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Personality Tests 3.4
Personality tests give you in-depth knowledge about yourselfontopics ranging from love and health to personality, lifestyle,IQand more. It includes personality tests , career tests,healthtests , IQ tests and funny tests ..
Descubra Personalidade Free 3.0
O Melhor Aplicativo paradescubrirsuapersonalidade e revelar quem você é.Com essa app depois de algumas perguntas você vai sabermaissobresi mesmo(a), vai lhe revelar sua personalidade qualidadesedefeitos.Use também com seus amigos e saibam a personalidadeumdooutro.Depois de estudos na área da psicologia, filosofia e naciênciadehábitos conseguimos criar um aplicativo que revela ouseaproximada sua personalidade, faça o teste agora mesmo! Nãoésomente umteste psicológico, o aplicativo é mágico mesmo!A versão PRO também contém um módulo onde vocêpodecombinarpersonalidades com seu paquera ou namorado, umbrincadeirabastantedivertida.Faça o teste e peça para seus amigos também testarem,vocêsaberáa personalidade deles!Use o módulo Combinar Personalidades para verificar se umcasalécompatível!Depois do teste você pode compartilhar o resultado emredessociaisou simplesmente mandar para os amigos.The BestApplicationtodiscover your personality and reveal who you are.With this app after a few questions you will knowmoreaboutyourself (a), you will reveal your personalityqualitiesanddefects. Use also with your friends and knoweachother'spersonality.After studies in psychology, philosophy and science ofhabitscancreate an application that reveals or approachesyourpersonality,do the test right now! It is not only apsychologicaltest, theapplication is magical even!The PRO version also contains a module where youcanmatchpersonalities with your crush or boyfriend, a veryfunnyjoke.Take the test and ask your friends to also test, youwillknowtheir personality!Use the module Combining Personalities to check if acoupleiscompatible!After the test you can share the results on social networksorsimplysend to friends.
Come vivi la vita? 1.5
Edizioni Riza
Cosa dici a un estraneo in ascensore?Cosapensiquando suona la sveglia? Come affronti i cambiamenti?Test psicologici per conoscere meglio te stesso e il modoconcuiaffronti la vita. Al termine di ogni test potrai leggerenonsolo iltuo profilo personale ma anche dei consigli praticiscrittidapsicologi.I risultati dei test possono essere salvati erilesttiinqualsaisi momento. Possono anche essere condivisisuFacebook.I test sono realizzati dagli dagli esperti dell'IstitutoRizadiMedicina Psicosomatica, fondato nel 1979 a Milanoconl'obiettivodi studiare l'uomo come espressionedell'unitàpsicofisica. Ilgruppo Riza negli anni è cresciuto inmolti settori,ed oggipubblica diverse riviste nel campo dellapsicologia(RizaPsicosomatica, MenteCorpo, Figli Felici) e gestisceuna ScuoladiSpecializzazione in Psicoterapia riconosciutadalMinisterodell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.L'applicazione contiene i seguenti 10 test:- Sei razionale, spensierato o ansioso?- Come affronti i cambiamenti?- Cosa fai se il bagno si allaga?- Tu dormi bene?- Cos'è per te il successo?- Credi davvero ai tuoi sogni?- Tu come parli?- Sul lavoro ti senti realizzato?- Sai ancora trasgredire?- Sai vivere pienamente?Se vuoi conoscerti meglio questa è l'applicazionegiustaperte!What do you saytoastranger in the elevator? What do you think when thealarmgoesoff? How do you handle change?Psychological tests to better understand yourself and thewayyouface life. At the end of each test you can read notonlyyourpersonal profile but also practical advicewrittenbypsychologists.Test results can be saved and rilestti in qualsaisi time.Theycanalso be shared on Facebook.The tests are carried out by experts from theInstituteofPsychosomatic Medicine Riza, founded in 1979 in Milanwith theaimof studying the man as an expression of unitypsychophysics.RizaGroup has grown over the years in many areas, andtodaypublishesseveral journals in the field of psychology(RizaPsychosomatics,mind-body, Happy Children) and operates aSchool ofSpecializationin Psychotherapy recognized by the MinistryofEducation,University and Research .The application contains the following 10 tests:- You're rational, carefree or anxious?- How do you handle change?- What do you do if the bathroom gets flooded?- Do you sleep well?- What is success for you?- Do you really believe in your dreams?- How do you speak?- On the job made you feel?- Do you know yet transgress?- Sai live fully?If you want to know you better this is the right app foryou!
Who are you? 1.0
"Who are you?" is a funny joke to dotowhoeveryou want, simulates a scan of the print and displayssomedataentered before the knowledge of those who sufferthisjoke.In fact, you can surprise your friends by entering actualdataorthings that only you know, or to impress one / aunknownwritingfor example "beautiful blonde girl in front ofme."If you have a connection available, you can write by voiceandthengo to edit as you please.Once you accept the text disappears and leaves onlytheimageinformation.At this point, you hold on to who you choose and thephonewillvibrate and flash very quickly for about 6 seconds andthengivethe result.flashing in the video description you can not see well.WARNING: This application is just a game, we arenotresponsiblefor the misuse or malfunction of this free.If you are interested in banner that will be displayed andyougoto click on them you will come to the appropriate BACKbuttonthatallows you to go back. pressing this button twice willhaveaversion without banner forever. (If you reinstalltheapplicationwill need to redo the same process)Italian language
تحليل الشخصية بالاسئلة 2.0
تحليل الشخصية عن طريق 15 سؤال، وهذهالأسئلةتحمل أكثر من إحتمالية للإجابة عليها، وكل احتمالية لها تحليليختلفعن الآخر لجانب من جوانب الشخصيةشارك في صناعة هذا الاختبار علماء نفس أكفاء ، النتيجة تعتمداعتماداكليا على طبيعة اجاباتك ، جاوب بكل صراحة فلن يرى أحد اجابتكمقدمة حول الإختبار :لكل إنسان منا جانب مختبئ من شخصيته ؛ الذي لا يظهر للناظر إليهولكنيمكن الإستدلال عليه من خلال بعض التصرفات أو من خلال الإجابة علىبعضالأسئلة ، ويعتبر تحليل الشخصية وقراءة الأفكار الخفية فن لايتقنهإلا بعض المختصون في هذا المجال ، كما أن هذه الخفايا التييخبئهاالإنسان سرعان ما تظهر من خلال إختبارات تحليل الشخصية ، التيتستطيعأن تحلل شخصية الانسان الخفية ، ولكن يشترط بها الاجابة بصدقعلىالأسئلة المطروحة .فمعرفة الإنسان بنمط شخصيته بلا شك سيكون له أثر بالغ في محاولةتفاديالأنماط السيئة التي تظهر من خلال علاقاته وتعاملاته مع من حولهفيالحياة، كما أن معرفته بالأنماط الايجابية التي يتمتع بها سيزيدمنثقته بنفسه، وتجعله يعمل على تنميتها بالقدر الذي يساعده علىخلقمساحة من التفاؤل والسعادة يساعده على المزيد من التألقوالنجاح.Personal analysisthrough15 questions, and those questions carry more thanprobability toanswer them, and every likelihood of her analysisdiffers from theother side of the personal aspects of the Participated in the manufacture of this test thesamequalified scientists, the result depends entirely on the natureofyour answers, Answer a frankly will not see one of your answerINTRODUCTION test:Every human being has us by the hiding of his personality; thatdoesnot appear to the viewer to him but it can be inferred throughsomeof the actions or by answering a few questions, and is apersonalanalysis and read the hidden thoughts art is not good at,but somespecialists in this area, as these subtleties that Humanlie soonshow through tests of personal analysis, which can beanalyzed in apersonal hidden human, but requires them to answertruthfully thequestions asked.Knowing the human personality pattern undoubtedly will have agreatimpact in an attempt to avoid the bad patterns that showthroughhis dealings with those around him in life, and theknowledge ofthe positive patterns enjoyed by the increase ofself-confidence,and make it work on the development to the extentthat helped himto create space of optimism and happiness assistedmore glamor andsuccess.
Personality Test In 1-minute 1.0.3
forbro team
Test your temper with free personality test.This personality test consists of four easy tasks,thatarecarried out intuitively by you.This test will help to discover predominant featuresofyoucharacter.This test can also be used to test other people.We assure you this test will help you to find outsomethingnewand interesting.For more tests, please support us by clicking on the ads.
Love Test Fingerprint Prank 10.0
You can calculate love score using 5 different love test &hasnew love meter