Top 13 Games Similar to ある猫の一日

無限∞ナイツ 2.0.1
指一本で超ド派手バトル! 超・大軍勢RPGが登場!直観的な簡単操作で、敵の軍勢や巨大モンスターと超爽快に大合戦!坂本龍馬や、曹操、ジャンヌダルクなど、世界中の英霊たちを束ね、無限の兵団を率いて、天上統一を目指そう!      ◇◇ゲーム内容◇◇■土煙舞い上がる簡単操作で超・大軍勢バトル! 「この兵を、このあたりに、ブワーっと!」 タップした場所に大量の兵士が土煙を舞い上げ出撃!! 思いのまま超簡単に大量の兵士を指揮することができます。  剣兵、騎馬兵、弓兵、魔法兵など、様々な兵種を自由に使い、 迫りくる敵軍をなぎ倒そう! ■一匹 VS 一国  白熱の巨大ボスバトル! 立ちはだかる敵は大軍勢だけじゃない!? 超巨大なボスモンスターも、国民総出で撃破しよう! 倒した巨大ボスは、なんと自国を守る守護神ガーディアンに!!■対戦バトルが熱い!鉄壁の防衛ラインを構築しよう!自軍 VS 鉄壁の敵国 他のプレイヤーが作った防衛デッキラインを攻略する対戦モードバトルも搭載! 敵国に攻め込んで、罠をくぐり抜け、城壁を突破し、ガーディアンを撃破して、鉄壁の防衛布陣を攻略しよう!  自分でも難攻不落の防衛デッキラインを構築し、攻守最強の国家を目指そう! 対戦ポイントを獲得していけば、豪華な報酬がもらえます!■バトルを盛り上げる大迫力のサウンド! 新進気鋭の天才音楽プロデューサー・TeddyLoid氏が全楽曲を担当! 極上の疾走感とともに、真の無限∞ナイツ体験を提供します。      ◇◇ストーリー◇◇ 古今東西の英霊たちが覇を争う、天上世界-第六聖界、、、 突然の死後、王として目覚めたあなたの運命は・・・!? そしてこの世界を統一した王だけに与えられる女神の報酬とは・・・!?===========【対応OS】Android OS 4.1以上【推奨端末の一覧】※リンク先に記載のない端末での動作は保証しておりません。 今後の推奨端末の更新予定について、個別にはお答えをしておりません。 あらかじめご了承ください。=========== 
ブレイブ フロンティア
[Notice of service termination]
ある男の一日 1.0.0
「人生は選択の連続である」 ——シェークスピア平凡な生活をおくる主人公まるおある朝目覚めたまるおは自分の運命を左右する二択を迫られることとなる。あなたが選んだ選択肢によってまるおは行動を起こします。いい結果をもたらすこともあれば、その逆もしかり何が正しいのかなんて誰にもわかりません。イライラさせることも多々あるかもしれません。むしろ、ストレスが溜まるゲームといっても過言ではありません。人生いいことばかりではないのです。しかし、めげずにまるおを導いてください。あなたが導いた先には、いくつもの輝ける未来がまっているはずです。必要なのは直感と運のみです。様々な可能性を秘めたある男の一日を体験してみてください。"Life is a seriesofselection" - ShakespeareHero Send a mediocre life MaruoMaruo you wake up one morning is be forced to two 択 govern theirowndestiny.Maruo will take action by choices of your choice.Some can lead to good results, the vice versaI do not know anyone Nante what is correct.There may be many also be frustrating.Rather, it is no exaggeration to say that stressful game.Life is not the only good thing.However, please be led Maruo without discouraged.The earlier you led, you should have waiting for severalshiningfuture.All you need is only intuition and luck.Day of a man who hid the various possibilitiesPlease try to experience.
猫耳さばいばー! 3.01
The anthropomorphic cat with the camera! ? The fight with thegirlof cute cat ears "leisurely Nadenade" RPG!
白猫プロジェクト 4.38.0
Experience a new adventure of a white cat with a powerfulbattlesystem!
クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ 5.1.4
"Quiz RPG Wizard and the Black Cat With" is an adventurefantasywhere you proceed with quests while answering quizzes.
白猫の絆 ‧ 協力バトル募集 1.1.27
「白猫の絆」 白猫プロジェクト ‧ 協力バトル募集ツール 【機能】 ■ 協力バトルで検索 ■ 協力バトルで募集
Shoujo City - anime game 1.9.0
Shoujo City
Shoujo City - anime dating simulator game with moe girls.
常駐型協力バトルサポートfor白猫プロジェクト 1.0.19
SpiriteK Inc.
「白猫プロジェクト」の協力バトルのマッチングを行うサポートアプリです。ゲーム画面から直接パーティの応募・パーティの検索が可能です!サーバ/クライアントともに非常に軽量で動作速度が速いため、混雑時でも快適にご利用いただけます。バージョンアップしました!(v1.0.19 6/11)以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・広告ユニットを以前のものに戻しました■このアプリができること・ゲーム中でも画面の左上に常駐し、ゲーム中は最小化できる・協力バトル時にメンバーの募集を行う事ができる・協力バトル時に参加するパーティを表示する事ができる■使い方【アプリを常駐】アプリを起動し、「常駐開始」を押す【アプリを常駐解除】アプリを起動し、「常駐解除」を押すもしくはアプリバーの「常駐終了」を押す【アプリバー最小化】アプリバーの左の「最小化」ボタンを押す【アプリバー最大化】画面左上の「▶」ボタンを押す【メンバー募集時】1.アプリ常駐後、左上の▶ボタンを押下し、アプリを表示2.ダンジョンを選択し、【募集】ボタンを押す3.5桁の番号を入力し、「送信ボタン」を押す4.パーティメンバーが集まったら「募集完了」を押す【パーティ参加希望時】1.アプリ常駐後、左上の▶ボタンを押下し、アプリを表示2.ダンジョンを選択し、【参加】ボタンを押す3.最大3つのボタンが表示されるので、白猫プロジェクトで入力4.参加できない時はリロードを押し、新しい番号を表示して入力する■更新記録v1.0.19以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・広告ユニットを以前のものに戻しましたv1.0.16以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・終了時の広告表示を停止v1.0.15以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・募集時番号/コメント編集したら募集完了送信・募集時 戻る・最小化ボタンで募集完了送信v1.0.14以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・β版で好評だった省メモリ版を正式版でも採用v1.0.12以下の機能の追加/改修を行いました。・常駐アイコンの位置を移動可能・募集完了ができるように改修・チュートリアルの追加・アイコンの修正・常駐パネルのアイコンを常駐解除ではなく、常駐終了に変更v1.0.11以下の機能の改修を行いました。・選択したステージが保存されないバグの修正・常駐時に白猫プロジェクト起動の確認を行うように改修・その他安定化v1.0.10以下の機能の改修を行いました。・募集時/参加時に正常に送信できない問題に対する改修v1.0.9以下の改修を行いました。・お知らせ機能の追加・掲示板データの即時反映・ルーム候補を全て表示・最小化のボタンの位置を左上に移動・安定化v1.0.8・v1.0.7に対してAndroid4.0.xでも安定して動くための改修を行いました。v1.0.7・v1.0.5に対してAndroid4.0.xでも安定して動くための改修を行いました。・候補が2個しかでないことがあるのを改善いたしました。v1.0.5・1.0.4に問題があったため、1.0.3と同等の機能に戻しました。そのため、更新はありません。v1.0.4・常駐が解除されにくいように修正しました。・Android 4.0.xでステージ選択すると落ちることがある問題を修正しました。v1.0.3・募集時に任意の文字を追加して表示できるように改修・常駐が解除されにくいように修正・ダンジョンの表示順序がおかしかったのを修正・その他安定化向上のための修正v1.0.2・初公開■注意白猫プロジェクトのゲーム画面から直接募集/参加の呼びかけができる、「白猫プロジェクト」の協力バトルのマッチングを行う非公式のサポートアプリです。このアプリはコロプラ社とは一切関連はありません。
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf 4.2
"Half gamebook and half action RPG, Joe Dever's Lone Wolf isoneadventure that fans of either genre will enjoy from starttofinish"– - 9/10"A fascinating experiment, occasionally a beautiful littlepieceof art, and I really ended up enjoying both the combat systemandthe character building in the long run."– TouchArcade - 4/5"Highly exceptional and unique in ways that would onlybediscovered by experiencing it first-hand."– 148apps - 4/5"An amazing overall interactive gamebook experience."- Capsule Computers - 9,5/10Develop awards 2014 – Finalist in "Use of a license or IP"IndieCade 2014 - Digital SelectionItalian Games Awards 2014 - "Best Italian Indie Game" &"BestItalian Game Design"ACT 4 – Dawn over V’taag now available!“The dark tower of V’taag looms above you. Like anaccusingfinger, this monstrous edifice of granite and black ironpiercesthe sky, drawing bolts of lightning from the roilingcloudsabove.”Your epic adventure comes to an end! Storm the fortress ofV’taagand thwart the evil plans of the Darklords of Helgedad, onceand forall. All mysteries shall be unveiled and the greatestbattles shallbe fought in the final act of the acclaimed JoeDever’s Lone Wolfsaga.Are you ready to write your own destiny?Joe Dever's Lone Wolf has evolved and improved dramaticallysincethe release of Act 1. If you only explored Rockstarn or theSunkenForest, be sure to get back to the Magnamund and enjoy allthe newfeatures! The defensive stance for dual wielders, thetacticalpause, the fine tuning of all attacks and Kai disciplines…Here atForge Reply we have been listening closely to yourfeedback. Comeand see for yourself!Season Pass: Get episodes 2, 3 and 4 at best price. Do yourpartand fight for Sommerlund and the Kai Order!____________________________________________________________THE VIDEO GAME WHERE YOU ARE THE HEROLone Wolf is back, as a video game series with a brand-newstory,a new combat system, stunning graphics and much more!Makemeaningful choices and carve your own path through thisepicnon-linear story. Test your strength with the dynamicturn-basedcombat system, prove your skill with the lock-pickingminigame andaccept the challenge of wits posed by the mysteriousShiantiCube!The author Joe Dever has been working with the studio,involvinghimself in the story writing so it fits with theoriginalcontinuity, while also shedding a new light on the fabledworld ofMagnamund.For Sommerlund and the Kai!FEATURES- A brand-new adventure written by Joe Dever, now completewithall its four Acts!- Create your character and try out different combinations ofKaiDisciplines, traits and gear- Write your own story through multiple choices- A real combat system, where your prowess really counts –norandomnumber table or dice to throw!- 3 different difficulty levels to make the fighting experiencemoreaccessible -or more challenging!- The new tactical pause system, that freezes time when youarechoosing your next move. Unleash the tactician in you! (onlyonEasy and Medium difficulty)- Lockpicking and puzzle mechanics to add an extra layer ofskilland strategy- Cloud saving features- Fully translated into English, French, German, ItalianandSpanishIMPORTANT: Please restart your device after installingtheapplication to improve game stability and performance!LONE WOLF TM&© Joe Dever 1984-2014 JOE DEVER’s LONEWOLF©2014Lic. Atlantyca S.p.A. JOE DEVER’s LONE WOLF videogame©2014 ForgeReply, Atlantyca & Joe Dever All rights reserved.Published byBulkyPix
GA2: Siege of the Necromancer 4.7.09
Tin Man Games
Second in the series of criticallyacclaimedinteractive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader,control thedirection of the story! You do not need to have playedany previousGamebook Adventures titles in order to play this.Set in the coastal town of Myr, you have returned home afteralong Summer in the mines of Durath Tor to find yourhometownbesieged by strange creatures. A dark presence has takenover thetown and you are the only one who can rid the stronghold ofEridBuul, the mysterious new Lord and his ghastly cohorts."The graphics are simply excellent, with selectable fontsandbackgrounds available. The quality of the design is such thatit’seasy to forget you’re holding a mere iPhone in your hands andnot areal-live book." - TouchMyApps"The quality of the writing here is superb. Like the firstgamethe author manages to keep your interest held, with thevocabularyrich and the writing witty and descriptive, holding anelement oftension throughout." - Games Uncovered"...the host of smaller parts really make The Siege oftheNecromancer shine in comparison to the increasing numberofadaptations of the old books." - Know Your Mobile

What is a Gamebook Adventure?Gamebook Adventures is brought together through the effortsofpassionate and avid gamebook enthusiasts. If you are familiarwiththe Fighting Fantasy, Sorcery, Lone Wolf or Grail Quest seriesthenGamebook Adventures will really appeal to you. Our aim is togivethose nostalgic readers of old something new and fresh, andbring anew exciting experience to those unfamiliar with gamebooks.If youenjoy fantasy RPGs or adventure games then this is foryou!At their core, all of our gamebooks are compellingadventurestories where you get to choose how the adventure unfolds.Everysection of the narrative concludes with choices that you havetomake. The choices you make will alter the story, taking youdownnew paths and giving you new choices.Occasionally you will be presented with a situation that needstobe resolved with some dice rolling. The gamebook engine letsyouthrow 3D physics based dice that roll and bounce as if youweretossing them on a tabletop. Roll the dice to resolve combatbypitting your character against a myriad of enemies. Roll thediceto see if you were able to leap the gaping chasm, or picktheshopkeep’s pockets. Roll the dice to see if you won a bet,orcaught the plague!Did you take a wrong turn? Or make some bad dice rolls?Thenhopefully you put in a bookmark so that you can go back andtryagain!---If you want to keep up to date with the latestGamebooknews:Follow us on twitter: us onFacebook: the blog:
GA4: Revenant Rising 2.6.11
Tin Man Games
Gamebook Adventures returns for itsfourthouting in the critically acclaimed series of newlyimaginedinteractive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader,control thedirection of the story! Along with a realisticdice-based battlesystem to fight creatures, a great story andbeautiful artwork,Revenant Rising will give you many hours ofgamebook adventuring!Please note that you do not need to haveplayed any of the previousgamebooks in order to play this."The mighty city of Falavia, the military backbone ofOrlandes,is under attack from an army lead by a man claiming to bea God.How did this come to pass you ask yourself? You're sure itallstarted as some innocent adventure in search of treasurebutsomehow it turned into a nightmare. Also, why are people staringatyou strangely? It’s not as if you look like you've recentlybeenbrought back from the dead or something. Oh yes, that's right.Youremember now... "‎"Arguably the best of the Gamebook Adventure series releasedsofar by Tin Man Games, Revenant Rising combines polishedgameplaymechanics with an original storyline, flinging you betweentheworld of the living and the dead and back again." - TouchMyApps"My favourite examples so far though are Gamebook Adventures,aseries of lovingly crafted and extremely well-writteninteractivefantasy novels. It's surprisingly engrossing stuff,theeconomically written narrative packing in masses of detail,whilerattling out a pacy, involving story." - The Guardian"The true gem, and the reason these are next iterationchooseyour own adventure books, is the dice component in theoverallstory." - 148Apps

What is a Gamebook Adventure?Gamebook Adventures is brought together through the effortsofpassionate and avid gamebook enthusiasts. If you are familiarwiththe Fighting Fantasy, Sorcery, Lone Wolf or Grail Quest seriesthenGamebook Adventures will really appeal to you. Our aim is togivethose nostalgic readers of old something new and fresh, andbring anew exciting experience to those unfamiliar with gamebooks.If youenjoy fantasy RPGs or adventure games then this is foryou!At their core, all of our gamebooks are compellingadventurestories where you get to choose how the adventure unfolds.Everysection of the narrative concludes with choices that you havetomake. The choices you make will alter the story, taking youdownnew paths and giving you new choices.Occasionally you will be presented with a situation that needstobe resolved withsome dice rolling. The gamebook engine lets you throw 3Dphysicsbased dice that roll and bounce as if you were tossing themon atabletop. Roll the dice to resolve combat by pitting yourcharacteragainst a myriad of enemies. Roll the dice to see if youwere ableto leap the gaping chasm, or pick the shopkeep’s pockets.Roll thedice to see if you won a bet, or caught the plague!Did you take a wrong turn? Or make some bad dice rolls?Thenhopefully you put in a bookmark so that you can go back andtryagain!---If you want to keep up to date with the latest Gamebook news:Follow us on twitter: us on Facebook: the blog: the newsletter!:
Crazy Cat Makeover 1.0.4
The cute cat had been very dirty throughouttheday so it is time to do a makeup for crazy clean makeover forthecat. Do all the different tasks required for a makeup activitybycleaning her hair, putting shampoo on it, removing the germs,batingetc. And finally get the cat ready with a beautiful hair anda smileon her face. Also kids can play some funny cat paintingwith lots ofcolors and tools including stickers.features1) Many different types of beautiful hair designs for cat.2) Use many different make up materials for the makeover.3) Clean the cat first and kill all the germs on her body.4) Cut her nails with the nail cutter tie a beautiful band onherneck.5) Also feed her with many delicious foods and many otherdifferentactivities to get her ready and beautiful.6) For some extra fun also play a painting game of the cat withsomany colors and also having a rainbow paint brush.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most loved categoriesofgames and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. We areentirelydevoted to build user friendly games related to fun andlearningfor better educational familiarities and enjoyment forkids. Staywith us for the latest updates of GameIva on Google playand getmore of educational games.Reach us at: us on Googleplus: us: us: our gamevideos: will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime foranyquestions and suggestions at [email protected] .