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佛經梵音- 手機拜佛祈福許願聽音樂 2.2.9
佛經梵音,聽佛教佛經,品佛教佛音,一應俱全,最全面的佛經,最悅耳的佛音,盡在佛經梵音。佛經梵音,能修心養性,凈化心靈常聽佛經,能夠使人擺脫痛苦,修養身心常聽佛經,能夠使人積極向上,找回初心常聽佛經,能夠使人懷抱信仰,心有所依常聽佛經,能夠讓你的生活更美好佛經梵音特點:1、佛經蘊含經世為人大道理,帶給你莫大的智慧,讓你的人生不再迷茫!2、佛教早課晚課,讀誦經典,提醒自己,修正自己的行為、思想,增加正能量3、隨時吟唱佛音,凈化心靈,靜心修心,功德無量!4、支持后臺多任務播放,讓您可以同時進行多種工作!5、獨具特色的佛像功能,莊嚴神圣的佛像讓你心更沉穩!每天我們都忙著,煩惱像發絲那樣,剪不斷,理還亂。面對人世間冷暖,迫切的生活,靜下心來聆聽【佛經梵音】,能讓我們都能擁有慈悲,並從中得到健康,更能體會清靜。放鬆神經,聆聽內心。【佛經梵音】通過《般若波羅蜜多心經》、《佛說阿彌陀佛》、《佛說法滅盡經》等多首佛經音樂,以短偈形式贊頌佛與菩薩,其形式有獨唱、齊唱或合唱,亦有樂器伴奏,旋律非常優美,不但能感受各地的佛教音樂風格,還能頤養身心。【佛經梵音】是一種打開心靈智慧的聲音,也是一種萬方佛法護佑的聲音,更是一種帶來宏大智慧和無盡福運的聲音。讓我們一起散播佛法,散播愛,佛經梵音與諸位大德廣結善緣歌曲列表:白財神咒白度母經百孝經白衣觀音靈感神咒八句贊寶篋印陀羅尼八聖吉祥頌財神咒懺悔歌慈悲慈雲懺主淨土文大悲咒大吉祥天女咒大雄寶殿地藏菩薩超度心咒地藏菩薩心咒地藏王菩薩大願贊彌勒佛咒阿彌陀佛來接引阿彌陀佛謝謝你阿彌陀佛在心間彌陀天堂放生歌佛母准提神咒佛說聖佛母般若波羅蜜多心經感恩觀音菩薩心咒觀音菩薩如秋月觀音行願曲皈依頌紅財神心咒黃財神心咒喚醒愚癡歡喜五財神華嚴字母贊皆大歡喜解脫道結緣歌極樂歌極樂世界淨一切眼疾陀羅尼空穀神韻念佛疑問淺答歌六字大明咒六字真言頌綠度母心咒南無阿彌陀佛南無普賢王菩薩毗盧遮那佛咒菩提心燈普賢菩薩行願品唱誦普賢十大願唱誦普賢十大願王清淨法身佛如來一葉三歸依釋迦如來心咒釋念往生咒誦讀版文殊菩薩贊文殊心咒霞光萬丈西方回向偈心是蓮花心是蓮花提藥師佛心咒藥師灌頂真言藥師贊一輪明月照禪心贊佛偈准提神咒釋道心准提咒佛經梵音是靈動菩提旗下官方應用(為促進社會和諧,以弘揚佛法及佛教文化為己任,同時也為能更好的服務於廣大網友和信眾,網站不僅提供金剛經全文,經與古本金剛經原文逐字對照,還提供佛教經文、線上誦經、線上供佛、延壽祿位、往生蓮位、線上念佛、靜心梵音、免費下載、佛像鑒賞等內容。願以此功德,普及於一切,我等與眾生,皆共成佛道。南無阿彌陀佛!加入靈動菩提官方微信公眾號:方法很簡單,只需要2個步驟:1.添加朋友->查找微信公眾帳號->輸入“靈動菩提華人佛教”,確認搜索即可。2.添加朋友->搜號碼->輸入“lingdongputi”,確認關注即可。迎關注靈機命理館: chantingBuddhistsutras listen, product Buddha sound, everything, themostcomprehensive Sutra, the Buddha of the most pleasant sound, allinBuddhist Sanskrit.Buddhist Sanskrit, to spiritual cultivation, purification ofthemindBuddhist often heard, can make people get rid of thepain,physical and mental trainingBuddhist often heard, can make positive, get back earlyheartBuddhist often heard, can make people embrace faith, accordingtotheir heartBuddhist often heard, can make your life better Fine Sutra features:1, Sutra contains statecraft human truths, bring yougreatwisdom, let your life is no longer confused! 2, Buddhist early lessons Vespers, recite classic, remindyourselfthat modify their behavior, thoughts, increase positiveenergy3, ready to sing Buddhist sound, purification of themind,meditation repair the heart, boundless!4, multi-tasking support for background playback, so you canmakea variety of work at the same time!5, the unique features of the Buddha, the solemn andsacredstatues make your heart more calm!        Every day we are busy, astroubleslike hair, cut, and chaotic. Faced with this world-being,urgentlife, stop and listen to the [Buddhist] Fine, let us canhavecompassion, and to obtain health, better understand quiet.Relax,listen to the heart.    [Fine] by Buddhist "Heart Sutra","BuddhaAmitabha", "utterly destroy after Foshui Fa" and many moreBuddhistmusic in the form of short verse praising the BuddhaandBodhisattvas, its form of solo, singing or chorus, also Therearemusical accompaniment, melody is very beautiful, not only canfeelthe music style Buddhist country, but also to take careofthemselves physically and mentally.   [Fine] is an open Buddhist spiritual voiceofwisdom, is also a Articles Dharma protecting voice, but alsoagreat wisdom and bring endless fortune voice. Let's spreadtheDharma, spread love with you Dade Sanskrit sutras manyfriendsThe song list:White Choi MantraWhite Tara byOne hundred Book of Filial PietyWhite Guanyin mantra inspirationLike eightIndian treasure trunk DharaniEight auspicious holy songChoi MantraRepentance songMercyRepentance main Jodo Tsz Wan WenCompassionLarge Lakshmi MantraMain HallJizo salvation mantraJizo mantraEarth Store Bodhisattva big wish ChanMaitreya curseAmitabha to escortsAmitabha Thank youAmitabha between heartAmitabha paradiseReleased songBulmo quasi-mentioned MantraBuddha Sacred Heart Sutra GoddessThanksgivingGuanyin Bodhisattva mantraSuch as the Moon Goddess of MercyGuanyin vows songOde to convertRed Fortuna mantraDzambala mantraWake ignoranceFortuna joy fiveKegon letter ChanHappyRelief roadBecome attached to the songBliss songsElysiumThe net of all eye DharaniValley charmA Buddha doubt shallow songOm Mani Padme HungMantra songGreen Tara mantraNamo AmitabhaNamo Buddha SamantabhadraVairocana curseBodhicitta lightsSamantabhadra vows goods chantingTen willing chanting FugenTen Fugen willing kingBuddha of cleanTathagata leafThree refugeSakyamuni Tathagata mantraInterpretation inMantra recitation reborn versionManjushri ChanManjushri mantraRays bottomlessWestern Hui XiangjiHeart lotusLotus mention heartMedicine Buddha mantraPharmacist mantra initiationsPharmacist ChanA moon shines ZenLike FojiQuasi-mentioned Mantra Buddhism, Taoism heartCundī DhāraṇīBodhi Buddhist Sanskrit is Smart's official application( to promotesocialharmony, to promote Buddhism and Buddhist cultureofresponsibility, but also in order to better serve our users andthebelievers, the site not only provides the full text of theDiamondSutra, the ancient text of the Diamond Sutra literallycontrol, italso provides the Buddhist scriptures, chanting online,onlineBuddha, life extension riches, reborn in the lotus position,onlineBuddha, meditation Fine, free download, statues appreciationand soon. Ready to take this merit, universal in all, I waitedwithliving beings, are a total of Buddha Road. Namo Amitabha!Join Smart Bodhi public official micro-channel number:The method is very simple, just two steps:1. Add a friend -> Find the micro-channel public accounts->type "Smart Bodhi Chinese Buddhism", confirm search.2. Add a friend -> Search number -> Enter"lingdongputi",confirm attention to.  Numerology welcome attention brainwave Museum:
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