Top 21 Apps Similar to Ricette al Contrario

Piccole Ricette 4.1.9
Over 3000 recipes for all tastes and every day a new recipe.
GialloZafferano Recipes
1300+ cooking recipes and videorecipesbyGialloZafferano, the leading cooking portal in Italy, withmoreadded every day!All the famous dishes of Italian cuisine and much more!Find new ideas for a dinner with your friends, check your fridgeforavailable ingredients and bring the list of missing ones withyou atthe grocery.Tip: if you can read Italian, try switching to the Italiancookbookin the options menu, to see even more recipes (2500+)...
Ricette Italiane PRO 2.3
0C7 Software
In the kitchen with Android! Cooking has never been so easy.
Gustissimo: Ricette di cucina
Naviga tra più di 7000 ricette emoltissimedescrizioni delle materie prime disponibili anche senzaconnessioneInternet per averle sempre con te.Scegli la tua portata preferita dall’antipasto al dolce,imparal’ABC della cucina con le preparazioni base e rendigustosol’aperitivo tra amici con i nostri Drink e Cocktail.Trova la ricetta adatta per ogni occasione usando le trediversetipologie di ricerca che hai a tua disposizione: testuale,ricercaper ingredienti e ricerca avanzata.Organizza le ricette più interessanti nellecartellepersonalizzabili dei preferiti, commentale per darcinuovisuggerimenti e condividile immediatamente con tuoiamici.Inserisci le tue varianti alla ricetta usando leannotazionipersonali per ritrovarle comodamente allaconsultazionesuccessiva.Aiutaci a far crescere la nostra App mandandoci consigliesuggerimenti utilizzando la funzione di feedback che trovinellaschermata principale.Browse over 7,000recipesand descriptions of many raw materials available evenwithout anInternet connection to have them always with you.Choose your preferred flow rate from appetizer to dessert, learntheABC of the kitchen with the basic preparations and makedeliciousaperitif among friends with our Drink and Cocktail.Find the recipe suitable for every occasion using thethreedifferent types of research that you have at your disposal:text,search for ingredients and advanced search.Organizes the most interesting recipes in customizable foldersoffavorites, discuss them to give us new suggestions and sharetheminstantly with your friends.Enter your variations to the recipe using personal records tofindthem easily to the next consultation.Help us to grow our App sending us tips and suggestions usingthefeedback function that you find on the main screen.
Ricette Italiane 2.2
0C7 Software
In the kitchen with Android! Cooking has never been so easy.
Ricette & Sapori 3.1
If cooking is your passion,downloadRicette&Sapori, the new free app by De Agostini withlots ofdelicious recipes to be realized step by step, which suitseverytaste and every degree of difficulty with a keen eye oncaloricintake and different nutritional needs.Special Expo: recipes around the world.Special Barbecue BBQ: recipes for the barbecue.Ricette&Sapori offers:• More than 2000 recipes, available also offline, accompaniedbyclear photographs, simple instructions to complete them stepbystep, and essential information on the execution timeandserves.• Accurate information to find out the nutritional values oftherecipes (kcal, lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber)• An extensive Advanced search that allows you to find recipesthatbest suits your needs.The filter allows you to select the dishes based on:- Ingredients- Course- Keyword (vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free)- Time availability- Caloric range- Difficulty- Italian Region- Ingredient to exclude, in order to cope with any allergiesorpersonal tastes• Many thematic Menus, in order to prepare complete meals• A section of Special Contents with packages ofthemedrecipes• A Favourite section, where you can save the recipes that youlikethe most• "Colour is served", a fun filter to bring to the tablecolourfulrecipes• The Kcal...culator to get information about the caloric contentofmany different ingredients• The Sommelier section with the most important information onallItalian DOC (like the vine, the area of origin, colour,flavour,alcoholic degree and foods with which they match better)and thematching recipes• The possibility to send your recipes and consult thoseofRicette&Sapori Community• A handy Shopping list not to forget anything while you shop• A handy timer, to help you with the preparation ofyourdishes• The Spaghetti-doser• Two fun games to test your skills as a chef.Ricette & Sapori. Your inspiration in the kitchen.
Bon APPetit - Recipes for ever 2.3.2
Discover everyday tasty and free recipes that teach to love foodandlife.
Ricette 3.3
Allows quick and easy access to many recipes.
Ricette Italiane della Mamma 4.0.1
Michele Riso
Ricette Italiane della Mamma! Applicazione Android con piùdi300ricette e menu della tradizione italiana. Al quarto postotraleapplicazioni gratuite più popolari della categoria stiledivita!!!:) Tante ricette disponibili: - Ricette primi piattivelocidapreparare - Ricette dolci - Ricette secondi piattivelocidapreparare - Antipasti - Contorni Ricette veloci di facileemediadifficolta’, veloci da preparare, consupportofotografico.Descrizione dettagliata di tutti i passinecessari perlapreparazione. Si ringrazia Elisa Gori per lericette.Nellaschermata principale si ha la possibilita’ discegliere unMenu, oun singolo piatto che puo’ essere un antipasto,un primo,unsecondo o un dessert. Nella barra e’ possibile scegliereunmenucasuale o la ricetta del giorno. In più, cliccandosuRicetteutente, é possibile visualizzare le ricette inviatedagliutenti.Possibilità di condividere il proprio stato suFacebook, perdireagli amici cosa si sta cucinando. Il tasto emailserve perinviarenon solo le ricette utente ma anche commenti esuggerimenti.ALCUNICOMMENTI: ****** Originale! Era propriol'applicazione diricetteche cercavo! Semplice e ricca di idee nuoveed originali.******Ottima applicazione!!! Grazie mille perl'applicazione!Veramenteben fatta, semplice, intuitiva efunzionante offline! Mipiace lapossibilità di inserire le ricettedell'utente! Iniziosubito acucinare! ****** Utilissima Utilissimaapplicazione perconoscerele ricette della tradizione italiana!****** Visualizza ilsitopermaggioriinformazioni
PetitChef, cooking and recipes
More than 100.000 recipes for free and a daily menu
Ricette in Rete 1.2
Be inspired by the recipes present the best cooking blog network...
My Flex Account Mobile 23.04.02
My Flex Account Mobile: 24/7 access to FSA, HRA, HSA,Parking,Transit Accounts.
Philadelphia recipes 1.3
Get inspired by “Philadelphia recipes” and discoverdeliciousPhiladelphia meal ideas. Joggle your Smartphone to get asurpriserecipe or browse the Philadelphia recipes using thefollowingcriteria:- Preparation time- Today I am cooking with- Cuisine style- Type of dish- Occasion- Philadelphia Specials- Brand / ProductIn just a few seconds you find the ideal meal foreverysituation. Collect your favourite recipes in your Recipe Boxandshare them with your friends by email. Store the neededingredientsin your Shopping List. Even offline, you have access toyour RecipeBox Collection.For your cooking pleasure, new recipes and commentsonalready-existing recipes are constantly added to thePhiladelphiarecipe database.Enjoy your meal!
Recipes Cook - Italian Cuisine 1.0.2
App dedicated to the known transmissionofItalian cuisine that is broadcast daily on RAI TV.Every day are uploaded new episodes of known transmission ofthekitchen with Antonella Clerici in full HD format.Details of recipes with explanatory video of the preparationofthe dish.For all lovers of food and culinary programs, will now be abletoreplicate all the recipes prepared in the transmission andseecomfortably on your Android device episodes of thetelevisionseason 2015/2016.All video recipes divided into appetizers, first courses,maincourses, side dishes and desserts. The best Italian food asusualwith the collaboration of the staff and the chefs of thetelevisionprogram and with many extras.overlooking the gentle and the whims of anna and recipesLucaMontersino.learn to make pasta, biscuits, jam tart, main courses,savorycrepes, the meat dishes, appetizers and fast ones, all therecipesof the Italian cuisine.Comments and suggestions are always welcome, if there areanyproblems report them privately.The recipes are loaded daily. Try the recipes of chef.Have fun and good meal!
Video Ricette Dolci 5.3
A taste of italian desserts and more from Italy.
My CookBook (Recipe Manager)
Store all your favorite recipes in oneplace!My CookBook is a recipe manager with search andimportfeatures.My CookBook lets you create your own digital cookbook. Buildyourown recipe database by gathering recipes on the web and usingtheimport features.It is you and your own cookery!You are looking for a new recipe ? Use our searching engine tofinda new recipe on the web. When you have found one you like,importit into My CookBook. Then you will be able to view iteverywhere onyour phone or your tablet. You can add your own photo,changeingredients or directions, or add you own commentsYou already have a cookbook ? Add a new recipe into MyCookBookmanually, or import your digital cookbook using one of thefileformats we support like Meal Master (.mmf), MasterCook(.mxp),LivingCookBook (.fdx) , ReKconv (.rk)...You want to share some recipes with your friends ? Inviteyourfriends to join My CookBook, share your recipes with them andviewtheir recipes. Or share your recipes on Facebook or by email,sms,and others. You can also send them a “My CookBook” file theywillbe able to load into their appMy CookBook also includes these features :• Create shopping lists using your recipe ingredients• Synchronize your recipes on different devices using dropbox• Scale the ingredients to serve more or less people• Use the speech feature to read recipes• Customize various parts of the app such as theme, fontsize,categories.• Earn Kiip Rewards by adding new recipes• Open recipes on your Android Wear watchMy CookBook is also available on yourdesktop:http://www.mycookbook-online.netCreate a free account on our online version My CookBook Onlineandyou will enjoy these additional features (in the app andthewebsite):• Save up to 105 recipes and 8 shopping lists in the cloud• Synchronize up to 105 recipes and 8 shopping lists betweenallyour android applications and your online account• View and manage these recipes on any computer or any device• Invite your friends to join My CookBook Online and viewtheirrecipes• Plan your meals and generate a shopping list for the weekCreate a Premium account on My CookBook Online and :• All your recipes and shopping lists will be saved inthecloudMore details here : creation of an account on My CookBook Online is optional andthenumber of recipes is not limited in the Androidapplication.We support more than 200 websites. If your favorite cookingwebsiteis not supported, you can submit a request or vote foralreadysubmitted requests here: CookBook , the only cooking app you need !Ads in the app may be removed by purchasing an in-app add-on orbyinstalling the paid version of My CookBook: us to translate My CookBook to other languages:https://mycookbook.oneskyapp.comKey words : cook, cooking, recipe, shopping list, recipemanager,meal planner
Mie Ricette (My Recipes) 1.2.4
"Mie Ricette" ("My Recipes" initalianlanguage) is an innovative application letting you managingandorganizing your OWN recipes. "My Recipes" let you use the builtincamera to save images of your favorite recepies, it uses acompletetag system to catalog each recepy and finally it introducesaninnovative and programmable courses catalog where you can insertasmany different courses as you like. "My Recipes" let you searchfortitle, category and tag.Currently My Recipe is in beta version, please forgivetheunchatch bugs..
myTaste Recipes 2.6.3
myTaste AB
The world's most popular recipe app! Over 7 million recipes from48countries!
Ricetta Vegetariana 1.0.0
Ricette Vegetariane Veloci, Light e Facili da preparare da tuttoilmondo per tutti i gusti e sapori! L'applicazione, sbarca finalmente nel PlayStore.Grazie allanostra app sarà facile e veloce trovare le vostreRicetteVegetariane preferite direttamente sul vostro smartphone otablet.Potrete filtrare i contenuti, accedendo alle varie tipologiediricetta a seconda di quello che più vi interessa come adesempioAntipasti Vegetariani, Dolci Vegetariani, ZuppeVegetariane,Hamburger Vegetariano e molte altre ancora. Ogniricetta presentenella nostra app è corredata da foto del piattofinale, dagliingredienti e tutti i passaggi necessari perrealizzaremeravigliosi piatti di cucina vegetariana. In aggiuntatroveretealtre utili informazioni quali tempi di cottura einformazioninutrizionali per conoscere fin da subito tempi ecalorie per ognipiatto. Potrete inserire le Ricette Vegetariane chepiù vipiacciono nella sezione Preferiti (cliccando sulla stellanellapagina della ricetta vegetariana che preferite) così dapoterlevisualizzare in un secondo momento senza dover cercare nellanostraraccolta di ricette vegetariane. Le Ricette Vegetarianepreferitesaranno così raccolte in un'apposita sezione presente nelmenudell'applicazione. In ogni ricetta potrete anche inserirecommentie suggerimenti e potrete condividerla sui vostri social.Altrainteressante sezione presente nell'app è quella relativaaiRistoranti Vegetariani presenti in tutta Italia, cheabbiamoraccolto e diviso per città (es. Ristorante VegetarianoRoma,Ristorante Vegetariano Napoli, Ristorante Vegetariano Milano,ecc)affinché possiate trovare velocemente il ristorante vegetariano/vegan più vicino a voi semplicemente accedendo allanostraapplicazione. Nella pagina dei Ristoranti troverete leinformazionidi contatto (indirizzo, telefono, email, ecc), la mappadi google ele recensioni dei clienti. E' infine disponibile unasezione perentrare in contattato con lo staff e per accedere ainostri social.
Cosa cucino? 1.0
Dimmi cos'hai e ti dirò cosa mangi. Esatto. Basterà aprireilfrigorifero e la dispensa, inserire qualche ingrediente, etvoilà,appariranno le ricette a vostra disposizione, in baseagliingredienti da voi inseriti. Selezionata la ricetta, non virestache seguire le istruzioni per preparare il vostro piatto.Buonappetito! :)