Top 17 Games Similar to 五年後的世界里回想起她的笑臉。

我家的萌萌小惡魔 【免費養成遊戲】 1.4
funnel Inc.
那天突然出現在妳面前的巴掌大小男孩。 這個可愛小男孩的目的到底會是什麼呢…!? <>附贈精美圖卡,多結局型免費養成遊戲☆
召喚幸福的小貓 【免費養成遊戲】 1.3
funnel Inc.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Live with 3 kittens Dailyleisuredevelopment game *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
起笑愛麗絲 1.0
ポケットガール ~永久の錬金術師~ 本格美少女育成ゲーム 3.9
★美少女無料育成シミュレーション☆ かわいい娘を12歳~22歳までの10年間育てる育成SLGです。エンディングは全部で24種!3サイズも成長によって変化!
不思議の國的白兔君 【免費養成遊戲】 1.1
funnel Inc.
附有美麗插圖的多結局型 免費養成遊戲! 『不思議の國的白兔君』 【故事】從午睡中醒來的我在慌張趕回不思議の國的路上,經過了在樹蔭下休息的兩姊妹身旁。 不經意的回過頭,停下了腳步。這…是一見鐘情嗎…?說不定這就是所謂的命運。瞧她看起來好像很無聊的樣子, 我沒辦法就這樣默默的走開。 這就是我,白兔的故事的開始。【關於遊戲】遊戲的操作十分簡單!只要點擊主角周圍的道具或角色, 故事就會隨進度值的累積而前進。更有多種選擇等著妳哦!而妳的選擇將會左右整個故事的發展。各結局都有附上美麗的插圖 而且!僅限完成所有結局的妳會再追加兩張美麗插圖哦!乍一看是愛麗絲夢遊仙境的故事但其實是以白兔君為中心展開的故事妳不想知道故事截然不同的3種結局嗎?----------推薦給這樣的你!----------・喜歡愛麗絲夢遊仙境的妳。・喜歡童話的妳。 ・上學上班途中想要打發時間的妳。・喜歡操作簡單、容易上手遊戲的妳。・喜歡放置型遊戲的妳。・喜歡女性向可愛插畫的妳。・喜歡「我家的萌萌小惡魔」的妳------------------------------------------【價格】APP下載:免費※為了想快速完成的人我們也準備了付費道具。▼BGM配樂▼時の迷い人(しまたろの音楽空間(音楽の卵(甘茶の音楽工房(▼音效▼効果音ラボ(ポケットサウンド(
將我的右眼獻給妳。~吸血鬼之戀~ 1.0
將我的右眼送給妳。~吸血鬼之戀~【感人肺腑的養成遊戲】我再也無法忍受……那個每當看著妳……就像看到美食一樣的自己……■故事大綱因人類追捕而受傷的吸血鬼,躲到了一間廢屋裡。在那裡遇見了一位盲人少女。少女無私的照顧,讓吸血鬼和人類少女之間,產生了深厚的羈絆。這是一款描述人類與吸血鬼之間的情感,令人動容的養成遊戲。■遊戲方式來多吃點靈魂吧。只要吃了夠多的靈魂,故事就會繼續進行下去。即使靈魂吃光了,只要等一會兒就會自動補充。遊戲中有需要抉擇吸血鬼行動的部分。故事將會因為你的選擇而產生巨大的變化。U gave my right eye.~[Touching] to develop the game Vampire Love ~I can not stand ......When looking at the u ......Like seeing food as their own ......■ SynopsisInjured by human hunt vampires, hid in a waste house.Where he met a blind girl.Girls selfless care, so that girls between vampires andhumans,resulting in a deep bond.This is a description of emotion between humans andvampires,touching to develop the game.■ Game modeTo eat the soul of it.Just eat enough of the soul, the story will continue.Even the soul eaten, as long as the wait a minutewillautomatically add.The game has a choice part of the vampire action required.The story will be because of your choice and make ahugedifference.
Let us work together and Outlaws handsome tough guy who's inlovewith it! Here, you will experience the real world there isnoromance and passion!
おじモン【超きもカワ☆捕獲&強制労働☆シミュレーション】 2.6.0
摩納哥假期◆玫瑰與愛之公主◆女性向美男戀愛模擬養成遊戲 1.0.0
KOYONPLETE提供的女性向戀愛養成遊戲,在世界上已被800萬人下載深得大家厚愛!年度力作!日本當紅的豪華聲優陣容(CV:小野友樹,CV:逢坂良太,CV:岡本信彦)爲您獻上宮廷愛戀~聖誕節大酬賓,全部「物語紀念券」優惠70%!!◆《摩納哥假期》故事簡介◆以摩納哥為舞台,和5位王子共度3個月的時光!你是夢想成為花藝設計師的花店店員。踏入26歲,你決心要一步步為夢想前進,啟程到摩納哥實現自己的心願:親睹萊蒂西亞王妃玫瑰園的風采。在這夢想國度的旅途中,你邂逅了5位優雅高貴的年輕人。他們正是你一直憧憬的萊蒂西亞王妃的子孫:摩納哥的王子們,同時也是王位繼承權的候選人。受到意料之外的邀約,你前赴王宮參加舞會。沒有舞伴的你,獨自一人在陽台上眺望蒙地卡羅璀璨奪目的夜色。就在這時,一片鮮紅的玫瑰花瓣在空中飛舞,輕輕落到你的腳邊。「我能有這個榮幸與您交換玫瑰嗎?⋯⋯公主」向我遞出鮮紅玫瑰的王子,是誰⋯⋯?◆《摩納哥假期》角色介紹◆菲利普CV:小野友樹「讓我等了這麼久,你給我做好心理準備吧…………還不夠……完全不夠。 」完美主義×傲嬌 29歲被公認為最接近王位的王子。一直努力不懈,深得國民愛戴的他,其實隱藏著很大的秘密――?蒂奧CV:逢坂良太「嘴上說不要卻露出這樣的表情,怎麼看都是在誘惑我吧…呐,可以吧?⋯⋯」野心家×唯我獨尊 27歲大受歡迎的足球選手,被稱為「受勝利女神眷顧的王子」。對王位繼承權有著非比尋常的野心,背後似乎有著什麼原因⋯⋯查爾斯cv:岡本信彥「可以親你嗎?你的反應這麽可愛,我可是會忍不住的⋯⋯」優雅×神秘感 28歲宛如在童話裡登場的白馬王子,同時也是蒙地卡羅的賭場老闆。在優雅華麗的外表下,隱藏著他不為人知的一面――盧卡斯CV:???「我說,你就那麽想被欺負嗎?」孤獨冷酷×壞心眼 28歲「冷靜沈著,不輕易外露感情的王子。曾經是一級方程式賽車手的他,自從某個悲劇之後一直被夢魘纏繞⋯⋯?」吉恩CV:???「你真的很可愛呢」溫柔×假面「雖然身為摩納哥王子,但在好萊塢非常活躍的人氣影星。表面看來對繼承王位一事興趣缺缺,但他內心真正的想法到底是⋯⋯?」注1:很多功能需要連接互聯網,請在通信穩定的地方啓動遊戲。注2:《摩納哥假期》是免費遊戲,不過遊戲內附有一些付費內容。還請大家支持,我們會用更用心制作的遊戲回饋大家!■■ 爲您特別推薦! ■■・您喜歡電影、電視劇、漫畫、動漫、輕小說、小說等戀愛類作品嗎?又或者喜歡浪漫遊戲、戀愛遊戲、適合女孩子玩的遊戲、奇迹暖暖、戀愛模擬、乙女遊戲、看視頻嗎?“Koyonplete” 至今已經發布近40個APP,翻譯世界多國語言。〜 主打作品〜・戀學院・彼岸花之戀・Purelove・壽司戰隊・一起睡嗎?・愛麗絲 愛戀與迷宮・灰姑娘與玫瑰
EggshellCat: Raise the Cats! 1.0.80
Unbelievable cute cats from EggshellCatfamilyare now on your screen!Over the past few years, the outflow of talents have posedaserious threat to Cat Republic.In order to revive the country, the King asks for your help toraisethe cats.★ Amazing! Cats born from eggshells.The adorable cats need to be taken care well.★ More than 30 breeds of cats for you to explore.OMG! Chocolate cat, pudding cat, strawberry cat ...! Wannahaveone?★ FeedingFeed your cats everyday. Different kinds of food would influencehowcats will look like when they grow up.★ PettingMake your cats feel blissful by tapping on their body. Or buycattickers to play with them.★ EggsThere are three types of eggs: white, silver and golden. Goldeneggsare very rarer. You can obtain this type of eggs by playingthememory game or pinball machine.★ Clean upCat may get sick easily in a dirty environment. Remember tokeepclean up poops frequently.★ EquipmentsThere are several equipments for your farm: Music player,RockingHorse, Elephant Slide,..etc. Buy and decorate your farm.Entertaincats by cat ticklers! Vaccine your cats to prevent themfromillness!
ZombieBoy-Zombie growing game 1.5
Insane love life with a heartless zombie!? Zombie growing game
垂耳兔跟她的故事 1.0.1
視野的邊緣,有白色碎片落下。好像有一張照片從書架的間隙滑落。撿起照片,翻開放在書架裡舊舊的已經變色的相簿。裡面有一處很新的空位。把照片放上去,我的回憶也跟著湧現。那是我兒時,在學校照顧小兔子時的回憶。喚起妳跟【垂耳兔】的快樂回憶!新感覺養成遊戲!-------------------------------------------------飼養垂耳兔寶寶,讓他快快長大吧!-------------------------------------------------首先,快來給「垂耳兔寶寶」餵食吧!這樣,「垂耳兔寶寶」就會長大哦!隨著垂耳兔寶寶每次的成長,故事就會有新的進展哦!-------------------------------------------------多結局遊戲,故事因你的選擇而變化!-------------------------------------------------結局隨著選項發生改變!你的選擇將決定垂耳兔寶寶的命運!-------------------------------------------------角色跟故事在圖鑒可以重複確認!!-------------------------------------------------看過一次的故事可以在圖鑒回顧。完成全部進化后,還有特別故事提供哦!-------------------------------------------------還有加分關卡跟道具哦!!-------------------------------------------------遊戲中有短時間獲得大量經驗值的加分關卡。購買道具或在推特上分享就可以獲得機會哦!!加分關卡能夠短時間內大量獲取經驗值,是不可錯過的大好機會喲。完成全部關卡后,你將迎來感動的大結局!預知故事的結局,還請你快快下載遊戲。Edge vision, whitedebrisfalling.Seems to have a photo from the slide gap bookshelf.Pick up the photos, turn on the bookshelf old old album hasbeendiscolored.There are a very new vacancy.The picture put up, I followed the emergence of memories.That was my childhood, memories of school to take care ofthelittle rabbit when.[Lop] u ARGUE evoke happy memories!New feeling to develop the game!-------------------------------------------------Feeding lop bunny, let him grow up quickly now!-------------------------------------------------First, come to "lop bunny" feed it!Thus, the "lop bunny" will grow Oh!With each baby lop rabbit's growth, there will benewdevelopments story Oh!-------------------------------------------------Multi-final game, the story changes because of your choice!-------------------------------------------------With the option to change the outcome!Your choice will determine the fate of lop bunny!-------------------------------------------------Role with the story can be repeated to confirm theillustrations!!-------------------------------------------------Read a story may be recalled in illustrations.After the completion of all evolution, there are specialstoryprovided Oh!-------------------------------------------------There are extra points level with props Oh! !-------------------------------------------------The game has a short time to get a lot of experiencebonuslevels.Buy props or you can get a chance to share on Twitter Oh! !Plus levels in a short time can get a lot of experience,Is not to be missed opportunity yo.After completing all the levels, you will ushermovingfinale!Predict the end of the story, but also ask you to quicklydownloadgames.
DatingSim-Alice:Love&Labyrinth 1.0.4
Beautiful lady, have you ever wished thatfairytales will come true?"Alice: Love & Labyrinth" is the first otome game (datingsim)title of the brand new "Alice" novel series, brought to youbyKoyonplete.The second title, "Alice: Love & Murder" will be aspin-offstory of the same characters in a parallel world. Pleasestaytuned![Features]Mysterious creatures from "Alice in Wonderland" are turnedintohandsome ikemens!- Gentleman x Mysterious: White Rabbit- Goofy x Cute: Cheshire Cat- Sadistic x Gangster(?): HatterOther major characters including March Hare, the Dormouse,Billthe Lizard, the Caterpillar and the Queen of Hearts - and ofcourseAlice - are also waiting for you in this new Wonderland of amodernAlice![Charismatic Characters]You can choose your interest of love from 3 charismaticcharactersof distinctive personalities; White Rabbit, Cheshire Catand theHatter!Beware; the Queen's murderer could be among one of them. Keepsilentfor love or to fight for justice, it's all up to you! Trydeducingthe truth behind, and through the truth you shall findyour own path- our dear "Alice ".[Multiple Endings Depending on Your Choice]Your relationship with different characters and the storyendingsall depends on choices you've made in the game. Enjoy thestoriesin various flavors![Heart-throbbing CGs]This time, Koyonplete has further improved the quality of CGs.Youmust not be disappointed with the high-quality characterandbackground graphics![Alice - Characters]♠White RabbitLove of Protection"Loving those roses is my job...but if that is what would hurtyou,I shall not allow it to happen."Identity: Lord of the House of SpadesAppearance: Wears a white shirt with blue vest, has red eyes,silverhair and huge white rabbit ears. Always standing straightwith theperfect posture like a butler.Used to be the butler of the Queen of Wonderland. Well-trustedbythe Queen, a gentle-mannered master of housework.The gardener of the Rose Garden and enjoys the soothing timeoftrimming roses.Not really good friends with Chershire Cat and Mad Hatter.♦Chershire CatLove of Freedom"Hmph...that was cute. But that's only gonna make me want toteaseyou more darling.Lucky! You're my bride."Identity: Lord of the House of Diamonds (Used to be in chargeofprotecting *???*)Appearance: Wears fluffy, soft costumes. Has super cutecatears.A man full of mysteries. No one knows what Chershire Cat'sjobused to be, and he appears to be jobless and fooling around allthetime and never stays in his own castle. A creature of moodsjustlike a cat.Yet if you talk to him, you'd find him warm and bright likeasunflower. His soft brown hair and glossy eyes likecandiesfascinates everyone - even his words sound like honey.Would there be something hidden behind his always-smiling face?♣ Mad HatterLove of Conquest"Looks like you've caught a cold. Your lips are on fire.I hate you...that is the only reason I'm staring at you."Identity: Lord of the House of ClubsAppearance: Has black hair and a eerie smile. Always wears atophat. A heavy smoker.Very capable and reliable. Generally a cool guy but canbestubborn at times. Deeply trusted by people in the Wonderland.TheMad Hatter could seem quite sadistical from the way he talks,butinside he is actually a nice person. Treats non-livingthingsseriously with care and emotions.What would be hidden behind his scary looks?Note : "Alice" is a free-to-play app, but fees may apply tosomeof the contents. We need your support in order to bringmorequality games for everyone!***More!***Right now, Koyonplete apps have novels in the categories ofschoollife, first love, office love, YAOI , forbidden love, manga,anime,comic, idols, romance, suspense, history, comedy,Cinderella,Ikémen, Royal,illicit, Forged Wedding, Princess,Scandal, gossip,Seduced, triangle, etc. More stories will be addedeach month!Check them out when you can!
死神★ -護送你- 1.1.0
This game is a translation of the Japanese version of casualgames.This game is entirely fictional works, so stay tuned.
Moe Girl Cafe 2 1.35.04
Cat Studio
The most moe simulation game ever. Especially for ACG fans.
Cat Sweetie 1.37.3
Best cat game on your mobile devices.
戀愛警報 ~東京特勤部~ 15.08.10
======================◎【收集活動】銀色雪山♥MAGIC◎【連動扭蛋】Twinkie★Powder Snow◎【生日扭蛋】HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKUYA2016◎【好友邀請】第17彈好友招待開跑!◎【劇情販賣】Kuroneko Memorial開張======================■故事簡介原本是一位平凡的跨國企業OL,在一次聚會中,為了營救好友,如同灰姑娘情節般,意外被捲入秘密特務組織所執行的任務中,人生從此有了意想不到的轉變….以特務的身分與5名花美男特務一起展開故事。為了成為優秀的特務,將會進行一連串的訓練及任務,戀愛模擬遊戲中可以靠著和同事累積的友情來克服試煉。透過人物間的對話可以了解同事間的過去及苦惱, 進而發展成男友並譜出浪漫戀愛故事。備受推薦的人氣乙女戀愛養成手機遊戲,妳決定要和哪位特務成為搭檔呢?※遊戲內語言完全爲繁體中文。※必須於網路環境下操作。■遊戲特色★如電影中的型男特務個性率直令人無法討厭的頑皮鬼,溫柔體貼充滿熟男魅力的性感女性專家,個性木訥卻身懷秘密的料理師,隨心所欲卻值得依靠的年下男,冷靜又享受孤獨的隊長。除了5位東京美少男特務外,甚至還有懷抱著遠大理想的恐怖分子。與不同魅力的美男特務一同執行任務,即使過程中緊張危險,但與5位如王子般的帥氣特務同心合力,刺激劇情中同時也發展出如灰姑娘般的浪漫情節…妳想與誰成為搭檔呢?★回憶相簿故事情節進行時,可看到與角色所互動的經典畫面,第一次一起出任務、第一次的悸動、不經意的身體接觸、小鹿亂撞的告白、浪漫月下的吻、特別的夜晚等等…感動的畫面可儲存在回憶相簿,隨時觀看。★故事選擇女性向的戀愛養成遊戲,劇情中靠著和同事累積的友情來克服試煉。透過人物間的對話可以了解同事間的過去及苦惱。面對的各種選擇都將影響與角色的親密度,依照選擇的不同,將會有不同的故事情節發展,妳和男友會迎向哪個結局?。Happy ending 由妳來決定…★美女特務的妳,千萬不能錯過★●喜歡和美少男來段純純戀情的妳●喜歡被花美男捧在手掌心的妳●喜歡女性戀愛遊戲/乙女系養成遊戲/戀愛手遊的妳●喜歡BL同人誌/男男愛等等的戀愛動漫的妳●喜歡無時無刻都沉醉於戀愛氛圍的妳★同公司戀愛系列手遊令人臉紅心跳的快感指令Next, 可以談場穿越時空的愛戀的神影萬花鏡等多款乙女戀愛系列手遊,任君選擇!Facebook官網:討論版: