Top 14 Games Similar to 30秒で気持ち良い。爽快ひまつぶし - ひまぷち

Ah! Monster - weird funny game 6.0.1
Take care of weird monsters! Strange monsters appear in thestrangeworld.
SPARKING! -世の中で最も爽快な物理ゲーム 1.0.1
Yu Ayano
How far can you destroy? Fierce Muses Brain Training Game basedonthe laws of physics
進撃のサザ工一家【無料で遊べる暇つぶしゲーム】 1.1
iPhoneアプリで大ヒットのあのアプリがAndroid版でついに登場!完全無料で遊べる暇つぶしゲーム!あの有名アニメのエンディングに異変が!?日曜日の夕方記憶に残っているあのシーンお決まりのエンディングに突如異変が!?大量の黒い影が一目散に家に向かってくる想像を絶するスピードで家に入っていく黒い影いったいあの家はどうなってしまうのか…そもそもあの家はなんの家なのか…そして最後に迫りくる試練「じゃんけんで倍返しだ!!」■黒い影について本アプリはサザ工(こう)一家のアプリであり、サザエ一家とは一切関係ありません。■背景についてあるアニメと似ていますが、ロケ地が異なります。Is that the applicationofa large hit in the iPhone appFinally appeared in the Android version!Killing time games to play absolutely free!Accident to the ending of the famous anime! ?Sunday eveningThat scene that remains in memorySuddenly accident in the usual ending is! ?Coming towards the house at full speed a large amount ofblackshadowBlack shadow that going into the house with unimaginablespeedHow it is to become the hell that house ...The first place whether that house is flame of the house ...And ordeal looming at the end"It's twice return in a rock-paper-scissors!"■ About black shadowThis application is a Sutherland Engineering (this) familyofapplication and are not affiliated with turban shell family.■ For backgroundIt is similar with some animation, different location.
ひぐらしのなく頃に 暇潰し編 1.2
Is the emergence in the fourth episode, "killing timeEdition"Android of the overwhelming popularity of the soundnovel"Higurashi"!
ひとり○×(まるばつ)!究極の暇ゲー!! 1.0
時代の最先端スマートフォンで実現する必要があるのか?!!このシンプルゲームは!なんだ!!全米が大絶賛!!していない!究極の暇ゲー!これをするくらいなら!なんもしてないほうがマシってレベルの!!無意味な時間を、ぜひ!ご体感ください!!あの、マルバツゲームがやってきた!!Whether there is a needtoimplement cutting-edge smartphone era? ! !This simple game! What! !National is rave reviews! ! If not death! The ultimate leisuregame!If enough to do this!more of level I better the flame does not even have! !Meaningless time, by all means! Please feel! !That, Marubatsu game came! !
REAL WHALES Find the cetacean. 1.0.7
Tour beautiful seas all over the world andtakephotos of whales and dolphins.Board a boat, look around in every direction, help thecaptainwith directions, and search for whales and dolphins.If you find a cetacean, touch it to zoom in, then touch itagainto close the shutter and take a photo.Whales and dolphins will jump and show you variousotheractions.Aim for a perfect photo opportunity.Also, if you succeed in finding and photographing a cetaceanonthe sea, you'll be able to see info on it in the gallery.In the gallery, you can see realistic 3D recreations ofcetaceansfrom every angle.You should be able to find over 20 different species ofwell-knowncetaceans and sometimes very rare ones, depending on thearea.Make a special gallery with your very own wonderfulphotoalbum.Operating InstructionsTitle ScreenIf you let the title screen stay on without touching it,you'llenjoy seeing a hidden screensaver.□WHALE WATCHINGGo on a whale watching tour. A Map Select screen will open.□3D WHALES GALLERYYou can see a 3D gallery featuring the whales and dolphins youspotwhile whale watching.□PHOTO ALBUMYou can take photos while whale watching and see them saved inanalbum.■STAGE SELECTTouch the whale icons around the globe, then select a touryouwould like to go on.You can unlock stages by spending points accumulated duringthegame.■Whale WatchingThere is a tutorial for beginners.You can turn off the level display by turning the tutorial OFFinthe settings screen (accessible from the bottom left of thetitlescreen).By swiping the backgrounds, you can look around atthescenery.When you find a cetacean, touching it will let you zoom inyou'lltrack it automatically.If you touch the screen once more while zoomed in, you can takeaphoto.By swiping the screen in zoom mode, you can move thecameraslightly.When you want to quit zoom mode, push the Return button at thetopleft of the screen.When you take a photo, the result will be displayed andaccordingto the value, points will be added to your totalscore.If you push OK, the screen will return to the game.You can take photos without zooming in by pushing the bottomleftcamera button.Every time you go out on a tour, you'll have a 12-exposurerollof film. When you're done taking photos, the tour willend.Or you can end the tour by pushing the Return button when notinzoom mode whenever you want.■3D WHALES GALLERYWhen you find a cetacean while whale watching, the """"?""""iconwill turn into a whale icon.There are also some cetaceans that can only be seen in aspecialstage.Aim to complete the gallery!If you touch the whale icon, you can seedetailedinformation.If you click on the whale, it will move. You can swipe to rotateitas you like and pinch to enlarge it.Depending on the species, if you push the speaker icon, you'llbeable to hear the real sounds of whales.The silhouette of a diver demonstrates the size of thecetaceanrelative to a human.Use the Return button to go from the individual display back tothelist display. Pushing the Return button while on the listdisplaywill close the gallery.■PHOTO ALBUMIf you have saved photos, thumbnails will be displayed.If you touch a thumbnail, you can view it in a separate screen.If you want to delete any photos, touch the garbage canicon.You can use the left and right arrows to view the previousandnext photos.Pushing the Return button will bring you back to thethumbnaildisplay. Pushing the Return button from there will closethealbum.Settings□BANNER VISIBLEYou may purchase an add-on that removes advertisements.□CAMERA REVERSEYou can reverse the camera swipe controls.□TUTORIALThe tutorial displayed in Whale Watching for the First Timewillalways be displayed.□RESTORERestore in-app billing.
特打フリック 1.0.3
あの「特打」※1のAndroidアプリ版、遂に登場・ガンガン打てば気分爽快、フリック上達!思わずハマル!爽快フリックゲーム。・たった20分遊ぶだけで、入力スピード60%UP ※2・豪華声優陣の声ナビで、初心者でもラクラクマスター・チャット/メールで頻度の高い文字で効率よく学べる・当社独自の画期的な学習メソッドで直感的にマスター■初心者から上級者まで、楽しく上達する3大ゲーム「基礎射撃」…フリック入力の基本をマスター「早撃ち」…文字入力をスピードアップ「実践射撃」…実用単語の入力スピードアップ■やる気が持続する仕組み・様々なシーンで最大78種類のメダルをコレクション・スコアを元にレベルを判定。SNSへの投稿も可能・履歴機能で前回からの伸び率も一目瞭然 ■短時間で上達できる画期的な学習メソッドを搭載・自動スピードアップ機能でみるみる速くなる・ミスした問題の出題率を自動で頻度アップ。自然に弱点克服できる <フリック入力とは>スマートフォンで採用されている日本語入力方式従来は「あ」を5回打って「お」を入力するのに対し、「あ」のキーを下にスライドするだけで「お」が入力でき、メールなどの文字入力がよりスピーディに行なえる ※1 特打は、PC用タイピングソフトで12年連続NO.1   BCN PCソフト トレーニングソフト部門   ベンダー別販売台数シェア   (2001年~2012年 年次データ)※2 基礎射撃、早撃ちを各10回プレイ(所要時間10~20分)した後の、モニター12名の入力文字数の平均アップ率  2012年9月 ソースネクスト調べ■動作環境AndroidOS2.2以上OpenGL ES 2.0以上■ご注意季節用語の更新は2014年5月をもって終了しました。
MoneyFarm 1.4.7
Let's become the No.1 rich man of the world. Do you can get1quintillion yen!?
suwa shimizu
This app is an air cushionIt is an app that can be crushed at any timeStress divergence can be!
Bubble Wrap 2.2
Bubble Wrap is a great relaxing game in which you pop bubbles.Justtouch a bubble and it pops. Thanks to the counter you will knowhowmany bubbles you have popped and you will be able to share itontwitter. Bubble Wrap is not just relaxing, it is fun! Poppingiscoming!
ひまつぶアプリ【撲殺少女ルーシーたん】 1.0.25
ひま?ひまつぶしする?暇なら一緒に悪霊を倒そうよ☆釘バットを振り回すルーシーたんの成長を見守るアプリです。悪霊を倒すたびに成長するルーシーたん、その成長の先には…!?----------二次創作大歓迎!何か描いたり作ったりしたら教えて欲しいです(^ω^)----------門を連続で開くと経験値ボーナス発生!3時間ごとに魔石100個が手に入る!レアな敵を倒せば大量の経験値をゲット!エンディングの後もレベルを上げ続けられるよ!----------音楽提供oo39ドットコム 様アンドロイダー公認アプリになりました!ここから先は作者(らばーきゃっと)の雑談みたいになってます。----------【撲殺少女ルーシーたん】に興味を持ってくれてありがとう!インストールしてくれたかな?作者の【らばーきゃっと】です、こんにちはこんばんは。今回のルーシーたんは、らばーきゃっとの2つ目のアプリになります。前回の【華麗にスルー】はやり込み要素はそこそこあるけど、ちょっと単調になりがちだったので、今回はサクッっと終われる感じにしてみました^^とは言っても、ちょこちょこ遊ぶくらいだったらエンディングまで数日はかかるかも…?魔石を5000個貯めて、タイミングよく門を開いていけばあっという間にエンディングが見れちゃうのです!コンボを繋げていくのがポイントなのです!門が閉じてから2秒以内にまた門を開けばコンボコンボ!コンボを繋げていくたびに、取得経験値が3倍・4倍・5倍…無限大!?そんな感じなので、あんまり時間をかけたくない人は魔石を買ってもらえると嬉しいな^^もちろん買わなくたって遊べちゃいます!ちゃんとエンディングまで行けちゃいます!レベルが上がるごとに書き加えられていく日記では、ルーシーたんの心情が綴られます。ルーシーたんに何が起こってるのか…何と戦ってるのか…その答えは…そのうちわかるかも!?あと、門を開いて無い時だけレアな敵が出てきちゃったりします、門が開いてる時は出ないので注意!レアな敵を倒せば大量の経験値が貰えちゃうのです!しかも…ここまで読んでくれた人にこっそり教えちゃいますけど…レアが出た瞬間に門を開いてレアを倒すと…経験値が何倍にもアップアップ(^ω^)タイミングを合わせるのが難しいけど、是非試してみてください!レベルをどんどん上げていって、レベル15になると…ボスが出てきます!そのボスを倒せばエンディングです^^エンディングの後も好きなだけ遊び続けられるので、誰よりも高いレベルを目指してみるのもいいかも^^もしかしたら、いい事あるかも?ないかも??アプリ提供元のLover Laboratoryでは、イラストレーター支援プロジェクトも行っています!イラストレーターさんが描いた自分のキャラクターや世界観で、Androidアプリとして公開しちゃいます!数千~数万、もしかしたら数十万人の人に絵や世界観を見てもらう事が出来ちゃいます!文章を英語でも用意すれば全世界に対してアピールする事も出来るかも!?もちろんお金なんて頂きません、たくさんの人が遊んでくれるなら、こちらがお礼をしたいくらいです^^そんなわけで、志の高いイラストレーターさんは是非ともご連絡ください!連絡先はこの画面の下の方に書いてあります^^今回のアプリは名前に少し悩みました。シンプルだと検索で見つからないし、難しくても覚えにくいし。いっその事今流行りのタイトルを全部くっつけてしまおうかと思ったくらいです!例えば、進撃のドラゴンランナー脱出ゲームとか、おさわりマッチのなめこモンスターとか、出会いと魔王のワンダーフリック大戦クロニクルとか。うん、もはや内容と全く関係ないです!そんなこんなで5分くらい悩んだ結果、【撲殺少女ルーシーたん】に決定しました^^どっかで聞いたことあるような名前とか、あんまり気にしちゃだめです、気にしすぎはストレスたまっちゃいますよ!でも、ストレスが溜まったらルーシーたんで撲殺して発散すれば大丈夫(^ω^)さてと、ここまで読んでくれた方はきっと作者である【らばーきゃっと】の事を少し気になり始めてるはず!あっ、そうでもない?そんな事ない?えっと…ちょっとだけ気にしてください!ちょっとでも気にしてくれた方は是非ともツイッターでフォローしてください^^フェイスブックもあるよ!これからも楽しいアプリを作れるように頑張っていきます。是非是非あたたかいご支援やお言葉を頂ければ嬉しいです(^ω^)Free time? Topassthetime? Let's defeat the evil spirits together if sparetime☆This is the app to watch the growth of Lucy Tan wieldinganailbat.Lucy Tan to grow each time you defeat the evil spirits, isaheadofits growth ...! ?----------Fanfic welcome! I want you to tell me if you somethingpaintedormade or (^ ω ^)----------Open the gates in a row and experience value bonus happen!100 magic stone can get to every three hours!Get a large amount of experience points if Defeat rare enemy!Can be kept raising the level even after the ending!----------Music providedoo39 dot-com-like became Andro Ida certified app! has become like a chat of author (rubberCat)fromhere.----------[Beaten to death girl Lucy Tan] and thank you for interestedin!Kanatold me to install?It is [rubber cat] of the author, Hello evening.This Lucy short, will be the second one of the applicationofrubbercat.I [brilliant and through] the previous narrowing fashionelementsaredecent, because it was a little tend to be monotonous,thistime Itried to feel that Owa Innovation crispy and ^^That being said, may take a few days until the ending ifyouwantedabout restlessly play ...?The magic stone and accumulating 5000, I would look atendingquicklyand if we open the timely gate!And I is the point of going to connect the combo!Combo combo If you open the gate again within 2 seconds fromthegateis closed!Each time you will lead a combo, get experience pointsthreetimes,four times, five times ... endless! ?Since such feeling, Na glad when people who do not want tosomuchtime get to buy a magic stone ^^We can play it Tatte not of course buy! Properly I am ingotoending!In the diary to go added writing to every level goes up,youspelledthe feelings of Lucy Tan.What is whether ... What're fighting is going to Lucy Tan ...tobethe answer ... seen them! ?After that, open the gate you or I came out only rare enemywhenitis not, because not come out when the gate isopenattention!If Defeat rare enemy I would get a lot of experience!And ... and I will be secretly tell the person who gavemereadinguntil here ...Rare open the gate to the moment that came out to defeat therareand... experience value is up up many times (^ ω ^)Though it is difficult to adjust the timing, please trybyallmeans!It went steadily increase the level, when it comes to have boss is out!The ^^ is ending if Defeat the bossSince continue play as you like even after the ending, it benicetryaiming a higher level than anyone else ^^Maybe then, to be some that say? Naikamo? ?In App original Lover Laboratory, we are alsoillustratorsupportproject!In your character and worldview illustrator Mr. drew, Iwillpublishit as Android app!Thousands to tens of thousands, we are able to get a lookatthepicture and view of the world to the people of theseveralhundredsof thousand people MOSHIKASHITARAIt also can be to appeal to all the world if you make evenasentencein English! ?Of course I do not get Nante money, if me playing a lotofpeople,here is is about want to thank ^^This is why in, high illustrator san Zhi please contact usbyallmeans!Contact It is written at the bottom of this screen ^^This app I was worried a little to the name.It's not found in it's simple search, and to hard to rememberevenifdifficult.It is much I thought of whether Let stuck all the titleoffashionBetter yet now!Ie there march of Dragon Runner escape game, Nameko TokamonsterofNagawari match, dating and Devil of Wonder flickWarChronicleToka.Yeah, it is no longer relationship at all with the content!Result of our troubled about five minutes all told, ^^youhavedecided to [beaten to death girl Lucy Tan]Toka name like some thing you've heard somewhere, it is uselesstobein so much care, too mind you have any accumulatedstress!But, okay if divergence can be beaten to death with LucyTanWhenstressed (^ ω ^)Well then, those who gave reading up to this point is akitauthor[rubber cat] thing you should have a little beginningtobecome adamn!There, it is not even so? It is such that no? Well ...pleasecareonly a little!Hey, please follow with all means Twitter Those who gave mecareeven^^ is also Facebook! will work hard so as now also make a fun app.Come I am glad if you can by all means warm support and yourwords(^ω ^)
世界一難しいひまつぶし【世界一難しいゲーム第3弾】!! 1.0
世界一難しいゲームシリーズ第3弾!!!『世界一難しいひまつぶし』の登場です!『ひま』を100個潰して下さい!出てくる様々な「ひま」をどんどん潰して下さい。「ひま」以外の文字を潰すとアウトです。「ひま」を見逃がしてもアウトです。できるかな!?World's mostdifficultgamethird series! ! !Is the emergence of "world's most difficult pass the time"!Please crush 100 pieces of "free time"!Please fast crush a variety of "free time" to come out.It is out and crush a character other than "free time".Also to escape looking at the "free time" is out.Wonder if possible! ?
Emma Birth and Baby Care 1.0.3
The pregnant mommy is going to give birthsoon,so you have to take care of all the needs of the pregnantlady.Clean the hall room by finding out all the different hiddenobjectsin the room and putting them in their proper place. Helpthe mom tomake some money by herself online so that she canpurchase all thedifferent necessary items for the baby and her.Pack all yourfavorite things for a picnic. Take the mommy to thehospital for asonography and determine whether the baby is goingto be a girl or aboy. If the baby is s girl then name her Emma andif the baby is aboy then name her Edward.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesofgames and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirelydevoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearningfor better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Staywith us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand getmore of educational games.Reach us at: us on Googleplus: us: us: our gamevideos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime foranyquestions and suggestions at [email protected].