Top 7 Apps Similar to SentieriNatura App

Sentieri natura 1.5
Immedia snc
App con i 9 Sentieri Natura delParcoNazionaleForeste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona eCampigna;riportante Mappedei 9 percorsi e informazioni dettagliateperognuno dei singoliPunti Sosta di ciascun Sentiero Natura.L'App funziona senza la necessità di una connessioneinternetequindi fruibile in ogni luogo.I 9 Sentieri Natura del Parco Nazionale ForesteCasentinesi,MonteFalterona e Campigna sono sentieri di agevolepercorrenza,dedicatia tutta la famiglia, caratterizzati da 10 PuntiSostaciascuno perosservare e conoscere la struttura geomorfologicadelterritorio,la vegetazione, la fauna e la storia dei luoghi.Buona passeggiata!App with 9NatureTrailsNational Park Casentino Forests, Monte FalteronaandCampigna; Mapshowing the paths 9 and detailed information foreachof theindividual points of each Stop Nature Trail.The app works without the need for an internet connectionandthususable everywhere.The 9 Nature Trails National Park Casentino Forests,MonteFalteronaand Campigna are trails of easy journey, dedicated tothewholefamily, featuring 10 Points Stop each to observe andlearnaboutgeomorphological structure of the territory,vegetation,fauna andhistory places.Good walk!
Backpacker GPS Trails Pro 5.7.1
Record hiking trails, backpacking trips,andcamping adventures with Backpacker GPS Trails Pro. Viewmaps,navigate with GPS and digital compass, take photos, andbacktrackto the trailhead.GPS Trails Pro works in remote places like nationalparks,wilderness areas, and backcountry spots without relying ondata andcell signals.--------With GPS Trails Pro, you can:Turn your phone into a GPS: Navigate via precisesatellitesignals in and out of cell network.Capture waypoints: Mark campsites, trailheads, watersources,summits, and more.Track every step: Record or follow your tracks and routes.Storeunlimited tracks.Share your trip: Post adventures to, TwitterandFacebook.Geotag your photos, videos, and sound clips: Savecoordinateswith every image and see their exact location on a map.Auto-savevideos to your YouTube account too.View maps: See unlimited street maps, aerial photos,hybridstreet/aerial maps, and topo maps provided by MyTopo.Navigate on the trail: Be an expert backcountry navigator.Usethe digital compass to follow bearings or go to waypoints onthetrail.Create map packs to store maps on your phone. This app allowsyouto save topos (MyTopo), aerials (Bing), streets (OSM), andterrain(OCM) map types.Get worldwide aerial images on your phone. Our app gives yourareaccess to view and store offine aerial imagery from Bingmaps.View stats: See 10 stats, including elevation, speed,anddistance.Pick your coordinates: Choose latitude/longitude or UTM andWGS84 or NAD 27 then use GPS Trails for advanced navigationwithtraditional paper maps.Download Pro Trips: Follow our step-by-step trail guidesofpopular trails and lesser-known routes in national parks,nationalforests, and local parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite,GrandCanyon, Great Smoky Mountains, Glacier, Rocky Mountain,WhiteMountains, Adirondacks, Catskills, Zion, Arches,Canyonlands,Acadia, Mount Rainier, Everglades, Olympic, and more.Find hikesnear major cities: New York City, Seattle, Portland, LA,Denver,Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, and more. Plus find section hikeson theAppalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and the ContinentalDivideTrail.Search trips: Find thousands of trips shared by theBackpackereditors and the community.Plan trips: Plan trips with map tools at trimbleoutdoors.comandwirelessly sync them to Backpacker GPS Trails app. You canmarkpoints, draw tracks, upload GPS files, print maps, andmore.(requires membership)Get published: Every month the editors at Backpackerhandpickadventures shared by its online community to be publishedin themagazine. Kickstart your adventure writing and photographycareerwith GPS Trails.NEW: Plug in statewide topo maps into your Android with ournewSD cards. Learn more at: INFOSupported Phones: GPS Trails Pro is designed and optimized fortheAndroid phones.Battery Life: While we optimize our code to cut down onpowerrequirements, continued use of the GPS running in thebackgroundcan dramatically decrease battery life. For longerdayhikes orovernight trips, we suggest packing lightweight batterypacks tocharge the phone.Follow Us: We’ve created a Facebook page for our mobile appstodiscuss upcoming releases, new features, and your feedback.Yourfeedback helps us create a better app. brings the outdoors straight to the reader'sdoorstep,inspiring and enabling them to go more places and enjoynature moreoften. The authority on active adventure, Backpacker isthe world'sfirst GPS-enabled™ magazine and website, and the onlyoutdoor mediawhose editors and network of map contributorspersonally map thehiking trails they publish.
Dolomiti Friulane 1.3
Dotata di un’interfaccia semplice eintuitiva,l’app permette all’utente di visualizzare informazioni efotografiesulle Valli Pordenonesi, il Piancavallo, i Magredi el’assecicloturistico pedemontano.Quasi 600 sono i punti d’interesse censiti e geo-localizzatisuuna mappa cartografica interattiva, e con la funzionalità"Realtàaumentata" è ancora più facile scoprire ecomusei, cultura,natura,chiese, tempo libero, dove mangiare, dove dormire, aree disosta,meccanici di biciclette e uffici turistici delterritorio.Per ogni punto d’interesse è stata realizzata una schedainformativache riporta immagini, informazioni utili e recapiti dicontatto webe telefonici.Gli utenti possono organizzare le loro escursioni e, nel casodicicloturisti, utilizzare l’applicativo per programmare eregistrarel’itinerario attraverso un sistema di navigazione gpsinterno,sofisticato dal punto di vista tecnologico ma estremamentesempliceda usare.Gli itinerari sono classificati in base alla difficoltà eallalunghezza del tragitto, del quale il sistema calcola evisualizza -oltre al percorso geolocalizzato sulla mappacartografica di Google- anche il profilo altimetrico.L’app permette anche di conoscere le notizie e le iniziativedelterritorio e di accedere a siti web e profili socialnetworksdedicati al territorio. Non manca poi una sezione dedicataainumeri utili e di emergenza, attivabili direttamente con untoccodi dita.Dolomiti Friulane è quindi una guida interattivaindispensabileper vivere al meglio il territorio della ComunitàMontana delFriuli Occidentale e conoscere le bellezze dei suoi 27comuni:Andreis, Arba, Aviano, Barcis, Budoia, Caneva, CastelnovodelFriuli, Cavasso Nuovo, Cimolais, Claut, Clauzetto, Erto eCasso,Fanna, Frisanco, Maniago, Meduno, Montereale Valcellina,Pinzano alTagliamento, Polcenigo, Sequals, Spilimbergo, Tramonti diSopra,Tramonti di Sotto, Travesio, Vajont, Vito D'Asio, Vivaro.Equipped with a simpleandintuitive, the app allows the user to view information andphotos onthe Pordenone Valleys, the Piancavallo, the Magredi andthe axisfoothill cycling.Nearly 600 are the points of interest listed and geo-located onacartographic map interactive, and functionality "Augmentedreality"is even easier to discover eco-museums, culture, nature,churches,leisure, eat, sleep, areas parking, bicycle mechanics andtouristoffices in the area.For each point of interest was carried out a fact sheetthatcontains pictures, information and contact addresses of webandtelephone.Users can organize their trips and, in the case of cyclists,usethe application to schedule and record your route throughaninternal GPS navigation system, sophisticated in termsoftechnology but extremely simple to use.The itineraries are classified according to difficulty andthelength of the journey, which the system calculates and displays-in addition to the geo-location on the map of Google mapping -eventhe elevation profile.The app also allows you to know the news and events oftheterritory and access to websites and social networksprofilesdedicated to the territory. There are also a section forusefulnumbers and emergency, activated directly with a touchoffingers.Friulian Dolomites is therefore essential for aninteractiveguide to better enjoy the Mountain Community of WesternFriuli andknow the beauty of its 27 municipalities: Andreis, Arba,Aviano,Barcis, Budoia, Caneva, Castelnovo del Friuli, Poffabro,Cimolais,Claut, Clauzetto, Erto and Casso, Fanna, Frisanco,Maniago, Meduno,Montereale, Pinzano al Tagliamento, Polcenigo,Sequals,Spilimbergo, Tramonti di Sopra, Tramonti di Sotto,Travesio,Vajont, Vito D'Asio, Vivaro.
AndAppennino Cimone & Abetone 3.9
AndAppennino allows you to check allthewebcams of the best appennino resorts:CIMONEandABETONEIt provides a realtime weather indicator as well.All the images taken from the webcams belong to theirrespectiveowners.Opensource Libs used:BitmapCache - Chris BanesActionbarSherlock - Jake WarthonPostmanRingsTwiceLib - Federico PaolinelliJackson - json parsing libraryScribe - Pablo FernandezThe weather information is kindly
UVLens - UV Index Forecasts 2.5.4
Spark 64
Exposure to sunlight’s ultraviolet radiation (UV) can damage toyourskin, cause sunburn and increase your risk of skin cancer.UVLensshows you when you need to take care and when you can safelyenjoythe sun. Features: • Plan out the best time to be outside Seethe UVindex forecast for the day, see when it’s safe to be outsideandwhen to avoid the sun. • Find your burn risk Find out how longyoucan spend in the sun without sunscreen by taking a personalizedskintype assessment. • Sunscreen Reminder Discover how yoursunscreenprotects you, and get reminded to reapply. • Widget Seethe currentUV and your burn risk right from your home screen.About The UVLensapp is being developed by the team at Spark 64Ltd, a company makingproducts to help people live healthieroutdoor lives. Contact us [email protected] Follow
Guthook's Appalachian Trail Guide 8.3.8
Please download "Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline" toaccessthe Appalachian Trail, Pinhoti, Benton MacKaye, Long Trail,and MidState Trail guides. Existing customers may transfer theirpurchasesto the Guthook Guides: Hike & Bike Offline app.Guthook's Guideto the Appalachian Trail is a detailed, map-basedsmartphone guidefor your hike on the Appalachian Trail or the LongTrail. It mapsand lists thousands of important hiker waypoints onthe AT (andhundreds for the Long Trail) such as water sources,shelters,tenting sites, road crossings, resupply locations, andmany others.The free demo covers the 8.8-mile Springer MountainApproach Trailfrom Amicalola Falls State Park to Springer Mountainsouthernterminus. In-app purchases include 9 sections of the AT andtheLong Trail in Vermont. Key features: - No mobile orinternetconnection is required after initial setup -- works inAirplaneMode - Detailed maps with your GPS location - Elevationprofileview - Custom route creator - Multiple offline map choices-Real-time comments from other hikers - Send your currentlocationand a message to friends or family via Checkin featureTheguidebook lists every waypoint in order by distance along thetrailand how far away you are from each waypoint. The guidebookalsoincludes a detailed town guide for major resupply points,towns,and services along the AT. Waypoint details include: -Mileagepoint and elevation - Photographs - Distance to the nextwatersource and tent site - Comments section where you may postcommentsand read other hikers’ comments Types of waypoints: - Watersources(including the reliability of each water source) -Detailedresupply and town information: - post offices and otherpackageservices - restaurants - grocery stores and conveniencestores -gear shops and hardware stores - laundromats - lodging,publicshowers, public restrooms - public libraries -Tentingsites/camping sites - Trail junctions - Parking areas alongthetrail - Picnic areas, campgrounds, ranger stations -Roads,railroad tracks, power lines, fences, gates - Naturallandmarks(e.g. mountain passes) - Privies/restrooms - Views AbouttheAppalachian Trail: The Appalachian Trail, or AT, is one oftheUnited States' most treasured national trails. The 2,168-miletrailstretches from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mount KatahdininMaine. Along the way it passes through 14 states,includingGeorgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, WestVirginia,Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York,Connecticut,Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Muchof the LongTrail overlaps the AT through the State of Vermont. Manyhikerscomplete the entire trail in one season ("thru-hikers"),andcountless others enjoy hiking anywhere from a few miles tohundredsof miles each year. Appalachian Trail, AT
Naturlandet 1.2.4
På Lolland er vi stolte af vores flottenaturmellem himmel og hav. Spændende kyststrækninger, strande,småøer,naturparker, skove og et frugtbart landbrugslandskab medmangehistoriske herregårde.Derfor tilbyder vi nu Det Naturlige Lolland; en app derguiderdig rundt på en masse spændende ture. Ruterne er GPS'ede, såduhele tid ved, hvor du skal hen - uanset om du er til fods, påcykeleller i bil.Det Naturlige Lolland laves af Lolland Kommune og finansieresafprojekt Vækstmuligheder i yderområderne.On the Road is proudofits beautiful scenery between sky and sea. Excitingcoastlines,beaches, islands, parks, forests and fertileagricultural area withmany historic mansions.We are now offering The Natural Road; an app that guidesyouaround a lot of exciting trips. The trails are GPS'ede soyou'retime know where you're going - whether you are on foot, bybike orby car.The Natural Road made of Lolland Municipality and financed bytheproject Growth Opportunities in the periphery.