Top 11 Apps Similar to 電子ダイス(TRPG向け)

TRPG用簡易サイコロ 1.9.7
Dice to use math as of table talk RPG for
Dice_Roller TRPG風サイコロツール 1.0.2
シンプルな操作でTRPG風にサイコロを振ることができるアプリです。スゴロクやTRPGのリアルセッションなどで使ってみてください。*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_★操作方法1.サイコロを振る「個数」をDの左側,「面数」をDの右側に入力する2.「ダイスを振る」ボタンを押す。3.それぞれの出目と合計を確認する。おわり、*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_★仕様1.サイコロの個数は最小1個,最大99個2.サイコロの面数は最小1面,最大999面*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_It is an app thatcanshake the dice in the wind TRPG simple operation.Please try using sessions, such as real or TRPG Sugoroku.* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _*_ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _★ HowEntered to the right of the D "number" surface, the left sideofthe D a "number" shake 1. DicePress the "roll dice" 2. A button.Check the outcome and the total of each of the three..Finished,* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _*_ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _★ SpecificationsMinimum one, the number of 1. Dice up to 99A minimum of one side, the number of surface 2. Dice face upto999* _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _*_ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _ * _
TRPGHP管理ツール 1.0.0
エネミーのHP、防御、魔防を入力しダメージを入力した後、各防御欄の横にある計算ボタンを押してください。『グランクレスト』の様に、防御属性が3つ以上あるようなルールでは使いにくいのでお気を付けください。After enteringthedamagetype of enemy HP, defense, the Mabo, please pressthecalculatebutton next to each field defense.Like the "Grand Crest", please be careful because itisdifficultto use in a rule like there are more than twodefenseattribute.
RPG Sidekick Free 1.0.11
Free version of RPG Sidekick to help playersofPen&Paper or tabletop style RPGs keep track of all thosevariousdice rolls and stats, with support for multiple profiles.Great forgames like D&D, GURPS, Rifts, or any D20 games.Includes:- Customized dice rolls- Customized stat trackers- Log viewer- Multiple profiles- **New** Advanced rolling with custom keyboard- Preferences to control log levels and other settingsIf you enjoy the application and want to help supportfuturedevelopment, you can donate by purchasing the Ad-Free versionandlook for the Pro version coming soon. We do our best to meetanyupdate requests, so if there's something you'd like to seeadded,send an email and let us know.New in version 1.0.9- Swipe to switch tabs- Ability to reorder lists (long-click on roll or stat liststoenable reordering)- Ability to clear roll history- **New** Advanced rolling: completely free-form calculations- Custom keyboard- Stats now allow negative values- Ability to use dice rolls to modify stats- Help page- Several UI enhancements
PADDLE 巡回通知〈ログ・ホライズン〉 2.4
サイト「小説家になろう」にて連載されている橙乃ままれ先生『ログ・ホライズン』の、新着を通知します。ウィジェットとしてホームに登録してお使いください。1)サイト「小説家になろう」の「ログ・ホライズン」を半日置きに巡回します。 巡回先を追加しました。ウィジェット配置時に選択できます。 巡回間隔は半日ごとに1サイトとしています。2)新着をトースト・バイブレーション・ノーティフィケーション・アイコン更新によってお知らせします。 サブタイトルと投稿日、改稿日が表示されます。 件数が多い場合は、件数のみの通知となります。 ノーティフィケーションをタップすると、巡回先サイトをブラウザで開きます。3)ウィジェットをタップすると、そのタイミングで巡回・通知します。4)ウィジェット配置時に「巡回しないチェックボックス」を使うことで、巡回先を選択することが出来ます。現在「ログ・ホライズン資料集」、「オフィシャルサイト」「ログ・ホライズンTRPG冒険窓口インフォメーション」「ログ・ホライズンTRPG出張所」の四ヶ所について選択可能です。「過去ログボタン」で過去に巡回した際の、更新状況を閲覧できます。タイトルをタップすることで削除も出来ます(=次回巡回時に通知を上げることが出来ます)#ウィジェットは複数配置できますが、設定・巡回データは上書き保存しているため、複数の状態は保持できません。5)担当には、思った以上に気さくになりそうな(?)魔女様をお招きしております。
Betrayal Character Stats 3.2
Viktor Dikov
Keep character stats for the board game "Betrayal at House ontheHill"
Quick Dice Roller 2.1.4
Quick Dice Roller is an app made forthetabletop RPG Geek. It allows to emulate almost all the complexdicerolls required by RPG and board games.The dice can be added at will and organized in dice bags.Eachdie is defined by a formula such as 2d6+5 as well asspecialfunctions like rak(1d6,4,3) that allow to emulatesthe mostcomplex game systems. An handy formulas builder simplifiestheprocess, and allow to access to an online help. Check the listofall supported functions here: to "named values", as well as keep track of gamesscores,you can define formulas using variable parameters. You cancreate,for example, the named value "Level" with label "lvl", thenuse theformula (lvl)d6 to determine the fireball damage. Sowhenyour mage level up you don't need to edit the formula: justchangethe "Level" value!What you can do with Quick Dice Roller:★ Roll dice with a touch★ Organize dice in dice bags★ Use same formulas you're familiar to (xdy+z)★ Keep track of scores and use them in formulas★ Read or listen the roll result in a clear way★ Check the goodness of the rolls made★ Apply modifiers on the fly with a touch★ Sum a roll to the previous automagically or on demand★ Paste last roll result from the clipboard in another app★ Keep track of last rolls madeOther features of Quick Dice Roller○ Simple and intuitive Formulas Builder○ Many functions to emulate main systems○ Online help○ Read aloud the last result○ Sound notifications○ Highly customizable○ Friendly and reliable developer :P○ Persistence of data among various installations*○ Import and export dice and dice bags definitions**Some of currently supported systems☆ 13th Age☆ Arcan Myth☆ Aeon IV☆ BASH!☆ Burning Wheel☆ Call of Cthulhu☆ Deadlands☆ Dungeon World☆ Dungeons & Dragons (all editions)☆ Dungeonslayers☆ Dystopian Wars☆ Exalted☆ Feng Shui☆ GURPS☆ HERO System☆ Legend of the five rings☆ Lords of Knowledge☆ MERP☆ Numenera☆ Pathfinder☆ Rolemaster☆ Savage Worlds☆ Shadowrun☆ Star Wars (D6 Space and d20 System only)☆ Traveller☆ World of Darkness...and many more!Quick Dice Roller is a free and open source applicationforAndroid. Everyone can (and is invited to) contribute toitsdevelopment in one or more of the following ways:• Join the official community on Google+→• Become a beta tester for trialling of new features→• Improve translations or add new ones →• Check the source code for bug hunting (or for fun)→• Make your friends know about Quick Dice Roller*The availability of data and preferences backup depends onthedevice's manufacturer, and is only supported on Android 2.2orlater.**This feature requires reading and writing toexternalstorage.
Piece Of Paper Free 1.1.2
Have you forgotten to bring a piece ofpaper?Do you need to explain something though a drawing?Then this is the app you need! This app is your digital pieceofpaper that you always will have with you when you need to drawormake a quick note.Save the forest and use this app instead!Current features:★ Shake to undo★ New clean paper by flipping gesture★ Undo/redo★ Save drawing to SD card*★ Share your drawing★ Give feedback to developer★ Hide/show the pen★ Enable/disable shake-to-undoPlease email me ([email protected]) withanyimprovements that you would like to see on the app. Pleasedon'thesitate to report even the smallest annoying experience youmayget while using it.*Find your saved pictures in the folder called "piece ofpaper"on your SD card or browse your gallery app.Note: This free version contains ads! Please consider to buythepaid version if you like this app.
Simple Dice 3.2
Naive Code
Simple 2D dice simulator, no ads, no crazy battery drain!
GM Wizard: Character Generator 1.3.1
Ixie Studios
Create NPCs for fantasy RPGs. Randomized traits, items,&race-specific names.
DsaHunt 1.0
DsaHunt erleichtert die Jagd sowie dasSammelnvon Kräutern im Pen&Paper Rollenspiel 'Das SchwarzeAuge'.Endlich müssen nicht mehr endlose Seiten umgeblättert werden,umherauszufinden, welche Tiere und Pflanzen sich in derUmgebungbefinden. Naturorientierte Spieler können einfach undbequem ihrerLieblingsbeschäftigung nachgehen ohne andere Mitspielermitunnötigen Wartezeiten zu langweilen. Erstelle einen odermehrereCharaktere und definiere das Suchgebiet. Daraufhin berechnetdieApp ob und welche Beute errungen wurde.FEATURES:* Erstelle mehrere Charakter um schnell zwischen deneingegebenenTalentwerten zu wechseln* Unterstützt Pirsch- und Ansitzjagd, Kräutersuche,Nahrungssuche,Fallenstellen sowie Angeln* Suche gezielt nach einem bestimmten Tier oder einerbestimmtenPflanze, oder begib dich auf die Suche um das zu erbeutenwas dugerade findest* Beinhaltet 75 verschiedene Tiere und 102 unterschiedlicheKräuteraus DSA* Würfle manuell oder automatisch* Die App berechnet, ob eine Probe gelungen ist, wie langesiegedauert hat und was gefunden wurdeHINWEIS:Gefundene Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschläge können mir gerneperMail, Fehlerbericht oder durch eine Bewertungmitgeteiltwerden.DsaHuntfacilitateshunting and collecting herbs in the Pen & Paper RPG'DasSchwarze Auge'. Finally no longer have endless pages areturned, tofind out what animals and plants are located in thearea.Nature-oriented players can easily and conveniently pursuetheirfavorite pastime bored with unnecessary delays withoutotherplayers. Create one or more characters and defining thesearcharea. Then, the app calculates whether and what prey wasearned.FEATURES:* Create multiple character to switch quickly between theenteredvalues ​​talent* Supports stalking and stand hunting, herbal search,foraging,trapping and fishing* Search directly for a specific animal or a particular plant,orJourney to capture up the search to what you'll findstraight* Includes 75 different animals and 102 different herbsfromDSA* Roll manually or automatically* The app calculates whether a sample has succeeded in how longtheylasted and what was foundNOTE:Bugs and suggestions found are welcome to be notified by mail,bugreport or by a vote me.