Top 15 Games Similar to 大戦争!魔物と47人の少女~爽快バトルゲーム~

World War 10
Senken, Inc.
You can easily play World War online with people and AI all overtheworld.
Final Fantasy Tactics Lion War is finally here on Google Play!!
成金大作戦 / 巨大生物・大救出 1.8
Nourishing Daisakusen is a very popular series of warsimulationgames. You can also play the derivative game, NourishmentGiantCreature, Nourishment Great Rescue.
Army Parking Wars: WW2 1.1
Rivals at War 1.5.5
Hothead Games
WAR is RAW! Welcome to the battlefield of Rivals At War!
戦姫インペリアル from 英雄*戦姫~美少女戦争RPG~ 1.4.6
Aiming Inc.
◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆『戦姫インペリアル』にボイス付きキャラクターが登場!「私がいっぱい癒しちゃいます」「へ、変な声出ちゃう…」など、美少女のセクシーなセリフが聞けちゃう!50万人が遊ぶ、美少女達と世界制覇を目指す大人気シミュレーションRPG!◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆---------------------◆ボイス付きキャラクター登場◆---------------------『戦姫インペリアル from 英雄*戦姫』にボイス付きキャラクターが登場しました!第一弾は「ヒミコ」役の声優、小倉結衣さんが登場!「私がいっぱい癒しちゃいます」「へ、変な声出ちゃう…」・・・他、複数の音声がランダムで再生されます!今後も続々とボイス付きキャラクターが登場予定!ボイス付きキャラクターを手に入れてゲームをより一層楽しもう!--------------------------------------◆戦姫インペリアル from 英雄*戦姫とは?◆--------------------------------------萌え度MAXなかわいい美少女☆英雄達と、目指せ世界征服!「創造主」と名乗る人物によって陥落された9つの幻想都市。天の御使いとなったあなたは、かわいい美少女になった歴史的英雄達と協力しながら幻想都市を取り戻し、世界征服を目指します。街づくりあり、戦争あり、育成ありのやり込み要素満載の無料本格シミュレーションRPGです。イラストレータは大槍葦人氏をはじめとする著名人ばかり。かわいい美少女達がカードになって、マップやダンジョンで大暴れしています!「でも、後から始めると不利なゲームでしょ?」そんなことはありません☆定期的に新しいワールドがオープンするので誰でも最強になれるチャンスがある無料ゲームです!単純なカードバトルゲームじゃない!かわいくて、お手軽な無料本格シミュレーションRPG『戦姫インペリアル from 英雄*戦姫』萌え度MAXな美少女達と共に世界征服を目指せ!◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆こんな方にオススメです!◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*o..o*◆*萌えるかわいい美少女を育成して最強のメンバーを集めたい!*自分だけの街を作りたい!*無料で本格的な戦争ゲームバトルがいい!*簡単だけどやり込めるシミュレーションRPGがしたい!*いろんな人とゲームしたい!---------------◆育成を楽しむ◆---------------あの有名な歴史的英雄達が萌え度MAXな美少女カードに大変身!かわいい姿であなたに出会えることを待っています。カード化した美少女達はそれぞれ基本パラメーターの他に、属性やスキルを持っています。育成した美少女達は一緒に戦う仲間に!それぞれの特性を生かしながらあなただけの最強萌え美少女を育ててみてはいかがですか☆イベントやキャンペーンの度に、新しい姿で美少女達が登場します。イベントや新作カードの情報はゲーム内や公式ページをチェック!公式サイト:◆内政を楽しむ◆---------------萌えてるだけでは戦いには勝てません!戦争に必要な軍資金などの蓄えが不可欠です。内政で城下に施設を建設し、豊かな領地を作り資源を蓄えて創造主との戦いに備えましょう。街にはお城や畑など、色々な施設があります。自由に施設を建てて、あなたらしい街をつってみてはいかがですか☆-----------------◆バトルを楽しむ◆-----------------『戦姫インペリアル from 英雄*戦姫』では2つのバトルを楽しむことができる無料シミュレーションRPGです!★デュエル★手塩にかけて育成した最強萌え美少女達を他のプレイヤーと戦わせることができます。戦いに勝つと、レベルが上がると共に、報酬を得ることができます。ライバルとの差を実感できるランキングもありますので、自分のレベルが一目瞭然です。さらなる高みを目指して激しいバトルを繰り広げましょう!★領地拡大★マップ上には自分の領地の他に、創造主の領地や他のプレイヤーの領地も点在しています。領地ではない空き地は、攻略すると自分の領地とすることができます。この領地を増やすことが戦いを優位にしてくれるのです!拡大した領地から得られる資源もまた、あなたの勝利の手助けをしてくれます。戦力を強化して、戦いを優位なものとしましょう!---------------------◆協力プレイを楽しむ◆---------------------仲間と協力して創造主の砦を落としたり、時には「同盟」同士で領地を奪い合ったりと本格的な戦争ゲームができます。いかに仲間を増やし、協力するかが成功の鍵となります!「同盟」に加盟することで他のプレイヤーと交流することができますので、困ったときや攻めるときなど、仲間と協力しながら攻略してきましょう!-------------------◆英雄*戦姫とは?◆-------------------大人気PCゲーム『英雄*戦姫』は、かわいい美少女と共に世界制覇を目指す地域制圧型シミュレーションゲームです。萌え度MAXなかわいらいい歴史的英雄達を描くのは、大槍葦人氏他著名なイラストレーター陣!戦略・占領・必殺技!シンプルだけと奥深いタクティクス戦が面白いバトルゲームです。★戦姫インペリアル公式サイト★★戦姫インペリアル公式Twitter★■ゲームにログインできないお客様へ ■調査を行わせて頂きますので、誠に恐れ入りますが、必要事項をご記載の上、下記よりお問い合わせくださいますようお願いいたします。【お問い合わせ先】[email protected]【お問い合わせ内容に記載して頂きたい項目】・プレイされているワールド・城主名・ご利用中の端末・発生している現象・発生している現象がログイン失敗の場合は、どの時点でログインに失敗しているか (例:TwitterのIDとPASSを入力した時点)・ログインできなくなったアカウントで、Twitter/Facebook自体にログイン可能かどうか【動作保証端末】バージョン2.2 以上の端末【サービス提供者】株式会社Aiming◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆*o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆appeared voice with character in"SenkiImperial"!"I will heal full," "to, Chau Koede weird ..." Such as, I would listen to the words sexy girl!Popular simulation RPG that aims 500,000 people play, thedominationof the world and our girl!◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆---------------------◆ voice with character appearance ◆---------------------has emerged voice with character inthe"Imperial Senki Senki from hero *"!Voice actor of "Himiko" role, YuiOgura'sappeared the first series!"Will heal full I" "To, and Chau Koede weird ..."Voice ... other, more than one will be played at random!Voice with character appeared scheduled one after another inthefuture! Enjoy even more game to get a voice withcharacter!--------------------------------------◆ the Imperial Senki Senki * from hero is? ◆--------------------------------------Cute girl ☆ heroes a MAX level Moe, world domination Aim!Fantasy city of nine has been the fall by a person callinghimself"Creator".Regained the illusion city in cooperation with historicalheroesbecame a cute girl, you became the angels of heaven, we aimtoconquer the world.There urban development, there is war, it's freefull-scalesimulation of RPG elements packed narrowing speartheretraining.Illustrator just celebrities and other people Mr.Daiyarireeds.Cute girl who becomes the card, I have a rampage in the dungeonormap!"But probably unfavorable game you start from after?"There is no such a thing ☆It is a free game where there is a chance that anyone can becomeastrongest new world because the open on a regular basis!It's not a simple card battle game!Cute, handy Free full-scale simulation RPG"Imperial Senki Senki from hero *"Aim for world domination along with the girl We are a MAXlevelMoe!◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆It is recommended for those who like!◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆ * o..o * ◆* I want to gather the members of the strongest to foster acutegirl Moe!* I want to make the city your own!* War game battle in earnest good for free!* I want to simulation RPG that's easy but it quelch!* I want to game with various people!---------------◆ The ◆ enjoy the training---------------Famous historical heroes is makeover girl card MAX degreeMoe!We are waiting for you to meet your cute figure.In addition to the basic parameters, girl who was carded you haveaskill or attribute respectively.Girl who was training the fellow to fight together!The ☆ How is try to grow the strongest girl Moe just for youwhiletaking advantage of the characteristics of eachEvery time and campaign events, beautiful girl who appeared in anewform.Information of the new card and events Check out the officialpageand in-game!Official website: http: //◆ The ◆ enjoy the domestic affairs---------------It does not win the battle you're just Moe!Store such as war chest necessary to war is essential.Let's prepare for the battle with the Creator can be storedtheresources to build a facility in the castle in theinternalaffairs, to create a rich territory.There are fields, such as the castle and, a variety of facilitiesinthe town.The ☆ Why not build a facility freely, Try hanging a townlikeyou-----------------◆ The ◆ enjoy the Battle-----------------It is a free simulation RPG where you can enjoy the battle of twointhe "Imperial Senki Senki from hero *"!★ Duel ★It allows you to fight with other players the girl who Moestrongestwere grown by hand.If you win the battle, you can level up as well, and reaptherewards.Since there is also a ranking can feel the difference betweentherivals, their level is obvious.Let's fierce battle with the aim of further heights!★ territory expansion ★In addition to their own territory, the territory of theotherplayers and the territory of the Creator also are scattered onthemap.Vacant lot is not a territory is, you can be a territory oftheirown when you capture.Increasing this territory is I make for advantage the fight!Also resources obtained from the territory that was expanding,ithelps you through your victory.To strengthen the forces, let's assume a dominant fight!---------------------◆ The ◆ enjoy a cooperative play---------------------You can war game full-fledged dropped or fort of the Creatorincooperation with colleagues, and the territory or compete inthe"alliance" with each other sometimes.It becomes the key to success to increase the fellow how,andwhether to cooperate!Since you can interact with other players by joining the"alliance",such as when you attack Ya when troubled, let's havecheats incooperation with colleagues!-------------------◆ a hero * Senki is? ◆-------------------Popular PC game "Heroes * Senki" is a regional suppressiontypesimulation game aimed at world domination along with thecutegirl.Draw a good historical heroes cute from a MAX level Moe, largespearreed who said other prominent illustrator team!Strategy and occupation-deathblow!Tactics against deep with only simple is interestingbattlegame.★ Senki Imperial official website ★★ Senki Imperial official Twitter ★■ ■ to the customer you can not log in to the gameSince I will carry out an investigation, excuse me, but indeed,onyour described, we ask that you please contact us belowtherequired information.[Contact][email protected][Item you would like you described in your inquiry]World being playedLord-name· Terminals available in· Phenomenon that has occurred• If the phenomenon being experienced is login failure, orhavefailed to log in at any time and(Example: when you have entered the PASS ID and Twitter)• In the account that is no longer able to log in, whether canlogin to the Twitter / Facebook itself[Operation guarantee terminal]Terminal of version 2.2 or higher[Service provider]Co., Ltd. Aiming
【戦国街づくり&バトル】しろくろジョーカー 8.0.0
Thanks to you, it's finally the 7th anniversary! Sengoku gamethatyou can play for free! With the help of the warlords, let'senjoyleisurely town planning and incandescent battles with amaximum of25vs25!
ピクセルVRバトル ~マルチプレイ協力対戦~ 1.0
◆映画『ピクセル』 DVD&Blu-ray™リリース記念VRアプリピクセルのDVD&Blu-ray™のリリースを記念して、VR(バーチャルリアリティ)の世界で遊べるアプリがリリース。映画のように車でアイツを追いかけよう。wifiの近距離通信で最大4人まで同時プレイができる!ゲームがはじまったら、VR空間を走り回ってクリアをめざそう。パワークッキーを食べられた時には要注意!プレミアム・エディション特典の『VRゴーグル』を使うとさらに楽しめる!◆ゲームルール・制限時間内に3回ぶつかるとゲームクリア・マルチプレイ時は合計で3回ぶつかるとゲームクリア・パワークッキーを食べている最中にぶつかるとゲームオーバー・マルチプレイ時は全員がパワークッキーを食べている最中にぶつかるとゲームオーバー【対応OS】Android【推奨環境】Android 4.3以降※VRは高い性能を要求する演出が含まれており一部端末や利用状況により正常に動作しない場合がございます。※推奨環境であっても常駐アプリや待機アプリの利用状況により正常に動作しない場合がございます。◆ movie "pixel"DVD&Blu-ray ™ release Memorial VR appTo celebrate the release of the DVD & Blu-ray ™ pixel,VR world in play app (virtual reality) is released.Tracker guy in the car like a movie.You can play simultaneously up to a maximum of four peopleatcloserange communication of wifi!Once the game is started, it will aim for a clear run aroundtheVRspace.Caution when eaten the power cookies!In addition to enjoy and use the "VR goggles" in thePremiumEditionOffer!◆ Game Rules- Hit three times within a time limit when the game clear• When Multiplayer and hit three times in total game clearPower cookies hit in the middle of eating when the gameisover• When Multiplayer hit while everyone is eating a powercookiegameover[Supported OS]Android[Recommended environment]Android 4.3 or later※ VR there are times when it does not operate normally duetohaveincluded some are terminal and usage production thatrequirehighperformance.※ There is a case that does not work properly due to usageofevenrecommended environment resident apps and wait app.
Dragon Paradise: City Sim Game 1.7.24
Dragon Paradise is the best dragon game! Breed and raisedragons!Since the dragon game has heaps of simulations, you canalso haveplenty of fun building a city just for yourself! Thedragons youraise can even be entered into 6-on-6 battles!Gainhundreds ofdragons, breed them and make them level up in order tobecome adragon mania! [This dragon game is popular among people whoenjoythe following] ・Dragons ・Dragon cross-breeding games ・Dragonsandmonsters ・Battles ・Dragon-training games ・Animal orcharactertraining games ・Chilling with farm or ranch games ・Battlewith adragon ・Simulation games ・Nurse a dragon like a pet ・Playingforfree [The features of Dragon × Dragon] ・You can have funraisingcute dragons that are just like pets ・Pit the dragons youraiseagainst enemies in 6-on-6 battles ・Obtain rare dragons bypairingand cross-breeding dragons ・Collect very rare dragons byfollowinghints ・Place things such as dwellings and decorations tobuild acity just for you ・Pit your dragons against players fromaround theworld ・Grow crops on farms to feed your dragons ・Enjoydragon vs.dragon battles ・Collect all the dragons by clearingquests ・Thevirtual world has realistic island, city, vale and etc・Fun dragongame for mobile and tablet! ・Arrange the characters youraise justlike in a CMS (construction and management simulation)game □■Delivering the latest information on Facebook ■□ Be thefirst toget the latest "Dragon × Dragon" information on Facebook!There mayeven be information here that can't be found anywhereelse! [Dragonx Dragon Official Facebook]Account: thebest dragon game, Dragon x Dragon!
信長の野望・全国版 1.0.11
Started broadcasting addition the origin of the"Nobunaga'sAmbition" series, the original elements!
繚乱三国演義 育成カードゲーム/[三国志]バトルRPG 4.0.2
Appirits Inc.
Raising beautiful cards in the world of Shikoku Shi, Fight,nurturecard battle!
Rivals at War: 2084 1.4.5
Hothead Games
WAR is RAW! Welcome to the battlefield of Rivals At War: 2084!
Mount Helicopter Warfare 3D 1.0
The world's most powerful mount combat helicopters are atyourfingertips. You are surly going to love the latest andmodernadvent of gunship helicopter warfare. Be the frontlinecommando ingunship helicopter warfare that has elite sniper trainedfor combatfor mount sniper shooting scenario.You are afloat in a chopper, as a sniper commando. Yournewestmission is to bring misery on the desert mount by shootingdown theterrorists who are posing as bombers and attacking on yourarmytrucks and vehicles that are crossing desert. You are requiredtofire down the enemies and shoot them all before they destroyyourarmy vehicles. You have limited ammo and time to respond fromtheheli view is vital as you are the sole sniper defendingthehelicopter air battle. So gear up, because this time toshine!Helicopter mount warfare is an action packed helicoptershootergame. This game takes is the best gunship helicopter gamesyou'veseen before. Here you will have different missions of warsindesert. We are sure you will have fun and will enjoy thisnewestmount helicopter warfare game.
Astronest : Xeno worlds 3.1.1
Develop epic space fleets and dominate inter-galactic war inthisMMO strategy!
関ヶ原演義:人気戦国育成カードバトルゲームRPG 4.0.3
Appirits Inc.
Ganso Warring States Period card training battle RPG game!