Top 21 Apps Similar to Ms Calendar Free(日本製カレンダーアプリ)

カレンダー Lifebear|スケジュール帳・手帳カレンダー 4.5.27
A notebook app that is simple to operate and full offunctions!Basic free to use! Calendar, ToDo, notebook, and diarycontents arefree! Manage your work and school errands in oneeasy-to-read way
Jorte Calendar & Organizer
Jorte Inc.
The App for Organizing Events, Meetings, Diary, Weather, News
TimeTree - Shared Calendar 10.19.1
Create a shared calendar in 60 seconds
Shift Work Calendar 2023.2.4
Calendar for shift workers. You can input your monthly shiftveryquickly.
DigiCal Calendar Agenda 2.1.8
🏆 Favorite: best calendar apps for Android–The Next Web🏆 DigiCal is one of the most flexible, customizable calendars–Lifehacker  Our daily planner has a clean design and multiple agenda viewstomake scheduling quick and easy.  ☁ SYNC WITH GOOGLE CALENDAR, OUTLOOK AND EXCHANGE  📆 7 POWERFUL AND CLEAN AGENDA VIEWSSchedule appointments with our easy to use planner that offerstheday, week, agenda, month, text month, list and year view toallyour events.  📅 6 BEAUTIFUL AND EASY CUSTOMIZABLE CALENDAR WIDGETSUse our planner to organize and get a clear overview of yourbusyschedule with 9 beautiful pre-set themes available for thelist,grid, day, day list, text month and month widgets  🎄 PREMIUM HOLIDAY, SPORTS, TV, FINANCE AND LIFESTYLECALENDAR⚽Get access to more than 560k+ public holiday, sports andTVschedules worldwide that you can add to your agenda.  ☔ GLOBAL WEATHER FORECASTDetailed weather info is displayed in our planner:temperature,humidity, precipitation, pressure, cloud cover, wind,sunrise andsunset  🌃 MATERIAL DESIGN DARK THEMEImprove visibility at night and save energy  🌈 42 COLORS FOR EASIER ORGANIZING!Lots of color options for your organizer includingcolorsynchronization with Google Calendar.  🔰 BUILT-IN LOCATION SEARCHFaster address entry with Google Places Autocomplete  🔔 Notifications with snooze, maps and navigation🔒 Local calendar for extra privacy, no syncing required📆 Combined date & time picker for faster scheduling🎊 Manage invitations with RSVP and reply to event organizerandguests✈ Schedule your appointments in both local and foreigntimezone🌉 Event image matching in 27 languages  ☀ PREMIUM WEATHER FORECAST- Detailed hourly weather forecast for the next 48 hours, and3hourly for the next 15 days- Interactive temperature and precipitation graph- Manage and save your favorite weather locations  🌟 DigiCal+ features:- 2 extra widgets: month widget and month calendar widget- Year view with heat map for spotting free and busy period- Unlock new customization options for the calendar widgetsandagenda views- 7 extra widget themes- 42 theme colors- Custom snooze option- No ads  Tutorial:  Need help?  Website:  Facebook:  Google+:  BetaChannel:  Twitter:
SolCalendar - Calendar / To do
Kakao Corp.
SolCalendar is a globally-recognizedcalendarapp with free stickers that has topped millions ofdownloads onAndroid.This visually-engaging, powerful piece of app will guide userstolive a passionate life, by providing effective time &taskmanagement tools and Infotainment.SolCalendar is well known for its beautiful design andintuitivefunctions, and it has been introduced by major IT mediassuch asTNW, engadget, and addictivetips as one of the bestalternativesfor Google Calendar.• A perfect alternative for Google Calendar (engadget, USA)• The most beautiful Android calendar app – TNW• Delightful features such as stickers and weather, withanoutstanding design (echtudo, Brazil)• An amazing, rarely seen calendar app (wandoujia, China)• A diamond in the rough (365apps, France)[Features]Intuitive UX• Daily Briefing and New Year’s Resolution banner• Manages your events, special days and to-dos• Supports Month, Week, Day, Agenda and To-do views• Offers various repeat options• Allows to set different timezones for app and eventManage To-dos• Syncs with Google Tasks• Various repeat options for to-dosFancy widgets for your homescreen• Polished Widgets that would decorate your home screen• Various widget types: Calendar, Agenda, Day, To-do,Countdown,Shortcut widgets etc)• Timetable widgetWeather Forecast and Map integration• Location-based, real-time weather information• Provides Weekly weather forecast• Google Maps & Foursquare Place API integratedLunar calendar and holidays by countries• Supports Lunar calendar & Holiday calendars of41countries• Supports 22 languages (thanks to the volunteer translators)Stickers for your special events• Stickers to mark or remember your important day• New simple stickers(mono-tone) updated(* Stickers will be continuously updated)SolCalendar is an effective life management tool that couldreplaceyour paper calendars, memos, post-its, planners , diariesandetc.Carry them all in one app. It offers an intuitive andfriendlyUX.SolCalendar Syncs with:• Google Calendar, Exchange• Daum Calendar, Naver Calendar, iCloud, Yahoo! Calendar,Yahoo!Japan Calendar, and any other calendar services thatsupportCalDAV.• Google Tasks[Our volunteer translators around the world]• Finnish : Tuuli Helminen / Patrik Selin• Indonesian : Oloan Sembiring / Wensen Roselan / Mzaifuddin• Italian : Fabrizio Santillo / Fabrizio Oddo / Karolina Gaiofatto/Tito Neroni• Danish : Nicklas Møller• German : Daniel Marcato / Jonas Straßer / Martin Philippi/Michael Grandjean /• French : Cedric Dubuis/ Tim Walter / Lee Chae Young• Russian : Andrew Skobtsov / Lim Heewon / Anastasia Yugay/Alexandr Krasnobelov• Turkish : Muhammet AKTAŞ• Spanish : Melissa H. / Cintli• Chinese : Jeun Eun Chang• Japanese : Lee Ga Young• Thai : Piraya Y.• Dutch : Edgar Newland / Niels Kikkert• Polish : Andrzej L. / Michal Kiender• Vietnamese : Natalie Dubs• Catalan : Catalan• Malay : yoska de jong• Portuguese (Brazil) : Augusto S Biffi / Eduardo Moura / TitodeSeu / Felipe Pedroti Raymundo• Hindi : Aarish Madaan / madhavdivya• Hebrew : Dayvid Gill (Hebrew will be supported soon)• Arabic : Argoubi Asma (Arabic will be supported soon)(We're looking for volunteer translators! If you're interestedintranslating SolCalendar into any language, please contact usviae-mail: [email protected])* Go to SolCalendar> Settings>Contributors around the worldtoview SolCalendar's translators!Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you haveanyqueries, ideas or reports.• SolCalendar User Community:• Facebook :• Twitter : ​@SolApps
Calendar Widget Month + Agenda 1.36
Highly customizable calendar widget with the month grid andagendacombined
Business Calendar
This is the Free Version of BusinessCalendar:an all-round, complete calendar app for higheststandards,customizable and with perfect Google sync.★ "Our favorite calendar app on Android, due to its flexibilityandease of use." - Lifehacker 01/2014 ★★ "One of the best Calendar Apps for 2014" - FastCompany ★FeaturesFOR A CLEARER VIEW ON EVENTS & APPOINTMENTS▪ Quick Day View: For a fast overview to all events of theday▪ Favorite Bar: For direct access to all your calendars▪ Smooth Scroll and Zoom: For better, intuitive interactionDetails● graphical and textual presentation● scroll- and zoomable multi-day view (1-14 days)● month, agenda, day and event view● color-coded year view● search function● configurable widgets in different sizes for month, week,agendaand day view● easy switching between timeline bars and event titles inmonthview● intuitive handling: just move your finger over some daysofinterest in month view to open them in the multi-day view● many options for recurrent events (e.g. an event that takesplaceevery other week on Tuesday and Thursday)● birthday calendar● context-sensitive help system to optimizeyourworkflow This free version is ad-supported, but still fully functional.Ifyou’re a heavy calendar user, we believe the best solution foryouis the Pro Version: without ads, with more usefulfeatures,like:+ Manage Contacts: Link your events and appointmentswithyour contacts+ Customizable Templates: Create your own templates fornewevents+ Multi-Select: For deleting, moving, or copyingmultipleevents+ Import & Export: Quickly import all yourcalendars,export them in .ics format+ Drag’n’drop: Move and copy events easily in themulti-dayview+ Tasks Add-On: Use the integrated task-management toolforsyncing with Google Tasks & Toodledo+ App Theming: Light and dark theme for the app+ Advanced Widgets: Set colors, font sizesandcalendars
MyCalendar 3.03
************************************************TOP 5 FACEBOOK AND TOP 10 IPHONE PAID COMES TO YOU TO ANDROIDFORFREE************************************************The most popular calendar application on Facebook with over100million users is now here on Android! Now with MyCalendar, youwillnever forget your friends' birthdays again!Key Features:☆ Import birthdays from Facebook☆ Add birthdays of all contacts from your phone and addcustombirthdays☆ Customizable reminder settings: delivers notifications straighttoyour iPhone)☆ Easily message your friends and wish them "Happy Birthday "alongwith custom message with just one click!We are working hard on our next version! More featurescomingsoon! Thanks for your patience!SUPPORT: Please click "Settings" > "Report a Problem"frominside our application to reach us.---------------------------------------Use of this application is governed by the K-Factor Media, LLCTermsof Service. Collection and use of personal data are subjecttoK-Factor Media, LLC's Privacy Policy. Both policies areavailable at Social NetworkingServiceterms may also apply.We have partnered with AppLovin Corporation to bring you amoresocial experience including but not limited to tools that allowyouto: more easily invite your friends to our app, receive alertsfromyour friends, and receive social advertising. To serve youthisexperience we may share your personal data with AppLovin, andtheuse of your data by AppLovin is subject to AppLovin'sPrivacyPolicy and Terms of Use. Both policies are
PocketCalendar(ポケットカレンダー) 1.6.0
たった3秒でスケジュール登録完了!!スタンプを置くだけでOK!かんたんカレンダーアプリ。――――――――――――――――――――【Pocket Calendarの特徴】――――――――――――――――――――◆予定登録が簡単スタンプを置くだけで登録完了です。簡単ですぐに予定登録ができます。◆豊富なスタンプかわいいスタンプで、楽しくスケジュール管理ができます。スタンプの使い方は自由自在!飲み会、旅行、家事など100種類以上をご用意してます。◆編集も簡単1タップで編集画面へ。日にちの変更や予定のコピーも簡単にできます。ちょっとしたメモ書きから毎日の日記まで対応できる、テキスト欄が便利です。◆手帳のような使い心地1ヶ月表示で、一月の予定が一目で分かります。紙をめくるように、横スワイプで前月・翌月に移動できます。◆ビジネスシーンでも活躍Googleカレンダーと連携できます。Googleカレンダーの予定を表示することは勿論、予定を書き込むことも可能です。シンプルなメモ欄は、タスク管理にも使えます。PCを開くのがちょっと面倒…という時に、とっても便利です。使いやすさを追求しつつも、充実機能を実現しました。「ちょっとめんどくさがり」な方にオススメです!――――――――――――――――――――【こんな人にオススメ】――――――――――――――――――――★「予定管理はヤッパリ手帳!」Pocket Calnedarは、手帳で見慣れた1ヶ月表示で、週の開始曜日もカスタマイズ可能。かわいいスタンプをシールのように貼れるのは、まさに手帳感覚。ウィジェットを設置すれば、手帳を開くより早く予定の確認ができちゃう。★「予定登録?!頭の中で管理できるし!」「明日の待ち合わせ、何時だっけ?」「友達の誕生日って、11日?12日?」覚えていたのに、うっかり忘れちゃうこともあるハズ。PocketCalendarにスタンプを登録しておけば、通知機能でど忘れしても大丈夫。繰り返し機能で、友達の誕生日もバッチリ管理。★「家族の予定を一緒に管理したい!」PocketCalendarは、予定の文字色を変えることが可能。お父さんは黒、お姉ちゃんは赤など、家族に合わせて文字色を変えることができちゃう。人気の10色から、好きな色を選ぼう。★「仕事もプライベートも予定がいっぱい!」仕事の予定はGoogleカレンダーへ。プライベートの予定は、Pocket Calendarへ。仕事とプライベートの予定を一緒に確認できるから便利。たくさんのシーンで大活躍のPocket Calendarは、あなたにオススメです!――――――――――――――――――――【便利な機能】――――――――――――――――――――◆ウィジェット機能便利なウィジェットは、1ヶ月表示と1週間表示の2種類を用意しました。いつでも一目で予定を確認できます。◆バックアップ機能安心のバックアップ機能がついています。機種変更のときも、データ復元が可能です。◆1週間の天気表示天気表示をONにすると、お好きなエリアの1週間予報が表示されます。人気のアプリ「おしゃれ天気」と連携も可能です。連携すれば、おしゃれ天気をスムーズに起動でき、詳細な天気もすぐチェックできます。◆通知機能予定ごとにお知らせする通知と、当日の予定をまとめてお知らせする「まとめて通知」があります。通知設定を選べるので、ライフスタイルに合わせてご利用いただけます。◆Googleカレンダーと連携Googleカレンダーや他のカレンダーアプリと連携できるので、便利に管理ができます。連携したいカレンダーだけ表示する等、カスタマイズも簡単です。◆週の開始曜日日曜始まり/月曜始まりを選べます。これらの全ての機能が、無料でご利用いただけます。迷ったら、ぜひお試しください!――――――――――――――――――――【お知らせ】――――――――――――――――――――◆OS6.0でウィジェットが設置できないAndroid OS6.0に関しましては、随時対応させて頂きます。対応した際は、「最新情報」でお知らせいたします。Schedule completionofregistration in just 3 seconds! !OK just put a stamp!Easy Calendar app.--------------------Features of Pocket Calendar]--------------------◆ easy to schedule registrationRegistration is complete by simply placing a stamp. You caneasilyand quickly schedule registration.◆ rich stampCute stamp, you can happily schedule management. How to use ofthestamp freely!Drinking, travel, offers and more than 100 kinds ofhousework.◆ easy to editTo edit screen in one tap. A copy of the date of the change andwillbe easy. Can accommodate from short note written to every dayof thediary, it is convenient text field.◆ such as notebook comfortable to useIn one month display, scheduled for January you can see at aglance.To turn over the paper, you can move to the previous month,thefollowing month in the horizontal swipe.◆ also active in the business sceneYou can work with Google Calendar. To view the schedule ofGoogleCalendar, of course, it is also possible to write the plan.Simplememo field, can also be used for task management.When open for a little trouble ... that the PC, isveryconvenient.While pursuing ease of use as well, has been realized toenhancefunction. It is recommended for those who "shylittleMendokusa"!--------------------[Recommended for people]--------------------★ "schedule management is still pocketbook!"Pocket Calnedar is a familiar one month display in the notebook,itcan be customized start day of the week.The pasted a cute stamp like a seal, just pocketbook sense.Ifinstalling the widget, you can check the schedule earlier thanyouopen the notebook.★ "schedule registration?! It can be managed in the head!""Tomorrow's meeting, Kke time is it?", "What a friend's birthday,11days? 12 days?"But if you remember, Husband sometimes forget carelessly. Onceyouhave registered a stamp in Pocket Calendar, okay tothroatforgotten in the notification function. In repeatfunction,birthday pat management of friends.★ "I want to manage the schedule of the family together!"Pocket Calendar is possible to change the text color of theplan.Dad is black, my sister would be able to change the red, suchasthe text color to suit your family. From the popular 10 colors,youchoose the favorite color.★ "work also private also schedule is full!"Schedule of work to Google Calendar. Plans of the private, tothePocket Calendar.Convenient because it can be confirmed the schedule of workandprivate together.Pocket Calendar of big success in a lot of the scene isyourRecommended!--------------------[useful functions]--------------------◆ widget functionConvenient widget, we have provided two types of one-monthdisplayand the display for one week. At any time you can checktheschedule at a glance.◆ backup functionBackup function of peace of mind is attached. Even when themodelchange, the data can be restored.◆ weather display of the weekWhen the weather display to ON, will be displayed for oneweekforecast of your favorite area. Cooperation with the popularapp"fashionable weather" is also possible. If the cooperation,canstart the fashionable weather smoothly, you can alsoimmediatelycheck detailed weather.◆ notification featureAnd a notification to let you know for each plan, there isa"collectively notification" to inform together the schedule oftheday. Since the choice of the notification settings, areavailableto suit your lifestyle.◆ Google Calendar and collaborationIt is possible to work with Google Calendar and other calendarapps,you can conveniently manage. Etc. to display only calendarthat youwant to cooperation, it is also easy to customize.◆ week of the start day of the weekBeginning Sunday / Monday to choose the beginning.of all of these features, available free of charge. Oncelost,please try us!--------------------[Information]--------------------Widget can not be installed in a ◆ OS6.0Regard Android OS6.0, and we will respond at any time.When you support, it will be announced in the"latestinformation".
Calendar N 1.0.299
Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily calendar functions. It includes10+widgets.
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Calendar+: Sync, customize & optimize scheduling!
Refills(Planner App)
Just give it a try and you will be happyyoudid. Refills is a simple yet stylish calendar app. It has thelookand feel of paper planners that make it so easy to manageyourschedule.Features:-Sync with Google calender, reminder, guest invite-Sync with Google task-Day/week/month view-An event is displayed in a popup window-The tablet's landscape screen supported-Lifelog feature allows your phone to loadphotosautomatically-Event search-Holiday calendars of nine countries are preinstalled-Enter a schedule time by touch typing-Open a location in Map view-Reoccurring event settings-Widget display (2×1, 2×2, 4×1, 4×4, 4x2, 6x6)※1-Start up from the status bar※1:If you wish to use widget, please do not save Refills in aSDcard, otherwise widget may not work properly.Supported:Android2.1+Note:Devices with Android2.1 have some areas where cannotdisplaycolors accurately in a widget.If you find any bugs or experience any problems, please report usbyemail:[email protected] so that we can look into itimmediately.Please be noted that it may take more time to get backto you ifyou just post here instead of emails. Often times, we canhelp yousolve problems only with simple steps. So please feel freeto reachus at [email protected]. We are also happy to hearyourfeedback.Your email might block our reply as a junk mail, especially whenyouare contacting us by mobile. Please make sure you accept emailsfromcomputer addresses.Please also visit our FAQ page that provides answers to manycommonquestions.
Touch Calendar F 1.3.47F
See your whole calendar at a glance.
丸印カレンダー (ウィジェット対応) 17.4
It is a simple calendar to add a circle and register a memo.
aCalendar - Android Calendar 2.4.8
9/10 "an almost perfect calendar" -SoftonicEditorial TeamFEATURES● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions between day, weekandmonth view● Agenda view and widget● year view● Hybrid month/agenda widget● 48 colors per calendar,● Google Calendar management● per-event colors (if supported by the event's calendar)● flexible recurrences● birthdays from your contacts (or without contacts)● Fullscreen widgets for all 3 main views plus floating 7days● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization● moon phases● mini month or graphical week overview in day and week view● QR and NFC barcode sharing of events● freeEXTRA FEATURES in aCalendar+ or as In-App-Purchase● Public holidays (and school holidays for some countries)-configurable in the calendarlist● Color themes (UI and Widget colors, dark background - NOTeventcolors: those are defined by your calendar service)● Business features (Invite attendees, link contacts,free/busy,private, profiles, share as ICS, ...)● Tasks (manage Google Tasks or tasks from CalDAV/OpenTasks)● No ads (removes the occasional advertisement)♥ Tapir Apps donates 10% of all revenue (app purchase, IAP, ads)torainforest conservation through our friends at WorldLandTrustUSAGE● move forward and backward by swiping vertically orvolumerocker● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (openstheday or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap fordayview● tap to open event● long-press to add new event● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date● tap on photo to open quick contact menu● 3-finger-tap for configurable actionTRANSLATIONSnative language support for around 30 languages. Those aremostlyuser-contributed, please contact me if there is a badtranslationor you'd like your language added!PERMISSIONSaCalendar only asks for mandatory permissions for itsfunctionality.No data of yours will ever be shared with anyoneunless you decideto. We have no access to any of your data. If youhave any questionsabout permissions please contact our support byemail.APP2SDUnfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreenwidgetsdo not work from SD. This is an Android limitation. ButaCalendar isoptimized not only for speed but also for size.LOVE♥ aCalendar is made with love, sweat and tears in the heartofMunich. If you like aCalendar, please rate or comment andrecommendit to your friends. Also consider upgrading to aCalendar+for extrafeatures ♥
Naver Calendar
Have fun planning your day with the NAVER Calendar App
DigiCal+ Calendar 2.1.5
#1 calendar app and month widgets for Google Calendar, OutlookandExchange!
Business Calendar 2 Planner 2.48.5
Your daily calendar planner for work, family & private events
Calendar Pad
This app enables you to see your eventswithtext.Features:- Sync with stock calendar app.- Month, Week, Day and Agenda views.- Today, Month, Week and Day widgets.- Search function.If you have any problem using the app, please send me an emailorcheck online document.Pro version is also available.
Touch Calendar 1.3.47
See your whole calendar at a glance.