Top 20 Apps Similar to ザ・ボイスそこまで言うか!Podcastラジオでニュース政治

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Google Play「今週のおすすめアプリ特集」にて紹介されました♪完全無料で本格的なラジオ番組が作れる!聴ける!ここだけのオリジナル番組が勢ぞろい。誰でもどこでもラジオパーソナリティになれる新しいトークラジオアプリ『ラジ生?』--------------------------------------------------**ラジ生?は他の配信アプリとココが違う**--------------------------------------------------■顔出しいらず!いつでもどこでも気軽に配信できる■音声だけなのでゲームやネットをしながらでも使える■生配信だけでなく、過去の配信もタイムシフトとして残せる■各番組へのお便り機能、配信中のコメント、効果音など 本格的なラジオ放送気分を味わえる■声優やアナウンサー、芸人などの夢に向けて、 声やトークの実力だけで有名になれるチャンスがあるかも?!----------------------------------------------------**こんな方にオススメ【放送したい方々へ】 **----------------------------------------------------■ラジオパーソナリティをやってみたい人■顔出しはイヤだけど有名になりたい人■「リアルじゃ言えないこと」を言いたい人■誰にも言えない悩みを聴いてもらいたい人■声真似や歌ってみたなど、声で色々なことに挑戦したい人■声優・アナウンサー・芸人になりたい人■Twitterのフォロワーを増やしたい人■ねとらじ、ツイキャスで配信をしている人■気の合う仲間と繋がりたい人----------------------------------------------------**こんな方にオススメ【聴きたい方々へ】 **----------------------------------------------------■色んなラジオ番組を聴きたい人■ここでしか聴けないマル秘トークを聴きたい人■共通の仲間を見つけて、友達の輪を広げたい人■人生相談、恋愛相談などお悩み相談したい人■アニメ、アニラジ、アニソン、声優が好きな人■お笑い、落語が好きな人■Twitterのフォロワーを増やしたい人さらにラジ生?をお楽しみいただくために、運営によるおすすめ番組を毎日紹介中![公式HP][Twitter][Facebook]■お問い合わせ先ラジ生?は、利用者の皆様のご意見をもとに、より良いサービスへ改善していきます。ご意見・ご要望・不具合があれば、下記アドレスまでご連絡ください。[email protected]
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국내 모든 팟캐스트, radio를 제공하고 있습니다. 방송별, 캐스트별 인기순위와 다양한 장르 구분으로 편리하게이용하실수있습니다. ※ 팟캐스트 무료 등록 서비스 안내 ※ 팟캐스트 RSS를 라디오팟메일([email protected])로보내주시면 무료로 등록해 드리고 있습니다. 팟캐스트 대표 어플!라디오팟에서팟캐스트를 홍보하세요! ◆ 기능 소개 ◆ -팟캐스트 스트리밍, 다운로드 제공 - 구독된 팟캐스트 업데이트 시알림 전송기능 - 예약종료 설정 기능 - 반복재생,최신, 이전 방송순으로 연속 재생 - 오디오와 함께 동영상도 감상가능 -이어듣기 기능 지원 ※ 접근권한 관련 안내 ※[선택적 접근 권한] - 전화 : 방송 업데이트 알림 설정 / 방송리뷰닉네임 설정 / 재생도중 전화상태 체크 시 사용되는권한 - 저장 : 방송 좋아요 / 구독 / 최근목록 / 북마크설정시 사용되는 권한 위의 권한 거부 시 기본 팟캐스트청취는 가능 하나, 그 외의 편리한 기능들은 이용이불가능합니다.[개발자 연락처] 010-2702-8725
PodDroid for Podcast 1.2.8
Android even hear the iPhone had onlyheardPodCast of all content for free.World best podcast Listen convenient.※ Manual1 Add my favorites  - Long touch on the channel list  - Best List Long touch  - The click of a button from the list of content2 Download content  Select a genre in the Podcast tab> select>contentbroadcast channels, touch an item from the list.3 To play  - The content you want to play content from a listoftouch4 Listening to foreign broadcasts  On the Settings tab, change the country selectionyoucan listen to the broadcast in your country.5 Set the number of search results  - 10/25/50/100/300 setEvaluated from the Market after you use will be appreciated.※, which may be in violation of copyright, please contactthedeveloper.# Cast # Keywords: Podcast, Podcast, podcast, radio,broadcast,re-listening, flyby of yusimin, nohoechan UnifiedProgressiveParty, DOUCY escape keoltu show, SBS, I trick, Ikkopsari, ttanjiradio, I janglin
ニッポン放送+プラス 0.95
ラジオ局、AM1242ニッポン放送の公式アプリです。ニッポン放送で放送中の番組に連動したツイートを自動的に収集~表示~更新します。ツイッターアカウントをお持ちでない方も、番組リスナーのツイートを眺めながら番組聴取していただけます。なお、このアプリを起動するためには、音でURL・画像・テキスト情報を送受信できるアプリ、「トーンコネクト」のインストールをお願いしています。(「トーンコネクト」がインストールされていない場合、このアプリの初回起動時に、インストールのお願いが表示されます。)<アプリの機能>・ニッポン放送で放送中の番組に関するツイッター上の 「つぶやき」を集めてタイムライン表示・当日の番組表を一覧表示し、番組HPへワンクリックで ジャップ・「トーンコネクト」のトーン音の受信・非受信の切替 (ニッポン放送では今後、toneconnectを使った  番組企画を実施することを予定しています)・ニッポン放送を選局した状態でのradiko起動AMラジオを聴きながら使っていただくこともできますし、もちろんradikoをバックグラウンドで動作させながら、使っていただくこともできます。 (radikoを起動後、MENU>終了>バックグラウンド を選択してradiko画面を閉じてください。)The official appradiostation, the NBS AM1242.Tweets linked to the program being broadcast inNipponBroadcasting System, Inc.Collect ~ ~ display update automatically.Is the one that does not have a Twitter account,By listening program while watching the tweetslistenerprogramYou can.In order to start this appApplication that can send and receive URL · image-textinformationin sound,We ask the installation of the "tone Connect".If "Tone Connect" is not installed (,The first time you start the app, and give me theinstallationWill be displayed. )- Of Twitter on about the program being broadcast inNipponBroadcasting System, Inc.Timeline view by collecting "tweet"· Lists the program guide of the day, with one click toshowHPJupp-Switching of reception and non-reception of the sound ofthetone "tone Connect"Future, I used toneconnect in (NBSIt is scheduled to be implemented program planning)· Radiko start for the state in which the selected stationNipponBroadcastingYou can either have you use it while listening to AMradio,While operating in the background radiko course,You can also have you use.After starting (radiko, MENU> Exit> backgroundPlease close the radiko screen by choosing. )
OneCast - podcast simply
OneCast is the easiest way to find and playanypodcast.Yo. My name's Nathan. I'm a computer scientist working fortheworld's most outstanding venture capital firm --SequoiaCapital.I believe an app should be simple, easy to use andefficient.Looking for a podcast player that encompassed thesevalues, Icouldn’t find one. So in my free time, I started buildingOneCast.I enjoy how easy it is to use and hope you enjoy ittoo.Continual improvement is the goal, so if have a greatfeatureidea or you run into a bug, let me know and I’ll check itout:[email protected] to time constraints, I don’t respond to Play comments. Idomy best to answer all email, but if your note goes unanswered forawhile, my apologies. Lots of folks love OneCast and sometimesIcan’t keep up with the email.All the folks that love OneCast help each other out ontheFacebook( andGoogle(,NathanYou can read my full bio here: Channel (new features earlier, but also more errorprone): Channel (better tested than the Alpha channel, butstillgets new features before the generalrelease):
Joe Rogan & Friend's Podcasts 1.0.1
C. Fedele
Unofficial fan app for access to thepodcastsofJoe Rogan, Deathsquad, and friends, including thepodcasts ofJoeyDiaz, Ari Shafir, Doug Stanhope, Duncan Trussell,BrianCallen, EddieBravo, Bert Kreischer, Brian Redban and the restofthe Deathsquadcrew. Listen to the Joe RoganExperiencePodcast.
DoublePod Podcasts for android
Podcasts for android Enjoy totally free podcast broadcasting.
Podcast HD 2.24
Find your favorite Podcasts by category/search!
嫁コレ ~アニメキャラ数No.1!ボイスアプリ~ 5.0.8
★☆★ついに190万DL突破!!★☆★大人気アニメキャラ&声優の録り下ろしボイスコレクションアプリ「嫁コレ」がGoogle Playで配信中!弱虫ペダルやFate/stay night[UBW]など人気作品アニメが多数登場!<人気アニメの萌えキャラ/美少女キャラ&イケメンキャラが毎週続々登場!>無料ダウンロードで大人気声優(田村ゆかりさん、花澤香菜さん、神谷浩史さん、宮野真守さん…etc)の録り下ろしボイスをゲットしよう!『弱虫ペダル』新開隼人・東堂尽八・巻島裕介・田所迅・福富寿一・泉田塔一郎、『超電磁砲S』御坂美琴、『ソードアート・オンライン』キリト・アスナ、『Fate/staynight[UBW]』セイバー・遠坂凛・イリヤ、『干物妹!うまるちゃん』土間うまる、『ごちうさ』ココア・チノ・リゼ、『まどマギ』ほむらに、キュゥべえまで…!?その他配信中の作品・キャラクターはこちらからご確認ください。【嫁コレとは?】(1)キャラクターカードとボイスのコレクション機能アニメキャラクター数国内最大級の基本無料(※)で遊べるアプリ。豪華声優陣の録り下ろしボイス付きアニメキャラクターのカードをコレクションしよう!“嫁”との愛情度を高めて、嫁コレでしか聴けないセリフをご堪能ください。※一部アプリ内課金があります。(2)大好きなキャラと、充実の嫁ライフを!ボイスを聴いて、なでたり、キスしたり、一緒に写真を撮ったり、起こしてもらったり…カードをゲットしたら、「俺の嫁」をたくさん可愛がってあげてください(3)イベントやキャンペーンもお見逃しなく担当声優のサイン色紙プレゼントキャンペーンや、特別ボイスが聴ける特典カードをゲットするイベントも実施中です。-------------------------------------------------------------★☆★登場作品紹介★☆★●弱虫ペダル・巻島裕介(CV:森久保祥太郎)、東堂尽八(CV:柿原徹也)、新開隼人(CV:日野聡)、田所迅(CV:伊藤健太郎)、福富寿一(CV:前野智昭)、泉田塔一郎(CV:阿部敦)ほか●PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス・狡噛慎也(CV:関智一)、槙島聖護(CV:櫻井孝宏)、宜野座伸元(CV:野島健児)ほか●甲鉄城のカバネリ・生駒(CV:畠中祐)、無名(CV:千本木彩花)●ハイスクール・フリート・岬明乃(CV:夏川椎菜)、宗谷ましろ(CV:Lynn)●干物妹!うまるちゃん・土間うまる(CV:田中あいみ)、海老名菜々(CV:影山灯)、本場切絵(CV:白石晴香)、橘・シルフィンフォード(CV:古川由利奈)●うたわれるもの 偽りの仮面・クオン(CV:種田梨沙)、ネコネ(CV:水瀬いのり)、ルルティエ(CV:加隈亜衣)●ご注文はうさぎですか?ココア(CV:佐倉綾音)、チノ(CV:水瀬いのり)、リゼ(CV:種田梨沙)、シャロ(CV:内田真礼)、千夜(CV:佐藤聡美)●Fate/stay night[Unlimited Blade Worksセイバー(CV:川澄綾子)、遠坂凛(CV:植田佳奈)、イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン(CV:門脇舞以)●幕末Rock・坂本龍馬(CV:谷山紀章)、高杉晋作(CV:鈴木達央)、沖田総司(CV:小野賢章)ほか●ハマトラ・ナイス(CV:逢坂良太)、ムラサキ(CV:羽多野渉)、バースデイ(CV:福山潤)、レシオ(CV:中村悠一)●AMNESIA(アムネシア)・シン(CV:柿原徹也)、イッキ(CV:谷山紀章)ほか●K・伊佐那社(CV:浪川大輔)、夜刀神狗朗(CV:小野大輔)、八田美咲(CV:福山潤)、伏見猿比古(CV:宮野真守)●薄桜鬼・土方歳三(CV:三木眞一郎)、沖田総司(CV:森久保祥太郎)ほか●遙かなる時空の中で5・坂本龍馬(CV:鈴村健一)、沖田総司(CV:岡本信彦)ほか●金色のコルダ3・如月響也(CV:福山潤)、如月律(CV:小西克幸)ほか●ソードアート・オンライン・キリト(CV:松岡禎丞)、アスナ(CV:戸松遥)ほか●ソードアート・オンラインII・キリト(CV:松岡禎丞)、シノン(CV:沢城みゆき)●FAIRY TAIL・ルーシィ(CV:平野綾)ほか●ガールズ&パンツァー・西住みほ(CV:渕上舞)ほか●俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。・高坂桐乃(CV:竹達彩奈)ほか●僕は友達が少ない・柏崎星奈(CV:伊藤かな恵)ほか●とある科学の超電磁砲・御坂美琴(CV:佐藤利奈)ほか●とある魔術の禁書目録II・禁書目録(CV:井口裕香)ほか●魔法科高校の劣等生・司波深雪(CV:早見沙織)、七草真由美(CV:花澤香菜)、北山雫(CV:巽悠衣子)●魔法少女まどか マギカ・鹿目まどか(CV:悠木碧)ほか●ローゼンメイデン・真紅(CV:沢城みゆき)、水銀燈(CV:田中理恵)、翠星石(CV:桑谷夏子)ほか●機動戦艦ナデシコ・ミスマル・ユリカ(CV:桑島法子)ほか●とらドラ!・逢坂大河(CV:釘宮理恵)ほか●あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。・めんま(CV:茅野愛衣)●ARIA・水無灯里(CV:葉月絵理乃)ほか●灼眼のシャナⅢ-FINAL-・シャナ(CV:釘宮理恵)●侵略!?イカ娘・イカ娘(CV:金元寿子)ほか●ましろ色シンフォニー・瀬名愛理(CV:小野涼子)ほか●蒼穹のファフナー・遠見真矢(CV:松本まりか)●結城友奈は勇者である●ノーゲーム・ノーライフ●龍ヶ嬢七々々の埋蔵金●やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。●凪のあすから●ゴールデンタイム●翠星のガルガンティア●ビビッドレッド・オペレーション●織田信奈の野望●ささみさん@がんばらない●さよなら絶望先生その他、合計180作品を配信(※一部配信停止になっている作品もございます)-------------------------------------------------------------ログインやデータ引き継ぎ等、アプリ内で問題が発生している場合は大変お手数ですが嫁コレ公式サイトFAQをご確認の上、お問い合わせください。※嫁コレ公式サイトFAQ:本アプリは端末本体に300MB程度の空き容量が必要になります。※ダウンロードする嫁キャラクターの数に応じて容量を消費致しますので、端末の容量には十分な余裕を持ってご利用ください。Android OS 4.0以上推奨(推奨OSバージョン以下での動作についてはサポート対象外となります)※お客様の機種のご利用状況により、推奨OSであっても動作が不安定な場合があります。-------------------------------------------------------------(C)竹宮ゆゆこ/ アスキー・メディアワークス/「とらドラ!」製作委員会(C)ANOHANA PROJECT(C)渡辺航(週刊少年チャンピオン)/弱虫ペダルGR製作委員会(C)鎌池和馬/冬川基/アスキー・メディアワークス/PROJECT-RAILGUN(C)IF・DF/「薄桜鬼」製作委員会(C)安部真弘(週刊少年チャンピオン)/海の家れもん2号店(C)サイコパス製作委員会(C)Magica Quartet/Aniplex・Madoka Partners・MBS(C)川原礫/アスキー・メディアワークス/SAO Project(C)2013 佐島 勤/KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス刊/魔法科高校製作委員会(C)伏見つかさ/アスキー・メディアワークス/OIP2(C)GIRLS und PANZER Projekt(C)M/K・F・T (C)M・K/M F T(C)BIGLOBE (C)アクタス(C)HEROZ, Inc.
Podomatic Podcast & Mix Player
Tune in to the world's largest communityofpodcasters and DJs with our new Podomatic player! Discover thebestin talk radio and house music mixes - or find your newfavoritepodcast with our categories feature! From christian totechpodcasts, club music to soundtracks, we’ve got the wholespectrumcovered - every podcast niche at your fingertips.With over 5 million podcast episodes and mixes published,ThePodomatic Podcast Player makes it easy to tap into any one ofthoseepisodes quickly so that you have the best in podcastentertainmentwhenever, wherever.Our Trending section will keep you up-to-date on what's hot onthePodomatic network. Sort by city to find local podcasters inyourarea.Create playlists to group your favorite podcasts &musicmixes.The best in podcasts, all for free!Key Features:- Offline Mode - Take your favorite podcasts and mixesofflinewherever you go! Tap on the info button on any podcastepisode, andyou’ll be able to download an episode onto your“Offline Episodes”playlist.To access your downloaded podcasts, open up the side bar on theleftside of the screen, and you’ll be find them under the“OfflineEpisodes” option.- Feed - A dynamic social feed that gives you updates onfollowedpodcasts and Facebook Friends. See new episodes frompodcasts youfollow and what podcasts your Facebook Friends followand like.You’ll even get a notification when the podcasters youlove releasenew content.- Streaming Player - Easily scroll through an episode and listentoa podcast at your leisure. Comment, like, or add an episode toaplaylist, and share out podcast episodes to your favoritesocialmedia sites.- Mini Player - Play an episode, then minimize the player tokeepthe episode playing in the background with the all new MiniPlayer.You can pause and play the episode from here while younavigatethrough the app.- Follow button: Track your favorite podcasts easily with thefollowbutton so you can access new episodes and mixes easily onyourfeed.- Trending - Get real time insights into what podcasts aretrendingin the Podomatic social sphere. Re-discover yourfavoritecategories and talk show topics, or find your new favoriteshow orseries. An intuitive discovery platform along with fullsearchcapabilities make it easy to find the podcast or playlistyou’relooking for.
DoggCatcher Podcast Player
Manage your podcasts and news feeds withthefirst Android Podcatcher.Testimonials-Lifehacker finds DoggCatcher to be "The Best Podcast ManagerforAndroid"-Android Central's Editors' Choice podcatcher of the year-Android Central's Readers' Choice runner up podcatcher oftheyearHighlights-New material redesign-ChromeCast and Android Auto support-Easy to subscribe new podcasts-Light/Dark theme-Auto download and cleanup of media files-Offline playback of audio and video podcasts-Customizable audio playlists-Supports devices of all sizes-Highly configurable-Build in variable speed playback-Home screen widget for easy access to playback controls-Podcast categorizationAutomation-Automatically updates podcasts on your schedule-Automatically download new media-Automatically deletes mediaAdd podcasts by-Browsing Top 100 DoggCatcher podcasts-Personalized recommendations-Searching podcast and news directories-Importing from OPMLIntegrated Audio/Video Player-Plays downloaded audio/video-Streams audio over network (wifi/cell)-Remembers play position of media file-Plays video formats supported by Android- playlist for continuous playback of new media-Video/News playlists for easy navigation of new mediaCommunity and support-Frequently updated- active user community in forums- via forums and emailOther-Battery/data plan friendly - can limit downloads basedonnetwork/power connections-Media download queue can be viewed and managed-Bluetooth support (A2DP/AVRCP)-Supports authenticated feeds (username/password)For any questions about application permissions, pleasesee and support at
Smart Podcast 1.41
Podcasting with your smartphone!Smart Podcast is equipped with a powerful podcastsearchfunction.Just input some keywords, and you can instantly find a podcastofyour liking.Fully equipped with audio and video players.At your preference, an external media player can also beselectedand used.Refreshing podcasts (updating the list) and downloadingmediafiles are all automatically done in the background.No need to connect to your computer as in the case of iPhoneoriPad.With Smart Podcast, you can specify how often to refreshpodcastsand how many files to download.If you want to save communication fee or your battery,you can choose to download only on Wi-Fi or only while the phoneischarging.Smart Podcast makes it so easy to search and subscribe awidevariety of podcadsts such as news, entertainment,languagelearning, etc.Please send your feedback and bug reports to .
Stitcher Radio for Podcasts
Stitcher, Inc
* 20 Best Apps - TechCrunch* 25 Top Android Apps - TIME Magazine* Essential Driving App - Wired.comListen on demand to your favorite news, comedy, sports andtalkradio shows and podcasts from sources like NPR, CNN, FoxNews,ESPN, This American Life, BBC and more. Stream or downloadepisodesfor offline listening. Stitcher also helps you discoverinterestingthings to listen to from over 65,000 shows, based onyour listeninghabits. Change the way you listen to radio - on yourschedule, notthe schedule of traditional radio.***FEATURES**** CREATE CUSTOM STATIONS: “Stitch” together your favorite shows inaplaylist to create customized stations.* DISCOVER NEW SHOWS: Stitcher helps you find new shows you’llloveby recommending shows other listeners of the same show alsolike,as well as personalized show recommendations based onyourlistening.* LISTEN ON DEMAND: Get the latest episodes of your favoriteshowsas soon as they are released, without the hassle ofdownloading andsyncing podcasts. You can also download episodes forofflinelistening.* GET BREAKING NEWS: Keep up with the day’s biggest stories onthefront page and via breaking news audio alerts sent toyourphone.* SHARE WITH FRIENDS: Share your favorite shows on Twitter,Facebookand email.Stitcher is the best way to stay connected with theinformationthat’s important to you. Stitcher Radio is a smarter wayto listento the radio.***AWARDS & PRAISE***- 20 Best Apps - TechCrunch- 25 Top Android Apps - TIME Magazine- 12 Best Entertainment Apps - PC World- Essential Driving App - Best News App - Best App Ever Awards- Best Mobile News App - Webby's People's Voice Award- Top 75 Android Apps - PC Magazine- Top 5 Podcast Apps - Mashable
Podcast & Radio iVoox 2.3111
The podcast and radio player. Listen to your audios without limits
Podcast Player App - Podbean 9.1.9
Podcast app: play popular podcasts & livestreams with thegreatpodcast player.
AntennaPod 3.1.1
Easy-to-use, flexible and open-source podcast manager and player
Podkicker Podcast Player
Podkicker is one of the most popularpodcastmanagers for android.A quickstart to get you going:The Channel tab lists the podcasts you currently subscribeto.The Episode tab lists the 200 latest episodes from allyoursubscriptions.The Downloads tab lists the episodes you have downloaded toyourdevice.The rest should be quite self explanatory.
팟빵 – 팟캐스트 국민앱. 듣다보면 팟캐스트 매니아 7.17.0
팟빵은 팟캐스트 포털 팟빵에서 출시한 공식 앱입니다.팟빵 순위나 원하시는 팟캐스트를 검색하여 구독할 수 있으며, 신규 에피소드에 대한 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.[주요 메뉴]1) 홈마이페이지로 갈 수 있는 링크를 제공하며, 인기 팟캐스트, 카테고리 순위 등을 한 화면에서 제공합니다.2) 팟빵순위팟빵의 전체순위 및 카테고리별 순위를 확인 할 수 있습니다.3) 카테고리팟빵의 월별 추천 팟캐스트, 오늘은 어떤 팟캐스트들이 등록되었는지 확인 할 수 있습니다.또한 캐스트들을 카테고리별, 좋아요순, 댓글순, 구독순으로 정렬하여 볼 수 있습니다.4) 라디오팟빵을 통해 송출되고 있는 라디오 리스트를 확인 하고 청취할 수 있는 페이지 입니다.5) 직썰시사/문화/라이프/예술 등 다양한 볼거리를 제공하는 인기 대안 언론 직썰의 기사를 쉽게 접할 수 있습니다.업데이트 사항1. 하단고정 플레이어를 이용하여 모든 페이지에서 플레이어를 컨트롤 할 수 있고, 청취중인 방송 페이지와재생화면으로의이동이 가능 하도록 업데이트 되었습니다.2. 구독중인 팟캐스트의 신규 에피소드, 청취히스토리, 다운로드 한 파일목록을 재생리스트로서 제공하며, 캐스트별연속재생과배속재생, 다운로드 목록의 순차 재생이 가능합니다.3. 라디오플레이어도 에피소드 재생기와 같이 하단 고정으로 배치하여 모든 페이지에서 컨트롤할 수 있습니다.4. UI를 전체적으로 수정하여 부드러운 화면전환과 꼭 필요한 정보만을 배치하여 화면을 간소화 하였습니다.5. 후기, 사연모집 등으로 활용할 수 있는 모바일홈페이지의 게시판을 생성할 수 있으며, 개별페이지 메뉴로노출됩니다.(관리는 PC에서 하실 수 있습니다.)Patppang is theofficialapp released by podcast portal patppang.Patppang can subscribe to search ranking or would like podcasts,youcan receive notifications for new episodes.[Main Menu]1) Home   And it provides a link to go to my page andoffersin one place, such as the popular podcast, thecategoryranking.2) Ranked patppang   You can see the complete rankings and rankingsbycategory patppang.3) Category   Recommended monthly podcast, today patppangcansee which podcasts are registered.   You can also view and sort them by categorycasts,good order, daetgeulsun, subscription order.4) Radio   In this page, you can see a list of radiobeingsent through patppang listening.5) jiksseol  Preview / culture / lifestyle / art, etc. You caneasilyaccess the articles in the popular press jiksseolalternative thatoffers a variety of attractions.Updates1 can control the player from any page by using the bottom ofthefixed players, has been updated moving to listen to thebroadcastpage and the screen being played is possible.2. The subscribed new episodes of the podcast, provide alisteninghistory, downloaded files list as a playlist, you can castbycontinuous playback and playback speed, sequential playback ofthedownload list.3. The radio player can also be controlled from any page byplacingthe bottom of the fixed episode as players.4. Modify the UI as a whole by placing only thenecessaryinformation has been streamlined and smooth transitions tothescreen.5. You can also create a mobile website that can be used asabulletin board for review, recruitment stories, etc., areexposedto the individual page menu. (Administration may be inthePC.)
Acast - Podcast Player 2.19.6
Acast AB
Acast - Podcasts & Audio Acast is the mobile hub foryouraudioon demand experience. Listen to podcasts and audio showsyoucareabout whenever and wherever you want. Acast is home tothemostengaging, fascinating stories told in audio onsports,news,comedy, business, culture, education and many more.Followandstream your favorite podcasts such as Serial, WTF withMarcMaron,Call Your Girlfriend, Another Round, Scroobius Pip, andTheNakedScientists or download episodes for on-the-golistening.Acastfeatures podcasts from media houses like TheFinancialTimes,BuzzFeed, BBC, The Economist, The Guardian, NPR,WNYC,ThisAmerican Life, and Fusion to name a few. Acast’scuratedDiscoverypage highlights new shows to love. Our contentteams willfeed youwith fresh, exciting podcasts in rotating listssuch as“Hack theGibson!” our tech list, and “Girls to the Front”ourwomen-hostedlist. Key features - Discover new podcaststhroughcurated lists -Search directly for shows, hosts or episodes- Afeed thatregularly updates with shows that you follow -Browsepodcasts& audio by category - Continue listening whereyou leftoff -Stream podcasts using your WiFi or data - Save showsfor laterandlisten when you don’t have reception - Play, pauseandskipepisodes from the lock screen - Login with Facebook andsharewithyour friends and family - Share your favorite momentsonTwitterwith an embeddable player or text it through yourmessengerapp -Experience images, links and videos embedded in theaudio Howtoget you started Dive straight in with Discoveryandstartexploring. Try Trending to see what’s popular rightnow.Findpodcasts by Category or try out some of the curated listsfromourcontent teams. The Search page lets you find yourfavoriteshows,hosts or episodes. Follow their channels and streamthenewepisodes they post from your Feed. Save episodesforofflinelistenings or continue where you left off lasttime.CommunityHeard something that is worth sharing? Get in touchandshare yourfavorite moments with us:Twitter: orfeedback Helpus make Acast better by reaching out to us:Go intothe appsettings and click “contact us” to send us yoursuggestionorsupport query. Permissions We will only ask forpermissions weneedfor the app to provide you with the bestexperience possible.Yourprivacy is important to us. SubscriptionsWe're now offeringa“Show Pass” to certain shows that’ll give youexclusive accesstopremium content. These subscriptions will renewonce a monthuntilyou cancel them. You will only access the premiumcontent aslongas you're subscribing. A Show Pass starts at $1.99 /month.PrivacyPolicy: TermsofService: FAQ: