Top 22 Apps Similar to Body Spartan

EvolutionFit 2.2.0
Train like you never did, finally reachyourgoals. Use a professional tool to manage all your fitness.Whether you're training in the gym or at home, you have allthetools, exercises and training programsUse workout templates ready for you created by ourtrainers• Create your own workouts• See hundreds of technical exercises• Video 3D maps and muscle exercises• Manage Your training diary• Analyze your progress• Access to the portal included
EvolutionFit Club 1.0.6
Con EvolutionFit hai in tempo reale ituoiprogrammi di allenamento, le tue diete e le tue schededivalutazione, sarai sempre connesso con la tua palestra o ituoitrainer, ed avrai accesso sempre e ovunque ai tuoi dati.Richiedi alla tua palestra o al tuo personal trainer il servizioAPPdi EvolutionFit!Scarica l'app e richiedi alla tua palestra o al tuopersonaltrainer l'account di accesso e scoprirai un nuovo mododiallenarti.• Porta sempre con te la tua scheda di allenamento.• Consulta centinaia di schede tecniche esercizi• Video 3D e mappe muscolari degli esercizi• Gestisci il tuo diario di allenamento.• Consulta le schede pronte che la tua palestra ti metteadisposizione.• Analizza i tuoi progressi.• Tieni sotto controllo il tuo peso, la tua massa grassa e letuemisure.• Stai sempre in contatto con i tuoi trainer.La tua palestra o il tuo personal trainer usaEvolutionFit?Chiedi loro di offrirti un servizio migliore, chiediil tuo accountEvolutionFit !EvolutionFit with youinreal time your workouts, your diet and your evaluation boards,youwill always be connected with your gym or your trainer, andyouwill have anytime, anywhere access to your data.Ask your gym or your personal trainer service APP EvolutionFit!Download the app and ask your gym or personal trainer toyourlogin account and see a new way to train yourself.• Always carry your workout schedule.• See hundreds of technical exercises• Video and 3D maps of muscle exercises• Manage your training diary.• Consult the game cards that your gym provides you with.• Analyze your progress.• Keep track of your weight, your fat mass andyourmeasurements.• You're always in touch with your trainer.Your gym or your personal trainer uses EvolutionFit? Ask themtoprovide you with a better service, ask youraccountEvolutionFit!
My Personal Fiteasy 1.0.1
App per gli iscritti della palestra Fit-EasyHai in tempo reale i tuoi programmi di allenamento, le tuedieteele tue schede di valutazione, sarai sempre connesso conlatuapalestra ed avrai accesso sempre e ovunque ai tuoi dati.Scarica l'app e richiedi alla tua palestra l'account diaccessoescoprirai un nuovo modo di allenarti.• Porta sempre con te la tua scheda di allenamento.• Consulta centinaia di schede tecniche esercizi.• Video 3D e mappe muscolari degli esercizi.• Gestisci il tuo diario di allenamento.• Consulta le schede pronte che la tua palestra timetteadisposizione.• Analizza i tuoi progressi.• Tieni sotto controllo il tuo peso, la tua massa grassa eletuemisure.• Stai sempre in contatto con i tuoi trainer.• I tuoi appuntamenti sempre sott'occhio.• Ricevi le news e le notifiche sulle novità.Richiedi alla tua palestra la tua APP !App forsubscribersofEasy-Fit gymYou live your training program, your diet andyourscorecard,you'll always be connected to your gym and you willhaveanytime,anywhere access to your data.Download the app and request to your gym the login and see anewwayto train yourself.• Always carry your workout schedule.• See hundreds of technical exercises cards.• 3D videos and maps of muscle exercises.• Manage your training diary.• Consult the game cards that your gym provides you with.• Analyze your progress.• Keep track of your weight, your fat massandyourmeasurements.• You're always in touch with your trainer.• Your appointments always an eye.• Receive news and notifications about news.Ask your gym to your APP!
Fit Republic 2.2
Track your workouts in the club AND on the go with the FitRepublicapp.
Fitness Club HF Capoterra 2.0.1
App for members of the gym FITNESS CLUB HF CAPOTERRA
Home Workout MMA Spartan Pro - 50% DISCOUNT 4.3.12-fp
Diamond App 💎 Group LLC
Get fit with Spartan Bodyweight , no equipment required!Ittakesjust minutes a day to build muscle and lose belly fat athome.Weoffer high quality simple workout routines forbeginnersandathletes. Spartan Home Workouts has been awarded the“App ofTheDay” by MyAppFree." Each workout is video followed, withsetofmuscles involved instructions. There are two typesofworkouts,with timer and reps. -The timer workout contains atimerthat willinform you when the round/rest starts andfinishes.Alsothere is asound that marks the end and start of theround/rest.-The repsworkout type work by pressing Done on thebottom oftheexercise,and when you want to start the exercise to topressbegin.The exercises contain 48 exercises that will show themusclegroupthat it targets. Major muscle groups that the workoutshit:-Abdominals - Back - Biceps - Calf - Chest - Forearms -Legs-Shoulders - Triceps The aim of this app is to bring you atthebestshape possible at home.No equipment is required for doinganyofthe workouts. These workout circuits are going to helptobuildyour body at home. So there is no need for GYMroutines.Workoutsare pure insanity to lose the belly fat and forpumpingyour ironmuscles. With these workouts and exercises, youwill getfunctionalstrength, explosiveness (explosive power) anddefinedbody. Mixthose workouts to improve your stability, stamina,agilityandcoordination. App is based on HIIT (HighintensityIntervaltraining) regimen, which will improve your cardioand fastup yourfat loss. Chromecast support: Watch all exercisevideos onyour PCor TV screen via Chromecast. Main function of thisapp iscardio,bodyweight and aerobics - better fitness, bodyhealth,fastmetabolism for fat burning with a workout planandexercisetraining program. Everything packed in workout thesemixes.
MMA Spartan System Home Workou 4.3.12-fp
Tech 387 LLC
MMA Spartan System is the most effective training app to boostyourcardio!
Addominali Scolpiti Workout 1.0.4
Scopri il programma completoAddominaliScolpitiWorkout.I programmi di allenamento sono stati studiati dai nostritrainerperpermetterti finalmente di raggiungere il tuoobiettivo:ottenere unaddome tonico e scolpitoOltre 80 esercizi da fare a casa tua o in palestra.Decinediesercizi a corpo libero senza attrezzi da fare a casa edecinediesercizi con macchine e attrezzi da fare in palestra.Il personal trainer virtuale di EvolutionFit tiguideràmostrandotigli esercizi e gli allenamenti da eseguire.IL NOSTRO ARCHIVIO ESERCIZIConsulta l'archivio esercizi e impara ad allenartiinmodocorretto- Oltre 80 esercizi- Video 3D, mappe muscolari e istruzioni- Esericizi base, intermedi e avanzati- Esercizi per allenarti a casa e in palestraI PROGRAMMI DI ALLENAMENTOScopri i 3 programmi di allenamento studiati per te a secondadeltuolivello: principiante, intermedio e avanzato:- 3 livelli di difficoltà- Ogni livello dura 12 settimane- Aumenta la difficoltà ad ogni allenamento- Usa il player per vedere l'allenamento da eseguireSFIDA TE STESSOVuoi metterti alla prova con un allenamento estremo?Scoprilafunzione Sfida te stesso!- Scopri la nostra sfida su 30 livelli- La difficoltà aumenta ad ogni livello, ce la farai?CREA LE TUE SFIDECostruisci le tue sfide e dai sempre nuovi stimoliaituoiallenamenti- Se non ti basta ancora, crea le tue sfide- Usa oltre 80 esercizi per creare le tue sfide- Tu scegli gli esercizi, al resto pensiamo noi.Discover thefullprogramSculpted Abs Workout.The training programs have been designed by our trainers toallowyouto finally achieve your goal: to get a tonedandsculptedabdomenOver 80 exercises to do at home or at the gym. Tensofbodyweightexercises to do at home without tools and dozensofexercises to doat the gym machines and tools.The personal of EvolutionFit virtual trainer will guideyoushowingyou the exercises and workouts to perform.OUR ARCHIVES EXERCISESSee exercises archive and learn to train yourself properly- Over 80 exercises- 3D Videos, muscular maps and instructions- Esericizi basic, intermediate and advanced- Exercises to train at home and in the gymThe TRAINING PROGRAMSRead the 3 workouts designed for you according toyourlevel:beginner, intermediate and advanced:- 3 difficulty levels- Each level lasts 12 weeks- Increase the difficulty of each workout- Use the player to see the exercise to be performedCHALLENGE YOURSELFWant to test yourself with an extreme workout?DiscoverfunctionChallenge yourself!- Discover our challenge of 30 levels- The difficulty increases with each level, you can do it?CREATE YOUR CHALLENGESBuild your challenges and new impulses to your workouts- If you just yet, create your own challenges- Use over 80 exercises to create your challenges- You choose the exercises, we do the rest.
Movement Club 1.0.1
App per gli iscritti dellapalestraMovementClubHai in tempo reale i tuoi programmi di allenamento, le tuedieteele tue schede di valutazione, sarai sempre connesso conlatuapalestra ed avrai accesso sempre e ovunque ai tuoi dati.Scarica l'app e richiedi alla tua palestra l'account diaccessoescoprirai un nuovo modo di allenarti.• Porta sempre con te la tua scheda di allenamento.• Consulta centinaia di schede tecniche esercizi.• Video 3D e mappe muscolari degli esercizi.• Gestisci il tuo diario di allenamento.• Consulta le schede pronte che la tua palestra timetteadisposizione.• Analizza i tuoi progressi.• Tieni sotto controllo il tuo peso, la tua massa grassa eletuemisure.• Stai sempre in contatto con i tuoi trainer.• I tuoi appuntamenti sempre sott'occhio.• Ricevi le news e le notifiche sulle novità.Richiedi alla tua palestra la tua APP !App for membersoftheMovement Club gymYou live your training program, your diet andyourscorecard,you'll always be connected to your gym and you willhaveanytime,anywhere access to your data.Download the app and request to your gym the login and see anewwayto train yourself.• Always carry your workout schedule.• See hundreds of technical exercises cards.• 3D videos and maps of muscle exercises.• Manage your training diary.• Consult the game cards that your gym provides you with.• Analyze your progress.• Keep track of your weight, your fat massandyourmeasurements.• You're always in touch with your trainer.• Your appointments always an eye.• Receive news and notifications about news.Ask your gym to your APP!
Leon Nutrizione e Sport 3.0.0
App for clients of personal trainers LEON ANTONIO Ciprietti
Six Pack in 30 Days - Abs Home Workouts PRO 4.3.6
Diamond App 💎 Group LLC
Get fit with Six Pack Abs Workouts , no equipment required!SixPackAbs Workouts will keep your abdominal muscles fit andinshape! Injust a few minutes a day you can be healthy, Six PackAbsWorkoutsis equipped with more than 20 workouts for everyfitnesslevel andwith more than 100 exercises to pick from to createyourown workoutroutines.But training only won’t help you loseweightfast thats whySix Pack Abs Workouts has custom nutritionplansbuilt it which willtransform your abs in just two weeks! SixPackAbs Workouts offerslots of different workout types (hiit,highinensity, advanced,intermediate, beginner ….) which containnumberof calories and infoas which muscle group is being used inthatworkout and whats itsintensity. But to make sure that youdon’tget injured and that youcan work out to the fullest Six PackAbsWorkouts containsstretching and warm up workouts which willkeepyour muscles andspine healthy, and prevent any injuries.Ourexercise library ismore than 100 and we are adding exerciseseveryweek!The highquality videos and animations will help youexecutethe rightmovement of the exercise. Six Pack Abs Workouts donotonly containhigh quality workouts the app also containsadvancedtraining andworkout plans which will guide you though theprocessof becoming astronger version of your self. Beside workoutandtraining plans SixPack Abs Workouts contain also high qualityandscientificallyproofed nutrition and diet plans which willshowresults in twoweeks of use. Detailed meal plans and guideswillhelp you maximiseyour results and achieve the body youdeserve!Beside from thequality of workouts, warm up workouts ,stretchingworkouts,exercises ,training & nutrition plans andmeal plansthe app hasfeatures which will help you stay motivatedand trainon time!Feature list: - Record workouts and plan history -Logyourcalories, workouts and plan history on Apple Health -TrainwithApple Watch and Apple TV - Stay motivated with aachievementsystem- Filter exercises by muscle group or hardness -Ability tocreateyour own workout routines - Personal trainer withreminderswhichwill notify you when to work out! - Video followedworkoutsAnd muchmore…. Major muscle groups that the workouts hit:-Abdominals Sothere is no need for GYM routines. Workouts arepureinsanity tolose the belly fat and for pumping your ironabsmuscles. With theseworkouts and exercises, you will getfunctionalstrength,explosiveness (explosive power) and definedbody. Mixthose workoutsto improve your stability, stamina, agilityandcoordination. App isbased on HIIT (High intensityIntervaltraining) regimen, which willimprove your cardio and fastup yourfat loss. Main function of thisapp is cardio, bodyweightandaerobics - better fitness, bodyhealth, fast metabolism forfatburning with a workout plan andexercise training program.Aportion of the exercise list: Sit ups,wall sit, jumpingjacks,punch, Abs Scissors, Chin Ups,Crab Walk….And many more
The Spartan Fitness Academy 3.7.2
Download the The Spartan Fitness AcademyApptoday to plan and schedule your classes! From this mobile Appyoucan view class schedules, sign-up for classes, viewongoingpromotions, as well as view the studio’s location andcontactinformation. You can also click through to our socialpages!Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of signing upforclasses from your device! Download this App today!
Spartacus Workout 3.0.2
The best app for the famous Spartacus Workout for both menandwomen.
Spartan Warrior Workout 1.1.0
To create the Spartan Workout, we chosethebest exercises that collectively work every part of your body.Thenwe set each exercise to an appropriate amount of time so youcanchallenge your heart and lungs as well as your muscles. Thefinalproduct is a high-intensity circuit designed to torch fat,defineyour chest, abs, and arms, and send your fitnesslevelsoaring.You'll sculpt a lean, athletic-looking body—and be in the bestshapeof your life in no time!With the spartan workout you will get the body of theancientwarriors and become ready to fight your oponents or impressthepeople around you.
Spartacus Workout 3.2
The Spartacus Workout is a simple set of workouts designed bypeoplewho workout for people who workout. The audio cues are setupto bothpump you up and give you the information you need when youneed itwithout interrupting the music you listen to when workingout.Animations guide first timers through the exercises and thegodshave plans for adding more workouts in the near future.Train like a gladiator, for glory awaits.Also available for iPhone.
CS Personal Trainers 3.0.1
App for clients of personal trainers CRISTIAN SEVERINI
DBTrainer 2.0.0
App for clients of personal trainers DANIELE Bellofatto
Summer Bodyweight Workouts & E 4.3.107
Tech 387 LLC
All you will need is your body weight and a burning desire!
Fierce Spartan Workout 1.1.0
Free Workouts
Want Hollywood muscle? Try this Spartanworkoutfor a full-body transformation.Because of a famous workout training plans, men went frombeingaround 40 pounds overweight to being lean, mean, fightingmachinesin a matter of months. Others just improved their level offitnessand conditioning exponentially.For a Spartan-sized challenge to your daily routine, considerthisyour new fitness gauntlet. All exercises are done withoutscheduledrest between moves.FEATURESWork up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drivetoyour gym with this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t needanyequipment to jump right in.● start whenever you want & get ready foryourtransformation● 9 high intensity exercises to archive your best● always know your next exercise
Gladiator Training Workout 1.0
Gladiator Workout is the ultimate toolforachieving your goals and become a champion of the GymArena!-Perform complete exercises in your home and in the gym.-Simple and straightforward exercise app with the essentialsfora successful workout.-Each exercise has briefly described instructions.**Features**-Weightlifting Exercises-Bodyweight Exercises-Gladiator Workouts (later update)-The Three Pillars of Gladiator Training-Gladiator Schools*More Updates to come!**Take a few minutes of your time to rate our app and tell ushowmuch you liked it so that I can improve the app in all areas.Yourpositive feedback is always welcomed and MUCHappreciated.**-Free application version is supported by in-app ads and hassomelimitations.Notice.This application shouldn't be used as personal trainer.Beforeyou start training ask Your fitness instructor how Youshouldperform each exercise.
Fitnessitaly Schede Allenamento 6.20.2
Web Apps
Schede Allenamento ed Esercizi per il Fitness. La tuaAppcompletamente in italiano! Crea la tua scheda di allenamentooscegli tra quelle esistenti. Puoi farlo dall'app o anche dapcall'indirizzo Sito web e appsonosincronizzati. Libreria di oltre 500 esercizi per ilfitnessselezionabili per nome, gruppo muscolare o attrezzo.Esercizi conmacchinari cardiovascolari, isotonici, manubri,bilancieri, cavi,fitball, kettlebell, trx, tavoletta, stretching,corpo libero. Inogni esercizio trovi: - una breve descrizionedell’esecuzione -alcune immagini che riprendono l’esecuzionedell’esercizio - unvideo dimostrativo - i gruppi muscolariinteressati - uno spazioper le note Registra il tuo allenamento suun calendario. Accedialle statistiche registrando i tuoi progressi,la frequenza diallenamento, i tuoi massimali, le misuree corporee ealtro ancoraControlla su un grafico i tuoi andamenti Versioneonline anche perPersonal Trainer, Centri Fitness e Palestre.
PT Antonio Tedesco 1.0.1
App per i clienti del personaltrainerANTONIOTEDESCOHai in tempo reale i tuoi programmi di allenamento, le tuedieteele tue schede di valutazione, sarai sempre connesso conlatuapalestra ed avrai accesso sempre e ovunque ai tuoi dati.Scarica l'app e richiedi al tuo personal trainer l'accountdiaccessoe scoprirai un nuovo modo di allenarti.• Porta sempre con te la tua scheda di allenamento.• Consulta centinaia di schede tecniche esercizi.• Video 3D e mappe muscolari degli esercizi.• Gestisci il tuo diario di allenamento.• Consulta le schede pronte che la tua palestra timetteadisposizione.• Analizza i tuoi progressi.• Tieni sotto controllo il tuo peso, la tua massa grassa eletuemisure.• Stai sempre in contatto con i tuoi trainer.• I tuoi appuntamenti sempre sott'occhio.• Ricevi le news e le notifiche sulle novità.Richiedi al tuo personal trainer la tua APP !App for clientsofpersonaltrainers ANTONIO GERMANYou live your training program, your diet andyourscorecard,you'll always be connected to your gym and you willhaveanytime,anywhere access to your data.Download the app and ask your personal trainer Accessaccount,andsee a new way to train yourself.• Always carry your workout schedule.• See hundreds of technical exercises cards.• 3D videos and maps of muscle exercises.• Manage your training diary.• Consult the game cards that your gym provides you with.• Analyze your progress.• Keep track of your weight, your fat massandyourmeasurements.• You're always in touch with your trainer.• Your appointments always an eye.• Receive news and notifications about news.Ask your personal trainer your APP!