Top 6 Apps Similar to こえメモ バックグラウンド音声入力

Voice Transcripter & Recorder 1.2.6
Audio-typing and/or transcriptionisveryexhausted, isn't it? I have suffered from inputtingwithkeyboardand inflammation of a tendon. Accordingly, Idevelopedthetranscription application with the Google's VoiceRecognitionisvery excellent. Let's be free of troubles withthisapplication.You can use as voice memos.There is the free version with ads. Please try thisbeforepurchase.Features:1. The voice recognition is always listening and waitingfor(your)voices. You can transcribe with (your) voices, butnotonlykeyboard. (This application cannot transcribe aplaybackedspeechautomatically.)2. This application has settings for people witheachdominanthand.3. This catches the audio file to transcribe which isselectedbyfiler applications, etc.4. This has the simple voice recorder with the timer, andyoucantranscribe the recorded file without intermission. (Youmayneed anexternal storage such as SD card.)Note:Because this application use the Google's VoiceRecognition,thisdemands internet connection from you. If not,thisinputtingusefulness will go down severely. (But there is noproblemaboutthe confirmation of the saved data and recording.)
S-PEN Voice PRO (Galaxy Note) 2.0.0
-- 2012 Samsung Smart App Challenge best Galaxy Note S-PENDivision1st Prize Winner ---***Notice***This application is optimized for Samsung Galaxy Note serieswiths-pen.If this app. is not working properly on your machine,processcancellation or refund immediately please.You may be eligible for a free version downloaded from theGooglePlay StoreTry free version before you buy this PRO version.PRO version features added :- Eliminating the limitation of free version (5 Page memo and20minutes of recording)- Data backup and recovery capabilities using Dropbox account.Smart S-PEN can now write voice and replay smartly!This means, when replaying, if you touch certain part on yournotewith S-PEN, voice recorded from that specific moment isreplayedvividly.This is possible through automatically integrating smartS-PENfunction and voice recording function.So you can just write notes and background voice willbeautomatically recorded.One tap on a certain place on your note, and you can listen tothevoice recorded from that place and also see that imagefollowingyour handwriting like a video.Unlike other application where you have to go through thewholefile to find the part you want to hear, S-PEN Voice onlyrequires atap on the note.S-PEN Voice integrates voice and notes, so it's useful forthesefollowing situations-In a meeting when you have to both take notes and record andlaterneed to replay it.-When interviewing (record and take notes at once!)-When taking notes for a lecture (very handy to reviewyournotes!)Other featuresS-PEN Voice has signature reading function. Usesignature(pattern)for password to each notes, so don't bother usingnumbers. You canchoose whether to set password or not. You can alsoreset yourpattern.keyword: Galaxy Note, pen,sPen, s-pen,voice recording,handwriting, memo
Multifunctional record/play 2.7.1
Tools Company
- This application asks you for use attheterminal after Android2.2.MARKS[Ryu] is various functions record/playback tool.Since I offer various functions, it is honorable if you useinfields, such as business and study.Language corresponds to English and Japanese.[Record/playback function]In a voice recorder, since it can record in WAV (PCM)form,conversation, such as a meeting, is renewable byhigh-qualitysound.The sampling rate can choose 8kHz to 48 kHz.It can leave TAG (a photograph, a text memo), recording with avoicerecorder.Besides the system which inputs arbitrary character strings, atextmemo has a mark system which chooses and inputs the textregisteredbeforehand.(The mark can carry out an user definition)a meeting, a meeting, etc. should arrange and come out andtouchthem not much a cellular phone -- since it can input only by 1timeof a tap also by the situation which is not, it can beoperatedwithout constraint.At the time of playback, it can be direct, and can jump to aTAGpart, and can detect information to hear jumping from aplaybackposition to the latest TAG etc. from, and information tosee in aninstant.Moreover, since TAG can be operated at the time of playback(new,edit, deletion), at the time of recording, it leavestheinformation about a keyword, and it can leave detailedinformation,playing.[Minutes creation function]In a minutes creation function, the minutes can beautomaticallycreated from the saved TAG information.A title and contents can also be indicated in the minutes andthedata beforehand registered by the template function canbeused.E-mail transmission and a share are possible for thecreatedminutes.A sound and a photograph file can also be transmitted togetherbye-mail as attachment data by specification.In this case, since link information with a sound and aphotographis indicated in the minutes, a data part applicable alsoat thetime of use with PC can be accessed.Moreover, since the minutes can be continuously displayed fromaproject list including the document drawn up in the past,itcombines with a filter controlling function and can performminutesmanagement.[playback manager function]In a playback manager function, it can be heard as he would liketohear it in an order of liking to hear a part to hear.(A section setup, playback order specification,repeatspecification)In a simultaneous regenerative function, two or more sound (asound,music) is also renewable in piles.It being used in the arbitrary sections combining thesefunctionsand convenient and interesting playback can beperformed.The data file (Audio, Video [*1]) recorded with another tool canbeimported, and these functions can be used.It can be used also as a music player which performsslightlyinteresting playback.[Filter controlling function]Narrowing down of a project list can be performed according totheregistered filter conditions, and the distribution accordingtocategory can be performed.[Usage](1) As the minutes, such as a meeting(2) As music pre Ya(3) As tools of linguistic study, such as English[Permission]- CAMERA (for photography)- RECORD_AUDIO (for recording)- INTERNET (for data transmission)- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (for the preservation to SD card)[Others]- Please use the screen size or more by 480X800.- Data storage is saved at /mnt/sdcard/external_sd/.marks.- When external_sd does not exist, it is savedat/mnt/sdcard/.marks.- Exhibit the manual on us HP.
Voice Recorder 1.5.1
The voice recorder can be easy toplayback/recording microphone sound.SD card is required to use the application.Function ・Recording and playback at the WAVE ・Recording and playback in 3GPP ・Setting the sampling rate (8,000 Hz ~ 44,100 Hz)   *3GPP is the case of only 8,000 Hz ・Location information input / voice recognition Title ・Automatic stop recording when you run out of space ・Background Record ・Recommended application information displayrecorded audio files are stored in the followingfolderdirectlyunder the SD card.
Mobiles Büro 4.11
Prisma GmbH
Mit dem mobilen Büro der PrismaGmbHrevolutionieren Sie ihren mobilen Außeneinsatz.Erfassen Sie Firmen- und Kundendaten, planen Sie IhreTermine,erstellen Sie Angebote, dokumentieren Sie allewichtigenKundenkontakte wie z. B. Kundentermine,Gesprächsprotokolle,Besprechungen etc. oder notieren Sieunerledigte Aufgabenblitzschnell in der integriertenTodo-Liste.Vergessen Sie nie wieder einen Termin: Mit Hilfe desneuentwickelten Kalenders haben Sie sowohl Ihre privaten als auchIhregeschäftlichen Termine stets im Überblick.Dank der integrierten Datenbank kann das mobile Büro auchohneeine bestehende Internetverbindung genutzt werden. Aus diesemGrundentstehen Ihnen auch im Ausland keinerlei Kosten beiderNutzung.Mit Hilfe eines übersichtlichen Eingabeformulars können Siesehrschnell neue Kunden mit ihren jeweiligenKontaktinformationenhinzufügen und einer Firma zuordnen. Zumschnelleren Wiederfindenvon Firmen und zugehörigen Ansprechpartnernbesteht die Möglichkeitdiese mit einem Profilbild zu versehen (z.B. ein Facebook-Fotooder ein Firmenlogo).Durch das integrierte Google Maps Gadget lassen sichinWindeseile Routen zu den eingetragenen Adressen planen.Bei der Erstellung eines neuen Kundenkontaktes haben SiedieMöglichkeit, neben der Firma und dem Ansprechpartner,weitereAngaben auszuwählen. Hierzu zählt die Kontaktart(Besprechung,E-Mail…) und die Kontaktrichtung (Eingehend, AusgehendundDokumentation). Weiterhin können dem Kontakt eineBetreffzeile,eine Notiz und diverse Anhänge hinzugefügtwerden.Die Anhänge können entweder aus dem internen Speicher gewähltodermit Hilfe der integrierten Kamerafunktion live vor Ortaufgenommenwerden (abfotografieren von Visitenkarten, Dokumenteusw.). Zudemkönnen mit Hilfe des internen DiktiergerätesbeliebigeSprachaufzeichnungen hinzugefügt werden. Alle erstelltenKontaktewerden übersichtlich in einer Kontakthistorie einsortiertundkönnen nach Firma, Kunde oder Stichwörtern gefiltert werden.Ein weiteres Highlight ist die integrierte Todo-Liste, dieIhnendie Möglichkeit bietet wichtige Aufgaben schnell undübersichtlichzu protokollieren und nach deren Erledigung abzuhaken.Für dieTodo-Liste steht zusätzlich ein eigenes Widget zurVerfügung, mitdem Sie direkt auf dem Startbildschirm ihres Geräteseine Übersichtüber noch zu erledigende Aufgaben vorfinden.##############Aufgrund eines Fehlers im Android Betriebssystem kann es aufmanchenGeräten passieren das Firmen und Ansprechpartnerverschwinden.Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Fehler imBetriebssystem bei demnach dem Starten des Gerätes oder auch nachdem Updaten derApplikation das Telefonbuch teilweise geleehrtwird. Wir kennendieses Problem und arbeiten an einer Lösung diesesProblem zuumgehen.Von diesem Fehler betroffen sind einige Android 4.4.2 Geräte(auchNexus und Moto G) sowie manche Samsung Geräte (unabhängig vonderAndroid Version).##############With the mobile officeofPrisma GmbH revolutionize their mobile outdoor use.Enter corporate and customer data, schedule yourappointments,create offers, document all important customercontacts such. Ascustomer meetings, minutes of meetings,discussions, etc. or writeunfinished tasks at lightning speed inthe integrated todolist.Never forget an appointment: Using the newly developedcalendaryou have both your private and your business appointmentsalways ata glance.Thanks to the built-in database the mobile office can alsobeused without an Internet connection. For this reason youincurabroad no cost for the use.With the help of a clear entry form you can very quickly addnewcustomers with their respective contact information and assignacompany. For faster recovery of companies and associatedcontacts,it is possible to provide them with a profile image (z. B.aFacebook photo or a company logo).With the integrated Google Maps gadget can be a breeze routesforthe address plan.When creating a new customer contact, you have the optionofselecting next to the company and the contact person, moredetails.For this purpose, the contact type is one (meeting, e-mail...) andthe contact direction (Inbound, Outbound, anddocumentation).Furthermore, the contact a subject line, a note anda variety ofattachments can be added.The Annexes may be selected from the internal memory orrecordedusing the built-in camera function live on site (take apicture ofbusiness cards, documents, etc.) either. In addition, canbe addedusing the internal dictation any voice recordings. Allcreatedcontacts are clearly sorted into a contact history and canbefiltered by company, customer or key words.Another highlight is the integrated todo list, giving youtheopportunity provides important functions quickly and clearlytomonitor and check off after their completion. In addition, fortheto-do list is a separate widget available that lets you findanoverview of more tasks to be completed directly on the homescreenof your device.##############Due to a bug in the Android operating system, it may happen onsomedevices the company and contact details disappear. This is abug inthe operating system in which, after you start the oven orafterupdating the application, the phone book is partiallygeleehrt. Weknow this problem and working on a solution to avoidthisproblem.Affected by this bug are some Android 4.4.2 devices (includingNexusand Moto G) and some Samsung devices (regardless of theAndroidversion).##############
Meeting Analyzer- Smart Notes 1.3
How about an app that converts yourdiscussionsto text notes and then an Artificial intelligent systemanalyze thediscussion.This intelligent Meeting Analyzer for the rescue.Plus it is backed by a very powerful Artificial Intelligencethatextracts important keywords from your discussion.Intelligent Voice to Text featureSuper Smart Artificial Intelligence to extract keywordsCreate ‪#‎NotebookFreeMeetings‬‪Ease Conversation‬ with more focusReduce after-meeting notesOffline store your conversationsPowerful Backup featureAutomatic Restore your backupsUse this app to record Boardroom meetings, Lectures,Gossips,Brainstorming Sessions and every conversation.This Smart Discussion Manager helps save your time by almost30%.So 30% more productivity , 30% more time saved.-Simply tap on record button to start the discussion and tapStopbutton when done.-You have your discussions converted to text notes smartly.-Manage these notes in a easy way.-Create gists from these notes using app's Gistify feature.-It presents you discussion keywords from which you cansummarizethe discussion.-And quickly navigate to get the keyword meanings-Use these text notes and keywords to create Minutes ofMeetinganytime anywhere.So lets go smart again.