Top 34 Apps Similar to Ameba

Simplog 4.0.1
Ameba's new smartphone-centric blog,Simplog,is a new take on the blogging experience.  Combining the simplicty of Twitter and the capabilities ofablog, you will be able to record your life moments on a simpleandstylish platform.  With the ability to choose photo layouts and filters, youcanshare your experiences with your friends on Ameblo, Facebook,andTwitter.Simplog any comments or requests?  Feel free to contactushere:[email protected]■OS VersionAndroid 4.0.3 and above recommended.Simplog -Ameba's Smartphone Blog-
LINE BLOG is a blog service that can easily write their ownish.Trying to feel free to communicate in Likes and comments withavariety of talent and artists!
オシャレな簡単ブログ-Ameba Ownd アメーバオウンド 3.8.0
livedoor Blog - 多機能ブログ投稿アプリ
国内ブログ最大級のシェアを誇る livedoor Blog の公式アプリです。記事投稿や編集・削除、デザインの選択から画像の管理まで、ブログに関する操作がこのアプリで全て行えます。カメラで直接撮影した写真やギャラリーから取り込んだ画像を投稿する事もできます。アップロードする時にフィルタ機能で画像補正を行うこともできます。マルチブログ機能で作成した複数のブログをカンタンに切り替えて管理する事もできます。画像複数選択アップロードは現在開発中。次期アップデートをお待ちください。■以前のバージョンをお使いの方へ■パーミッションの変更があるため、手動での更新をお願いいたします。3.0.0以降、画像サムネイルのサイズを管理側の設定に合わせる仕様変更が加わりました。アップロードした画像がPCなどで大きく表示されてしまう事象が起こる場合は、アプリケーションの マイページ > ブログ設定 > 画像アップロード設定 > サムネイルの最大サイズに、生成したいサムネイルのサイズの記入をお願いいたします。※設定後は念のためアプリケーションの再起動をお願いいたします。■主な機能・記事投稿 -タイトル/カテゴリー/公開設定/画像挿入/表示画面プレビュー機能(PC/スマホ)・記事の一覧表示/編集/削除・アプリ内記事保存・記事自動保存の追加・画像管理/画像フィルタ機能/複数画像の並列アップロード・デザイン/レイアウト変更・アクセス解析・コメント/トラックバック/メッセージ管理・複数ブログの切り替え
はてなブログ 2.19.0
Brought to you by Matase! Smartphone unique, the pursuit. Youcheeryour "write".
楽天ブログ(Blog)~日記・アフィリエイトを簡単に投稿~ 3.0.3
楽天ブログの公式アプリです。外出先で簡単に記事の投稿・編集等ブログの更新が可能です。さらに投稿した自分の記事は勿論、他のブログの新着記事・ランキングを閲覧することが出来ます。簡単にブログが始められるように、シンプルな画面となっていますので初心者の方にも安心です。また楽天アフィリエイトの商品検索・記事への貼り付けが可能です。紹介した商品が購入されると楽天スーパーポイントが貰え、貯まったポイントでお買い物が出来ます。今日買ったもの、食べたもの。今お気に入りのお店や子育て奮闘記について。何気ない日々の出来事をあなたのブログに残してみませんか。■主な機能1 - カメラを使った写真の撮影やカメラロールからの投稿 2 -楽天アフィリエイトの商品検索・記事への貼り付け 3-投稿した記事の編集・削除 4 - ブログの閲覧 5 -記事投稿後にFacebookやTwitterなどのSNSにシェア 6-管理画面の閲覧■楽天ブログでは全19ジャンルから様々なテーマで日記の投稿が可能です。 【各ジャンルの人気のテーマ】 ●出産・子育て-子育て奮闘記- 子供服ってキリがない! - 妊婦さん集まれ~!! ●ファッション - アクセサリー大好き! -福袋ネタバレ♪-スニーカーに関する情報! ●美容・コスメ - おすすめコスメ - アンチエイジングの毎日 - 美肌への道のり♪●健康・ダイエット-ダイエット日記 - スピリチュアル・ライフ - 楽しく、役にたつ健康グッズや健康情報を♪♪●生活・インテリア-*雑貨*本*おやつ*暮らし*あんなものこんなもの♪ - handmadeのある暮らし - 北欧のインテリア&雑貨●料理・食べ物-取り寄せ美味しい物 - スイーツ♪スイーツ♪ - パンを焼こう! ●ドリンク・お酒 - たのしいお酒飲んでますか。-今日のワイン- 日本酒の良さを広めよう! ●ペット - 猫のいる生活 - トイプードル大好き - 水系ペットのお話●趣味・ゲーム-モンハン日記 - ディズニー大好き! - 機動戦士ガンダム ●映画・TV - 海外ドラマ、だいすっき!-好きなお笑い芸人、ネタ!- 韓流熱波最前線! ●音楽 - 今日聴いた音楽 - K-POP K-POP K-POP -好きなクラシック●読書・コミック -連載小説を書いてみよう - お気に入りの漫画は? - 詩を書きましょう ●旅行・海外情報 -温泉旅館-ちいさな旅~お散歩・日帰り・ちょっと1泊 - 東京の格安宿・ホテル ●園芸 - 花のある暮らし・・・ -家庭菜園-ベランダガーデン ●スポーツ - GOLF、ゴルフ、そしてgolf - サッカーあれこれ - プロ野球全般。●アウトドア・釣り-自転車日和 - 山登りは楽しい - 釣り好きの人集まれー ●車・バイク - カー用品どれがいい? -バイク好きの交流所-ツーリング/ドライブ記 ●パソコン・家電 - パソコンニュース&情報 - 大好き!デジカメ!-家電の購入。アドバイスください。●そのほか - 懸賞フリーク♪ - ニュース - 自分らしい生き方・お仕事
LINE PLAY - Our Avatar World
Create a New You & Meet New Friends!
Blogger 3.1.8
Google LLC
Blogging on the go
Seesaaブログ 2.6.0
月間2,500万人以上がアクセスする、国内最大級ブログサービス「シーサーブログ」の公式投稿アプリです。スマートフォンを使って簡単にシーサーブログへの記事投稿・編集ができます。アプリから簡単に記事の作成ができ、複数の画像を含めた投稿ができます。記事は非公開での投稿や、アプリ内に下書きとして保存することも可能。いつでも、どこでも気軽にブログを書くことができます。TwitterやFacebookへの同時投稿にも対応しており、身近な人にブログの更新を伝えることもできます。また、ブログの切り替えも簡単に行えるので、複数ブログを持っている方もアプリだけで簡単に管理する事が可能です。■主な機能・記事投稿(非公開で投稿、アプリ内下書き保存も可能)・記事の閲覧、編集、削除・コメントの管理(承認、削除)・トラックバックの管理(承認、削除)・Twitter、Facebookへの同時投稿・現在のディスク使用量の確認・設定の変更(ブログ名、ブログ説明文、カテゴリ、ニックネーム)・記事カテゴリの管理(追加、編集、削除)・複数ブログ管理 ■ご意見・ご要望Seesaaブログアプリに対するご意見・ご要望がございましたら、 [email protected]宛にお寄せ下さい。
Blog "Decolog" to write a diary for free, it is a blog servicethatfashion director and professional traveler, famous InstaGlamourchoose.
WordPress – Website Builder 21.3
Easily build your website & blog. Create posts &trackanalytics from anywhere!
How was your day today?Why not record your life?With the JUGEM BLOG App for Android, you can:・Create blogs quickly and easily・Post and edit articles (as public/private/draft)・Upload and attach photos・Select category・Register and manage accounts・Post articles to Twitter・Fetch Instagram images・Embed videos from Youtube easilyThis app is appropriate for diary keeping, diet andhouseholdaccount management and more.We hope all of blogger like it.
Instagram is a simple way to capture andsharethe world’s moments. Follow your friends and family to seewhatthey’re up to, and discover accounts from all over the worldthatare sharing things you love. Join the community of over 500millionpeople and express yourself by sharing all the moments ofyourday––the highlights and everything in between, too.Use Instagram to:• Post photos and videos you want to keep on your profile grid.Editthem with filters and creative tools and combine multipleclips intoone video.• Share multiple photos and videos (as many as you want!) toyourstory. Bring them to life with text and drawing tools.Theydisappear after 24 hours and won't appear on your profile gridorin feed.• Go live to connect with your friends and followers right now.Whenyou're done, live stories disappear.• Send disappearing photos and videos, text messages and postsfromyour feed to groups and friends with Instagram Direct.• Watch stories and live videos from the people you follow in abarat the top of your feed.• Discover stories, photos and videos you might like and follownewaccounts on the Explore tab.
네이버 블로그 - Naver Blog 6.12.3
Stay connected anywhere, anytime withNaverBlog.With the official Naver Blog app, you can check out real-timestatusof your blog and the latest updates from your neighbors.Also, youcan easily publish posts with photos or locationinformation. NaverBlog is just the right way to share your storieswith theworld!Highlighted Features:1)Check out real-time status updates of your blog and anyupdatedpost from your neighbors2)View enlarged photos on posts.3)Enjoy lively communication with your neighbors. You candirectlyaccess your neighbors, read their latest updates, and leaveshortmessages on the board.4)Upload posts with photos or maps. You can save them even whenyouare offline!5)Add a new blogger as your neighbor and accept anybody who wantstobecome one of your neighbors.Thank you for using Naver apps. We will continue to improveourproducts and to provide up-to-date services.In case a problem or an error occurs while using the app,pleasefeel free to leave your inquiry on NAVER Customer Center(, MAIL: [email protected]) Pleasenotethat an accurate assessment and answer to your problem may notbepossible if you do not provide us with a direct inquiry totheabove Customer Center. Please understand that leaving us afeedbackcomment on the review board, while greatly appreciated,does notsuffice as a direct inquiry.
Facebook 437.
Find friends, watch live videos, play games & save photosinyour social network
mixi - Community of Hobbies! 18.24.1
mixi, Inc.
◇ ◆ mixi - Japan's Largest CommunityofHobbies! ◆ ◇Mixi is a social networking service where everyone can talkabouttheir own hobbies.Through various types of communities such as music, games,actors,everyone can get excited talking about their favoritetopics!◆ Recommended for…· People looking for friends with similar hobbies· People looking for friends who can understand acertaintopic· People looking for friends to exchange information aboutmusicconcerts and tickets· People looking for opinions anonymously for personal topicssuchas pregnancy and raising children· People interested in participating in offline meetings◆ Main features· More than 2.7 million communities in various genres suchasnovels, pets, handicrafts, etc.· Many offline meetings and parties are held in activecommunitiessuch as soccer, bouldering, reading books, etc.· Text message for private and secret talks· Create new communities and become community ownersPlease confirm mixi Terms of Service and mixi OfficialClientApplication License Agreement before using thisapplication.· mixi Terms of Service· mixi Official Client Application License Agreement
Pinterest is full of possibilities todesignyour life. Discover recipes, style inspiration, projects foryourhome and other ideas to try.Just some of the things you can do with Pinterest:• Find everyday ideas you love—what to make for dinner, what toputon your walls, what to wear and more ideas for every part ofyourlife.• Save ideas for later—organize ideas by topic, so they’realwayseasy to find.• Search by keyword or with your camera—discover ideas inspiredbyanything you point the Pinterest camera at.• Collaborate with friends—save ideas together for your nextgrouptrip, party or project.• Save ideas you find around the web—just use the Pinterest’sSavebutton on your mobile browser.
Snap Inc
Life's more fun when you live in the moment:)Happy Snapping!* * *Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save yourmessages,such as by taking a screenshot or using a camera. Bemindful ofwhat you Snap!
Google LLC
Discover amazing things createdbypassionate people.• Explore your interests• Join Communities of people around any topic• Group things you love into Collections• Build a home stream filled with amazing content
斉藤さん - ひまつぶしトークアプリ 3.5.24
Yudo inc
\ Over 33 million users! / Feel free, free, with anyone. Mr.Saitois an entertainment-type talk app that allows you to enjoyphonecalls, relays, and karaoke!
LinkedIn 4.1.609
The LinkedIn app makes it easier to connecttothe people and things that matter in your professional world.Buildand nurture your professional network, stay up to date withthelatest business and industry news, and find your nextdreamjob.It all starts with your LinkedIn profile. It’s more than justyourprofessional resume — it shows the world who you are andwhatyou’ve accomplished in your career. But that’s justthebeginning:● Search for people, jobs, companies and groups● Get updates from the people, publishers and companies thatmatterto your professional success● Tell your story with your professional profile and buildyourprofessional brand● Update your professional profile right from the app to polishyourresume wherever you are● Grow your professional network and keep in touch● Reach out to people and view their professional profiles● Share articles to establish yourself as a thought leader● Follow companies to get job postings, business updates,andsuggestions to connect with people you may know● Upgrade your account to LinkedIn Premium from right withintheappHave questions on a particularpermission?
Friends Talk - Chat 2.3.3
Chatting with new people.
InstaMessage - Chat, meet, dating
InstaMessage helps you meet and datenewpeople nearby or anyone you like on Instagram! Safety,fun,friendly, free and privately!Now with InstaMessage you can enjoy a totally privateconversationwith any Instagram user whose photos attract you themost.Features:+ Chat with fun new people or any Instagram user privately.+ Browse profiles of anyone you are interested in and startchattingimmediately.+ Discover popular InstaMessage users automatically via oursmartrecommendation engine.+ Sign in with your Instagram Account, NO registration.+ View nearby InstaMessage users and begin chatting.+ Block List: Prohibit selected users from contacting you.Download the free dating app, and meet and date newpeoplenearby.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------InstaMessage fans be sure to check us out on Twitter, FacebookandInstagram. Big things to come. Find out first!- Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: @instamessage- Follow us on Twitter: @instamessage------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer:InstaMessage Match uses the Instagram API but is not affiliatedwithor endorsed in any way by Instagram™ or theiraffiliates.All Instagram™ logos and Instagram™ trademarksdisplayedon this application are property ofInstagram.InstaMessageMatch
友達募集支援App 1.0.9
Share the stories of your dayonKakaoStory.It doesn't always have to be exciting or special.You can share little stories from your day-to-day lifeonKakaoStory.Read the stories posted by your friends on ""Feed"".Share little stories from your day on ""MyStory"".Find new stories and friends using ""Search"".And here's a little tip in using KakaoStory.- You can conveniently register for KakaoStory using yourKakaoTalkaccount.- You can set animated profile pictures in both KakaoTalkandKakaoStory.- You can edit your photos and videos nicely using theStoryFilter.See you in KakaoStory!Share your stories on KakaoStory.===========================※ You can allow the following permissions to use KakaoStorymoreconveniently.You can use the basic service without allowingoptionalpermissions.1. Required Access Permissions* Storage: To retreve photos and videos from my device and sendthemto KakaoStory.* Phone: To maintain the verification status obtained from myphoneand continue to use KakaoStory.2. Optional Access Permissions* Camera: To take photos and videos with my device.* Mic: To take videos.* Location: To receive suggestions for nearby places.
BAND - Organize your groups
Camp Mobile
Are you a group organizer? Looking for anewcommunity to join? Then BAND is the right app for you.BAND helps you organize your groups and also discover newgroupscatered to your interests.BAND is BEST for● Teams/Clubs - Post notices, schedule meetings, and chat withallmembers in a group chat or 1-on-1.● Gaming Clans/Organizations - Strategize, play, and stayconnectedwith team members.● Open Forums - Discuss your favorite topics and make newfriendswho share the same interests; from video games, sports, andfitnessto fashion, relationships and everything in between.● Local Communities/Meetups - Connect with people in your areaaboutthe topics you care about most.● Work/Projects - Share important project updates with yourworkteam.● Personal Groups - Privately share photos and updates withfamily,friends, etc.Why BAND?● Stay organized with the ultimate features.- Community Board / Chatroom / Group Call / Poll / Calendar /FileSharing / Photo Album● Be anyone in any Band.- Create different aliases for different groups so you can befreeto talk about anything with anybody.● Personalize your group settings to fit the group’s needs.- Set privacy levels (Secret, Closed, Public) / Managememberships(Admin & Co-admins) and Assign privileges / Make avanity URLdedicated to your group.● Access your group on any device including your phone, tabletorlaptop by going to http://band.usWe value your feedback! Send any suggestions or report bugs to ussowe can make BAND better together!Email: [email protected]: @BANDtogetherapp @BAND_GamingInstagram: BANDtogetherappBlog:
힌트(HINT) : SNS 1.7
당신의 마지막 SNS가 될 Hint를 즐겨보시기 바랍니다.더이상 SNS는 사람과 사람의 소통에서 끝나는 것이 아닙니다. SNS는 정보를 생성하고, 정보를 공유하고정보가퍼져나가는 공간입니다. 이에, Hint는 검색기능을 향상시킨 최고의 SNS가 되고자 합니다. 포털사이트형 SNS힌트에서최신의 컨텐츠와 정보를 받아보시기 바랍니다.* 여러 태그들을 조합하여 검색해 원하는 정보를 보다 편하고 정확한 정보를 찾아볼 수 있습니다.* 유저별로 각기 다른 컨텐츠를 볼 수 있는 피드 정렬방식을 가지고 있습니다.* 정보를 따로 적을 수 있고, 정보를 받아 볼 수 있고, 정보를 요청할 수 있습니다.* 자신이 팔로우 하는 사람들의 컨텐츠만 따로 모아서 확인하실 수 있습니다.* 전 세계의 힌트들이 모여 최적의 컨텐츠들을 제공합니다.* 힌트에게 힌트를 주세요. 힌트는 당신에게 가장 알맞은 컨텐츠를 찾아드립니다.Enjoy the Hint beyourlast SNS.SNS is not no more ending in communication between people. SNSisgenerated the information, the share information andspaceinformation is spread out. Therefore, Hint is the best SNSimprovedsearch capabilities become. Please get the latest contentandinformation in the portal-type SNS hints.* Search by combining multiple tags can be found morecomfortableand accurate information you want.* You have to feed alignment with each other to see the contentforeach user.* Information can separate the enemy, and can receiveinformation,you can request the information.* Only the contents of those who follow his can be foundseparatelycollected.* Hint gathered from around the world to provide thebestcontent.* Give me a hint to hint. Hints will find the best contenttoyou.
TownTalk - Your town SNS (동네몬) 1.2.9
MONs Group
=========================================< The best app of meeting neighborhood, 'TownTalk'grandopen!>'TownTalk, Your town SNS''TownTalk' is a fast and easy application to talking withyourneighborhood.Meeting your neighborhood and to be friends in 'TownTalk'.To listening someone's gossip or pay another gosspis inyourtown.'TownTalk' makes your town more fun and livelyLet's install 'TownTalk', and have fun! :)Q. What is a 'TownTalk'?'TownTalk' is Local SNS that share posts and send messagesQ. How can I use this app?① Install 'TownTalk', and Sign up② fill the blank such as E-mail, name, address③ Finished all of sign up process, upload your photo and makeyourprofile④ Leave your posts, and send messege each other⑤ If you find somemone who you like, click 'follow'Q. Having trouble?if you or 'TownTalk' have some trouble, please contactthise-mail→[email protected]&contact : [email protected]'TownTalk', 'DongneMON' to read Korean, Made byMONsGroup,Republic of Korea
KaTalk Block Checker 5.4
If your KakaoTalk friend not responding to your texts?
Face age test 2.8
How old does my face age as measured by the face recognition?
Blossom – A real private SNS 1.5.5
Secretly & Privately* Blossom can be your real secret diary or bulletin board oraclosed community. It all depends how you use Blossom.* Select friends to share your secret stories. Blossom enablesitand even no need to make any ‘Following’1. Your own private space where you can post any andeveryaspect of your life.2. Just you & me, a secret message fromrealfriendsReceived message : Friends, who know my number, can sendmemessagesAnd the messages will be saved in “secret story”3. Secret modeYou can hide everything in your Blossom for a day.
원포스트 - SNS, 블로그, 그 이상의 소통 공간 2.8.0
"지금 적지 않으면 평생 나누지 못할 일상의 생각들""흰 색 도화지 어느 한 편 내 일상의 감정을 메모하다."-----------------------------------------원포스트는 이런 분들을 위해 만들어졌습니다.이 중 하나라도 해당되시는 분들께 이 어플리케이션을 추천합니다.● 정보 노출 걱정없이 다양한 사람들과 편하고 부담없이 일상의 감정을 나누고 진솔하게 소통하고 싶으신 분.● 실명 SNS에서 남들에게 잘 보이기 위한 실제보다 과장된 글과 사진 포스팅에 지치신 분.● 짧은 답글 몇 개 달리고 끝나는 블로그 시스템이 아닌 대화형 채널에서 사람들과 이야기 나누고 싶으신 분.● 마음이 허전하고 외로울 때, 생각 없이 무작정 어딘가에 글을 적어보고 싶으신 분.● 힘든 마음을 속시원하게 털어놓고 누군가로부터 위로받고 공감받고 싶으신 분.● SNS 로 사람들과 대화해보고 싶지만, 개인정보 입력에 대한 부담감으로 SNS 를 사용하지 않고 계신분.원포스트에는 3가지 큰 특징이 있습니다.● 모든 이야기가 가능합니다.원포스트에선 이야기 주제의 제한이 없습니다. 정보와 지식, 생각이나 마음 등 우리 일상의 모든 것이 이야기의 주제가 될수있습니다. 원포스트에서 다양한 주제로 자유롭게 이야기해보세요.● 포스트 공간 속에서 함께 대화합니다.원포스트는 사람들과 일상을 나누는 소셜 서비스입니다. 다같이 이야기하며 소통하는 과정 속에서 당신의 지식은 좀더풍부해지고, 당신의 마음은 한결 가벼워질 것입니다.● 당신의 이야기가 누군가에게 힘이 됩니다.어떤 주제에 대한 당신과 사람들의 이야기가 모여 하나의 소통 공간을 만듭니다. 이곳에서 누군가는 필요한 정보를얻고,누군가는 마음의 위안을 얻을 것입니다. 그리고 또다른 누군가는 이 곳에 자신의 이야기를 더하겠지요. 원포스트는자유롭게이야기하는 블로그형 SNS입니다.원포스트는 블로그와 SNS의 경계를 지웠습니다. 우리가 꿈꾸는 소통의 미래는 SNS처럼 나의 이야기가일방적으로퍼지기만 하는 것도 아니고, 블로그처럼 한 자리에 머물면서 단답식 답변만을 기다리는 것도 아닙니다. 우리가 진정꿈꾸는소통의 미래는 나의 이야기와 사람들의 이야기가 유기적으로 연결되어 서로 대화하고 공감하며, 풍부한 가치를 함께만들어가는것입니다.대화하는 SNS, 지금 바로 가볍게 시작해 보세요."The idea of​​everydaylife do not divide the now less""White canvas which is one side note the feelings ofmylife."-----------------------------------------Original post was created for these people.One of those who doesineun even recommend this application.● share information without being exposed to the emotionsofeveryday worries and without various people want an easy burdentohonest communication and minutes.● Tired of hype than actual articles and pictures posted foragood show to others in the blind god SNS minutes.● Reply few short runs and ending an interactive channelBlogminutes talking to people you want to share on a non.● mind would like to see less minutes, somewhere there withnoidea when writing heojeon and lonely.● getting up from the left and cool off in a hard heart, Iwantsomeone getting sympathy minutes.● I want to try to talk with people SNS, the SNS minutes youhavenot taken a burden of personal information entered.Post has won three major feature.● Can the whole story.In post-won is no limit to the subject of the story. Informationandknowledge, thought or mind, etc. can all of us everyday to bethesubject of the story. Explore won free talk on various topicsin thepost.● The dialogue together in the post space.Original post is a social service for people to share everydaylife.Your knowledge in the course of the talk and communicate, asisbecoming more plentiful, your mind will be uniformlylighter.● If your story is this power to someone.Together, you and the people talk on any topic creates asinglecommunication space. Someone here is getting the informationyouneed, someone will get the consolation of mind. And someone elseispresumably more to his story here. It is an original post toablog-type SNS talk freely.It cleared the boundary of the original post blogs and SNS.Thefuture of communication is not anything that we dream but mystoryis spreading like lead, SNS, nor stay in one place like a blogjustwaiting dandapsik answer. We are the future of communicationstrulydream of my stories and those stories are organicallyconnected,and the dialogue and empathy with each other, is going tomake witha wealth of value.SNS conversation, tap to get started right away.
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