Top 6 Apps Similar to RENTHEAD 第1話 -ガラスの靴が履きたくて-(後編)

RENTHEAD 第0話 -生まれたての事件- 1.1.0
【 このアプリについて 】このアプリは近未来を舞台にした、コミュニケーションツール風新感覚ノベルアプリです。クローン人間が実現した世界で起こる怪事件に、2人組みの主人公が首を突っ込みます。物語は豪華声優陣によるフルボイスで語られます。プレイ時間は約2時間です。【 Story 】クローン法の制定により体の複製が許されるようになった時代。金持ちはこぞって自分の複製を作り出したが、意識の無いスペア体の首から下を常に誰かがメンテナンスする必要があった。そこで自在に首を切り離せる特殊な職業「レントヘッド<顔貸し屋>」の出番となる。近衛A(コノエアンサー)は、クライアントである安田Q(ヤスダキュー)の体を借りて探偵まがいを続ける学生のレントヘッドである。彼は8年前に奪われた自分のオリジナル体を探すため、レント絡みの事件に首を突っ込んでいた。今回、2人が首を突っ込むのはあるレストランでの出来事です。【 CAST 】近衛 A / 小松未可子ヤスダQ / 三瓶由布子七尾C菜 / 後藤沙緒里大門V三郎 / 石塚運昇蜜原沙羅 / 渡辺秋乃蜜原六角 / 宝亀克寿鈴白清司 / 納谷六朗久留米ソルト / 細見大輔芹沢夏芽 / 岩村愛子【 操作方法 】<通常時> 画面をタップ:次のテキストを表示します。 スクロール方向と逆にフリック:テキスト履歴を見られる”バックログモード”に移行します。上下スワイプで操作でき、画面を2本指タップすることで本編に戻ります。 左フリック:背景のみを表示する”ビューモード”です。画面をタップすることで本編に戻ります。 3本指タップ:ボイスをスキップして物語を進める”スキップモード”です。画面から指を話すと解除できます。About this app]Was on the stage of the near future, this app is acommunicationtool like the new sense Novell mystery case that occurs in the world, human cloning hasbeenrealized, hero of two-member will plunge the neck.The story is told in full voice by the gorgeous voiceactors.Play time is about 2 hours.[Story]The era of replication of the body came to be permitted bytheenactment of the clone method.Rich man produced a replica of his own gang, but it was necessarytomaintain someone always from the neck down of spare body havingnoconsciousness. It comes in. special profession where canseparatethe neck freely "rent head " of. Konoe A (Konoe answer) isthe headof student rent Continue detective imitation with the helpYasudabody Q is a client of (Yasudakyu). To find the original bodyof hisdeprived eight years ago, he was the thrust of the neck intheincident of rent-involved.This time, two people of pry It is happening at therestaurantthere.[CAST]Konoe A / Komatsu MikakoYasuda Q / Sanpei YukoNanao C greens / Goto SaoriDaimon V Saburo / Ishizuka UnshoMitsuHara Sarah / Watanabe AkinoMitsuHara hexagon / Houki KatsuHisashiSuzushiro Kiyoshi / Naya RokuroKurume Salt / Daisuke HosomiSerizawa Natsume / Iwamura AikoControls:Show me the following text: Tap the screen.Migrate to the "backlog mode" seen the text history: flick toscrolland reverse direction. To return to the main program byoperationcan swipe up and down, and two-finger tap thescreen.It is a "view mode" to display only the background: left flick.Toreturn to the main program by tapping the screen.It is a "skip mode" advance the story by skipping voice: 3fingertap. You can release it and release the screen.
Ningen Calc X 2.0.2
Bored with the usual calculators?Ningen Calc X is a calculator with the most comical display ever.When you pressed the button, mysterious people appears fromthesideand they transform into the numbers which you have entered.Enjoy to watch their march until you get the answers!
Voice actors' app YUMORISEKI.5 1.0
Voice actors' application YUMORISEKI~For people who need cheer up.Voice application featuring the beautiful voices10popularJapanese male voice actors has been released!Shinichiro Miki, Hiroshi Kamiya, Daisuke Hirakawa, MiyuIrino,AkiraIshida, Takahiro Sakurai, Koji Yusa, Kouki Miyata,MamoruMiyano andRyoutaro Okiayu. These top amazing Japanese malevoiceactorspresent the spiritual soul of the healing stones andprovideyoumost relaxing and healing moments of your life.< Main functions>■Play 'Voice' functionYou can listen to 10 different stories performed by10differentvoice actors.Each story is 3 to 5 minutes long.※ YUMORISEKI theme music is included as a bonus track.■Alarm functionYou can set a maximum of three alarm settings.It is a convenient function which works even in backgroundorsleepmode.Also you can set OFF, 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutesforrepeat(snooze) function.There is an antique shop in a quiet residential area.Inside the shop, there are some plain natural stonessimplydisplayedin the corner.But these stones have some special powers and some secrets...You are chosen from among the living to partner withthespiritualsouls that dwell in natural stones.You can be with them all day long, from morning until night.<Character Information>・HAKUTO CV: Shinichiro MikiThe spiritual soul of the Howlite.・YUKARI CV: Hiroshi KamiyaThe spiritual soul of the Amethyst.・SOU CV: Daisuke HirakawaThe spiritual soul of the Sodalite.・SORA CV: Miyu IrinoThe spiritual soul of the Blue lace agate.・SAKON CV: Akira IshidaThe spiritual soul of the Aventurine.・KOU CV: Takahiro SakuraiThe spiritual soul of the Rhodonite.・OU CV: Koji YusaThe spiritual soul of the Citrine.・BENIHI CV: Kouki MiyataThe spiritual soul of the Carnelian.・SANGO CV: Mamoru MiyanoThe spiritual soul of the Red coral.・EN CV: Ryoutaro OkiayuThe spiritual soul of the Smoky quartz.※ All rights including pictures and sounds inthisapplicationsreserved by ZERO ONE ENTERTAINMENT Co. Ltd.Personal use only.
Voice actors' app YUMORISEKI.1 1.3
Voice actors' application YUMORISEKI~For people who are slow starters in the morning.Voice application featuring the beautiful voices 10popularJapanese male voice actors has been released!Shinichiro Miki, Hiroshi Kamiya, Daisuke Hirakawa, Miyu Irino,AkiraIshida, Takahiro Sakurai, Koji Yusa, Kouki Miyata, MamoruMiyano andRyoutaro Okiayu. These top amazing Japanese male voiceactorspresent the spiritual soul of the healing stones and provideyoumost relaxing and healing moments of your life.< Main functions>■Play 'Voice' functionYou can listen to 10 different stories performed by 10differentvoice actors.Each story is 3 to 5 minutes long.※ YUMORISEKI theme music is included as a bonus track.■Alarm functionYou can set a maximum of three alarm settings.It is a convenient function which works even in background orsleepmode.Also you can set OFF, 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes forrepeat(snooze) function.There is an antique shop in a quiet residential area.Inside the shop, there are some plain natural stonessimplydisplayed in the corner.But these stones have some special powers and some secrets...You are chosen from among the living to partner with thespiritualsouls that dwell in natural stones.You can be with them all day long, from morning until night.<Character Information>・HAKUTO CV: Shinichiro MikiThe spiritual soul of the Howlite.・YUKARI CV: Hiroshi KamiyaThe spiritual soul of the Amethyst.・SOU CV: Daisuke HirakawaThe spiritual soul of the Sodalite.・SORA CV: Miyu IrinoThe spiritual soul of the Blue lace agate.・SAKON CV: Akira IshidaThe spiritual soul of the Aventurine.・KOU CV: Takahiro SakuraiThe spiritual soul of the Rhodonite.・OU CV: Koji YusaThe spiritual soul of the Citrine.・BENIHI CV: Kouki MiyataThe spiritual soul of the Carnelian.・SANGO CV: Mamoru MiyanoThe spiritual soul of the Red coral.・EN CV: Ryoutaro OkiayuThe spiritual soul of the Smoky quartz.※ All rights including pictures and sounds in thisapplicationsreserved by ZERO ONE ENTERTAINMENT Co. Ltd.Personal use only.
Voice actors' app YUMORISEKI.4 1.1
Voice actors' app YUMORISEKI.4~For people who need some TLC.~Voice application featuring the beautiful voices10popularJapanese male voice actors has been released!Shinichiro Miki, Hiroshi Kamiya, Daisuke Hirakawa, MiyuIrino,AkiraIshida, Takahiro Sakurai, Koji Yusa, Kouki Miyata,MamoruMiyano andRyoutaro Okiayu. These top amazing Japanese malevoiceactorspresent the spiritual soul of the healing stones andprovideyoumost relaxing and healing moments of your life.< Main functions>■Play 'Voice' functionYou can listen to 10 different stories performed by10differentvoice actors.Each story is 3 to 5 minutes long.※ YUMORISEKI theme music is included as a bonus track.■Alarm functionYou can set a maximum of three alarm settings.It is a convenient function which works even in backgroundorsleepmode.Also you can set OFF, 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutesforrepeat(snooze) function.There is an antique shop in a quiet residential area.Inside the shop, there are some plain natural stonessimplydisplayedin the corner.But these stones have some special powers and some secrets...You are chosen from among the living to partner withthespiritualsouls that dwell in natural stones.You can be with them all day long, from morning until night.<Character Information>・HAKUTO CV: Shinichiro MikiThe spiritual soul of the Howlite.・YUKARI CV: Hiroshi KamiyaThe spiritual soul of the Amethyst.・SOU CV: Daisuke HirakawaThe spiritual soul of the Sodalite.・SORA CV: Miyu IrinoThe spiritual soul of the Blue lace agate.・SAKON CV: Akira IshidaThe spiritual soul of the Aventurine.・KOU CV: Takahiro SakuraiThe spiritual soul of the Rhodonite.・OU CV: Koji YusaThe spiritual soul of the Citrine.・BENIHI CV: Kouki MiyataThe spiritual soul of the Carnelian.・SANGO CV: Mamoru MiyanoThe spiritual soul of the Red coral.・EN CV: Ryoutaro OkiayuThe spiritual soul of the Smoky quartz.※ All rights including pictures and sounds inthisapplicationsreserved by ZERO ONE ENTERTAINMENT Co. Ltd.Personal use only.
RENTHEAD 第1話 -ガラスの靴が履きたくて-(前編) 1.1.0
【 このアプリについて 】このアプリは近未来を舞台にした、コミュニケーションツール風新感覚ノベルアプリです。クローン人間が実現した世界で起こる怪事件に、2人組みの主人公が首を突っ込みます。物語は豪華声優陣によるフルボイスで語られます。プレイ時間は約2時間です。このアプリは後編(有料)に続きます。→後編はこちら【 Story 】クローン法の制定により体の複製が許されるようになった時代。金持ちはこぞって自分の複製を作り出したが、意識の無いスペア体の首から下を常に誰かがメンテナンスする必要があった。そこで自在に首を切り離せる特殊な職業「レントヘッド<顔貸し屋>」の出番となる。近衛A(コノエアンサー)は、クライアントである安田Q(ヤスダキュー)の体を借りて探偵まがいを続ける学生のレントヘッドである。彼は8年前に奪われた自分のオリジナル体を探すため、レント絡みの事件に首を突っ込んでいた。今回、2人が首を突っ込むのは、アンサーが通う学校での出来事です。【 CAST 】近衛 A / 小松未可子ヤスダQ / 三瓶由布子七尾C菜 / 後藤沙緒里大門V三郎 / 石塚運昇芥真白 / 片岡あづさ聖護院乃M / 瀬戸麻沙美遠矢護 / 平川大輔空振監督 / 成田剣鳥兜アタリ / 寺崎裕香久慈八卦 / 山本匠馬備後亜美 / 伊瀬茉莉也【 操作方法 】<通常時> 画面をタップ:次のテキストを表示します。 スクロール方向と逆にフリック:テキスト履歴を見られる”バックログモード”に移行します。上下スワイプで操作でき、画面を2本指タップすることで本編に戻ります。 左フリック:背景のみを表示する”ビューモード”です。画面をタップすることで本編に戻ります。 3本指タップ:ボイスをスキップして物語を進める”スキップモード”です。画面から指を話すと解除できます。[About this app]This app was a near future on the stage, it is acommunicationtool like a new sense Novell app.Kai incident that occurs in the world to clone human beingsisrealized, the hero of 2 Hitokumi will plunge the neck.The story is told in full voice by the gorgeous actors.Play time is about 2 hours.This app follows the sequel (surcharge).→ sequel is here.[Story]The era began to replication of the body is allowed bytheenactment of the clone method.Rich was unanimously create their own replication, butalwayssomeone from the neck down of spare body unconscious hadtomaintenance. So freely it is turn of decouple the neckspecialprofession "Lent head ". Konoe A (Konoe answer) is a studentofLent head to continue the detective imitation with the help ofthebody, which is a client Yasuda Q (Yasuda queue). He is to lookforhis original body was taken away eight years ago, it hadplungedthe neck to rent tangling of the incident.This time, two people to pry, it is happening in the schoolanswerattend.[CAST]Konoe A / Mikako KomatsuYasuda Q / Sanpei YukoNanao C greens / Goto SaoriDaimon V Saburo / Ishizuka UnshoGarbage white / Kataoka AzusaShogoin Ayano M / Asami SetoToya Mamoru / Hirakawa DaisukeInfrasound Director / Narita KenAconite Atari / Terasaki YukaKuji Bagua / Yamamoto Takumi-baBingo Ami / Mariya Ise[Method of operation]Tap the screen: I will display the following text.Flick to scroll direction and the reverse: to migrate tothe"backlog mode" seen the text history. It can be operated upanddown swipe, to return to the main by two fingers tapthescreen.Left Flick: Background only to display the "view mode". To returntothe main part by tapping the screen.Three-finger tap: to advance the story skip the voice is"skipmode". You can unlock it and speak your finger from thescreen.