Top 10 Apps Similar to 育レコ〜育児記録をお手軽に〜

離乳食記録ノート 離乳食・アレルギーの記録管理アプリ(無料) 1.0.4
Perfect for busy mom! Register the date and result tried babyfood,easily it can be confirmed later It is simple and easy app.
Baby's Diary 2.3.3
Baby's Diary can help parents record your baby's activity easilyandquickly.
レシピ 無料!料理レシピまとめ レシぽん 1.8.0
◇◆140万ダウンロード突破◆◇◇◆Google Play ベストアプリ2015選出◆◇■レシぽんとは著名な料理家や出版社などの、厳選された“プロのレシピ”を6万件以上掲載。毎日の料理をもっとかんたんに、美味しくできるレシピ検索サービスです。■レシぽんの特長・料理家や雑誌社が監修した"プロのレシピ"に厳選しているので、毎日の料理がおいしく安心に。・つい写真を撮りたくなるような美しいレシピや、スタイリッシュなレシピも盛りだくさん。・6万件以上の豊富なラインナップで、普段の料理はもちろんパーティー、おつまみ、お弁当などどんなシーンの料理も見つかる。・お気に入りのレシピは何件でも登録自由!コツやポイント等もメモしておける。・調理時間やカロリー等、便利な絞り込み機能も充実。■こんな方におすすめ・家族や恋人、お友達に喜んでもらえる美味しい"おうちごはん"を作りたい・毎日の献立や考える時間を短縮したい・冷蔵庫にある材料で、バランスの良い献立にしたい・余った材料でおかずを作りおきしておきたい■レシぽんの機能のご紹介【検索】冷蔵庫に余っている食材や料理名だけでなく、シーン(ハロウィン、クリスマス、バレンタイン、誕生日、ダイエット…)や調理器具(圧力鍋、フライパン、炊飯器…)などを入力するだけで探していたレシピがきっと見つかります。【絞り込み】カテゴリ(お肉のおかず、ごはんもの、お弁当、デザート・スイーツ、パーティー&おもてなし…)、カロリー、調理時間、含まない材料で絞り込みができるから、好みに合った献立作りに役立ちます。【お気に入り】気になったレシピは何件でも自由にお気に入り登録ができます。保存したレシピは自分だけの名前をつけたフォルダで管理する事もできます。【りれき】最近見たレシピは履歴として残るので、スーパーやキッチンでいつでもレシピを見返すことができます。【ログイン】LINEや価格.com IDでログインすると、機種変更してもお気に入りのデータを引き継ぐことができます。【料理ノート】レシピの作りやすさや調理にかかった時間、おいしく作るコツやアレンジのアイデア、そのレシピと一緒に作った料理(献立)をメモしておくことができます。料理ノートを書いたら、「また作りたい」と思ったレシピだけで絞り込むことができます。■レシぽんに掲載しているレシピサイト一覧【料理教室】ABC Cooking Channel/北ガスクッキング/クスパ/フォレストの料理教室/ベターホーム/ロイヤルクイーン料理教室【料理家・料理研究家】remy(平野レミさん)/服部先生の1週間ダイエットレシピ/ひよこ食堂/フードソムリエ/野菜ソムリエ/ゆとりの空間(栗原心平さん)【雑誌社/専門サイト】C CHANNEL/エル・グルメ/おかずラックラク!/オールアバウト/家庭画報/今月のおうちごはん/CHANTO/ボブとアンジー/みんなのきょうの料理/レタスクラブ【スーパー・生協など】グリーンコープ/コープこうべ/東都コープ/らでぃっしゅレシピ/レシピナビ【メーカー】旭化成ホームプロダクツ/伊藤ハム/エスビー食品/かどや製油/日本製粉/ネスレ/フジッコ/ポッカサッポロフード&ビバレッジ/みそ健康づくり委員会/モンテールスイーツレシピ/ヤマキ/六甲バター◆ 公式Instagramページ◆◆ 公式Facebookページ◆◆ 公式Twitterページ◆■間違えやすいキーワードレシポン、れしぽん、recipon◇ ◆ 140 milliondownloadstopped ◆ ◇◇ ◆ Google Play best app 2015 election ◆ ◇■ Residencial Pon TheSuch as the renowned cuisine home and publishers, carefullyselected"professional recipe" 60,000 more than me.More easily every day of cooking, is a recipe search servicethatcan be delicious.■ Residencial pop Features- Since cooking for home and magazines are carefully selectedto"professional recipe" which was supervised by, the peace ofminddelicious daily cooking.Tsui and beautiful recipes, such as want to take a picture,evenstylish recipes lots.• In 60,000 more abundant lineup, it is usually of cuisine foundofcourse party, appetizers, any scene of cuisine, suchaslunch.- favorite recipes free registration anything items! Tips andpointthe like are also definitive a note.- cooking time and calories, etc., also enhance convenientnarrowingfunction.■ recommend this hotel forAnd family or lover, want to make a delicious "you Uchigohan"thepeople what willing to friends- I want to shorten the daily menu and time to think- a material that is in the refrigerator, I want towell-balancedmenuI want to put to make a side dish in-surplus material■ Residencial introduction of pop of function[Search]Not only the ingredients and cooking names that are left over intherefrigerator, scene (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's,birthday,diet ...) and cooking utensils (pressure cooker, fryingpan, ricecooker ...) recipe was looking only need to enter, etc.There willsurely be found.[Refine]Category (meat side dish, rice stuff, lunch, dessert Suites,party& hospitality ...), calories, cooking time, because itisnarrowing from a material that does not contain, will helpmenumaking that matches the taste.【favorite】Recipe was worrisome can freely favorite registrationanythingitems.Saved recipes can also be managed in a folder with the name ofyourown.[History]Since the Recently Viewed recipe remains as a history, you canlookback the recipe at any time in the supermarket orkitchen.[Login]When you log in LINE and price .com ID, you can take overyourfavorite data even if the model change.[Cuisine Notes]The time it took to create ease and cooking recipes, deliciousmakethe idea of ​​tricks and arrangements,You can leave a note cuisine (the menu), which was madeinconjunction with the recipe.If you wrote a cooking notes, you can filter by only recipe thatIthought, "I want to make again."■ recipe site list Residencial has posted to pop【cooking class】ABC Cooking Channel / North gas cooking / Kusupa / Forest ofcookingclasses / BetahoN / a Royal Queen cooking classes[Cooking home-cooking expert]remy (Remi Hirano-san) / Hattori teacher of one week diet recipes/chick cafeteria / FudosomuriD / vegetables sommelier / room space (Mr. Shinpei Kurihara)[Magazines / specialty site]C CHANNEL / / wine-link / El Gourmet / sidedishesRakkuraku! / OruabauDOO / home Pictorial / month of your Uchigohan / CHANTO / BobandAngie / Minna of the dish of the day / lettuce Club[Super Co-op, etc.]Green Co-op / KopuKobe / by Toto Co-op / radish recipes /recipesNavi【Maker】Asahi Kasei Home Products / Itoham / SB Food / Kadoyaseiyu /NipponFlour Mills / Nestle / offJikko / Pokka / miso Health Promotion Committee /MonterusuiteTsureshipi / Yamaki / Rokkobata◆ official Instagram page ◆◆ official Facebook page ◆◆ official Twitter page ◆■ error-prone keywordReshipon, is Shi pop, recipon
離乳食クイズ 赤ちゃんの正しい食事やレシピを学べます 2.0.1
It is an application that you can acquire the correct knowledgeofbaby food for moms and babies in a quiz format.
Kuilima: child-care records 3.0.2
"Kuilima: child-care records" It makes easy to recordyourchildren's growth.
تكبير الثدي و المؤخرة 3.0
sfakanzi app
أصبح حجم الصدر و المؤخرة عند المرأة أحدأهممظاهر الجمال عند نساء العالم حيث أن الصدر و المؤخرة الكبيرينمعالبطن المشدود هو القوام المثالي لكل نساء العالم, لذلك فهذاالتطبيقيتضمن أغلب الوصفات الطبيعية لتكبير الثديين و المؤخرة دوناللجوء إلىالعمليات الجراحية الخطيرة و المكلفة.تختلف مقاييس الجمال من بلد إلى أخر، ومن زمن إلى أخر، ودائماتسعىالنساء بشكل خاص للوصول إلى شكل جميل وجذاب، فلا تترك وسيلةإلاوتتبعها، لتظهر بأجمل صورة، رغم أن كثيرا من الدراسات أظهرت أنأغلبالناس يعتبرون الأشخاص الجميلون في دولخلهم ولهم روح طيبة همأشخاصوسيمون، وقد يفقد المرء صورته الخارجية الجميلة وتتبدل بأخرىأقلجمالا إذا كانت تصرفاته غير لائقة. في جميع الأحوال هذا لن يقللمنلهفة المرأة للحصول على شكل مميز ولافت، ليس لجذب الرجل كمايعتقدالكثيرون بل للحصول على ثقة أكبر في النفس، والحصول علىشعورمريح.يعمل التطبيق بدون الأنترنتCette application crée pour satisfait les besoins de beaucoupdefemmes et fillesqui trouve des problème avec takbir tadi ou sadr et aussiardafl'élargissement du seintout les recettes et wasafat sont examiné et donnerez desbonsrésultat viteيحتوي هذا التطبيق على الوصفات و الخلطات التالية :وصفة جديدة و ممتازة لتكبير الصدر.أطعمة لتكبير الأرداف و المؤخرة.وصفة الدكتور سعيد لتكبير الصدر.من أقوى خلطات شد الثدي.وصفة ممتازة وسهلة لتكبير الصدر المؤخرة و الأرداف.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير الصدر و الأرداف.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير المؤخرة.الوصفة المغربية لتكبير الصدر.تكبير الصدر بزيت الصبار.وصفة البصل السحرية لتكبير الثديين.وصفة جنين القمح لتكبير الثدي.وصفة تكبير الثديين بمكونات طبيعية.وصفة ممتازة وسهلة لتكبير الثديين.وصفة قوية لتكبير الصدر في أقصر مدة.خلطة السمك لتكبير الثديين.خلطة جنين القمح لتكبير الصدر.الوصفة السحرية لتكبير الثدي.الخلطة المغربية لتكبير الصدر.وصفة منزلية سهلة لتكبير المؤخرة.وصفة العتيبيات لتكبير الأرداف.الوصفة الصحراوية القوية لتكبير المؤخرة.زيت الحبة السوداء لتكبير المؤخرة و الصدر.أسهل وصفة لتكبير الصدر.وصفة هائلة لتكبير الثدي.مشروب ممتاز لتكبير الثديين.الوصفة السورية لتكبير الثديين.وصفة غريبة لتكبير الصدر.الخلطة المغربية الهائلة لتكبير الصدر.كريم البوريريا المدهش في تكبير الصدر.تكبير الثدي بالبطاطس الحلوة البرية.وصفة قشر الرمان لشد الصدر.خلطة من سوريا لتكبير الصدر.قويلبات صحراوية لتكبير المؤخرة.شد الثدي المترهل في أقصر مدة.وصفة حليب الصويا لتكبير الصدر و المؤخرة.وصفة شعبية ممتازة لتكبير المؤخرة.الزنجبيل و الخل لشد الثدي المترهل.شد الثديين بهلام الصبار.شد الصدر المترهل في أسبوعين.الخلطة السحرية لتكبير المؤخرةأكثر جمال- أكثر جادبية- أكثر اتارةلا تنسي سيدتي أن تدعمينا بتعليقك ومساعدتنا بتجاربكمBecame the chest sizeandthe rear when the woman a most important aspects of beauty whenthewomen of the world where al-Sadr and the rear two bigwithabdominal stretched is the perfect textures for all women oftheworld, so this application includes most natural recipes forlargebreasts and backside without resorting to dangerous andcostlysurgical procedures.Beauty standards vary from one country to another and fromonetime to another, always women in particular seek to reachthebeautiful and attractive form, leaving no way but followed, toshowthe most beautiful image, although many studies have shownthatmost people consider people Aljamilon in Dolkhalhm and theirspiritThey are good people and Simon, and one may lose thebeautifulexternal image and changed somehow less beautiful if hisactionswere inappropriate. In all cases, this will not diminishtheeagerness of women to get a distinctive and striking form, isnotthe man to attract as many people think, but to get themostself-confidence, and get a comfortable feeling.Application runs without InternetCette application crée pour satisfait les besoins de beaucoupdefemmes et fillesqui trouve des problème avec takbir tadi ou sadr et aussiardafl'élargissement du seintout les recettes et wasafat sont examiné et donnerez desbonsrésultat viteThis application on the following recipes andmixturescontain:The new recipe and excellent for breast augmentation.Delicate buttock augmentation and rear.Dr. Saeed recipe for breast augmentation.Mixtures of the strongest breast lift.Excellent and easy recipe to enlarge the rear chestandbuttocks.Moroccan recipe to enlarge the chest and buttocks.Moroccan recipe to enlarge the rear.Moroccan recipe for breast augmentation.Breast augmentation oil cactus.Onion magic recipe to enlarge breasts.Recipe wheat germ for breast enlargement.Recipe breast augmentation natural ingredients.Excellent, easy recipe for breast augmentation.A powerful recipe for breast augmentation in the shortest periodoftime.Mix the fish to enlarge breasts.Mix wheat germ for breast augmentation.Magic recipe for breast enlargement.Moroccan mixture of breast augmentation.Home recipe easy to enlarge the rear.Alotaibiat recipe for buttock augmentation.Strong prescription desert to enlarge the rear.Black seed oil to enlarge the rear and chest.The easiest recipe for breast augmentation.Recipe massive breast enlargement.Excellent drink to enlarge breasts.Syrian recipe for breast augmentation.Strange recipe for breast augmentation.Moroccan tremendous mixture of breast augmentation.Alboraraa amazing cream in breast augmentation.Breast augmentation wild sweet potatoes.Recipe pomegranate peel to flatten the chest.Mixture of Syria for breast augmentation.Qoalebatt desert to enlarge the rear.Breast lift sagging in the shortest period of time.Recipe soy milk for breast augmentation and rear.Recipe popularity excellent to enlarge the rear.Ginger and vinegar sagging breasts to flatten.Aloe vera gel tighten breasts.Tighten sagging chest in two weeks.Magical mixture to enlarge the rearMore beauty- More Jadbeh- More AtarhMadam Do not forget that Tdamana your feedback and helpusexperiences-
The Boob Group 2.2.2
This is the most convenient way toaccessTheBoob Group. The Boob Group is an audio podcast supportingexpectantmothersthat plan to breastfeed their babies andcurrentbreastfeedingmothers. Hosted by a certified lactationconsultant, agroup ofmoms openly discuss their success, theirstruggles andeverythingin between. The show helps guide mothers byproviding anhonest,natural and judgment-free approach tobreastfeeding.With this app you are always connected to the latestepisodesandthe show. Quickly star episodes and save them to a listso youcaneasily enjoy them over and over! This app has a Car modetoo!Rotateyour phone to display larger playback controls. It isthebest andmost convenient way to access The Boob Group.If you're a fan of the show you won't want to be without it!This app contains the following features:* Car mode, rotate your phone to displaylargerplaybackcontrols* Streaming access to play episodes from anywhere* Always updated with the latest episodes- and anarchivedbackcatalog* Playback resume (when interrupted by a callorotherdistraction)* Quick access to all the contact methods for the showlikecall,email, web, Facebook, and Twitter* Playback controls like continuous play, Speed 1x, RepeatOff,andSleep TimerThank you for downloading this app and supporting the show!
My Assistant 1.3.0
This beautiful lady is your phone virtual voice assistant.
育児記録 1.2
Evernote対応いつか子どもと見る日を楽しみにして 育児記録のための活用アプリ◆子どもとのおもいでに子供の成長記録例えば毎週◯曜日と決めて、そのときの表情や身長・体重、できるようになったこと(「ママ」と始めてしゃべった!など)なんかを書いていくなんてどうでしょうか!?Evernoteが便利な点の1つは、写真に加えてメモを残すことができること。Evernoteのもう1つの利点は、分類やアクセスがしやすいこと。撮影した写真やメモ、紙のノートを整理するよりもずっと簡単です。まだ、Evernoteが不慣れでと思う方は、必見ですこのアプリは、Evernoteと連携していますので簡単なフォーム登録で、Evernoteへ記録することができますEvernote supportLeverage app for childcare record and look forward to thedaythatyou see a child someday◆ to memories of childGrowth record of childFor example, decide the day of the week every week ◯,height,weightand facial expression at that time,To see something (such as! Spoke for the first time as"mom")andthat it is now possible toBut what it is! Go write?One of the points Evernote useful, it can leave a noteinadditionto the photograph.Another advantage of Evernote is that theaccessandclassification easily.It is much easier than to organize your notes picturesandnotes,paper taken.Those who still think, Evernote is unfamiliar, it is a mustThis app, because it works with EvernoteYou can use the simple form registration, andrecordtoEvernote
Babycal Cloud
A one stop application for keeping trackofallyour child-rearing activities and vaccinations!Easy and safe with our cloud data backup service for just incaseorwhen you get a new cell phone!Babycal is a free child-rearing support application with ourwishtomake it easy, comfortable, and happy for all moms and dadstobringup children![Functions and Features]Now you can easily keep record of your child'sdailyactivitiesinstead of a handwritten journal.Browse your child's record with calendar view. We alsoofferusefulchild care information.Babycal has functions corresponding to pregnancy!##Mom menu* Mom's Diary:How did you doing on that day? ConnecttoFacebookand share with your family and friends!* Doctor's appointment: Take notes of doctor's comments too!* Note: Record your concerns with one touch ease!Searchandsummarize them later!* Pre-mom:It is easy to record of embryonic health andamother'shealth!* Register a newborn baby: It is a function in whichchildbirthcanbe registered. Congratulations!* Cloud: Easy back up for just in case or when you get anewcellphone! No SD card necessary!##Baby Menu* Meals: Easily record what, when, and how much yourchilddrinksand eats!* Toilets: Always be attentive to your child's healthwithtoiletrecord!* Bath: Check bath time too!* Diary: How did your child do on that day? Connect toFacebookandshare with your family and friends!* Sleep: Just input wake-up and go-to-sleep time!* Body Temperature: Record it when child has a fever!* Doctor's appointment: Take notes of doctor's comments too!* Height & Weight: Check with standardheights&weights!* Vaccinations: Also able to manage voluntaryvaccinations!Supportyour vaccination planning with standardvaccinationscheduleprovided!* Notes: Record your concerns with one touch ease!Searchandsummarize them later!* Pictures: Displayed in date order!* Calendar: Check mom or dad's Google calendar together!* Cloud: Easy back up for just in case or when you get anewcellphone! No SD card necessary!* Multilingual: Available in Japanese, English, and Chinese!* Outing: With GPS!* Lessons: Create multiple schedules at once!* Date to Remember: Don't forget memorable dates!* Others: Can be used for more than one child!-Coming Soon!-* Smartinfo: Useful information including thosefromdoctorsdelivered from Babycal team!We will continue our proactive work for what momsanddadsneed.[Remarks]Some features are limited to iOS only at this moment.ForAndroidwill be released soon.Data restoring function from iPhone to Android phone willbereleasedin February 2013.This application is available in Japanese, Chinese, mode.Cloud service is subject to maintenance work without priornotice.Ifthe service is unavailable, please try again later.[Publicity]* Babycal has been introduced in many web sites and magazinessuchasiPhone information site for women "WomanApps" andJapanesewomencslifestyle magazine "anan"# WomanApps:[Others]* This application is compatible with Android2.1 to 2.3,4.0andlater.-Not guaranteed to work on all devices.-Can also be used with tablet devices.-If your model has problems with displaying etc., please letusknow.We will try to improve them.Babycal team: [email protected]* We provide this application for free as a part ofoursocialcontribution activities.Our Business Innovation Plan has been reviewed and endorsedbytheTokyo Metropolitan Government.* Babycal on FacebookBabycal information including version up is available onourFacebookpage. Search for "Babycal" or go to the link below.Linkis alsoavailable from Babycal developer's site.BabycalonFacebook: be sure to like our Facebook page if you like Babycal!