary to remember all those codes, they canbe executedonly with one finger tap! Enjoy and have a fun!Developers create various kind of backdoor within theapplicationsand operating systems. Through these back doors anyuser who hassufficient knowledge can get into the much deepersystem as compareto other users.Android developers also create manybackdoor throughwhich you can enter into the system and you canchange settings. Itis not meant to use these backdoor for maliciousintent becausedevelopers block some modes and these backdoor arethe way or allowthe users to enter into the system and let thembecome familiar tothe system. In smartphones these backdoor arecalled “secretcodes”.Using testing menu you can analyze and test your device'shardware,sensors and components, to make sure everything isoperatingcorrectly.Easily get your device information like- operating system information;- Screen information;- draw-able information- device information- Density information!WARNING Some manufacturers not allow the use of these codesandthey may not work on your device. By using secret codes hackyoucan change some of your device settings. Use at yourownrisk!
Secret Codes For Android 3.3.15
Ready to discover hundreds of secret codes in your phone?Treasurein your hands
RRCpacketSniffer 2.0
RRCpacketSniffer is an androidapplicationwhich can be used for capturing tcp udp and icmp datapackets andresulting RRC state transitions, simultaneously.The application is working implementation of the tooldiscussedin this research paper "Android phone based appraisal ofappbehavior on cell networks" ( an application’s signaling efficiencyrequiresinformation about:The data packets that were exchanged.Corresponding RRC state transitions.Unlike the existing applications and tools, this applicationneitherrequires any special hardware, nor retrieves RRC state inan offlinemanner using a simulator. The functionality of the tool issplitinto two parts, the Packet Sniffer and the RRC StateLogger.Packet SnifferThe packet sniffer uses C_packetCapture a binary executableoflibpcap, built using libpcap source code and Android NDK.Theexecutable is launched in a shell with superuser privileges.Thepacket sniffer enables us to capture all uplink and downlinkpacketsassociated with a network interface, and stores thepackettimestamp and header information corresponding to IP, UDP,TCP, andICMP protocols, in a log.text file.RRC State LoggerFor Retrieving RRC States, we adopt a novel approach to findandrecord the actual RRC state of the device at any giveninstant.Android Secret codes are required to switch to RRC servicemode.The resulting RRC state transitions with timestamp are storedin adump.txt file on sdcard.Currently we have secret codes forlimitedsamsung devices, though a wide variety of secret codesareavailable for different manufacturers.The detailed description of calculating anapplication'ssignalling efficiency from the data collected usingour app(RRCpacketSniffer) has been described in this paper "Androidphonebased appraisal of app behavior on cell networks".Devices SupportedCurrently the application supports all Samsung devicesrangingfrom Galaxy S to Galaxy S5. We are working on gettingsupport forother brand devices as well. All devices would requirerootpermission.LicenseCopyright (c), Indraprastha Institute of InformationTechnologyDelhiPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute thissoftwarefor any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,providedthat the above copyright notice is mentioned and researchpaper iscited.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMSALLWARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALLIMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHEAUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT,ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROMLOSSOF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OFCONTRACT,NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF ORINCONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
All Hidden Menus 1.4
Amid M. Geha
Simple app that allows you to enterhiddenmenus for MediaTek and Samsung devices without using thephonedialer
This application shows the IMEI,UsageStatistcs, Battery Information and Phone Information.For Sony Users, they can test the phone services...Android Secret codes..
Service Mode 1.3
Amid M. Geha
This is a small and simple app that invokestheSamsung Service Mode without using the phone dialer.