Top 1 Apps Similar to Yubi-Hissan 3nensei

Yubi-Hissan 3nensei trial 1.0.2
Get the invaluable skill of computing!!The Japanese people are very famous for their abilityofmathematics. Particularly, their skills of computing are amazingtothe extent that many countries in the world try to adoptitsmethods of studying mathematics. This time, we, Bunkeido,willintroduce one of the most important methods: the Japanese styleofdoing the sums on paper![The outline of the product]This product enables elementary school students to learn therightway of doing the sums on paper pleasantly.★Bunkeido, Inc. is a publishing corporation with the longhistoryof publishing a variety of teaching materials and inventingthevaluable teaching tools. This time, by applying itsvaluableknowhow, Bunkeido succeeded in establishing the significantthreesteps method that lets elementary school students master theway ofdoing sums of paper!Step1 ⇒ Cells to fill with figures will appear in thescreen.Therefore, you can put each figure in each cell. A systemwouldcognize both final answers and figures written in the processofdoing sums on paper.Step2 ⇒ Vertical lines that help you place each figure in acorrectposition will be set. Thus, you will be able to put figuresinright positions. The system would judge only yourfinalanswer.Step3 ⇒ You will put figures in the blanks to write the processofcomputing without any help. The system would judge only yourfinalanswer.*You can confirm whether your answer is correct or wrong byputtinga “checking” button.〔○: correct; ✔: wrong〕Advantage of using our product!!・You can do computation practice as if you actually did inanotebook, since you directly write figures on the screen withyourfinger or a stylus pen.・This product will let you avoid making mistakes in placingfiguresin each position.・The product sets computational problems in ascending orderofdifficulty. That is why you can steadily improve yourcalculatingability.・You can easily know where you make a mistake because of thesystemattached to Step1. The system checks each figure youwrite.★Our product lets you study as if you were playing avideogame!You will acquire medals and points when you get a perfect scoreoneach stage on the map. You will advance your adventure in thegameby winning the matches of computing against the enemies thatwouldshow up in each stage.*At the stages where the enemies appear (practical exercises),youmust try to calculate in the style of Step3. The length of thetimewhich it takes for you to finish computing would berecorded.[Functions]・A release version comprises the computational problems offourarithmetic operations that should be learnt between 2nd gradeand5th grade in elementary school.・Besides the formal stages, the trial stage is provided sothatusers who are new to the product can be accustomed towritingfigure on the screen.・The product adopts the superb three steps method.**Please check the specific explanation mentioned above.・Clicking “HELP” button will give you advice on how to advanceyouradventure and the way of solving the math problems.・Clicking “Check my score” will let you know the numbers ofthemedals and the points that you have got so far.