Top 23 Apps Similar to JumiAmp

aWARemote Pro for Winamp®
*** THIS APP WILL GET FREE AS OF 30. Sep2016***aWARemote for Winamp®Simply the most beautiful and extensive Winamp® remote controlforAndroid.Take control over the Winamp® media player on your PC - withyourAndroid Smartphone. Control the current playback, managethecurrent playlist and access your media library.aWARemote for Winamp® offers all this, and - "Cool App"Try it now! These are the features that aWARemote forWinamp®offers:- Control over current playback- Manage and save current playlist- Access Winamp's queue function- Access the Winamp media library and your saved playlists(limitedto 1000 songs and 5 playlists in free version)- Search the Winamp media library- turn visualizations on and off- Equalizer- Light and dark theme- Modern Holo UI and easy handling- Comprehensive options- Start Winamp from your smartphone- 2 widgets- Support for creating multiple profiles fordifferentcomputers- Wake on LAN directly in the app- Sleep timer- File browser [aWARemote Pro only]- Password-protected and AES secured Client-Serverconnection(optional)200.000 users and a 4,7/5 stars rating for aWARemote Pro forWinamp®speak for themselves.Also become one of the satisfied users of aWARemote for Winamp®andtry it now.To make aWARemote for Winamp® work, you have to installaWARemoteServer on your computer. You can get itat This will also installtheaWARemote Server Helper Plugin in Winamp®, which is mandatoryforthe queue feature support.If you have any problems with the setup, check out the FAQsectionat In this section you will also findanexplanation for the required permissions the app asks for.For further help send an Email to [email protected]® is a trademark of AOL, Inc.
Bass Booster Pro
Bass Booster Pro takes auto-equalizing to the next level!
Subwoofer Speaker Wallpaper 1.3
Live Wallpaper - visualization of speaker, frequency responsefrom30Hz to 300Hz
Remote for Winamp Tablet 1.0
TwoM Tools
Winamp is installed from winamp remotecontrolof a PC. Playlist library and playlists, search, playback is possible.Installation LinkReceiver: LinkReceiver:* Win7 users, please run as administrator mode.Link Receiver: * RemoteWamp use the installation link todownloadfiles please.* Multiple Android devices can be connected.* Recv program for Android App and PC, you must use thesamenetwork.* If you can not access the Android App Recv to PC for, pleasecheckyour firewall settings.* Winamp library, playlist, edit / modify, you need to reruntheprogram if Recv.
The best lightweight wav player / audioplayerfor VoIP (Voice over IP) voice-mail files sent to you asemailattachments from Magic Jack, Vonage, Asterisk and more.Plays many types of audio file formats that Android doesnotsupport. These can be email attachments or files downloaded toyourSD card, like wav voice-mail, music, midi, and many otherfileformats. To play files from the SD card, install a filemanagerapplication (ES File Explorer is an excellent choice)** NO ADS ** NO INVASIVE PERMISSIONS **WavPlayer is designed to be a lightweight application. Onceanothertask is started or the application loses focus, WavPlayerwill quitand free all system resources.** Please email me if you need to report a bug or have anissue.**** Need a new format added or want to suggest a feature?Pleaseemail! **Features:* NEW! Select the style and color of the Seek Bar* Option to automatically select speaker or earpiece. When set,holdphone to ear to enable earpiece.* Automatically pause playback when a wired headset isremoved* Window can rotate with your device or locked in achosenorientation* Amplify audio volume up to three levels and optionally setadefault level (not all audio formats are compatible)* Pause / Play* Random Seek / Slider* Fast Forward and Rewind Buttons* Play through Speaker, Earpiece or Headset* Haptic feedback (vibration)* Move to SD CardSee settings for the option to enable long file names to scrollinthe window.File types supported:* 3gp* aac (non-DRM)* aiff* asf* au* flac (up to 48kHz)* gsm* g729* m4a, m4b (*see note below)* ogg/vorbis* qcp (QCELP format only)* ra, rm (SIPR, COOK formats only)* shn (Shorten file format)* wav* wmaWAV compression formats supported:* 0x0001 PCM Linear (up to 24-bit)* 0x0002 MS ADPCM* 0x0003 IEEE Float* 0x0006 ALaw/a-Law* 0x0007 MuLaw/uLaw/u-Law* 0x0010 OKI ADPCM* 0x0011 IMA/DVI ADPCM* 0x0017 Dialogic OKI ADPCM* 0x0022 DSP TrueSpeech* 0x0031 GSM/MS GSM* 0x0050 MPEG-1 layer 1, 2* 0x0055 MPEG-1 layer 3* 0x0133 G.729Also includes playback support for all Android core mediaformats.Your device must be able to play these with thebuilt-inplayer.* mid/midi* mp3* mp4Note: Audiobook files (m4a, m4b) longer than ~3 hours will notplaywith this version. Playback support is being developed. Send meanemail if you would like to be notified when support hasbeenadded.Users report the ability to play email attachments fromthefollowing VoIP providers:Lingo, Magic Jack, Asterisk, Cisco Unity, ShoreTel,Switchvox,Vonage, TalkSwitch, Inter-Tel Axxess, trixbox CE,Swisscom COMBOX,Zultys, AVM FRITZ!Box, TDS, LiberailVoIP,ObjectWorldCallAttendant, BroadVoice, U-verse, PhonePower,Cablevision OptimumVoice, Microsoft Exchange Unified MessagingSystem, AVSTCallXpress, netTALK DUO, WOW! Phone, Avaya CallPilot,FranceTelecom-Orange, Swyx Netphone ab, Evernote,InteractiveIntelligence, Acanac, Budgetphone, Messagerie Vocale,Fichier,Internode NodePhone
Manele Radio Online Traceable
Manele si muzica de petrecere, that Le puteti gasi Numaaici.Petrecere placuta!
Плеер по папкам 1.32
Er@ser Inc.
Программа Плеер по папкам (PPlayer) - это аудио плеер,которыйдляотображения музыки использует обычную файловуюструктуру.Вынайдёте свою музыку в той папке, куда положили, а небудетеискатьеё в непонятных группах: жанрах, альбомах,артистах.Возможностипрограммы Плеер по папкам (PPlayer): - трирежимаработы:проигрывание, создание плейлистов, редактирование;-функцияповтора воспроизведения; - отображаются все папки ифайлы(кромесистемных), так как Вы их видите в любомфайловомменеджере(диспетчере файлов); - поддерживаемые форматы:много изависит отустановленной у Вас версии операционной системыAndroid;-проигрывания всей папки с вложенными подпапками; -режимы:день,ночь; - эквалайзер (в полной версии (Android 2.3 ивыше)); -режимдизайнера (в полной версии); - режим удаленияипереименованияфайлов из интерфейса программы; - созданиеиредактированиеплейлистов; - запоминание позициипроигрываемыхтреков (до 10треков) с возможностью ручногоредактирования; -фиксацияопределённой ориентации экрана; - начинаяс версии Android3.0,наличие кнопок управления проигрыванием музыкии вобластиуведомлений; - поддержка кнопочной гарнитуры; -ручнаядонастройкаавтоматически настраиваемого масштабированияосновногоэкрана длявозможности точной настройки под себя; - трирежимапроигрывания:по порядку, вперемешку, зацикливание одноготрека; -возможностьперехода к следующей папки при окончаниипроигрываниятекущей; -автоматическая пауза проигрывания музыки навремя звонка;-встроенный поиск; - таймер отключения; - сортировкапоимени/подате; - маленький размер программы; - быстрый переходклюбимымпапкам; - настройка поведения фокуса звука;-управлениеотключением экрана при проигрывании; - доступнаполнаяверсия срасширенным функционалом; - ну и ни какойвстроеннойрекламы. Плеерпо папкам (PPlayer) - это удобно.
Astral 3D Effects Visualizer 3.7
Mobile Visuals
Experience mind expanding tunnels andspaceflights synced with your favorite music! This is avisualstimulation tool, which includes 3D effects like "Fusionspectrumtunnel" and "Galaxy Journey". It also works like amusicvisualizer, which syncs the visuals with your favorite musicfromany player.You will experience a flight through the endless star fields ofamajestic spiral galaxy. You will travel through 3D tunnelswithmorphing walls and shifting colors. An intergalactic journeyacrossthe universe is also included.The visual effects are designed to be hypnotic and give youamind elevating experience. With the expression of so manycolorsand patterns, the app stimulates thought and relaxation in areallycool way. You can use it to meditate and relax anytime youwant.This provides benefits for your mind, body, andoverallwell-being.FeaturesYou can sync the visuals with any track from all of yourmusicfiles on your mobile, through the app's internal player.Thevisuals also sync with music from any external player, likeWinampor Spotify.You can meditate and free your mind from all thoughts in just5minutes with this app anytime and anywhere. This will give youmoreenergy for the rest of the day. Clear your mind from thoughtsbyconcentrating on any of the visual effects for a few minutes!Atool available in your mobile serves the purpose better, as itismuch more convenient and easier to use than a laptop or PC.Turn off "Halo effect" on the settings if it does not looklikeit should! "Halo effect" is a technique, which creates shiningstarobjects. This is not supported on all devices.
Equalizer Pro 1.1
Equalizer Pro Apps
Improve your android device sound with 10 bandequalizer.EqualizerPro allows you to configure volumes of soundeffects, togive youmaximum enjoying, when you are listening musicon yourandroiddevice. 10 band equalizer lets you configuresoundamplitudefrequency characteristic to get best sound fromyourdevice. Thereare available auxiliary sound effects: Bass Boosttoboost lowfrequencies and Virtualizer to extend stereoeffect.Features: - 10band equalizer - Bass Boost - Virtualizer -12presets - Userpresets - Integration with common players(GooglePlay Music,Android Player, Winamp, etc) - Stream servicessupport(Pandora,Spotify, VK, etc) The following presets areincluded:Classic -Default - Super Bass - Lite - Blues - Classical -Dance -HeavyMetal - Hip Hop - Jazz - Pop - Rock - Flat Sound Apps.
Playmysong 3.0.0
Playmysong - Mobile Social Jukebox AppOur app works as your personal remote control for musicinPlaymysong powered parties, bars, coffee shops and events.Justopen the app, pick the jukebox you are listening to andstartrequesting songs - for free.You can also host your own social jukebox in your own partywithour Spotify app or Winamp app:1. Playmysong Spotify AppPlaymysong has an app inside Mac/PC Spotify that allows youtoturn your favorite playlists into a social jukebox. Simplyinstallthe Playmysong Spotify App from the Spotify App Finder andlaunchyour social jukebox in seconds.You and your friends can then use your mobile phones tostartrequesting songs with your phones. This is great for partiesandget togethers, especially when you hook your Spotify computerwithsome speakers and your guests can create the soundtrack ofthenight together. You can find our Spotify app from here: Wireless Music Controller For Your HomeOur Spotify and Winamp apps are also great for listening tomusicat home! Simply launch our app with your favorite playlistand thenuse your phone or tablet as a remote control to queue upsongs whileaway from your music computer.Follow us on Twitter at us on Facebook at
Media Button Router 1.5.1
Harleen Sahni
Decide what app will respond when you hit play, previous, or nextonyour stereo
Radio Petrecaretzu 6
Din 16 Ianuarie 2011 emitem in cele maibuneconditii in server online prin shoutcast la 128 kbps iarprocesareasunetului se face cu instrumente de ultima generatie,consideratede specialisti ca fiind cele mai bune posibile pentru oemisie peinternet. Calitatea sunetului am considerat-o inca de lainceput caun lucru important si vom continua sa o imbunatatim pecat posibil.Poate nu suntem si nu vom deveni cel mai tare radio darneconsideram buni pentru cea ce facem, suntem buni pentru voiceicare ne ascultati si ati ramas fideli acestui post de radioonline.Radio Petrecaretzu iti ofera cea mai buna si frumoasa muzicadepetrecere,lautareasca,populara si multe alte genuri ce potfiascultate live din player pe aceasta pagina sau onlineprinWinamp.From January 16,2011issued in the best conditions in the shoutcast server online128kbps and sound processing is done with the latest tools,consideredby experts as the best possible emission internet. Soundquality Iconsidered from the outset as an important and willcontinue toimprove as much as possible. We may not and will notbecome thehottest radio but we believe the best for what we do, weare goodto you who hear us and have remained true to their onlineradiostation. Petrecaretzu Radio offers the best and great partymusic,fiddler, folk and many other genres that can be heard liveonlineplayer on this page or by Winamp.
Remote for iTunes
The top rated, full-featured andreliableiTunes remote. No computer download required.Control iTunes via Wi-Fi. Choose your favorite artists,genres,albums and playlists as if you're at your PC or Mac. Playmusic onyour computer and AirPlay speakers, and adjust volume withtotalcontrol. Rate tunes, add to Up Next and more.• Browse by Artist, Genre, Album, Playlists• Adjust volume using phone controls• Select AirPort Express and AppleTV speakers• Adjust individual AirPlay volumes• Item menus for advanced options• Rate tracks and view ratings• Add tracks to Up Next• Shuffle, repeat, repeat all• Stay-connected/Wi-Fi auto-reconnect• Connect to multiple iTunes• Start Genius from current track• Search your iTunes library• Tablet support• Home, lock screen widgets• Pause on phone call (requires phone permission)• Pro quality, easy to use*****NOTICE: The newly release Android 7 (“N”, Nougat”) introducedachange that inadvertently disables Remote for iTunes. Android7customers are highly advised to test the Trial version ofRemotefor iTunes before proceeding.This problem will hopefully be solved by Google and/or Apple inafuture update. Until then, you may follow and report on theissueat*****See what others aresaying: sure to try our free Trial version before purchasing.Requires iTunes 10 or 11 for Mac or Windows. Works onAndroidtablets and phones.Buy the best, most reliable and compatible iTunes remoteavailablefor Android today, and start enjoying music all overagain.Note that application features, user-interface and appearancevarywith device's Android version. Android version 4.0.3+shown.iTunes, AirPort, AirPlay and AppleTV are trademarks of AppleInc.Other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.
Music Web Remote Control
Control your music from a web browseroranotherandroid device!Media Web Control is a web based music remote control.Inotherwords it hosts a webpage on your device connectable fromanywebbrowser on your network that gives you control overyourdevice'smedia controls. It works with almost every musicplayerpast,present and future.NewAdded functionality now gives Android to Android controlofyourmusic from within MWC. Just choose MWC client from the inappmenuto connect to any other Media Web Control serveronyournetwork.Those of you lucky folk who already have Kitkat reallygetthebest experience with the web interface includingnowplayinginformation/album artwork and the whole app being abletorun inthe background while staying able to control yourplayer.MWC is superior to bluetooth controls as itsupportsmultiplesimultaneous users and doesn't need anyadditionalhardware. Makingit great in the office or at partieswhere lots ofpeople want tocontrol the sound system.MWC works as a great web remote control for:• Google Play Music • N7Player • Winamp• Poweramp • • Amazon MP3• Mixzing • DoubleTwist Player • Holo Music Player• Shuttle Music Player • Audacity •VLC• And many others!To activate MWC press the start server button. Yourdevicewillthen host a web page at the ip addresslisted(e.g. this address into Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer etcanditwill take you to the MWC control page.From here you can control any of your music playersthroughtheplay/next/previous and volume control keys.IMPORTANT NOTES:MWC only has control of your media keys when the screen is onandMWCis the currently focused application. (NOT APPLICABLETOKITKAT/4.4USERS)When the server is active and MWC has focus the screen is keptoninorder to retain control of the media keys.(NOTAPPLICABLETOKITKAT/4.4 USERS)The MWC web interface is only accessible from the networkyourdeviceis connected to.
Neutron Music Player
Neutron is the professional music player withahigh quality 32/64-bit audio rendering engine which deliversthebest possible Hi-Fi grade quality of sound on Androiddevice.The reliable, platform independent, native core providesconsistentbehavior on all devices. Carefully developed DSP effectssuch asParametric or Graphic EQ, Compressor, Surround Sound,Crossfeeder,Crossfader, Tempo, Pitch and others, help to tune audioto adesired result.Neutron can source music files from device or network sourcessuchas SMB/CIFS, UPnP/DLNA, FTP, WebDAV and send audio eithertoheadphones, or directly to USB DAC or to UPnP/DLNA rendererwithouta format limitation!Neutron is developed for audiophiles and those who really loveandvalue music. Consider using Hi-Fi/Hi-End audio hardware forthebest result.Get used to Neutron and have full control over your medialibraryand sound!FEATURES* 32/64-bit audio processing (high quality HD audio).* OS and platform independent decoding and audio processing.* Bit-perfect playback.* Audio formats: MP1, MP2, MP3, OGG (Vorbis), FLAC, OPUS, WMA,WMALossless (16-bit), AC3, AAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, MP4, 3GP, 3G2,MOV,ALAC, APE (Monkey's Audio), WV (WavPack), MPC (MusePack), WAV,AU,AIFF, MPG/MPEG (audio), AVI (audio), iTunes/Windows Media(nonDRM).* DSD decoding (requires fast CPU, minimally DSD64).* DOP (DSD over PCM), DXD.* Module music formats: MOD, IM, XM, S3M.* Voice audio format: SPEEX.* Playlists: CUE, M3U, PLS, ASX, RAM, XSPF, WPL.* Lyrics (.LRC files, metadata).* Streaming audio (plays Internet radio streams, Icecast).* Supports large media libraries.* Network music sources:- SMB/CIFS network device (NAS or PC, Samba shares);- UPnP/DLNA media server;- FTP server;- WebDAV server.* Output to UPnP/DLNA Media Renderer (up to 24-bit, 768 kHz).* Direct output to USB DAC (via USB OTG adapter, up to 32-bit,768kHz).* 32-bit output on Android 5+ (IEEE 754, optional).* UPnP/DLNA Media Renderer (server).* Device local music library management via internalFTPserver.* DSP effects:- Parametric Equalizer (4-30 band, fully configurable:type,frequency, Q, gain);- Graphic EQ mode with 21 common presets;- Surround Sound (Ambiophonic R.A.C.E.);- Crossfeed (better stereo sound perception in headphones);- Compressor / Limiter;- Time Delay (loudspeaker time alignment);- Dithering (minimize quantization);- Pitch, Tempo (playback speed and pitch correction).* Speaker overload protecting filters: Subsonic, Ultrasonic.* Normalization by Peak, RMS (Preamp gain calculation afterDSPeffects).* Replay Gain from metadata.* Gapless playback.* Hardware and Preamp volume controls.* Crossfade.* Phase inversion.* High quality real-time optional resampling (Quality andAudiophilemodes).* Real-time Spectrum and RMS analyzers.* Balance.* Mono mode.* Playback modes: shuffle, looped, single track, queue.* Playlist management.* Media library grouping by: album, artist, composer, genre,year,rating, folder.* Artist grouping by 'Album Artist' category.* Folder mode.* Clock mode.* Timers: sleep, wake.* Interface languages: Русский, 中文 (繁体), 中文 (简体), 한국어, 日本語,Việt,ไทย, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Français, English,Español,ελληνικά, Português, Magyar, Polski, العربية, Türk.* Optimized for: ARMv7 VFP/NEON, ARMv8 NEON, x86 SSE2.NOTENEON optimized APK for 32-bit ARMv7 CPUs (>25% faster,notrequired for 64-bit ARMv8 CPUs): evaluation version (5 days limited): support e-mail:[email protected]: report bugs directly by e-mail or via forum and provideusageexample which will help to fix the problem. Your kindpatience, helpand participation are highly appreciated!NOTES* DLNA® is trademark of the Digital Living Network Alliance.
Music Remote Control Pro
This is the PRO version of the appMusicRemoteControl( features:*multiple selections of songs from artists, albums, genresandplaylists*saving infinite playlists*sync library*equalizer load/save settings*support for widget(Android>=4.1)Have fun.PS: Please do try the free app first!Keywords: MediaMonkey, Media, Monkey, Winamp, Remote,Control
AirBubble License 1.1
AirBubble license unlocking the 30 minutes limitation of AirBubble
Music Pump DAAP Player 1.5
Music Pump
Music Pump is a feature rich DAAP Client to stream / sync musicfroma PC or NAS
Music Boss for Android Wear
Compatible with Android Wear 1.X and2.0!Android Wear 2.0 users must install the Phone and Wear appsforMusic Boss to work.Welcome to total media control for Android Wear!Why Music Boss?Music Boss allows you to easily switch between and startplayingmedia from your favourite apps without taking your phone outofyour pocket. The intuitive swipe gestures allow big actionstoperform precise commands without having to look at your watch.Theapp offers customizations right in the wear app andTaskerintegration to take your experience to the next level. Allthis andmore with Music Boss for Wear.Key Features:-Always On/Ambient Mode to save battery life when you want tokeepthe wear app open-Captures and displays media information from all media apps.-Rate songs (thumbs up/down) for Google Play Music fromyourwatch*-Swipe the screen for media commands and volume control.-Control your apps in ambient/screen off mode with theenhancedMusic Boss media notification.-Each song is a unique experience with a media screen that adaptstothe current Album Art.-Media progress for apps that report progress.-Control your media and adjust volume while castingtoChromecast.-Switch between your media apps and start playing withvoicecommands.More Features:-Access a list of your media apps right on the watch to selectandlaunch them on your phone or watch (if there is a wear app foritlike Player FM).-Start music right from your Wear watch by selecting an appandtaping the screen the start playing.-The screen automatically switches to a black/white theme whenyourwatch enters Ambient Mode to save precious battery life.-Clock options to display (or not display) the clock the wayyouwant it (accessible via Wear App settings menu).-Visual feedback (media control and current volume) and optiontovibrate on actions.-Tweak the media screen settings right in the Wear app.Thisincludes screen dimming, timeout, night mode and more.Need help setting up the app?:❓If you are experiencing any issues with the app, please contactmebefore leaving negative feedback, I am always willing to helpusersget set up and I respond quickly: 📧 [email protected]/@rebootramblings / +RebootsRamblings❓Compatible with all Android Wear devices running Android Wear1.Xand 2.0: LG G Watch, Moto 360 1st and 2nd generation, LG G WatchR,Samsung Gear Live, ASUS Zen Watch (1, 2 and 3), Sony SmartWatch3,G Watch Urbane, Huawei watch, LG Watch Sport, LG Watch Styleandall other Android Wear Watches.Permissions Explained:Device & App History: Collect logs to troubleshootuserbugs.Photos/Media/Files: Used to store album art on the wearableCredits:LG G Watch R Picture: http://andwear.deSome watch images were generatedusing*Rating (thumbs up/down) for Google Play Music is availableforAndroid 4.4 KitKat and above.Disclaimers:All song/video images and titles, app names and app imagesareproperty of their respective owners. They are only shown heretorepresent what the user would see when using the app.Reboot'sRamblings does not represent and is not affiliated with anyofthese owners.Android Wear device screenshots designed using the GoogleprovidedDevice Art Generator using an original image I took withmypersonal camera and a song artist and title I inventedfordemonstration purposes.
Sync For itunes 1
Wirelessly Sync Playlists and Songs from iTunes to Android phones.
WiFi Remote Pro 1.2.73
WiFi Remote for your Music and Movies on your PC
Radyo Arabesk Türk 3.1.0
Arabesk Turkish Radio is now with you everywhere, withmobileapplication.
LP 1.6
LP Rock.fmLP Classic Rock welcomes its visitors and users of theinternettoour world of Classic Rock. The intention of our stationis,simplyto provide lovers of Classic Rock to listen totheirfavouritetracks without paying a penny for it. Visitors canlisten,shareand enjoy their favourites. LP Classic Rock Radio isacompletelylegal station licensed through SOCAN.You can tune-in via our webpage with our webplayer orthemediaplayer of your choice(Winamp, iTunes etc.). We're alsoveryproudto be of iTunes radio, our high quality stream(192k mp3)islistedunder classic rock.If you would like to tune in with your mobile or homedevicejustdownload the our free app. It's available foriPhones&Android!! If you use a different mobile please downloadthefreeTuneIn app.TuneIn Supported Mobile DevicesiPhoneAndroidPalmBlackBerrySamsung BadaWindows PhoneSupported Home DevicesGoogle TVYahoo TVRokuWDTVDo a search for LP Classic Rock and we will pop uprightaway!