Top 3 Apps Similar to San Casciano Smart Place

Santa Croce MyMap 1.0.0
Scopri il meglio del complessomonumentalediSanta Croce con MyMap, la tua personale guidainterattiva.Naviga tra le schede delle opere, degli autori edeglispaziarchitettonici visualizzando tutte le informazioni eleimmaginianche offline!Scegli uno dei percorsi suggeriti o crea il tuo personalepercorsodivisita.Con MyMap è facile orientarsi e visualizzarel’esattacollocazionedelle opere grazie ad una mappa zoomabile enavigabilecon diversemodalità.MyMap è gratis e semplice da utilizzare.• Esplora foto e dati di opere, autori e spazi• Segui uno dei percorsi proposti o crea il tuo• Naviga la mappa o tramite il pannello di navigazioneotoccandol’area di interesse• Visualizza l’esatta collocazione di un’opera o di unospazio• Crea la tua raccolta personale selezionando ciò che tièpiaciutodi più• Nei contenuti extra esplora l’alta definizione di unadelleoperepiù significative dell’opera di Santa CroceDiscover the bestofthemonumental complex of Santa Croce with MyMap,yourpersonalinteractive guide.Navigate between the tabs of the works of authorsandarchitecturalspaces because all the information and imagesevenoffline!Choose one of the suggested routes or create yourownpersonaltour.With MyMap is easy to navigate and view the exact locationoftheworks thanks to a zoomable and navigable in different ways.MyMap is free and simple to use.• Explore photos and details of works, authors and spaces• Follow one of the proposed routes or create your own• Navigate the map or by using the navigation panel orbytouchingthe area of ​​interest• View the exact location of a work or a space• Create your own personal collection by selecting whatyoulikedmost• In the high-definition bonus content explores one ofthemostsignificant works of the work of the Holy Cross
Chianti Classico Official App 2.1
There has always been an idiomatic-geographic confusion betweentwodifferent docGs: chianti classico and chianti. While intheenological field there are two separate terms, “chianticlassico”and “chianti,” from the historical-geographical standpointthere isonly the term “chianti.” For consumers, but even for wineinsiders,the bor- derline between these two contexts is so unclearthat theadjective “classico” is often omitted in describing achianticlassico in tastings, comments and articles. in fact,thatadjective is very important, because it di- stinguisheschianticlassico from chianti wine. they are two distinct andseparatedocGs, with two diffe- rent sets of productionregulations,production zones and consortiums for the protection ofthe product.a Bit of history In 1716 Cosimo III, Grand duke oftuscany,officially delimited the chianti production zone: an arealyingbetween the cities of Florence and siena where the homonymouswinewas produced and was already enjoying great success. at thattimethe wine called “chianti” was made in the territorycalled“chianti”. in the early 20th century, when the fame ofchianti winewas increasing year by year and its productionterritory was nolonger able to meet a growing national and foreigndemand, winebegan to be made outside the chianti zone delimited in1716, whichwas also called “chianti” or “chianti-style” wine. andso in 1924to defend their own wines, makers of the original chiantifoundedthe consorzio per la tute- la del vino tipico del chianti edellasua marca di origine (consortium for the protection oftypicalchianti Wine and its mark of origin). the trademarkimmediatelychosen was the Black rooster, historic symbol of thechiantimilitary League and depicted by famous painter GiorgioVasari onthe ceiling of the salone dei cinquecento at palazzoVecchio inFlorence. In 1932 a specific ministerial decree wasissued todistinguish the chianti made in its zone of origin byadding theadjective “classico”. since then, chianti wine producedoutside thegeo- graphical area has been called “chianti” whilechianticlassico is the wine made within the original productionzone, theone known since 1716 as “chianti”. Recapping Chianti thename of aterritory delimited in 1716 that today covers 9 communesunder theprovinces of Florence and siena. Chianti the name of awine made intuscany but not in the geographical zone called“chianti”. ChiantiClassico the name of the wine made in thegeographical zone called“chianti”. Only this wine is entitled to beidentified with thehistoric Black Rooster symbol.