Top 13 Apps Similar to ボーカルアドバイザー LESSON.04 響き

ボーカルアドバイザー LESSON.05 高音の出し方 1.0
aftertime Inc.
高い音はどう頑張っても出ない高い音を出すとのどが痛い、、、だから私は高い音の部分は歌わないでいる。もしくは変に声を出し裏返るのも恥ずかしいので、少し裏声出す程度にしている。こんな方沢山いますよね?しかし高音を出したいあなた!まずは怖がらず出すという気持ちから準備してください!そこからがスタートなんです。今回は、ほとんどの方が突然高音域を出せた!しかも、いつもほど喉に負担がある感じではなく!となる方法をご紹介しましょう。実は高音がでないという方は、下半身の安定がきちんとできていなかったという方が多いのです。高い音を出したいとき、人は力任せに喉から絞りだす・・・といった行動になっていますよね?それでは、喉も潰れてしまいます。自分がそのようになっている時、肩などの上半身に力が入っていることを予測されますがいかがでしょうか?では更にその時、下半身に意識を持っていってみてください。とくに何も力は加わっていないのではないですか?しかし、高音域を出す為に必要なのは、上半身ではなく下半身の力だったんです!以前も紹介しましたが、へその下にある丹田という部分、そこを安定させお腹から押し上げていく。このことを、「支え」といいます。今回は、その支えが誰でも簡単に出来る態勢2種類をご紹介!一度出てしまえばあとはその支えの感覚を体にしみこませるだけです。あなたも是非音域を広げてみてくださいね。【ご注意】■Android2.2以上※一部の端末で画面が正常に表示されない可能性があります。※画面表示に関する問題は現在調査中です。申し訳ありませんが、今しばらくお待ちください。■本アプリに動画データを埋め込んでいる為、カラオケボックスなどの電波の入りにくい環境でも視聴することができます。■ボイストレーニングに関するお便りを募集しております。画面右下のメールボタンからメッセージを送信することができます。※ご質問にお答えするサービスではありません。お問い合わせの際は、GooglePlayにリンクしているメールアドレスからお願い致します。High-pitched sound isnotoutput what I triedI have a sore throat and give a high-pitched sound ,,, So I have not sung the part of the high-pitched sound.Or You Uragaeru aloud strangely Since both embarrassed, youhaveenough to put out a little falsetto. I'm there are many people like this? But you on which you want the treble! Please prepare fromfeelingthat out first and not be afraid!From there I'm a start.This time, most people have put out a treble suddenly!Moreover, it is not the feeling that there is a burden on thethroatas always!Let's Find out how to be. In fact, the person treble is not out, who stability of thelowerbody that was not able to neatly are many.When I want to give a high sound, people we'll also becomeabehavior, such as ... squeezing out from the throat tobruteforce?So, throat will also collapse.and when you're a such, is expected that the power is in theupperbody, such as the shoulder, but Why?In that time, please try to take them to the lower bodyawarenessfurther.The Power Is not than not applied to anything in particular? However, what is needed in order to get a treble, I was the powerofthe lower body, not the upper body! It was also introduced before, but part of abdomen below thenavel,to go pushed up from the stomach to stabilize there.I called "support", this thing. This time, I introduce two types poised to support that canbeeasily anyone! It is only to soak into the body a sense of the support and therestonce you out once.You too Please try to broaden your range by all means.[Note]■ Android2.2 or more※ There is a possibility that the screen is not displayedcorrectlyin some terminals.※ problem with screen display is currently underinvestigation.Sorry, please wait for a while now.■ Because embedded in video data in this application, you willbeable to watch in an environment which is hard of radio andkaraokebox.■ I am looking to hearing about voice training. You can leaveamessage using the e-mail button at the bottom right ofthescreen.※ It is not a service to answer your question. When contactingus,thank you from the email address you have linked toGooglePlay.
Learn to Sing - Sing Sharp 5.0.11
Vocal Warm Up, Vocal Training, Voice Range, Singing Lessons byVocalCoach
Easy Perfect Pitch Training 1.15.0
Let's check! Your perfect pitch skills!
Vocal Pitch Monitor 1.5.2
It is an application which displays the pitch in real time.
Vocal Trainer - Sing Better 3.02
Stop being afraid to sing out of tune!VictorBaumwolle's Vocal Intonation Trainer will dramaticallyimprove yourvocal flexibility and singing skills. Use it regularlyand yoursinging level will benefit in all kinds of styles, whetheryou singkaraoke, sing in a choir, in a popband or sing classicalsongs.First and foremost jury's and audiences judge singers ontheirpitch accuracy. By matching your vocal pitch with the playednotes,you learn to control your voice, and you become a bettersinger.The app plays vocal exercises of one to five notes, listens toyouwhen you repeat the given notes, and displays your score inagraphic. With this immediate feedback your performance levelwillimprove quickly, and your singing confidence willincreasedramatically. You practice every register of your voice,also theregions that you normally only use incidentally.With the app as a reliable guide, you practice in private,withoutanybody hearing you. With a little help of Victor Baumwolleyouwon't sing out of tune anymore.Do you have little or no singing experience or voicetraining?Then we recommend Victor Baumwolle's Vocal Starter Trainer.♬ Four different levels, from beginner to master class♬ Twenty different vocal exercises♬ Test your progress on four levels and store your scores (newinv.3.0)♬ Warm up exercises to start your training session with♬ Result screen provides detailed feedback and score oneveryexercise♬ Elaborate introduction manual♬ Adjustable range for different voice types♬ Four different sounds, mastered for tablet and smart phone♬ Adjustable sensitivity for use in different environments.♬ No advertisements
ボーカルアドバイザー LESSON.12 リズム感 1.0
aftertime Inc.
歌っていてリズムに沿って歌うのが苦手だ。1テンポ遅れているようだ。人が歌っている曲に対し手拍子していると、途中で良くわからなくなることがある。今回はそんなリズムに対するレッスンです。リズム感は鍛えるのが難しいと思われがちですが、ちょっとした練習やコツでかんたんに正確なリズムが取れるようになります。センス、、、という事も言われますが、これはあなたが生まれてきて、どんな音楽を聴き、どんなリズムに触れてきたのかで変わってくるのです。だから、これから自分の中にないリズムにも触れていくことで、如何様にも強化できる分野でもあります。  リズム感を感じるには「裏拍」を意識すると「表拍」を感じやすくなり、リズムがとりやすくなります。例えば4拍子の場合は1、2、3、4(イチ ニー サン シー)と拍をとりますが、これが「表拍」です。それに対し、イチと、ニイと、サンと、シーと、と「ト」を入れて拍をとってみてください。そして(イチ)と、(ニイ)と、(サン)と、(シー)の( )の部分を発音しないで、と、と、と、と、とリズムをとってみましょう。これが「裏拍」です。この裏拍を感じるのを習慣づけているとリズム感がよくなります。この回では、普段あなたが聴いているお好きな音楽に合わせての訓練法を紹介。ただ流して聴くのではなく、少し意識をリズムにおいて聴き続けるだけで、確実に変化し慣れてくるのを感じることができるでしょう。プロの歌手は、こういった裏を鍛えているからこそ、ビートやグルーブ感を出して表現できるのです。是非段階を経て、様々なリズムを体の中に叩き込んでみてください。It's not good tosingalong to the rhythm if you are singing. Seems to be delayed byonetempo. and if it is are clapping to the songs people aresinging,you will not know well is in the middle.This is a lesson for such a rhythm.It is often considered difficult to forge the sense of rhythm,butit is like saying, rhythm accurate simple tips and alittlepractice. Fact that sense,,, also is said, but this iscomingchange, you'd been born, listen to any music, in what hasbeenmentioned in any rhythm.So that it will also touched on other rhythm is not in yourfuture,it is also in the field can be enhanced in any way.It becomes easy to feel the "table beat" When you aware ofthe"beat back" to feel a sense of rhythm, it is easy to taketherhythm. For example, you take the beat 1, 2, 3, 4 (one kneeSancy)for 4 time, but this is the "table beat". On the other hand,pleasetry to take the beat to put the "City" and the position, andNii,and Sun, and, and sea. And let's take a rhythm and, and, and,and,and, not pronounced (one), and (Nii), and (Sun), the part ofthe(sea) and (). This is the "back beat". Sense of rhythm It isgoodand has a practice and a feel of the back beat.This time, I introduce the training method of according toyourfavorite music that you are listening to everyday. But insteadofjust listen to flow, you'll be able to just continue to listen inalittle rhythm awareness, feel to come accustomed tochangesurely.Simply because I have trained the back of these, aprofessionalsinger can thus be expressed by taking out the grooveand sense ofbeat.Through the stage by all means, please try in Tatakikon inthebody the various rhythms.
ボーカルアドバイザー LESSON.11 音程・音感の鍛え方 1.0
aftertime Inc.
歌がうまく聞こえるために、まず始めにぶつかるテクニック「音程」。歌にはこの道をさけて通ることはできないですよね。自分は音痴なのかもしれない、とコンプレックスに思っている方もいるでしょう。音程がうまくとれない人は、生まれたときからだから仕方ない、、、という人もいますが、私はそう思いません。私の所へ習いに来てくれた沢山の生徒さんの中にも、音程が合わず、自分がどこの音程を出しているのかわからないという方は沢山いましたが、訓練で徐々に変わっていき、1曲を仕上げる事ができました。要は、そのようは人は、「ミ」という音を出すのに対して、自分はどのくらいの肺活量でどのくらいの口を開けて、どのくらいの意識感覚で出せば良いのかがわからないからそのような現象が起こるのです。まずはあなたの苦手な音域を知ることから始めてみましょう。そして、音程はバッチリ取れる!というあなた!実はこのレッスンは、歌が歌える人こそやっていただきたいレッスンなのです。正しいと思っている音が実は若干ずれているという事、もしくは曲の中ではスラスラ歌えてもピアノの単音だとキャッチしにくい!という方におすすめです。ピアノを使って誰でも訓練できる!簡単そうで実は難しい!どらたかお友達とやってみるのも面白い練習法です。To hear the songwell,hitting technique First "pitch".Is not it is not possible to pass to avoid this road to the song.Some users who think the complex he would, might beatone-deaf.Does anyone strikes a good pitch, but there are some people,,,cannot be helped because from the time I was born,I do not think so. Also in the students of many who have cometolearn to me,But there were a lot of people do not know the pitch is not fit,hisor're out of where the pitch,It will change gradually in training, I was able to finishonesong.In short, the people, such phenomenon like that Because I donotknow to put out the sound of "mi", open the mouth how much inlungcapacity how much, and whether I should put out in theconscioussense of how much their I happen.Let's start by first to know the range of your weak.Then, take the pitch perfect! Your suggestion!Actually this lesson, is the lesson that people who sing thesongwhat I want you to do.It is hard to catch that it is single-note piano evensingfluently in in the song or that, sound who thinks right isactuallythat is shifted slightly! It is recommended for thepersonnamed.You can train anyone with a piano! It so easy in fact, itisdifficult!The try and gong Takao friends is also interestingexercisemethod.
Audio Spectrum Monitor 1.5.3
It is an application that in real time displays the spectrumandpitch.
Tuner for Voice VoiTUNER 1.1.1
"VoiTUNER" is the tuner that you can check immediately the pitchofyour voice.
OMC Sound Player Free 2.1.1
Music Player for listening and dictation
Vocal Mastery Warm-Ups 1.0
Warm up your voice with these techniques from Vocal MasterycreatorLeigh McRae.
SimpleSpectrogram 1.4.0
SimpleSpectrogram is a handy spectrograph.
(old ver.)Easy Perfect Pitch 1
This version is not nolongermaintenanced,please download new version here. have perfect pitch skills?This application's maintanance is finished.Let's check!When you get a good mark,you win a 'Perfect PitchBadge'(Beginner:90pt,Normal80pt,Hard:70pt,Super Hard:60pt)You can attach the badges on your profile pick on fortwitter,facebook and so on.Let's show off your amazing ability to your friend.It could be something you can start off a conversation from inaparty.'Perfect pitch' is the ability which enables you to tellthedifference between tones.The ability differs depending on the person - some can tellthetone of the voice, some can only tell the tone of the piano,somecan tell the tone for every musical instruments or sounds whichhasany pitch(e.g., the noise from an air-conditioner).It is said that training in child age is the best way to getthisability but adults can also obtain the ability withtraining.