Top 15 Apps Similar to Come vivi la vita?

Psychological Tests (full) 1.02
Pretty Planet
This program contains the bestpsychologicaltests in english. You can learn about yourpersonality, addictions,tendency to depression and relationships.This is full version of program, so you can use programwithoutadvertisement.Key words:psychological tests, best psychological tests,personality,addictions, tendency to depression and relationshipstests,psychology, психологические тесты.
Test Psicologico Personalidad 5.0.0
Test para conocerte a ti mismo o a tusamigosyfamiliares, responde a 10 sencillas cuestiones ydescubrirásunpoquito más de ti o de tus amigos, son preguntassencillas ynadacomplicadas, contesta con naturalidad ydescubriráscomosorprendetemente tu subsconciente habla más de ti delo quetupiensas, deseos,ambiciones,miedos,problemas,felicidad,soncuestiones que salen casísin querer. además esmuydivertido.Un elevado porcentaje de personas despues de terminar eltestestaabsolutamente de acuerdo con sus rasgos principales.Además es gratis, descarga ya y esperamos que pasesunosmomentosinolvidables.Muchas gracias,Test to knowyourselforyour friends and family, answers 10 simple questions andfind outalittle more about you or your friends aresimplequestionsuncomplicated, answer with ease and discover howitsurprisinglyyour subconscious speaks more about you what youthink,desires,ambitions, fears, problems, happiness, are issuesthat comealmostby accident. it is also very funny.A high percentage of people after finishing the testiscompleteagreement with its main features.Plus it's free, download and hopefullyspendunforgettablemoments.Thank you very much,
Test of Life 1.4
Do you want to know how long will you live?Trythe TEST OF LIFE app and find out.Your life expectancy depends on many factors: somearehereditary, others depend on your habits and lifestyle. Answersomesimple questions and the app will give you an estimate of yourlifeexpectancy as it stands today, as well as some tips to improveyourhealth.Do you want to know too how does smoking, over o undereatingandyour genetics can affect your life span? By answering TEST OFLIFEquestions in different ways you can see how these can affectyourlife expectancy. Are you ready to find out how long willyoulive...?******************************************Follow us on Twitter and Facebook!******************************************
Temperament | test 1.2.2
Rustle Studio
The psychological temperament test
Test psikologi 2.3
melebihi500.000download!□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Testpsikologi yangkompatibel dengan smartphone android. Kamu orangyangbagaimana?Ketahuilahpribadimu.□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■Aplikasiini bisakamu nikmati bersama teman-teman. Hanya denganmenekan 1tombolsaja, kamu bisa mengenal dirimu secara lebihmendalam.Cobalahaplikasi ini dengan santai. Mengetahui bagaimanakepribadiankamu,bagaimana sifat tersembunyi kamu, dan kebenaranyangmengejutkanakan terungkap di sini. Kesadaran akan sesuatuyangselama ini takterlihat olehmu. Kamu mungkin akan terkejutdenganjawaban yangkamu peroleh, tapi tidak apa-apa, karena jikakamumencoba aplikasiini, kamu bisa menjadi seseorang yang lebihbaikdari sebelumnya.Karena kamu dapat mengetahui bagaimana dirimuyangsebenarnya.Ketika melakukan suatu perjalanan, ketika tidakbisatidur di malamhari, saat rame-rame bersama teman, atau ketikakamuinginmengetahui bagaimama perasaan pasanganmu. Ini adalahaplikasiyangdapat mengetahui bagaimana psikismu atau orang yang adadidekatmu.* Kamu dapat menikmati aplikasi ini secara gratis.Kamumungkinsaja bisa menemukan sesuatu yang mengejutkan yang selamainitidakkamu ketahui, jika kamu menyuruh teman atau pacarmuuntukmenjawabpertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada di dalam tes ini.Karena iniadalahtes psikologi sederhana yang dapat dijawab denganintuisi. ■IsiIsi dari test ini mencerminkan kepribadianmu.Bagaimana aksibalasdendammu. Kesan yang kamu berikan kepada oranglain. Kamudapatmengetahui bagaimana kamu mengambil resiko.Bagaimanaselerahumormu. Apa penyebab masalah yang sedang kamuhadapi. Kamujugadapat mengetahui bagaimana bekerja untuk menjadisukses. Padasaatbagaimana kamu akan mudah marah-marah. Tentangdendammu Padasaatseperti apa kamu merasakan permusuhan dari oranglain. DLL…Contohpertanyaan [Q]Pada suatu malam, tiba-tiba kamumerasa lapardantidak bisa tidur. Apa yang akan kamu lakukan?【A】Tunggudengansabar sampai tertidur 【B】Menelepon teman 【C】Tidursetalahmakansesuatu 【D】Tidur dengan membawa minuman/setelah minumsesuatuUntukjawabannya, silahkan lihat di dalam aplikasi.Kebenaranyangmenakutkan tapi ingin kamu ketahui. Testpsikologiinimenampilkannya secara utuh untukmu. [Dapat diaksessecaraoffline]Walaupun smartphonemu tidak terhubung dengan jaringanwifi,kamudapat mengakses aplikasi ini dengan gampang. Aplikasiinijugabagus untuk mengisi waktumu saat perjalanan jauh,ataumenemanikeseharianmu. [Perkenalan aplikasi] Denganmenjawabpertanyaanberdasrkan adegan/situasi yang dijelaskan dalamaplikasiini, kitadapat dengan mudah mendiagnosa hal-hal mendalamyangbiasanya takterlihat. Nikmatilah aplikasi ini sebagai hiburanyangmenarikuntukmu. Tes psikologi, meramal, diagnosiskepribadian,menarik,lucu, melewatkan waktu, bicara, minum,perempuan, cerita,cinta,sederhana, penilaian, analisis diri, usiamental, tandazodiak,golongan darah, keberuntungan, dalam, pacar ,Perasaan.
Come vivi l'amore? 1.5
Edizioni Riza
Qual è il tuo partner ideale?Quantoèimportante per te la sessualità? Quanto ti pesa la gelosia?Test psicologici per conoscere meglio te stesso e iltuorapportocon l'amore. Al termine di ogni test potrai leggerenonsolo il tuoprofilo personale ma anche dei consigli praticiscrittida psicologie specialisti.I risultati dei test possono essere salvati erilesttiinqualsaisi momento. Possono anche essere condivisisuFacebook.I test sono realizzati dagli dagli esperti dell'IstitutoRizadiMedicina Psicosomatica, fondato nel 1979 a Milanoconl'obiettivodi studiare l'uomo come espressionedell'unitàpsicofisica. Ilgruppo Riza negli anni è cresciuto inmolti settori,ed oggipubblica diverse riviste nel campo dellapsicologia(RizaPsicosomatica, MenteCorpo, Figli Felici) e gestisceuna ScuoladiSpecializzazione in Psicoterapia riconosciutadalMinisterodell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.L'applicazione contiene i seguenti 10 test:- Come vivi il sesso?- Che cos'è per te l'amore?- Come vivi i rapporti di coppia?- Quanto ti pesa la gelosia?- Romantico, passionale o equilibrato?- Qual è il tuo partner ideale?- Il checkup dell'amore- L'amore ti consuma?- In amore sai usare le parole giuste?- Come affronti una delusione amorosa?Con questa app farai il checkup dell'amore!What is youridealpartner?How important is it for you sexuality? How much doyouweighjealousy?Psychological tests to better understand yourselfandyourrelationship with love. At the end of each test you canreadnotonly your personal profile but also practical advicewrittenbypsychologists and specialists.Test results can be saved and rilestti in qualsaisi time.Theycanalso be shared on Facebook.The tests are carried out by experts from theInstituteofPsychosomatic Medicine Riza, founded in 1979 in Milanwith theaimof studying the man as an expression of unitypsychophysics.RizaGroup has grown over the years in many areas, andtodaypublishesseveral journals in the field of psychology(RizaPsychosomatics,mind-body, Happy Children) and operates aSchool ofSpecializationin Psychotherapy recognized by the MinistryofEducation,University and Research .The application contains the following 10 tests:- How do you feel about sex?- What is love for you?- How do you live marital relationships?- How much do you weigh jealousy?- Romantic, passionate or balanced?- What is your ideal partner?- The checkup of love- Love you consume?- In love know how to use the right words?- How do you approach a disappointment in love?With this app you'll love the checkup!
Test Personalidad Psicologico 8.0.0
Con Test Personalidad Psicologicoelijeeldibujo que más centre tu atención, descarta rapidamenteconlamirada los que no te gusten, y luego centrate en lo quemástegusten, tienes que pensar, ¿si fuera un dibujo para toda lavida?,¿ si fuera un tatuaje?, recuerda al final la imagen teelegiráati.Un test de personalidad es un cuestionario uotroinstrumentoestandarizado diseñado para revelar aspectosdelcarácter omecanismos psicológicos de un individuo.Nuestro test de personalidad por imagenes es muy intuitivoyrapido,en menos de dos segundos sabrás que personalidadtienesdependiendode la imagen que hayasseleccionado.....generoso,fascinante,perceptivo,inteligente,dominante,amable,feliz,optimista,encantador,¿aqueesperas?, desscarga ya nuestro test de personalidad yaveriguacomoeres.Aviso: Aplicación de entretenimiento, en ningún casolosresultadosson ciertos.Este test es realizado para fines de entretenimientoysusconclusiones y pruebas no tienen ninguna base cientifica,aúnasícuando contrastamos opiniones sobre imagenesseleccionadasypersonalidad vemos que las coincidencias superanlosvaloresestandares de probabilidad, por tanto los resultadospuedensersatisfactorios.PRUEBA Y AVERIGUALO.DESCARGA YA , ES GRATISWithTestPersonalityPsychological choose drawing more focus yourattention,discardquickly with their eyes you do not like, and thenfocus onwhat youlike best, you have to think, what if it were adrawing foralifetime?, if a tattoo ?, remembers the end choosetheimageyou.A personality test is a standardized questionnaireorotherinstrument designed to reveal character traitsorpsychologicalmechanisms of an individual.Our personality test images is very intuitive and fast, inlessthantwo seconds you'll know that personality depending ontheimage youhave selected ..... generous, fascinating,perceptive,intelligent,dominant, friendly, happy, optimistic,charming , whatdo you expect?, desscarga and our personality testand see how youare.Notice: Entertainment Application in any case theresultsarecertain.This test is done for entertainment purposes and itsconclusionsandtests have no scientific basis, yet when contrastedviewsonselected images and personality we see thatthesimilaritiesoutweigh the standard probability values, sotheresults can besatisfactory.TESTING AND AVERIGUALO.DOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE
Attention Test 1.12
Classic psychological test of visual attention.
Vita 1.0.8
Vita es un asistente de vozdesarrolladoíntegramente para usuarios hispanohablantes.Pregúntale cualquier cosa a Vita y déjate sorprender.Vita aúna en una misma aplicación lo mejor de dos mundos,unasistente personal similar a Siri o Cortana y un notificadordeeventos como Google Now, todo en un mismo lugar.Preguntas de cultura general, tiempo, recetas,llamadas,mensajes, emails.. Vita hará todo esto por ti y muchomás....¿No sabes la respuesta a una pregunta? Házsela a Vita.¿Quieres saber tu horóscopo a una hora determinada todos losdías?Vita te lo dirá.¿Te aburres? Vita te entretendrá.¿Necesitas una receta? Vita la buscará por ti....En esta nueva versión, Vita se ha adaptado a las nuevas guíasdediseño Material Design, se han puesto al día todas lasfuncionesque ya tenía y se han integrado otras nuevas.Requisitos:Tener instalada la aplicación de búsqueda degoogle: el reconocimiento de voz sin conexión para elidiomaEspañol.Tener una conexión a Internet de alta velocidad.¡Disfruta!IMPORTANTE: Deja un voto y un comentario, no se tarda nada y esdegran ayuda!NOTA: Antes criticar .. recuerda que detrás de la aplicación,hayun programador con sentimientos! :)Vita is a fullydevelopedvoice assistant for Spanish users.Vita ask anything and be amazed.Vita combines in one application the best of both worlds,apersonal assistant like Siri or Cortana and Notifier eventslikeGoogle Now, all in one place.General knowledge questions, weather, recipes, calls,messages,emails .. Vita will do all this for you and more....You do not know the answer to a question? Házsela Vita.Want to know your horoscope to a particular time every day?Vitawill tell.Are you bored? Vita will entertain.Need a prescription? Vita will search for you....In this new version, Vita has adapted to the newdesignguidelines Material Design, have updated all the featuresyoualready had and have integrated new ones.Requirements:Having installed the google searchapplication: voice recognition offline to the Spanish language.Have a connection to high speed Internet.Enjoy!IMPORTANT: Leave one vote and comment, it does not take nothingandis of great help!NOTE: Before you criticize .. remember that behindtheapplication, there are a programmer with feelings! :)
Vita AR Cards 1.2
Andrew Wilson
All 6 Playstation Vita AR Cards on yourphonewherever you go! This app contains no copyright infringementsandall images have been created by myself, so enjoy!Recently updated so the cards actually work and now includesanew feature called "MultiView" where all 6 cards are on screenatonce (see screens above). You can drag them around and pressingthemenu key will let you disable them individually and resizethemall. Works great on a tablet!Also check out my other apps including a game by my otherstudio,"Critter Rollers", search for it on the market. Freedownload!Enjoy playing with your PS Vita :P
Aenigma Tool - Lite 1.1
Aenigma Tool è un'applicazionecreataperricercare le parole nel vocabolario estesodellalinguaitaliana.E' dedicata agli appassionati di enigmistica, delle parolecrociateodi giochi quali Scarabeo o Angry Words.Consente di effettuare selezioni di parole da insiemidiletteredisponibili, anagrammi, ricerche vincolate (es desinenzeerime,parole contenute ecc) e miste. Comprende un archiviodioltre350.000 lemmi e verbi coniugati.La versione Lite limita a 9 caratteri le caselle diricercaeselezioneAenigma Toolisanapplication designed to search for words in theextendedvocabularyof the Italian language.And 'dedicated to fans of puzzles, crosswords or gameslikeScrabbleor Words Angry.Makes selection of words from sets of lettersavailable,anagrams,bound research (eg, endings and rhyme, wordscontainedetc.) andmixed. Includes a database of over 350,000entries andverbs.The Lite version limited to 9 characters searchboxesandselection
[Lite]Yoo's Life&death(Tablet) 1.2
Welcome to Yoo Changhyuk’s Life anddeathclasses!You can learn Go from beginning to advance level inYooChanghyuk’s Life and death classes.You also can compete for the ranking with all nation friends.Wehope you enjoy the game.-Features1. Progressive learningBeginning, intermediate, advance – Total 6 stages2. Confirming the gradeYou can confirm your Life and death abilities systematically.3. RankingCompete your Life and death abilities with all nationGoplayers.4. For your informationQuestions are supervised and explained byYoo Changhyuk’sGostudio.- Lite version 30 problems of each level- Beginner, intermediate and advanced, each providing a total of600problems (300 problems per-level)- Full version offers a total 1800 problemsTag) Baduk,Yoo,Changhyuk,Life and death,Go,Eyes,game,blackstone,white stone,ko
Friendship Quiz & Test 3.5
Ansel's Corp.
Friendship Quiz and Test!; find out if he / she is a real friendora traitor with this friend test !. This Friend test calculatesthedegree of friendship with another person on the basis oftwovariables: 1) zodiac signs 2) the friend quiz about behaviorofreal life! the scientific friendship calculator of''Friendshipquiz'' makes you sure that the result will be true andyou willknow if he is a real friend or a traitor , and if you cantrust him/ her. What are you waiting ? , try this friend calculatorand findout if he/she is a real friend!. the app is translatedintoITALIAN, ENGLISH, DEUTSCH, FRANÇAIS, ESPAÑOL, ENGLISH,РУССО,भारतीय,, 中国, TÜRK, العربية, СРПСКИ, PORTUGUÊS, ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ,日本人,POLSKA, ROMÂNĂ, SVENSKA, NEDERLANDS
Personality test 1.0
Free quizzes to learn more aboutyourself.Sometimes creepy sometimes funny. Enjoy personality quizzand funquizzes. find out about your personality types withpsychology testIn this application-41 Questions test-Temperament sorter-25 questions personality testEnjoy our free android application on the playstore.Pleasecomment and like
BRAVO test 3.3
¡Actualiza a la última versión parapoderrealizar todos los test que quieras!Descubre por fin lo que tus amigas piensan de ti, si le molasatu fichaje o ¡si tienes algún talento oculto! Un montón de testteesperan en la nueva aplicación gratuita de BRAVO paratumóvil.Pero aún hay más. ¿Te crees una loca de los trapitos? ¿Piensasquelo sabes todo de tu artistas favoritos? Pues con esta appteenterarás de qué es lo más te favorece, qué va más contigo ysicontrolas a tope sobre el star-system.Y es que la aplicación de BRAVO ¡es la caña!. Descarga BRAVOTESTGRATIS.Now upgrade to thelatestversion to perform all the tests you want!You finally discover what your friends think of you, if youmolasyour signing or If you have any hidden talents! A lot oftests awaityou in the new BRAVO free application for yourmobile.But there's more. Do you think the dirty laundry crazy? Do youthinkyou know everything about your favorite artists? Well, withthis appyou will learn what suits you best, what goes with you andif youcontrol butt on the star system.And the application of it's BRAVO cane !. Download FREETESTBRAVO.