Top 19 Apps Similar to Ricette vegane, bio,Veganoidi

È verde? Bio - INCI Cosmetici 8.1
La prima app sugli INGREDIENTIdeicosmetici!Conosci le sostanze che ogni giorno metti sulla tua pelle erilascinell'ambiente?Con "È verde?" puoi imparare a leggere gli ingredienti deituoicosmetici. Ti basterà un'occhiata e grazie alla legendacromaticasaprai quale sostanza è dannosa e quale èeco-sostenibile.All'interno dell'app potrai cercare in un database OFFLINEincostante aggiornamento, MIGLIAIA di prodotti cosmetici.SCOPRI le Bioprofumerie vicino a te con la Geolocalizzazione!Usa i COUPON SCONTO lasciati solo per te!!!Diventa parte attiva della nuova community di "Èverde?",rispondendo alle domande degli utenti, ponendone tu dinuove, erilasciando recensioni sui prodotti che hai provato!Hai un problema con i tuoi capelli e non riesci a risolverlo?Provaa fare una domanda, vedrai che tra i migliaia di utentiattivisicuramente troverai chi potrà aiutarti!Funzioni:
• Cerca tra migliaia di cosmetici offline e scopri isuoiingredienti
• Usa il codice a barre per cercare un prodotto! Sempliceeveloce!• Rispondi, fai domande e condividi la tua opinione con glialtriutenti dell'app• Scopri le Bioprofumerie vicino a te usando il gps!• Vedi la nostra lista di E-commerce consigliati!• Attiva le notifiche per rimanere sempre aggiornato!
• Segui nuove persone e guarda i loro profili
• Interagisci con gli altri inviando messaggi privati!• Database in costante aggiornamento• Aggiungi tu stesso un prodotto o chiedi a noi di farlo
• E molto altro…The first apponIngredients of cosmetics!Been substances that every day you put on your skin andreleasesinto the environment?With "You Green?" you can learn to read the ingredients ofyourcosmetics. You just have a look and thanks to the legend ofcolorsyou will know what substance is harmful and whatiseco-sustainable.Inside the app you can search in a database ONLINEconstantlyupdated, thousands of cosmetic products.DISCOVER the Bioprofumerie near you with the Geolocation!DISCOUNT COUPON uses only left for you !!!Become an active part of the new community "is green?",Answeringuser questions, you ponendone new, and releasing reviewsonproducts you've tried it!You have a problem with your hair and you can not solve it? Trytoask a question, you'll see that among the thousands of activeuserswho will surely find help!functions:• Search from thousands of cosmetic offline and discoveritsingredients• Use the barcode to find the product! Quick and easy!• Answer, ask questions, and share your opinion with otherappusers• Discover Bioprofumerie near you using GPS!• View our list of E-commerce Recommended!• Enable notifications to stay informed!• Follow new people and see their profiles• Interact with others by sending private messages!• Database constantly updated• Add a product yourself or ask us to do so• And so on…
Vegetarian Recipes : Best Vegetarian Meal Ideas 4.0
Vegan recipes or can be called also with vegetarian recipes - foravegetarian you may often find it difficult to find suitableplacesto eat out there, because not all of the restaurant providesa menuof vegetarian recipes for those of you who can not eat meat.ofcourse this will make you feel irritated. However, thisinstantresentment will disappear because appded presents avegetarianrecipes app for you that can not be consumed in additiontovegetables. matter of taste do not need to worry, because allveganrecipes that are in this vegetarian recipes app has beentested allpleasures. very fit on the tongue anybody, it can evenmake youaddicted to the taste of vegetarian recipes contained inthisapplication. That will make you always try, try and try again.Thisvegetarian recipes app created not only for lovers ofvegetarian,but a variety of collection of vegetarian recipes menuin thisapplication can be enjoyed by all people, from smallchildren toadults. as we know it creates a healthy lifestyle bymaintaining avegetarian diet as will give a lot of positives to begained forhealth. This is caused by the large amount of vitaminfound invegetables. collection of vegetarian recipes in the appmenu is noless delicious than the recipes menu in general. Withplant-basedingredients such as vegetables, leaves, nuts, potatoes,variouskinds of mushrooms, vegetable seasonings and spices wecancultivate healthy cuisine, tasty and interesting. Here is asamplemenu recipes vegan or vegetarian recipes contained inthisvegetarian recipes app. Asparagus with mushroom mayonnaiseVeganVegetarian Recipes Veggie noodles with curried coconut sauceVeganVegetarian Recipes Gluten-free Spring flatbread pizzasVeganVegetarian Recipes Celeriac boulangère Vegan VegetarianRecipesSweet potato, coconut & cardamom soup Vegan VegetarianRecipesSweet potato & white bean chilli Vegan VegetarianRecipesBeetroot crisps with coriander houmous Vegan VegetarianRecipesMiso soup with tofu & cabbage Vegan Vegetarian RecipesPotatorostis with beetroot horseradish Vegan Vegetarian RecipesSpinachlasagne Vegan Vegetarian Recipes How very interesting totry? getimmediate application of appded offering vegetarian recipesforfree and immediately try and enjoy this vegetarian recipes toyourhome with an easy, fast and simple. waiting pairs now alsohavemobile applications vegetarian recipes your handheld.
La Bio en Poche 2.3
Noveo Android
La Bio en Poche, l’appli pour tout savoirsurla Bio :- Les événements bio, lieux de vente et restaurants bio près dechezsoi,- Un jeu pour gagner des paniers bio durant le Printemps BIO envousgéo-localisant dans les points de ventes, resto et animationsbioprès de chez vous !- L’actu officielle sur l’agriculture biologique- Des recettes 100% Bio,- Des jeux pour expliquer la Bio aux enfantsL’appli la Bio en Poche est proposée par l’Agence BIO dans lecadred’une campagne cofinancée par l’Union européenneBio in the pocket, theappknow everything about myself:- Events, organic sales outlets and restaurants close tohome,- A game to earn organic baskets during the Spring BIOyougeo-locating in sales outlets, restaurant and entertainmentbionear you!- The official news on organic farming- Recipes 100% organic,- Games for Bio explain to children The app Bio en Poche is proposed by the BIO Agency as part ofacampaign financed by the European Union
Vegan App 1.0
SAJ MobApps
Vegan App - Your vegan application on your smartphone
Ricette Italiane della Mamma 4.0.1
Michele Riso
Ricette Italiane della Mamma! Applicazione Android con piùdi300ricette e menu della tradizione italiana. Al quarto postotraleapplicazioni gratuite più popolari della categoria stiledivita!!!:) Tante ricette disponibili: - Ricette primi piattivelocidapreparare - Ricette dolci - Ricette secondi piattivelocidapreparare - Antipasti - Contorni Ricette veloci di facileemediadifficolta’, veloci da preparare, consupportofotografico.Descrizione dettagliata di tutti i passinecessari perlapreparazione. Si ringrazia Elisa Gori per lericette.Nellaschermata principale si ha la possibilita’ discegliere unMenu, oun singolo piatto che puo’ essere un antipasto,un primo,unsecondo o un dessert. Nella barra e’ possibile scegliereunmenucasuale o la ricetta del giorno. In più, cliccandosuRicetteutente, é possibile visualizzare le ricette inviatedagliutenti.Possibilità di condividere il proprio stato suFacebook, perdireagli amici cosa si sta cucinando. Il tasto emailserve perinviarenon solo le ricette utente ma anche commenti esuggerimenti.ALCUNICOMMENTI: ****** Originale! Era propriol'applicazione diricetteche cercavo! Semplice e ricca di idee nuoveed originali.******Ottima applicazione!!! Grazie mille perl'applicazione!Veramenteben fatta, semplice, intuitiva efunzionante offline! Mipiace lapossibilità di inserire le ricettedell'utente! Iniziosubito acucinare! ****** Utilissima Utilissimaapplicazione perconoscerele ricette della tradizione italiana!****** Visualizza ilsitopermaggioriinformazioni
Ricetta Vegetariana 1.0.0
Ricette Vegetariane Veloci, Light e Facili da preparare da tuttoilmondo per tutti i gusti e sapori! L'applicazione, sbarca finalmente nel PlayStore.Grazie allanostra app sarà facile e veloce trovare le vostreRicetteVegetariane preferite direttamente sul vostro smartphone otablet.Potrete filtrare i contenuti, accedendo alle varie tipologiediricetta a seconda di quello che più vi interessa come adesempioAntipasti Vegetariani, Dolci Vegetariani, ZuppeVegetariane,Hamburger Vegetariano e molte altre ancora. Ogniricetta presentenella nostra app è corredata da foto del piattofinale, dagliingredienti e tutti i passaggi necessari perrealizzaremeravigliosi piatti di cucina vegetariana. In aggiuntatroveretealtre utili informazioni quali tempi di cottura einformazioninutrizionali per conoscere fin da subito tempi ecalorie per ognipiatto. Potrete inserire le Ricette Vegetariane chepiù vipiacciono nella sezione Preferiti (cliccando sulla stellanellapagina della ricetta vegetariana che preferite) così dapoterlevisualizzare in un secondo momento senza dover cercare nellanostraraccolta di ricette vegetariane. Le Ricette Vegetarianepreferitesaranno così raccolte in un'apposita sezione presente nelmenudell'applicazione. In ogni ricetta potrete anche inserirecommentie suggerimenti e potrete condividerla sui vostri social.Altrainteressante sezione presente nell'app è quella relativaaiRistoranti Vegetariani presenti in tutta Italia, cheabbiamoraccolto e diviso per città (es. Ristorante VegetarianoRoma,Ristorante Vegetariano Napoli, Ristorante Vegetariano Milano,ecc)affinché possiate trovare velocemente il ristorante vegetariano/vegan più vicino a voi semplicemente accedendo allanostraapplicazione. Nella pagina dei Ristoranti troverete leinformazionidi contatto (indirizzo, telefono, email, ecc), la mappadi google ele recensioni dei clienti. E' infine disponibile unasezione perentrare in contattato con lo staff e per accedere ainostri social.
Is It Vegan? 3.1.5
Scan any food product UPC barcode to see if the product is vegan.
Vegan Life 3.5.1
Vegan? What does that even mean?
Gustissimo: Ricette di cucina
Naviga tra più di 7000 ricette emoltissimedescrizioni delle materie prime disponibili anche senzaconnessioneInternet per averle sempre con te.Scegli la tua portata preferita dall’antipasto al dolce,imparal’ABC della cucina con le preparazioni base e rendigustosol’aperitivo tra amici con i nostri Drink e Cocktail.Trova la ricetta adatta per ogni occasione usando le trediversetipologie di ricerca che hai a tua disposizione: testuale,ricercaper ingredienti e ricerca avanzata.Organizza le ricette più interessanti nellecartellepersonalizzabili dei preferiti, commentale per darcinuovisuggerimenti e condividile immediatamente con tuoiamici.Inserisci le tue varianti alla ricetta usando leannotazionipersonali per ritrovarle comodamente allaconsultazionesuccessiva.Aiutaci a far crescere la nostra App mandandoci consigliesuggerimenti utilizzando la funzione di feedback che trovinellaschermata principale.Browse over 7,000recipesand descriptions of many raw materials available evenwithout anInternet connection to have them always with you.Choose your preferred flow rate from appetizer to dessert, learntheABC of the kitchen with the basic preparations and makedeliciousaperitif among friends with our Drink and Cocktail.Find the recipe suitable for every occasion using thethreedifferent types of research that you have at your disposal:text,search for ingredients and advanced search.Organizes the most interesting recipes in customizable foldersoffavorites, discuss them to give us new suggestions and sharetheminstantly with your friends.Enter your variations to the recipe using personal records tofindthem easily to the next consultation.Help us to grow our App sending us tips and suggestions usingthefeedback function that you find on the main screen.
Is it vegan? 1.2.3
A quick and easy summary of animal-derived additives used infood,including e-numbers! Only additives allowed in the EUmembercountries are included.
Vegan Burger Recipes 2.0
This app consists of delicious VeganBurgerrecipes.All recipes in this app are described in threesections:Description, Ingredients and Procedure; Easy as that!Cookingdoesn’t have to be complicated and we help you to preparesomeawesome Pizza.Features:-1. You can browse through the list of burger recipes eveninoffline.2. You'll find the List of ingredients with cooking instructionsforeach recipe.3. App consists of Recipe finder to search our catalogofrecipes.4. Book mark your favorite recipes and you can view it inMyFavorites.
Choose Cruelty Free 2.1.2
Paul Crump
CCF List of companies with no animal-testing ofingredients/product(Australia)
Ricette della Nonna 2.0.6
Tasty recipes, fast, traditional and cheap to a special grandmother
Ricette & Sapori 3.1
If cooking is your passion,downloadRicette&Sapori, the new free app by De Agostini withlots ofdelicious recipes to be realized step by step, which suitseverytaste and every degree of difficulty with a keen eye oncaloricintake and different nutritional needs.Special Expo: recipes around the world.Special Barbecue BBQ: recipes for the barbecue.Ricette&Sapori offers:• More than 2000 recipes, available also offline, accompaniedbyclear photographs, simple instructions to complete them stepbystep, and essential information on the execution timeandserves.• Accurate information to find out the nutritional values oftherecipes (kcal, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber)• An extensive Advanced search that allows you to find recipesthatbest suits your needs.The filter allows you to select the dishes based on:- Ingredients- Course- Keyword (vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free)- Time availability- Caloric range- Difficulty- Italian Region- Ingredient to exclude, in order to cope with any allergiesorpersonal tastes• Many thematic Menus, in order to prepare complete meals• A section of Special Contents with packages ofthemedrecipes• A Favourite section, where you can save the recipes that youlikethe most• "Colour is served", a fun filter to bring to the tablecolourfulrecipes• The Kcal...culator to get information about the caloric contentofmany different ingredients• The Sommelier section with the most important information onallItalian DOC (like the vine, the area of origin, colour,flavour,alcoholic degree and foods with which they match better)and thematching recipes• The possibility to send your recipes and consult thoseofRicette&Sapori Community• A handy Shopping list not to forget anything while you shop• A handy timer, to help you with the preparation ofyourdishes• The Spaghetti-doser• Two fun games to test your skills as a chef.Ricette & Sapori. Your inspiration in the kitchen.
Is it Vegan?
john aerts
IsItVegan is an application that letsyoueasily determine whether an ingredient is Vegan.For many ingredients there is additional information that tellsyouin which products the ingredient is used, what it's madeof,etc.
Vegan Guide 2
Vegan GuideHas everything you could ever need to know about theveganlifestyle.It is your how to guide for food and groceries,cosmetics,clothes and more.Go Vegan Guide is a must for new vegans: It will show you justhoweasy it can be.Features:• 1,000+ Grocery items found at Woolworth's and Coles• Restaurant Guide and Search Function• Recipes and Nutritional Advice• Vegan Friendly Alcohol & Cigarette Choices• Cruelty Free Cosmetics List• Cruelty Free Cleaning Products• 10 Step Guide to a Vegan Lifestyle• Information on Plant Based Pets• Vegan Quiz, SMS Chat and Events Calendar• General Advice, Interesting Articles and more!Visit: for more details
Attila Hildmann Vegan for You 1.0.4
From Attila Hildmann: 20 free recipes, 300 recipes to download,manyfunctions
Vegify: Vegan Recipes 2.0
Koj Studio
Vegify: Vegan Recipes is a vegancookbookfilled with quality original vegan recipes.This cookbook has 36 original vegan recipes, most of themarecompletely free. This is not a search engine for recipes. Thisis ahand picked selection of the best vegan recipes we know.Most of the content in Vegify is completely free. In apppurchaseunlocks 12 extra recipes as well as making the appcompletely adfree. Vegify is filled with delicious vegan recipeswith a heavyfocus on beans and lentils. These vegan recipes alltaste great, arenutritious and easy to cook. Learn how to make theperfect veggieburger, delicious vegan indian food, enchiladas,crepes, empanadasetc. Also included is tips on how to simplifybean preparation. Thisis vegan cooking made easy.These veggie recipes are available in both imperial andmetricsystem. Change in settings at the top right corner or clickyourmenu key. Here you can also unlock access to all of therecipes.Enjoy our veggie cooking app!If you like this vegan recipes please +1, rate, and sharewithyour friends! Help spread vegan cooking! If you prefervegetarianrecipes over vegan recipes check out the vegetarianversion of thisapp:
Mie Ricette (My Recipes) 1.2.4
"Mie Ricette" ("My Recipes" initalianlanguage) is an innovative application letting you managingandorganizing your OWN recipes. "My Recipes" let you use the builtincamera to save images of your favorite recepies, it uses acompletetag system to catalog each recepy and finally it introducesaninnovative and programmable courses catalog where you can insertasmany different courses as you like. "My Recipes" let you searchfortitle, category and tag.Currently My Recipe is in beta version, please forgivetheunchatch bugs..