Top 11 Games Similar to IS〜ブレイジング・メモリー〜

Music Idol - Coco Rock Star 1.1.9
Live your dreams and become a mega superstar with Coco and herband!
東方玉霊姫(東方Project二次創作RPG) 2.5.3
This app is a derivative app RPG of Touhou Project. Charactersfromthe old work to Konjuden appear. Recommended for relaxing play,forthose who like training.
永恆幻想 1.0.0
《永恆幻想》官方網站:★現象級二次元動漫手遊鉅作‧正統日漫RPG冒險劇情★遠古時空世界之中,黑暗、沉淪。痛失家園與親人的少年——路德維希,被主神使者選中,成爲了神降之人。爲了守護大陸,爲了停止自身“背棄之命運”,路德維希與夥伴,踏上了征程!★遊戲特色★【日本殿堂級偶像聲優傾情演繹】花澤香菜、悠木碧、中井和哉、小野大輔、井上麻裏奈、釘宮理惠、能登麻美子、宮田幸季、喜多村英梨,魔法少女、色氣禦姐、傲嬌少女、口嫌體萌妹,各種角色設定讓人應接不暇…讓你的耳朵懷孕!【無限次連擊,根本停不下來的COMBO】100次、1000次、一萬次!無限次的連擊COMBO設定,挑戰你的操作極限,副本連擊記錄排行榜,等你來戰!【二次元動漫風動作卡牌手遊巨作,1080P高清畫質】無與倫比的華麗奧義施放,全新刺激你的視覺神經,1080P高清畫質,讓你看清每一個角色的衣袖舞動!華麗必殺技,霸氣俘虜仙界女神!【豐富的劇本和對戰系統】愛情、友情、親情,情緒出彩劇情豐富,讓你再也不心疼流量;中二病,爆笑劇場、腦洞不斷!★官方資訊★《永恆幻想》官方網站:"Eternal Fantasy"officialwebsite:★ phenomenal second element cartoon hand travel giant ‧orthodoxJapanese Man RPG Adventure Drama ★Ancient world of time and space, dark, destruction. Lost theirhomesand loved ones Boys - Ludwig, was chosen messenger of theLord God,became a man of God down. In order to protect themainland, in orderto stop their own, "the fate of the abandoned",Ludwig and partners,embarked on a journey!★ Game Features ★[Japan Chanticleer idol seiyuu portrait interpretation]Hanazawa coriander, You Mubi, Nakai Kazuya Ono Daisuke,InoueMarina, Kugimiya Rie, Mamiko Noto, Miyada Kouki, EriKitamura,magical girl, color gas royal sister, playfully girl,mouth toobody Meng Mei, various role in setting people overwhelmed... letyour ears be pregnant![Unlimited combos, do not stop COMBO]100 times, 1000 times, ten thousand times! Unlimited combosCOMBOset, challenge your operating limits, a copy of the recordchartsbatter, waiting for you to fight![Second element animation style action card hand travelgiant,1080P HD picture quality]Unparalleled esoteric gorgeous cast, new to stimulate youropticnerve, 1080P HD picture quality, so you see the role of eachof thesleeves dancing! Gorgeous nirvana, domineering Once upon acaptivegoddess![Rich script and Battle System]Love, friendship, family, emotional story rich in color, so younolonger feel bad traffic; in two patients, Comedy Theatre, thebraincontinues to cave!★ ★ official information"Eternal Fantasy" official website:
RPG ヴァリアントナイツ(Valiant Knights) 2.6.1
□人気大物声優が多数参加!三森すずこ、中村悠一、杉田智和、雨宮天、田村ゆかり、今井麻美、田所あずさ!続々人気声優が登場予定!!最大4人で遊べるリアルタイム協力バトル!王道ファンタジーRPG『ヴァリアントナイツ』!友達と協力して巨大モンスター攻略!"体力無制限"でいつでも好きなだけやり込める!操作は簡単!フリック操作でスキル発動!協力プレイ中はスタンプチャットにも対応!MMORPGが片手で手軽に楽しめる!◇色々なコラボ企画もお楽しみに!◆・テレビCM決定!・妖精帝國「闇色corsage」がボス曲に登場!・LINEスタンプ「毒舌あざらし」がスタンプチャットで使える!・豪華声優70名以上の熱演!・Twitter豪華プレゼント企画!公式Twitterはコチラ▶◇ゲームシステム◆基本はオートバトル!操作は簡単フリック操作でスキル発動!的確な状況判断で、様々なスキルを駆使し、モンスターとの闘いに勝利しよう!4人のキャラクターが連続して奥義を使うと"アルテマブレイク発動"敵に大ダメージを狙えるぞ!◇楽しくチャット◆協力プレイ中はおしゃべりしながらプレイしたり、スタンプチャットで簡単に会話できます。会話しながら友達とロープレしよう!◇声優による熱演◆雨宮天/山谷祥生/三森すずこ/杉田智和/中村悠一今井麻美/田村えりこ/田所あずさ代永翼/久保ユリカ/上田麗奈/伊藤彩沙/沢城千春立花理香/武内駿輔/花守ゆみり/近藤玲奈/遠藤ゆりか山村響/桑原由気/高野麻里佳/ランズベリー・アーサー小見川千明/楠大典/五十嵐裕美/松本梨香小桜エツコ/大木民夫 and more!◇公式サイト◆▶ヴァリアントナイツ公式はコチラ◇ご注意◆・通信環境について本ゲームはリアルタイムバトルですので、できる限りWIFIや通信環境の良い所でゲームをお楽しみください。・アプリが落ちるご利用の端末の空き容量やメモリが不足している可能がありますので、アプリ容量の確保とキャッシュクリアをまずはお試し下さい。・ローディングが長いメニュー>一括ダウンロードを行う事でローディングの頻度が少なくなりますのでご活用下さい。
チェインクロニクル チェインシナリオ王道バトルRPG 4.5.9
The adventure is beyond the world A masterpiece that continuestoevolve toward the 10th anniversary Overwhelming scenarioexceeding30 million characters Royal road smartphone RPG ChainChroniclewoven by more than 1700 characters
乖離性ミリオンアーサー 9.0.3
A story aimed at a single king played by a million ArthursAcharacter command RPG that can be enjoyed in up to fourpeoplecooperative play comes up!
* Android Compatibility *DRAKERIDER may not perform as intended on the latest version oftheAndroid devices with Android OS 4.3 or above. We ask foryourpatience and understanding as we work to address this issue inthecoming days.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope thatyoucontinue to enjoy playing DRAKERIDER.Kill or be killed. Experience the perils of adventure withyourferocious sidekick in this brand-new smartphone RPG!The stage of DRAKERIDER is set in Igraine, a world on thebrinkof destruction due to the repeated attacks of the Dread.AranLawson, once an ordinary tracker, now finds himself asadragalier—and mankind's final hope. This is the story of ourheroand his dragon companion, Eckhardt.The game lets you take the reins with a battle system likenoother. Instead of entering commands, control the chains toexecuteyour strategy. Easing off the reins will allow Eckhardt thefreedomto unleash powerful attacks. Too much leeway, however, willtriggerhis primal instincts, endangering Aran.Led by Akifumi Kaneko, the game is developed by WITCHCRAFTInc.,famous for their work on various anime and other RPGs. Thistitlemaintains the high quality and integrity for which theyareknown.The characters are voiced by an array of talentedartists,including Ryohei Kimura, Nana Mizuki, Shinichiro Miki,KanaHanazawa, Keiji Fujiwara, and many others. The powerful themesong"unleash," performed by Shoujyo Byou, accentuates thepowerfulstoryline and intense battles. So why not delve into anoriginallyand finely crafted RPG adventure?Game System● The battle is in your handsTighten or loosen your grip on the reins by sliding the chainsatthe bottom of the screen. The gauge at the top of thescreenrepresents its tension. Ease off to unleash powerful attacksandabilities, but give your dragon too much freedom and you willlosecontrol. If you're not quick to pull back the reins, he willturnagainst you.● Develop your dragon's abilitiesClaim victory in battle to earn CP, which you can use tolearnabilities and powerful attacks. Unlocking some abilities willcloseyour path to others, so plan carefully and customize yourdragon tosuit your needs.
我的學妹不可能那麼萌:社團來襲 1.131.0
◎遊戲介紹◎《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》自2016上線以來,深獲玩家好評肯定,每週改版更新均不停加入並萌化了三國時代的英雄豪傑,還將其作為戰姬等你收錄旗下,同時將即時策略與手動操作等特色結合並融入其中。玩家們在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中遨遊時,不僅要理解各個戰姬的特色技能的搭配、還要有裝備道具的合理分配和精細的操作,讓你除了收集知名武將之外,更能夠體驗豐富主線劇情及各個關卡帶來的征戰樂趣,同時享受與其他玩家互相競技的刺激快感。◎11月新戰姬發表◎1.淩統:前排物理型Tank,天生屬於機械娘,自帶機械屬性,因此,外冷內熱,天然呆萌,但絕對服從主人的命令,作為她的主人不要忘記為她清洗機體唷~2.顏良:前排物理型殺手,來至【月之國】神秘忍術家族的正中繼承人,因其母親在敵對家族的偷襲中去世后性格發生巨變,為了保護最疼的妹妹【文醜】不受傷害越發的堅毅勇敢不服輸!3.文醜:同姐姐【顏良】一樣屬於前排物理型殺手,從頭到尾徹底的【姐控】:姐姐大人的胖次,姐姐大人的歐派,姐姐大人的一切,都是我的!4.孫悟空:前排敏捷型殺手,元氣活力型美少女戰姬,武技高超,所向披靡!◎遊戲特色◎★★★社團活動超刺激,相互競爭拼人氣★★★11月最新上線系統大公開!放課後無聊嗎?加入社團與戰友們共同征戰打拼,除了令人臉紅心跳的『學妹借我玩』之外,還能夠與戰友們共享下午茶,增加社團的凝聚力,也為之後的社團大戰培育新力量!★★★ 不爽上頂樓,全國制霸由你書寫 ★★★《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》最大特色,遊戲中萌化了近百位富有傳奇色彩的三國英雄,追隨玩家們四處征戰。這些戰姬是《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中核心的遊戲特色,每個戰姬都有其不平凡的經歷和獨特的技能。若是想要在召喚師世界中稱霸,就需要深入瞭解每個戰姬的特色技能,運用你的智慧來搭配戰姬形成殺傷力極大的combo連續技組合,讓你輕鬆打遍天下無敵手。★★★ 微動作畫面,指揮戰姬釋放大招 ★★★遊戲中不僅有華麗且酷炫的絕招特效,同時各個戰姬的表情、動作都是由設計師通宵達旦所精心打造的。無論在戰鬥中或是在休息時,戰姬們的行走、揮舞道具和賣萌等每個動作,隨處可見其精細的3D畫面設計。在召喚師帶領戰姬征戰的過程中,都需要你的手指行動力,無腦跑畫面不再適合現在的遊戲了。★★★ 指尖微操作,勝負就在一瞬間 ★★★手動釋放技能的手遊已經過時了!在戰鬥中需要時時觀察戰況,並對戰姬進行微操作,像打斷敵方施法扭轉局勢或是變換施法方向運用策略欺敵等等。做為《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中的另一個賣點,為了不讓玩家覺得就是在玩遊戲數據,體驗真正的指揮樂趣,在遊戲中的戰鬥力只能作為參考,戰力低也能通過微操作改變劣勢,讓你一舉反敗為勝!★★★ 福利社投飲料,滿滿的校園元素 ★★★暑假過了一個月,是否想念福利社的早餐呢?在《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》中,還有各種測驗來考較你的實力,除了豐富並龐大的世界觀外,還有無數的任務供你自由選擇發揮,不服氣?那就上頂樓單挑吧!將眼前所有的障礙掃除,朝著全國制霸的夢想邁進吧!────────────────加入《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》台灣官方臉書就可以參加官方舉辦的精彩活動, 贏取更多的禮物和重要訊息。(在Facebook搜尋: 我的學妹不可能那麼萌)────────────────攻略,活動等最新資訊!!請點擊官方網址↓☞官方粉絲團:☞《我的學妹不可能那麼萌》客服信箱: [email protected] ID:moemoegirls我們會認真聽取每個玩家的心聲,感謝您的支持。Game description ◎◎"My younger sister can not be so Moe" on-line since 2016,praisedthe players certainly deep, revised weekly updates areconstantlyadded and the sprouting of the Three Kingdoms era ofheroes, whichwill wait for you as a war Kyi's included, while thereal-timestrategy with manual operation and other characteristicscombinedinto one. When players travel in "My school girl can not besoMoe", not only to understand the characteristics of each battleKyimix of skills, but also a reasonable allocation of equipment,propsand delicate operation, so that you collect in additiontowell-known generals outside more can experience the richstorylineand the various levels of the campaign to bring the funwith otherplayers while enjoying the stimulation of competitivemutualpleasure.November ◎ ◎ new war Kyi released1. Ling Tong: front physical type Tank, naturally belongs tothemechanical mother, comes with mechanical properties,therefore,Raisin, natural stay Meng, but absolutely obey themaster's orders,as her owner do not forget to wash her body yo~2. Yan Liang: front physics killers, come to [country]mysteriousNinjutsu months median family heir, after his mother diedbecauseof changes in family hostile attack occurred in character,in orderto protect Loved Wen Chou's sister [not] hurt morecourageousperseverance admit defeat!3. Wen Chou: Yan Liang [sister] with the front part of thesamephysical type killer, from start to finish completecontrol[sister]: adult sister fat times, adults Opie sister, sisterof alladults are mine!4. Monkey: Front agile killer strength Vigor girl Kyi war,martialsuperb, invincible!◎ ◎ Game Features★★★ super exciting community activities, compete with each othertofight Popularity ★★★November Latest system open to the public! Put after-schoolbored?Join the community together with his comrades fought hard, itis inaddition to blush, "school girl by my play", but also be abletoshare with his comrades tea, increase community cohesion, butalsoto cultivate new strength for the community war after!★★★ unhappy on the top floor, the national system ofhegemonywritten by you ★★★"My younger sister can not be so adorable," the mostprominentfeature of the game Moe hundred legendary hero of theThreeKingdoms, players follow the campaign around. These war Kyi is"Myschool girl can not be so adorable" in the core feature ofthegame, each battle Kyi has its extraordinary experience anduniqueskills. If you want to dominate the world in the Summoner,you needto understand the characteristics of each battle Kyiskills, useyour wisdom to battle with the formation of highlylethal combo Kyicombos combination, allowing you to easily hottopic invinciblehand.★★★ micro motion picture, directing big move ★★★ warKyireleaseThe game is not only gorgeous and cool trick effects, whileeachbattle Kyi's facial expressions, movements are carefullycrafted bythe designer of the night. Whether in combat or at rest,war Kyi'swalking, waving to sell Meng and other props and eachaction, youcan see its fine 3D graphics design. In Summoner Kyi ledwarcampaign process, we need your finger action, no brain nolongersuitable now run the screen game.★★★ fingertip micro-operation, the outcome in the moment ★★★Manual release of the skills of hand travel has become obsolete!Inthe battle need to constantly observe the fighting and warKyimicro-operations, like magic to reverse the situation, ortointerrupt the enemy caster transform direction usingdeceptiontactics like. As "My school girl can not be so Moe"another sellingpoint, in order to prevent players feel that playingthe game data,experience the real fun of command, combat in thegame only as areference, but also low combat capabilitydisadvantages changethrough micro-operation, so that you win thegame in one fellswoop!★★★ canteen vote drinks, full campus elements ★★★After a month of summer vacation, whether canteen missbreakfastthen? "My sister can not be so adorable school", there areavariety of quizzes to test your strength compared, in addition toarich and vast view of the world, there are numerous you are freetochoose to play for the task, not convinced? then it singled outtheattic! remove all the obstacles in front, toward the dreamofbecoming the national system of hegemony it!────────────────Adding "I can not be so adorable school girl" Taiwan canparticipatein the official face bookExciting activities organized by the official, win more giftsandimportant messages.(In Facebook search: My school girl can not be so Meng)────────────────Raiders News, activities, etc! ! Please click on theofficialwebsite ↓☞ official fan group: https: //☞ "My school girl can not be so Moe" CustomerService:[email protected] ID: moemoegirlsWe will listen carefully to the voice of each player, thank youforyour support.
エレメンタルストーリー 【共闘×対戦パズルゲームRPG】 9.8.6
Connect and erase, addictive skill shooting [easy andexhilaratingpuzzle action] Aim for the top of the battle with yourfriends!
寸止めRPG|アリス魔法学園 1.0
※注意:普通のRPGではありません。魔法修行でどんどん魔法少女が成長!そして、新しい魔法少女に!!「アリス魔法学園」で魔法を磨こう!- 育成: 育成したらキャラが成長する?!いや、変わる!- 合成: ルーンと精霊を組み合わせて作りだす魔法!!- 学校: 学校では先生と様々な勉強ができる?!!※ Note: This is notanormal RPG.Growing more and more magical girl magic training! And, in anewmagical girl! ! Let Migako the magic in "Alice magicschool"!- The development: character grows After training? ! No,itchanges!- Synthesis: The magic produce a combination of runes andspirits!!- School: can a variety of study and teachers at school? ! !
七つの大罪 ポケットの中の騎士団 1.3.6
【祝・200万DL突破ありがとうございます!】2/16(木)更新情報・外伝3を追加しました。・図鑑を追加しました。・称号を追加しました。・不具合を修正しました。週刊少年マガジン連載の大人気コミック【七つの大罪】が累計発行部数2,000万部突破!止まらない快進撃の勢いそのままに、アニメ化の次は初のスマホゲームとして登場!◇◆◇…ストーリー…◇◆◇それは、罪なのか―――。かつて王国転覆をはかったとされる伝説の逆賊・<七つの大罪>。今もなお執拗に、そのお尋ね者を追うは王国の要・一騎当千の聖騎士たち。しかし、切なる想いを胸に秘め、<七つの大罪>を探す一人の少女が現れた時、世界の様相を一変させるとびきりの冒険が始まった!◇◆◇…ゲーム内容…◇◆◇【七つの大罪】のストーリーを体験しながら、大迫力バトルで敵をなぎ倒せ!■【七つの大罪】のストーリーを追体験アニメの感動をもう一度!数々の名シーンをスマホで追体験!■魅力的なキャラクターが勢揃い!メリオダスから、ギルサンダーまで、君の好きなキャラクターで騎士団を結成できる!ゲームオリジナル衣装の大罪たちも登場!まだ見たことのない大罪たちに会える!?■全員の力を結集して、大技スキル・連撃を発動!騎士団全員の力を合わせて最大攻撃力の大技・連撃を発動!敵を一撃で倒す威力は連撃ならでは!■撮り下ろしボイス多数で大罪が喋りまくる!バトル時はもちろん、ゲームのいたる所で大罪たちや聖騎士達が喋りまくる!梶 裕貴、雨宮 天、久野 美咲、悠木 碧、鈴木 達央、福山 潤、宮野 真守(他)ポケ騎士で…、<七つの大罪>と旅に出よう!(c)鈴木央・講談社/ 「七つの大罪」製作委員会・MBS(c)DeNA / Developed by Racjin Co., Ltd.【サービス提供者】株式会社ディー・エヌ・エー【対応機種】■対応OSAndroid 4.1以降※対応OS以上の端末でも、一部非対応端末がございます。■推奨環境CPU:Qualcomm Snapdragon 800    (Quad-core 2.2GHz) 以上RAM:2GB以上Android:Google Nexus 5※推奨環境以上の端末でも、一部非推奨・非対応端末がございます。■動作が重い場合はバトル時の動作が重い場合は。『メニュー>設定>エフェクト表示>表示しない』を設定すると軽減する場合がございます。