Top 20 Apps Similar to VideoCaster EveryOne be Caster

takusuta 3.1.5
=====3 features of “takusuta” ======■ Broadcast everyone’s “NOW” from their smartphones・Watch someone’s Live broadcast from somewhere.・Because of live, nobody knows what will happen.■ Enjoy live broadcast with chatting・Not only watch, also you can chat with broadcaster.・Real time communication while watching videos.■Start right way - Welcome Beginner・Login with Twitter.・No additional information needed.===== Strongly recommended to those who want to…======・Like landscape that you never visit.・Often watch videos about dance, comedy, and make-up etc...・Share Funny videos on Twitter or Facebook.・When the notice, Watch videos for hours・Chat with someone for killing time・Enjoy the event's atmosphere which you don’t go・Broadcast when you travel or visit events・Edit photos and videos with filters for smartphone.・Use tags, a lot.・Want to be famous and somehow・Blogger/Caster/Reporter/Backpacker/Dancer/YouTuber/Comedian/Model/Photographer■Official Website■Official Twitter■“takusuta” Staff Blog■Information [email protected]■OS Version Android4.3 and more Recommended
FC2 Live 4.6.4
FC2 B.V.
Everybody can broadcast easily! Watch programs anytime anywhere.
A Inc.
◆新機能「コラボ」◆複数人で同時に配信できる!みんなでワイワイ楽しもう!◆配信者ランキング◆ライブ配信が盛り上がって、視聴者が増えたり、アイテムを送ってもらったりするとランキング上位に入るチャンス!上位に入ると運営からポイントのプレゼントがあるよ!◆色んなアイテム◆視聴者からアイテムを送ってもらった数などの条件をクリアすると、運営からポイントのプレゼントがあるよ!面白いライブ配信をすれば、視聴者がアイテムで応援してくれるかも!◆ギフト券交換◆獲得したポイントはいつでもAmazonギフト券に交換可能!気軽に低ポイントから交換できるよ!(交換には別アプリの「ふわっち」が必要です)◆配信画面カスタマイズ◆動画上にフレームを設定したり、画面の色を変えて自分の好きな画面で配信できるよ。気軽に配信ができて、しかもポイントが稼げるアプリは『ふわっち』だけ!<こんなあなたにおススメ>・配信で稼ぎたい・気軽に動画配信を楽しみたい・気の合う友だちを増やしたい・ニコ生・ニコニコ動画は難しかった・ツイキャスを使ったことがある・どうせ配信するなら副収入が欲しい・視聴者の反応が欲しい・オモシロ配信をしたい※Amazon及びAmazonギフト券は、, Inc.またはその関連会社の商標です。
TwitCasting Viewer - (Free)
The fastest, easiest mobile live streamingapp,with millions of users around the world.Share real-time experiences with your friends and followers,checkout and discover other broadcasters and other places aroundtheworld -- all from your Android!With two taps, you are watching and listening to thousandsofreal-time broadcasts that you can interact with, comment andshare.If you're watching a live broadcast in Collabo mode, you cantouchthe up-arrow to go live and join the broadcaster.No registration required to view! To comment and promote toyoursocial networks, just sign in with your Facebook orTwitteraccount. Subscribe to your favorite broadcasters to getnotifiedwhen they go live.Your questions and feedback are always welcome!Need help? Hit us upat: on Android 2.1 and upNo signup required to watch broadcastsPost comments with your Twitter or Facebook account.LANGUAGES:English, Japanese, Portuguese and others* Note: This is the viewer application for "TwitCastingLive".bigo
無料でラジオ生放送ができる!配信視聴アプリ ラジ生? 1.8.1
Google Play「今週のおすすめアプリ特集」にて紹介されました♪完全無料で本格的なラジオ番組が作れる!聴ける!ここだけのオリジナル番組が勢ぞろい。誰でもどこでもラジオパーソナリティになれる新しいトークラジオアプリ『ラジ生?』--------------------------------------------------**ラジ生?は他の配信アプリとココが違う**--------------------------------------------------■顔出しいらず!いつでもどこでも気軽に配信できる■音声だけなのでゲームやネットをしながらでも使える■生配信だけでなく、過去の配信もタイムシフトとして残せる■各番組へのお便り機能、配信中のコメント、効果音など 本格的なラジオ放送気分を味わえる■声優やアナウンサー、芸人などの夢に向けて、 声やトークの実力だけで有名になれるチャンスがあるかも?!----------------------------------------------------**こんな方にオススメ【放送したい方々へ】 **----------------------------------------------------■ラジオパーソナリティをやってみたい人■顔出しはイヤだけど有名になりたい人■「リアルじゃ言えないこと」を言いたい人■誰にも言えない悩みを聴いてもらいたい人■声真似や歌ってみたなど、声で色々なことに挑戦したい人■声優・アナウンサー・芸人になりたい人■Twitterのフォロワーを増やしたい人■ねとらじ、ツイキャスで配信をしている人■気の合う仲間と繋がりたい人----------------------------------------------------**こんな方にオススメ【聴きたい方々へ】 **----------------------------------------------------■色んなラジオ番組を聴きたい人■ここでしか聴けないマル秘トークを聴きたい人■共通の仲間を見つけて、友達の輪を広げたい人■人生相談、恋愛相談などお悩み相談したい人■アニメ、アニラジ、アニソン、声優が好きな人■お笑い、落語が好きな人■Twitterのフォロワーを増やしたい人さらにラジ生?をお楽しみいただくために、運営によるおすすめ番組を毎日紹介中![公式HP][Twitter][Facebook]■お問い合わせ先ラジ生?は、利用者の皆様のご意見をもとに、より良いサービスへ改善していきます。ご意見・ご要望・不具合があれば、下記アドレスまでご連絡ください。[email protected]
A Inc.
Detective Box 1.1.4
What a great experience to become yourfavoritedetective with just the use of your device!Detective Box gives you the tools you need for investigationandspying.This app will surely conceal your identity as you observepeople’sactivity.Features- Secretly take picture with silent camera and nightvisioncamera.- Detective utilities such as flashlight and emergencyalarmincluded.- More detective tools coming soon!
LINE LIVE: Live Video&Sticker 5.10.1
Easy way to start the Live Broadcast! Enjoy the LiveVideoCommunication
Spy Cams 1.6.3
Spy Cams brings 24-hour live videosfromthousands of ip cameras and monitors around the world,includinginteresting indoor scenes, beautiful city buildings,streets,gardens, as well as rural villages, spectacular snowmountains,rivers, lakes, beaches and seas, and any fascinatingsceneries youwant. However, Spy Cams has nothing to do with sex orsexualcontents or any personal privacy.By simply click a button, you can take snapshots and sharewithyour friends at any time you like.What's more, you can post comments and exchange ideas withotherusers all around the world.All these exciting features comes completely free.Spy Cams is a critically acclaimed app in iphone app store,onceup to global top 4, and now has been stably staying in thefirstpage of tools category, with 3,300,000 users and more than150,000visitors a day!!!There are more than 2000 fans in our profile page atFacebooknow.Curious about what's happening on the other side of theearch?Want to walk on the beach with beauties? Breath the fresh airfroma remote place? More fun all in Spy Cams.Keywords: spy cam live ip camera monitor CCTV free
Anime Alarm 3.11.1
This alarm clock app was developed to grant the "little sisterMOE"wish.
ToonsTV: Angry Birds video app
Download, sit back, and enjoytheside-splitting adventures of your favorite birds and pigs inAngryBirds Toons – now in their very own app!ToonsTV is also home to many other awesome shows – full episodesofQumi Qumi? Got it. Wallace & Gromit: Cracking Contraptions?Ohyes. Loads of other stuff? You bet.--------WATCH! Quality entertainment for kids and adults (and teens,tweens,young adults, and seniors, ...toddlers? – basically thewholefamily) streaming directly to your mobile device!EXCLUSIVE EPISODES! See all new episodes of Angry Birds Toons,PiggyTales, and Stella’s animated series TWO DAYS beforethey’reavailable anywhere else!PLAY ALL DAY! With autoplay, choose a bunch of videos to watchandlet them roll – without worrying about playing thenextvideo.LAUGH! Get ready to ROFL at the funny adventures of yourfavoritefeathered friends in Angry Birds Toons. Then, giggle at theanticsof those naughty pigs in Piggy Tales!CRY! ...with even more laughter as the hijinks continue inothercartoons like Space Goofs, and The Daltons!LEARN? With quality programming from National Geographic, youmightjust learn something!DISCOVER! New episodes added weekly, so stay tooned (sorry,couldn’tresist).SHARE! Tell your friends about your favorite episodes so theycanjoin in the fun too!--------Series availability varies by country.Terms of Use: Policy: application requires internet connectivity to streamvideos.Subsequent data transfer charges may apply. After theinitialdownload of the app, additional content will be downloadedand thismay lead to further data transfer charges. Unless you’reconnectedto Wi-Fi. Then you’re cool.This application includes paid commercial content fromselectpartners.
ココロノカオ(心理テスト) 2.6
あなたのココロノカオ(心理の顔)を見てみましょう!!心理テストの数、約50問!!性格・恋愛・お金・アダルトetcなどのジャンルの心理テストに答えていき、ココロを育ていくアプリです!勿論、育てたココロの顔や、パラメーターを見ることも可能で、自分が気づかなかった本当の自分が分かったりするかも。また、ユーザーの方からオリジナルの心理テストを申請して、掲載する事も可能です!!心理テストの問題数も今後増やしていきますのでよろしくお願いいたします。また不具合、意見等ございましたら、ガンガン!コメント、お願いします!※一部端末でパラメータ画面の画像がうまく表示されない場合がございます。  原因追求、及び修正対応しておりますので、その点はご了承下さい。  なお、心理テストについては、問題なくプレイして頂けます。・関連キーワード心理テスト しんりテスト 性格 診断 恋愛Let's take a lookatthe(face of psychology) Kokoronokao you! !Number of psychological testing, about 50 questions!Continue to answer to psychological testing of the genre,suchaspersonality, love, Money, Adult etc, is an app that willgrowaheart!Of course, the possible face and heart that was brought up,havealook at one of these parameters, the true self that I didnotnoticethat may or found.You can also apply for a psychological test fromtheoriginalcustomers,It is also possible to post!Thank you So we will increase the number of futureissuesofpsychological testing.The trouble, If you have any opinion, etc.,Pounding! Comment, thank you!※ There is the case that the image of the parameterscreendoesnot display well in some terminal.Cause pursuit, and so we have to correctcorrespondence,pleaseunderstand that point.As for the psychological testing, you can playwithoutanyproblems.-Related KeywordsPsychological testing psychological testingcharacterdiagnosislove
2秒で笑えるボケ画像はアメーバ大喜利!おもしろ写真にボケて♪ 2.0.3
大喜利コミュニティサービス、ついに登場!アメーバ大喜利なら、スマホから手軽にボケ投稿!笑いたい時もこれ。傑作ボケ続々!======================================「アメーバ大喜利」は画像に一言ボケるだけの無料でカンタン、おもしろアプリです。一日に投稿されるボケ数はついに15万を突破!そこから毎日選出されるボケランキングは爆笑必死www一度ご覧あれ!あなたも画像に一言ボケてユーザーランキング全国1位を目指そう!!!Facebook・Twitter・LINEでも簡単にシェアできちゃうよ。◆◇◆アメーバ大喜利の使い方◆◇◆1.スマホから簡単にボケ投稿 文字ボケお題も充実してるから、とってもボケやすい。2.ユーザーから座布団がつく ボケるとみんなから反応が返ってくる! すべる確率はとても少ないよ!w3.ユーザーランキングに入る ボケをヒットさせれば、毎日発表されるランキングに入るよ! どんどんボケて、上位入賞!Facebook・LINE・Twitterでもたくさんシェアして友達に自慢しちゃおう。=======================================  アメーバ大喜利の最終ゴールは  おもしろユーザーを有名人にすることです ^^=======================================◆◇◆実際の大喜利の例◆◇◆お題「 バスの降車ボタン 7回連打すると何が起きる? 」解答例「 次 しばきます 」お題「 みんな一度はやる アホらしいことは? 」解答例「 とんがりコーン指はめ食い 」お題「 【3時間スペシャル】を付け加えてください 」解答例「 キューピー3分クッキング3時間スペシャル 」あなたもアメーバ大喜利でボケてみよう!!!Daikiinterestcommunityservice, finally appeared!You can easily find amoeba Daiki interest, easily blur postfromthesmartphone!This is also when you want to laugh. Masterpiece bluroneafteranother!======================================"Amoeba Daiki interest" is a word to the image blurred onlyFree and easy, it is a fun app.Blur the number of which is posted on the day finallybreakthroughthe 150 000!Blur ranking, which is elected every day from thereLaughter desperate www there be a look at once!You also image Te word blurAim the user ranking national first place! ! !Facebook · Twitter · LINE evenEasily you can share.◆ ◇ ◆ amoeba Daiki interest of how to use ◆ ◇ ◆1. Easily blur post from SumahoSince the character blur theme also are substantial,Cheap very blurred.2. Get cushions from userBlurred and the reaction from everyone comes back!the probability of slipping is very little! w3. Enter the User RankingIf caused to hit a blur, it will be announced every dayTo enter the rankings!More and more blurred, top finishers!Even Facebook · LINE · TwitterThe share to Let proud to friends a lot.=======================================The final goal of the amoeba Daiki interest isIt is to make fun user to celebrity ^^=======================================◆ ◇ ◆ example of actual Daiki interest ◆ ◇ ◆Themed "What if you battered bus get off button7timeshappen?"Example solution is "Masu next Shibaki"Themed "is that it seems everyone once catch on stupid?"Example solution "Tongari cone finger Because eating""Please add a [3 hour special]" ThemedExample solution "QP 3 minutes Cooking 3 hour special"You also Let's blur in amoeba Daiki interest! ! !
Kamcord 2.13
Kamcord lets you share your take on alltheinteresting things you see on your phone. Capture yourscreen,overlay expressive animations, add voice-overs, and sharewithfriends!As creators of the app, we use Kamcord to:* Overlay our face and voice on top of a friend’s Insta post tomakefun of them* Record a video of the game-winning goal, slap on theGOATanimation, and brag to all the haters* Mark-up screenshots of Tinder convos and send privately toourclose friends to get their sage input* Highlight that profound quote in a news article and share toourprofile to appear intellectualWe got this magical Kamcord Floating Button that justchillson your phone screen. Anytime you see something interesting,youcan tap the Floating Button to take a screenshot or recordyourscreen. You heard me right! No more fumbling around withyourvolume and power and home buttons to take a screenshot. Ifthatisn’t impressive enough, capturing a screencast video hasneverbeen easier.You can use your face and voice to addvideocommentary over what’s on your screen. Having a bad hangoveranddon’t want to show your face? We gotchu. Dropsomeanimations on top of your screenshots to express exactlyhowyou are feeling without showing your face. You can alsomark-upyour screen with text and drawing.Humble brag time: Kamcord has been has been featured byGooglePlay, Forbes, CNET, The LA Times, Mashable, Variety, and TheWallStreet Journal.Oh, and we’re officially a Trusted Android Developer!Email us at [email protected] with any feedbackorquestions.
全国ナンバープレートコレクション 1.0
Tatsuya Kaido
「全国ナンバープレートコレクション」は、ナンバープレートの地名を収集するAndroidアプリです。街なかで見かけた車のナンバープレートを記録していき、全国106個の地名を集めましょう。北は「旭川」ナンバーから南は「沖縄」ナンバーまで、すべての地名をすべて集めることができたら、全国制覇達成です!日常の生活にちょっとした遊び心を足してみたい方や、旅行など長距離移動の際にみんなで盛り上がりたい方へ、おすすめのアプリです。■特徴・ナンバープレート一覧から選んでタップするだけの簡単操作。新しい地名を発見したその場で記録することができます。・「富士山」「伊豆」などのご当地ナンバーに対応。・地域順/五十音順の並べ替えや、取得済み/未取得のみの表示切替に対応。・Twitter連携機能により、コレクション追加時の投稿が可能。"Nationallicenseplatecollection" is the Android app that collects the placenameoflicense plate.Car license plate which it saw in Machinaka to continuetorecord,let's collect nationwide 106 pieces of place names.North from "Asahikawa" number as far south as"Okinawa"number,when you are able to collect all the all theplacenames,nationwide domination achieved!And those who want to add a little playful in everydaylife,tothose who want to climax with everyone duringthelong-distancemovement and travel, it is recommended app.■ FeaturesOnly of easy operation to tap to choose, from license platelist.Youcan record on the fly, which found a new place name.· "Mt. Fuji" corresponding to your local number, such as"is".· And regional order / alphabetical order of sort, andcorrespondstothe display switching of acquired / not acquiredonly.· Twitter by linking function, can post at the timeofadditionalcollection.
Camera Sniper Scope 1.0
Camera Sniper Scope turns your Androiddeviceinto fully functional sniper scope.This entertaining app uses live camera for realistic simulationofmilitary sniper expert.All you have to do is take aim and tap screen to shoot!FEATURES- Zoomable live camera- Choice of several reticles- Vibration effect- Sound effect- Flash effect
#fame - Live Video & Celebs 2.0.65
#fame is your one stopLiveVideostreamingandbroadcasting destination. Watch yourfavoritecelebrityupclose andpersonal or broadcast your Live videosand haveafanfollowing ofyour own. You can use #fame to:✔ Watch Live Videos and chat withyourfavoritecelebsasthey talk about Fashion, Love&Relationship,Movies,Fitness,and a lot more✔ Broadcast live videos and getvirtualgiftsandstickers✔ Stream live songs and videos anytime, anywhere✔ Stream Live Videos of Celebrities,BollywoodStars,Eventsandmuch more✔ Discover new stars and interact with people just like youExperience the exciting world ofliveentertainmentlikeneverbefore. #fame is a Live video socialnetworkthatletsyoubroadcast your videos and interact withmillionsofviewersinreal-time.If you’re looking for Movie Reviews,Songs,Comedy,Fashiontips,Horoscopes, advice on Love or just fun,thendownloadthe#fame appto get your daily dose of LIVEEntertainment!Youcanbroadcastyourself to users from all around theworldandstartyour journeyto Stardom! Discover other talents andcelebsinthiscool andentertaining live streaming Video app.Key Features► Go Live: Sing, dance or do anything youloveandgettheworld to watch them online. Unravel your talenton#fameandbecomefamous instantly.► Watch Online: Watch videos ofanythingfromComedy,Fashion,Bollywood songs, Horoscopes,Celebrities,Eventsand moreto keep youentertained. #fameoffersnon-stopliveentertainment► Live Chat: Chat Live with actors andactressesfromthesetsof a movie. Discuss Movie Reviews, Bollywoodsongsandaskthemquestions you have always wanted answers for► Live Events: #fame lets you inwhereotherscan’t!Watchbehind-the-scenes action at Musicconcerts,Movie&televisionaward shows, Sporting events andFashion shows.Weareyour onestop destination for LiveFitnessworkouts,LiveHoroscopes, LiveComedy Shows, Live Songs &Musicand alotmore!► Share: Invite your family and friendsviaWhatsApp,Facebook,Twitter etc., to watch you live on#fame► Show some love: Send diamonds, stickersandvirtualgiftstoyour favourite live performers and make themfeelspecial☺Get started by downloading the #fame AppNOW!Getnon-stopliveentertainment on your Android Device!Catchthefollowing onthe#fame app -• Live Music – Musicians who willplayyourfavouritesongson request!• Fashion Tips – Get makeover tipsandtricksfromfashionistasall over the Globe!• Bollywood – Catch the trending stars andcelebsonthe#fameapp!• Love and Relationships – Get advice fromLoveGurusonlove,relationships, dating and much more!• Live Comedy – Laugh out loudwithstand-upcomicsperforminglive on the #fame App.• Horoscopes – Get a daily dose of yourhoroscopefromthebestastrologers LIVE!• Fitness – Get in shape by joining aliveworkoutsessionwithmodels, professional trainers andsuper-fitcelebs.Showcase your talent by going LIVE on#fame!Getdiscoveredandbecome famous with the #fame app. You canalsovisitour to catch all the actiononyourlaptopordesktop.Here's how you can stay connected with us.We’realwaysonlineandalways excited to connect with people who lovewhatwedo:Twitter: @livyourfameInstagram: @livyourfameFacebook: case you are facing any problems with ourapporwebsite,pleasewrite to [email protected] , and we’llgetitfixed assoon aspossible.
World Wide Webcam (Lite) 5.6
4R Creations
The lite version gives you access to ALLworldfeeds & you can add as many private feeds as you want.The feature for browse by country & category isunavailablein the lite version & the maximum number offavorites isrestricted to 8.Access over 5000+ webcam feeds (even in LITE version) + yourownIPCam feeds. Expect the unexpected - watch the happeningsaroundthe world in REAL TIME. Who knows what you will findtoday....Acouple in a restaurant in Switzerland having a romanticdinner, abird in Milan guarding its little ones, nice & serenebeachesin Honolulu, a playful doggy daycare in Atlanta, teenagersinSweden trying out the trendy jackets in a shop.......The listgoeson and on. We have over 5000 live webcam feeds that wemakeavailable to you on your phone and new feeds get added everyday .The webcam feeds are tested everyday to ensure that you willalwaysget the best of the best feeds.Add your private IP camera (webcam) feeds to this applicationandvoila - you can watch your personal IP feeds anywhere in theworldon your android phone. Anytime switch between your privatefeedsand world feeds without missing a beat. Add those interestingfeedsyou find to your favorites list so that you have a view toyourfavorite place/people/things on your finger tips. Takesnapshotsfrom the webcam feeds and share with friends and the wholeworld(if you chose to).Browse the feeds by country or categories. There are over70countries listed in the application & 27 categories.The picture gallery feature will allow you to browse thepicturestaken by other users. Take a look at how places look atdifferenttime of the day and during different seasons. You canbrowse thepictures by category or country. If you like a picturejust hit theplay and the feed for that location can be seen live.Over 100Kpicture available for you to enjoy.Keywords: webcam, ipcam, mjpeg
AllCast Premium
AllCast - Stream local video to your Roku, Xbox, Apple TV, WDTV,orSamsung TV
安眠ひざまくら ~就寝5分前の癒しタイム~ 白崎楓ver 1.0.7
To you who I want to be healed in the daily stress. Do youhavesleep slowly? You do not want to sleep with clean? Let'srefreshingsleep slowly.