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Vibration Meter
Vibration Meter, also known as seismograph,seismometermeasuresvibrations using your Android’s sensors andshows referencetoearthquake vibrations as classified by Mercalliintensityscale.Vibrations are shown in all directions: X, Y, Zindifferentcolors. Place your device on stable surface andmeasurevibrations.Mercalli intensity scale I. Instrumental - Notfelt.Recorded byseismographs. II. Weak - Rarely felt, usually onlyontop floors ofhigh buildings. III. Slight - Felt indoors, likeapassing lighttruck. IV. Moderate - Windows, dishes, doorsrattle.Like passingtrain. V. Rather Strong - Felt by all. Smallobjectsupset. VI.Strong - Books off shelves. Trees shake. Isolateddamage.VII. VeryStrong - Difficult to stand. Many poor buildingsdamaged.VIII.Destructive - Significant damage. Branches broken fromtrees.IX.Violent - General panic. Serious damage. Groundcracking.X.Intense - Most buildings destroyed. Rails bentslightly.XI.Extreme - Rails bent greatly. Pipelinesdestroyed.XII.Catastrophic - Near total damage. Objects thrown intothe air.