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觀世音菩薩-手機拜佛許願 修行聽佛音 1.6.6
觀世音菩薩具有平等無私的廣大悲願,當眾生遇到任何的困難和苦痛,如能至誠稱念觀世音菩薩,就會得到菩薩的救護。而且,觀世音菩薩最能適應眾生的要求,對不同的眾生,便現化不同的身相,說不同的法門。[3]在佛教的眾多菩薩中,觀世音菩薩也最為民間所熟知和信仰觀世音菩薩各種菩薩形象,應有盡有,從聽佛音看經典到祭拜做早晚課,給予用戶最貼心最精確的需求。隨喜讚歎,與菩薩結緣。虔誠禮拜,聆聽佛音,閱讀佛經,觀音靈簽指點你的人生。祈福懺悔,淨化你的心靈。應用的六大特點:1:觀世音菩薩靈簽為您指點迷津。2:誦讀佛經,福德無窮,天人供養,諸佛護念,趨證菩提,消除罪障,成就佛果。3:聆聽佛音,助你靜心、定心、悟心、明心。4:供養菩薩,一切罪滅盡,百寶從地生。5:祈福祝願,菩薩保佑你心想事成6:懺悔過往,往昔所造的一切罪障及失戒定全部得以清淨7:放生,諸功德中,放生第一,消除罪業『觀世音菩薩』乃西方三聖佛。梵語(即印度之言語)本來是謂之『阿黎耶』、『阿緮盧枳多』、『伊濕伐羅』、『菩提薩捶』。觀世音有時名為觀音,有時亦為觀自在,其實是指同一菩薩。鳩摩羅什法師(晉高憎,龜茲國人。)譯為觀世音,稱為舊譯;玄奘法師(唐高僧,俗姓陳,名日違褲祎。)譯為觀自在,稱為新譯。此二者之翻譯,各有其說法。鳩摩羅什法師之所以要把這位菩薩稱為觀世音的理由,是因為這位大菩薩,能夠觀察廳聞眾生之一心稱名,並來拯救諸世金憂惱的緣故。觀世音如依法華經解釋,這『世音』二字是指世間一切的聲音。或求菩薩舊他的苦,或求菩薩賜他的樂。菩薩只要聽到他們所祈求的聲音,便一定會幫他們的忙,而各得期滿願,故稱之為『觀世音』。玄奘法師的翻譯為聖,似拘泥(固執也)於原語,依照梵音逐字解釋之:阿梨耶,華言譯為聖,是尊稱的意思。阿緮盧枳多,是觀照的意思,簡稱為觀。伊濕伐羅,華言譯為自在,合稱為聖觀自在,略觀自在。菩提薩埵,簡稱為『菩薩』,華言譯為『覺有情』。三十三觀音:▪ 楊柳觀音▪ 龍頭觀音▪ 持經觀音▪ 圓光觀音▪ 遊戲觀音▪ 白衣觀音▪ 蓮臥觀音▪ 瀧見觀音▪ 施藥觀音▪ 魚籃觀音▪ 德王觀音▪ 水月觀音▪ 一葉觀音▪ 青頸觀音▪ 威德觀音▪ 延命觀音▪ 眾寶觀音▪ 岩戶觀音▪ 能靜觀音▪ 阿耨觀音▪ 葉衣觀音▪ 琉璃觀音▪ 多羅尊觀音▪ 蛤蜊觀音▪ 六時觀音▪ 合掌觀音▪ 一如觀音▪ 不二觀音▪ 持蓮觀音▪ 灑水觀音▪ 馬郎婦觀音▪ 普悲觀音▪ 阿麽提觀音Bodhisattvahaveequalselfless majority of COMPASSION, when beingsencounteranydifficulties and pain, as can sincerely sayreadAvalokiteshvara,the Buddha will get help. Moreover, theBodhisattvaof the mostable to adapt to the requirements of allbeings,different beings,they are now the body of a different phase,speakdifferent Dharma.[3] Among the many Buddha Buddhism,theBodhisattva also the mostwell-known and popular beliefBodhisattva Avalokiteshvara various image,everything,fromlistening to worship Buddha tone look classic andeveningclassesto do, to give users the most intimate of themostpreciseneeds.Rejoice praise, and Buddha become attached. Devoutprayer,listento The Buddha, reading Buddhist Guanyin sign pointingyourspirituallife. Pray for repentance, purify your soul.Application of six characteristics:1: Bodhisattva spirit sign for your help.2: reciting Buddhist scriptures, Crawford infinite,Heavensupport,Buddhas care to read, chemotaxis BodhieliminateZuizhangachievements Buddhahood.3: The Buddha listened to help you meditate, centering,Wuheart,clear your heart.4: Bodhisattvas, and utterly destroy all sin, born treasurefromtheground.5: Clifford wishes, Buddha bless you all wishes come true6: repent the past, the past had made and lost all Zuizhangquitallset to clean7: release, all merit, the release of the first, theeliminationofsin"Bodhisattva" is the Western Trinity Buddha. Sanskrit(ie,thelanguage of India) was originally called the "A Liye", "AFuLutrifoliate more", "wet cutting Luo Yi", "BodhiSahammer."Sometimes called Guanyin Bodhisattva,sometimesalsoAvalokitesvara, the Buddha actually refer to thesame.KumarajivaMaster (. Jin high hate, Kucha people)translatedAvalokitesvara,known as the old translation; Xuanzang(Monk Tang,Su Xing Chen, Yipants were on offenders.)TranslatedAvalokitesvara, known as Newtranslation. The translationbetweenthe two, each with itsargument. Master Kumarajiva reason whythisshould be called theBodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the Buddhabecauseof the large, onecan observe the hall smelled beings HeartNames,and to save allthe world's gold Younao sake. Avalokitesvaraasinterpreted inaccordance with the Lotus Sutra, which "soundworld"the wordrefers to all the world of sound. Or seek his bitteroldBuddha orBodhisattva give his music beg. Buddha whenever theyhearthe soundthey pray, they will help them a favor, and eachwaswillingexpires, so called "Bodhisattva." Xuanzang translatedasholy, likefeelings (stubborn too) in the original language,inaccordancewith the Sanskrit word for word interpretation: ALiye,Chineseword translated as holy, is the honorific meaning.Amulti-Fu Lutrifoliate, is contemplation of the meaning, referredtoas theconcept. Wet cutting Luo Yi, Chinese wordstranslatedcomfortable,collectively known as St. Avalokitesvara,slightlyAvalokitesvara.Bodhi Sa duo, referred to as "Buddha",Chinese wordtranslated"feel affectionate."Thirty-three Guanyin:▪ willow Guanyin▪ Leading Guanyin▪ held by Kannon▪ circle of light Guanyin▪ game Guanyin▪ White Guanyin▪ lotus lying Guanyin▪ Otaki see Guanyin▪ spraying Guanyin▪ Fish Basket Goddess of Mercy▪ De Wang Guanyin▪ Water Moon Guanyin▪ leaf Guanyin▪ green neck Guanyin▪ Wade Guanyin▪ subsistence Guanyin▪ public treasure Guanyin▪ rock households Guanyin▪ can still Guanyin▪ A hoe Guanyin▪ Ye Yi Guan Yin▪ glass Guanyin▪ Doro Guanyin▪ clams Guanyin▪ six o'clock Guanyin▪ palms Guanyin▪ As Guanyin▪ Fuji Guanyin▪ holding lotus Guanyin▪ sprinkler Guanyin▪ Marange women Guanyin▪ Poor's pessimistic tone▪ A mention it Guanyin