Top 35 Apps Similar to T-ECG Doctor Telephonic ECG

ECG Pro - Real World ECG / EKG 1.4
WMS, Inc
Sharpen ECG / EKG interpreting skills with over 2000 Real lifecasesand videos
Multi-ECG 1.12.6
The Multi-ECG app allows - in combinationwiththe match box sized CardioScout Multi-ECG recorder - thefirstmobile resting ECG recording with Android Smartphones andTablets.The derived ECG data are sent online via Bluetooth from theECGrecorder to the Android device and displayed on the screen. TheECGdata can be stored locally or – as an option - on a server.Theserver stored data can be visualized and handled with anywebbrowser over a secure connection. In addition, the serverstoreddata can be downloaded and processed into our VMX00 restingECGsoftware. If you are using our Cardio cout Multi-ECG as aholterthe Multi-ECG app can be used for the startup onlinecontrol.The app further allows the manual collection andgraphicalpresentation of weight, blood pressure and glucoselevels.- mobile recording of resting ECG with Android SmartphonesandTablets- mobile online control system for operating the Holter- storing the ECG data- stored ECG's can be send as PDF via Bluetooth, E-Mail...- optional storage on a server (10 Euro / month)- optional download in the resting ECG software VMX00- detection of weight, blood pressure and glucose values
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
ECG pratico 2.87
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, trovare l'asse QRS del vostroecg oppurepotete fare la vostra "diagnosi" semplicementerispondendo adalcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Se riscontrate problemi del genere, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4 mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.Versione "Demo".La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture dell’applicazionestessa.Non ho voluto mettere il solito limite temporale (nummassimo digiorni) perché a me stesso è capitato di aver installatoapp daprovare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma per motivi dilavoro eimpegni famigliari non ho potuto provarle sufficientementeprimadella scadenza.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa (questa), provatelaversione “demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provatarimanetesoddisfatti, acquistate la versione completa esostenetel’ulteriore sviluppo dell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:[email protected] da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all health care workers should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire basic information in ordertodetect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a simple test,fast,painless, very low cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy each year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple basic principlesofelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, find the QRS axis of your ECG, or you can makeyour"diagnosis" simply by answering a few simple questions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with the cameraorloaded from gallery to not affect their quality. Uploadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) may cause the application to crash,especiallyon phones with low memory. If you encounter suchproblems, choose alower resolution than 4 mpx, and shot from aclose distance.Version "Demo".The version of "Demo" has the same functionality of the normalone,the only limit is the number of openings of the applicationitself.I did not want to put the usual time limit (num Maximumdays)because I happened to have the same app installed to try foracertain period of time, but for reasons of work andfamilycommitments I could try them sufficiently beforethedeadline.This software is absolutely MUST NOT be used to place anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before buying the full version (this), try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, you buy thefullversion and support the further development oftheapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:[email protected] by
ECG pocket 2.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocket is an essential and easy‐to‐use toolfortheunderstanding and interpretation of ECG. With lotsofpracticalexamples this app provides all you need to know foryourdailyroutine. Including ‐ index based searchlist ‐history‐function‐”last viewed” button ‐ notes and bookmarksAllnecessaryinformation about ECG – always at your fingertips!
ECG practical 2.85
"ECG practical" is an application designedtohelp you acquire the basic knowledge ofelectrocardiography;Knowledge that all healthcare professionals shouldpossess,especially those who work in intensive care units such asCCU, ICU,OperLearn the ECG has never been so easy and fun!atingRooms,etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not an "easy" subject of studybutwith a minimum effort you can acquire the basic informations tobeable to detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist.Theelectrocardiogram is a simple test, fast, painless, verylow-cost,and can definitely save the life of a person. In Italyevery yearabout 120,000 people are affected by myocardialinfarction, ofthese, approximately 25 000 die before reaching thehospital. Thediagnosis of myocardial infarction is mainly madewith the executionof the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple way thebasicprinciples of electrocardiography, you can calculate yourheartrate from the milliseconds or the number of squares betweentwo RR,you can see several examples of ECG tracings, calculatethecorrected QT interval, you can easily find the QRS axes or youcanmake your "diagnosis" simply by answering a fewsimplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with the cameraorloaded from the gallery to not affect their quality. Loadinglargeimages (> 4 mpx) can cause the application to crash,especiallyin phones with little memory. When taking a photo, choosea lowerthan 4-megapixel resolution, and shot from a closedistance.Version "Demo"The "Demo" version has the same functionality as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings of the application. I didnotwant to put the usual time limit (number of days) becauseithappened to me to install an app to try it for a certain periodoftime, but due to work and family commitments I could not trythemsufficiently before deadline.Before you buy the full version, please try the "demo" versionofthe product. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion and support the further development oftheapplication.ATTENTION!This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to place any medicalornursing diagnosis, but should only be used foreducationalpurposes.Bug reports, comments and suggestions are verywelcome:[email protected]
12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
ECG Challenge 2.1.1
150 clinically obtained ECGs to provide the practice&confidence you need.
ECG 100 Clinical Cases 5.0
Practice clinical cardiology with these 100 different casesofsituations that can help you to diagnose heart pathologies.Highrecommended for medical students! Always remember to askaspecialist.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
ECG Tools 6.03
Timur Karimov
ECG Tools has everything you need for analyzing an ECG/EKGformedical courses.
ECGCardio 1.0.0
Best Free EKG / ECG Clinical Guide
ECG Expert 1.22.74
Medical CSE
Manage and perform electrocardiograms with your CSEECGExpertdevice.
ECG Master: Quiz & Practice 2.1.10
ECG quiz & practice for evaluating abnormalities ofheartrhythms or impulse
Istel ECG 3.13
Electrocardiogram ECG Book 3.0
KPSS 2017
+ Electrocardiograma ECG Tipos+ Electrocardiogram ECG Learn+ ECG practical
ECG CALC 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC is an application that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
ECG Reader 2 free 4.5
The application reads (scans) selected sections ofleads,calculateswave amplitudes and intervals, and makes ECGanalysis.ECG analysisis proposed to be performed sequentially on 12leadsor immediatelyread 3 ECG leads 4 times to analyze all 12leads.Attention. Therecording speed should be 25 mm/sec. Drawingsof ECGleads must behorizontal and do not touch each other. Thephonecamera must haveautofocus. DISCLAIMER: The results maybeerroneous. The app shows anew ECG optical recognitiontechnology,bat does not replace medicalanalysis. The reliability oftheresults of the study depends onmany factors: light, ECGrecordingquality, technicalcharacteristics of the smartphone andetc.
MedApp Empire
Небольшой справочникпоэлектрокардиограмме.Помимо справочного материала имеется фото и видео дляоблегчениязапоминания основ ЭКГ.Видео материалы взяты с канала "Videokurs EKG" навидео-хостинге"YouTube".Надеюсь приложение будет вам полезно :)A small guide totheelectrocardiogram.In addition to the reference material available photos and videostofacilitate memorizing the basics of ECG.Video taken from the channel "Videokurs EKG" on thevideo-hosting"YouTube".Hopefully the application will be useful :)
CardioExpert I 7.8.266
Cardiologist' assistant
ECG Reader free 4.1
The application reads (scans) the selected area of the ECGandcalculates the basic parameters of the ECG: • HR; •wavesamplitudes P, Q, R, S, T; • intervals RR, PQ, QRS, QT, QTс; •theposition of the segment ST. The app draws the selected area oftheECG. The parameters of the ECG, with deviations from the normarehighlighted. Attention. The app reads ECG only on speciallymarkedECG paper. The recording speed should be 25 mm/sec. Drawingsof ECGleads must be horizontal and do not touch each other. Thephonecamera must have autofocus. DISCLAIMER: The results maybeerroneous. The app shows a new ECG optical recognitiontechnology,bat does not replace medical analysis. The reliabilityof theresults of the study depends on many factors: light, ECGrecordingquality, technical characteristics of the smartphone andetc.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
ECG - Electrocardiogram Review 1.0
ECG is a medical reference app thatprovidesacomprehensive review of electrocardiograms. The appalsoincludeshundreds of case examples to help you practicetheinterpretationof results.ECG is the transthoracic (across the thoraxorchest)interpretation of the electrical activity of the heartoveraperiod of time, as detected by electrodes attached totheoutersurface of the skin and recorded by a device external tothebody.The recording produced by this noninvasive procedure istermedaselectrocardiogram (also ECG or EKG).An ECG test records the electrical activity of the heart.Itisused to measure the rate and regularity of heartbeats, aswellasthe size and position of the chambers, the presence ofanydamageto the heart, and the effects of drugs or devices usedtoregulatethe heart, such as a pacemaker.It is commonly used in cardiology and is requiredknowledgeformany fields in professional health, such as: nursing,EMT,ACLS,Paramedic, RN, Medics, and many more.Features★ Comprehensive ECG Review★ Elegant and intuitive interface★ Over 100 ECG case slides★ Star the difficult slides for easy reference★ Quiz mode to test your learning★ Search feature to quickly find the right slideDownload the ECG app today!
TSP Mobile: ECG 1.0
TSP Mobile: ECG is designed toguidestudentCardiac Physiologists and those of otherhealthcareprofessionsthrough the ECG portion of their study.Features:-Guides to the heart, conduction and flow, ECGcalibrationandprocedural guidelines, ambulatory ECG, and exerciseECG, as wellas12-Lead analysis.-Common formulae.-Heart rate and QTc calculators.-Colourful and accurate diagrams, paired with easytodigestinformationThe one-off purchase price is to avoid ads andsupportthecontinued development of this app throughout my studies.It ismadeup of my own study notes, and, as I am still a student,willbeupdated as they continue.I have tried to include everything that I feel isnecessaryforstudents studying ECG, but if you feel that Ihaveoverlookedanything, then don’t hesitate to contact me.
ECG pocketcards 4.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocketcards provide * a quick reference foridentifyingallcommon ECG findings, such as hypertrophy, AVconductiondefects,arrythmias and more * a concise summary of how torecordand readan ECG and a standardised evalutation sheet * scalesof 2 xRR (25mm/s and 50mm/s), plus amplitudes (mV), timesandintervals(ms)
easy ECG training 1.01
60,000 medical practitioners have mastered ECG reading throughthistraining.
Mobile ecg recording 12
Android tablet and L12 makes mobile full 12 leads ecgrecordingeasy.
Clinical Skills
Saleh khalid
Clinical Skills meant to be anevolving,evidence-basedguide to history-taking and the physical exam and simple ECG .Thisis thefirst release and it well be regularly updated bymedical students at the Mosul Medical College in mosul, Iraq.If you find the application useful, have any feedback,or if it saved your hide rounding one day, let us know
Pediatric ECG Stat! (FREE) 1.2
THE LEADING COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRICECGAPPdeveloped by a pediatric cardiologist for anyone whocaresforchildren! As you know, ECG diagnostic criteria andnormalvaluesare different for each age group, and adult normals canNOTbeapplied to pediatric electrocardiograms. This compactprogramarmsyou with EVIDENCE-BASED data to diagnose virtuallyanyECGabnormality at the bedside.Why fill your phone with low-yield content you won'tuse?Qualityover quantity! This gives you the evidence-basedandclinicallyrefined data you need all in one app:AGE-SPECIFICPEDIATRIC ECGVALUES, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA, QTcCALCULATOR. You'llhave at yourfingertips normal ECG values for eachage group, aswell asdiagnostic criteria for ventricularhypertrophy, atrialenlargement,and hundreds of other abnormalities.Finally, there'seven a handyQTc calculator that allows you tocalculate a QTcbased on the msecof the intervals, or the BOXESalone on the ECG.This is anindispensable application for anyoneencounteringpediatric ECGs,including cardiologists, consultants,and anyone inthe ICU orER.The only pediatric ECG application you will need! Seethe"About"tab for detailed reference information behind thedata.SUMMARY------------------------------Succinct, authoritative, and evidence basedpediatricECGapplication providing:-- normal values for the following age groups: <1day,1-2days, 3-6 days, 1-3 weeks, 1-2 months, 3-5 months, 6-11months,1-2years, 3-4 years, 5-7 years, 8-11 years, 12-15 years.-- diagnostic criteria: ECG validity andverification,rate,thythm, QRS deploarization axis, intervals,hypertrophy,ischemiaand infarction, and low voltage-- QTc calculator: allows input in the form of msec OR boxesfromtheECG!-- Examples of included data/tools: ratedeterminationshortcuts(2), definition of NSR (4 criteria), axisdeterminationincludingextreme left axis determination compared toextreme rightaxisdetermination and differential diagnosis oflesions associatedwitheach, complete and incomplete bundle branch(RBBB andLBBB)criteria, hemiblock criteria, fascicular blockcriteria,completehypertrophy and chamber enlargement criteria(atrialenlargementand ventricular enlargement, including "possible"orsoftcriteria), defining an abnormal Q wave or ST segment,lowvoltagedefinition and differential diagnosis[FREE TRIAL VERSION: FULL, COMPLETE VERSION WITH ADS][KEYWORDS: pediatric cardiology,pediatricelectrocardiogram,pediatric EKG, pediatric ECG,paediatriccardiologist, pediatricICU (PICU), pediatricemergencymedicine]
СМП 1.0.16
Application for emergency workers (emergency) care.
Electrocardiogram 3.0
Learn to interpret an electrocardiogram. We explain step by stephowto identify the different diseases and examples of each.Includespictures and diagrams to help you understand the rate,rhythm andmeaning of each wave.
Медицинские анализы 5.1
two cats
blood, urine, feces, hormones, ECG. As it is quickly evaluate?
wellnessECG 1.2
심전도 패치를 이용하여 심전도 데이터를 가져온 이후에 서버를 통하여진단하여wellness 지수를 판별하는 어플리케이션입니다.wellness4u와 연동하여 심전도 패치를 이용하여 진단 하여야 합니다.Using the diagnosticECGpatch through the server after the application brought by theECGdata to determine the wellness with wellness4u to be diagnosed using anelectrocardiogrampatches.
mobmon 12.0 2.2.2
ECG Recorder that Stores ECG and Generates ECG Reports
STEMI 1.1.26
PROBLEM:Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is life-threatening situation andECGis principal tool to diagnose it. The best treatment isangioplastyperformed in specialized cardiocentre. ECG recording isstandardcare provided by EMS ambulance staff. However, statisticsshows, upto 2/3 of cases are transferred to local hospitals withaim toconfirm ECG diagnosis. If confirmed, secondary transfertocardiocentre is arranged. This approach causes patient-harmfultimedelay. It was scientifically proven that every min. ofdelayaffects 1-year mortality.SOLUTION:Mobile app which enable EMS staff to scan recorded ECG on thesiteand immediately transfer it for consultation to the handhelddeviceof the cardiologist in the nearest cardiocentre. It enablesprimarytransfer of all confirmed STEMI patients directly tocardiocentresand activate invasive team in the centre in advance.The app hasreal potential to improve clinical outcome includingmortality ofpatients in everyday clinical practice. In the sametime the appincreases availability of EMS for other patients.A PROBLEM:Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a life-threatening situationandECG is principal tool to diagnose it. The best treatmentisangioplasty performed in specialized cardiocentre. ECGrecordingwith standard of care provided by EMS ambulance staff.However,statistics shows, up to 2/3 of cases are transferred tolocalhospitals with aim to confirm ECG diagnosis. If confirmed,itcardiocentre secondary transfer is arranged. This approachcausesharmful patient-Time Delay. It was scientifically proven thateverymin. of delay affects 1-year mortality.SOLUTION:Mobile App Which enable EMS staff to scan ECG recorded on thesiteand immediately transfer it for consultation to the handhelddeviceof the cardiologist in the nearest cardiocentre. It Enablesprimarytransfer of all confirmed STEMI patients directly tocardiocentresand activate invasive team in the center in advance.The app hasreal potential to improve clinical outcome includingmortality ofpatients in everyday clinical practice. In the sametime the appIncreases availability of EMS for other patients.